410 . Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características
Número de Parte: 410
Material: Si
Polaridad de transistor: NPN
Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 125 W
Tensión colector-base (Vcb): 200 V
Tensión colector-emisor (Vce): 200 V
Tensión emisor-base (Veb): 5 V
Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 7 A
Temperatura operativa máxima (Tj): 150 °C
Transición de frecuencia (ft): 4 MHz
Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 10
Paquete / Cubierta: TO3
- Selección de transistores por parámetros
410 Datasheet (PDF)

AON741030V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThe AON7410 uses advanced trench technology and design VDS (V) = 30Vto provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This ID = 24A (VGS = 10V)device is suitable for use in DC - DC converters and Load RDS(ON)

JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD PDFNWB56-8L-A Plastic-Encapsulate MOSFETS CJAC0410 N Channel+P Channel MOSFET ID V(BR)DSS RDS(on)MAX PDFNWB56-8L-A 185m@10V100V4A195m@4.5V270m@-10V-100V-4A330m@-4.5VDESCRIPTION The CJAC0410 provides excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications FEATURES

MOSFET Single,N-Channel40 V, 0.92 mW, 300 ANTMFS5C410NFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS Compliant40 V 0.92 mW @ 10 V 300 AMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise

ME4410ADwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 20V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.012 at VGS = 10 V 1220 6.1 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.015 at VGS = 4.5 V 11Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side SwitchSO
irfr410 irfu410.pdf

IRFR410, IRFU410Data Sheet July 1999 File Number 3372.21.5A, 500V, 7.000 Ohm, N-Channel Power FeaturesMOSFETs 1.5A, 500VThese are N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate rDS(ON) = 7.000power field effect transistors. They are advanced power Single Pulse Avalanche Energy RatedMOSFETs designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand aspecified level of energy in the b

DATA SHEETMOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR2SK2410SWITCHINGN-CHANNEL POWER MOS FETINDUSTRIAL USEDESCRIPTIONPACKAGE DIMENSIONSThe 2SK2410 is N-Channel MOS Field Effect Transistor de-(in millimeters)signed for high speed switching applications.10.0 0.3 4.5 0.23.2 0.2FEATURES2.7 0.2 Low On-ResistanceRDS(on)1 = 40 m MAX. (@ VGS = 10 V, ID = 15 A)RDS(on)2 =

ME4410A N-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFET GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES RDS(ON)18m@VGS=10V The ME4410A is the N-Channel logic enhancement mode power RDS(ON)20m@VGS=4.5V field effect transistors are produced using high cell density, DMOS Super high density cell design for extremely low RDS(ON) trench technology. This high density process is especially tailored

JSM7410N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET 30V N-Channel MOSFETDFN 3x3_EPPRODUCT SUMMARYTop View Bottom ViewVDS (V) = 30VID=24ARDS(ON)

HY3410P/M/B/PS/PM/MFAbsolute Maximum RatingsSymbol Parameter Rating Unit Common Ratings (TC=25C Unless Otherwise Noted) VDSS Drain-Source Voltage 100 V VGSS Gate-Source Voltage 25 TJ Maximum Junction Temperature 175 C TSTG Storage Temperature Range -55 to 175 C IS Diode Continuous Forward Current TC=25C 140 A Mounted on Large Heat Sink IDM Pulsed Drain Current *

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby VN2410L/DTMOS FET TransistorVN2410L3 DRAINNChannel Enhancement2GATE1 SOURCEMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit1DrainSource Voltage VDSS 240 Vdc23DrainGate Voltage VDGR 60 VdcGateSource VoltageCASE 2904, STYLE 22 Continuous VGS 20 VdcTO92 (TO226AA) Nonrep

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby 2N4410/DAmplifier TransistorNPN Silicon2N4410COLLECTOR32BASE1EMITTER123MAXIMUM RATINGSCASE 2904, STYLE 1Rating Symbol Value UnitTO92 (TO226AA)CollectorEmitter Voltage VCEO 80 VdcCollectorBase Voltage VCBO 120 VdcEmitterBase Voltage VEBO 5.0 VdcCollector Current Continuou

Order this documentMOTOROLAby MJ410/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAMJ410High Voltage NPN Silicon5 AMPERETransistorsPOWER TRANSISTORNPN SILICON. . . designed for medium to high voltage inverters, converters, regulators and200 VOLTSswitching circuits.100 WATTS High CollectorEmitter Voltage VCEO = 200 Volts DC Current Gain Specified @ 1.0 and 2.5 Adc

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby VN2410L/DTMOS FET TransistorVN2410L3 DRAINNChannel Enhancement2GATE1 SOURCEMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit1DrainSource Voltage VDSS 240 Vdc23DrainGate Voltage VDGR 60 VdcGateSource VoltageCASE 2904, STYLE 22 Continuous VGS 20 VdcTO92 (TO226AA) Nonrep

Order this documentMOTOROLAby MMJT9410/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAMMJT9410Preliminary Data SheetMotorola Preferred DeviceBipolar Power TransistorsNPN Silicon Collector Emitter Sustaining Voltage VCEO(sus) POWER BJT= 30 Vdc (Min) @ IC = 10 mAdcIC = 3.0 AMPERES High DC Current Gain hFE BVCEO = 30 VOLTS= 85 (Min) @ IC = 1.0 Adc VCE(sat) = 0.2 VOLTS=

PD - 97491AUTOMOTIVE GRADEAUIRLR3410Features Advanced Planar TechnologyHEXFET Power MOSFET Low On-Resistance Dynamic dV/dT Rating DV(BR)DSS100V 175C Operating Temperature Fast SwitchingRDS(on) max.105mG Fully Avalanche Rated Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up toID17ASTjmax Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant Automotive Qualified *DDescriptionSpecifica

PD - 94639AIRF4104AUTOMOTIVE MOSFETIRF4104SIRF4104LFeaturesHEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process TechnologyD Ultra Low On-ResistanceVDSS = 40V 175C Operating Temperature Fast Switching Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to TjmaxRDS(on) = 5.5mGDescriptionID = 75ASpecifically designed for Automotive applications,Sthis HEXFET Power MOSFET
irfb4410pbf irfs4410pbf irfsl4410pbf.pdf

PD - 95707EIRFB4410PbFIRFS4410PbFIRFSL4410PbFApplicationsHEXFET Power MOSFETl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power Supply DVDSS 100Vl High Speed Power SwitchingRDS(on) typ. 8.0ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsG max. 10mIDS 88ABenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtRuggednessl Fully Characterized
irfr4105zpbf irfu4105zpbf.pdf

PD - 95374BIRFR4105ZPbFIRFU4105ZPbFFeaturesHEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process TechnologyD Ultra Low On-ResistanceVDSS = 55V 175C Operating Temperature Fast SwitchingRDS(on) = 24.5m Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to TjmaxG Lead-FreeID = 30ADescription SThis HEXFET Power MOSFET utilizes the latestprocessing techniques to achieve extremely lowon-re

PD - 97452AAUIRFR4104AUTOMOTIVE GRADEAUIRFU4104HEXFET Power MOSFETFeatures Advanced Process TechnologyD Ultra Low On-ResistanceV(BR)DSS 40V 175C Operating TemperatureRDS(on) max.5.5m Fast SwitchingG Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to TjmaxID (Silicon Limited)119A Lead-Free, RoHS CompliantSID (Package Limited) 42A Automotive Q

PD - 97598AUTOMOTIVE GRADEAUIRFB4410HEXFET Power MOSFETFeatures Advanced Process TechnologyDVDSS100V Ultra Low On-Resistance Dynamic dV/dT RatingRDS(on) typ.8.0m 175C Operating Temperature max. 10m Fast SwitchingG Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up toID (Silicon Limited)88ATjmax Lead-Free, RoHS CompliantID (Package Limited)

Preliminary Data Sheet PD - 9.1251IRFP2410HEXFET Power MOSFETAdvanced Process TechnologyUltra Low On-ResistanceDynamic dv/dt Rating VDSS = 100VRepetitive Avalanche Rated175C Operating TemperatureRDS(on) = 0.025Fast SwitchingEase of ParallelingID = 61ADescriptionFourth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifier utilize advancedprocessing techniques to achi

PD - 94505IRFR3410 IRFU3410HEXFET Power MOSFETApplicationsVDSS RDS(on) max IDl High frequency DC-DC converters100V 39m 31ABenefitsl Low Gate-to-Drain Charge to ReduceSwitching Lossesl Fully Characterized Capacitance IncludingEffective COSS to Simplify Design, (SeeApp. Note AN1001)l Fully Characterized Avalanche VoltageD-Pak I-Pakand CurrentIRFR3410 IRFU

PD - 97475AIRFI4410ZPbFHEXFET Power MOSFETApplicationsVDSS 100Vl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSRDS(on) typ.7.9m:l Uninterruptible Power Supplyl High Speed Power Switchingmax. 9.3m:l Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsID 43ABenefitsDDl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtRuggednessl Fully Characterized Capacitance and Avala

PD - 9.1562AIRF9410PRELIMINARYHEXFET Power MOSFET Generation V Technology AA1 8S D Ultra Low On-ResistanceVDSS = 30V2 7 N-Channel MOSFETS D Surface Mount3 6S D Very Low Gate Charge and4 5G DSwitching Losses RDS(on) = 0.030 Fully Avalanche RatedTop ViewDescriptionRecommended upgrade: IRF7403 or IRF7413Fifth Generation HEXFETs from Internationa
irlr3410pbf irlu3410pbf.pdf

PD - 95087AIRLR/U3410PbFl Logic Level Gate DriveHEXFET Power MOSFETl Ultra Low On-Resistancel Surface Mount (IRLR3410)Dl Straight Lead (IRLU3410) VDSS = 100Vl Advanced Process Technologyl Fast SwitchingRDS(on) = 0.105Gl Fully Avalanche Ratedl Lead-FreeID = 17ASDescriptionFifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierutilize advanced processing tec
irfr5410pbf irfu5410pbf.pdf

PD -95314AIRFR5410PbFIRFU5410PbFHEXFET Power MOSFETl Ultra Low On-Resistancel P-ChannelDVDSS = -100Vl Surface Mount (IRFR5410)l Straight Lead (IRFU5410)l Advanced Process Technology RDS(on) = 0.205Gl Fast Switchingl Fully Avalanche RatedID = -13ASl Lead-FreeDescriptionFifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierutilize advanced processing tech

IRF7410TRPbF-1HEXFET Power MOSFETVDS -12 VA1 8S DRDS(on) max 72 7(@V = -4.5V) DGS SRDS(on) max 3 6S9 m D(@V = -2.5V)GS4 5G DRDS(on) max 13(@V = -1.8V)GSSO-8Top ViewQg (typical) 91 nCID -16 A(@T = 25C)AFeatures BenefitsIndustry-standard pinout SO-8 Package Multi-Vendor CompatibilityCompatible with Existing Surface Mount T
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PD - 95468AIRF4104PbFIRF4104SPbFIRF4104LPbFFeaturesHEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-ResistanceD 175C Operating TemperatureVDSS = 40V Fast Switching Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to TjmaxRDS(on) = 5.5m Lead-FreeGDescriptionID = 75A This HEXFET Power MOSFET utilizes the latestSprocessing techniques to achieve extremely
auirfs4410z auirfsl4410z.pdf

PD - 96405AAUTOMOTIVE GRADEAUIRFS4410ZAUIRFSL4410ZFeaturesl Advanced Process TechnologyHEXFET Power MOSFETl Ultra Low On-Resistancel 175C Operating TemperatureDVDSS100Vl Fast Switchingl Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax RDS(on) typ.7.2ml Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant max. 9.0mGl Automotive Qualified *ID 97ASDescriptionSpecifically desig
irf4104pbf irf4104spbf irf4104lpbf.pdf

PD - 95468AIRF4104PbFIRF4104SPbFIRF4104LPbFFeaturesHEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-ResistanceD 175C Operating TemperatureVDSS = 40V Fast Switching Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to TjmaxRDS(on) = 5.5m Lead-FreeGDescriptionID = 75A This HEXFET Power MOSFET utilizes the latestSprocessing techniques to achieve extremely

PD - 96247IRF7410GPbFHEXFET Power MOSFETl Ultra Low On-ResistanceVDSS RDS(on) max IDl P-Channel MOSFET -12V 7m@VGS = -4.5V -16Al Surface Mount9m@VGS = -2.5V -13.6Al Available in Tape & Reel13m@VGS = -1.8V -11.5Al Lead-Freel Halogen-FreeDescriptionAThese P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFETs from1 8S DInternational Rectifier utilize advanced processing
irfb4410zpbf irfs4410zpbf irfsl4410zpbf.pdf

IRFB4410ZPbFIRFS4410ZPbFIRFSL4410ZPbFHEXFET Power MOSFETApplicationsDVDSSl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS 100Vl Uninterruptible Power SupplyRDS(on) typ.7.2ml High Speed Power SwitchingG max. 9.0ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsID (Silicon Limited)97ASBenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtDDRuggednessDl

PD - 94025IRF7410HEXFET Power MOSFET Ultra Low On-ResistanceVDSS RDS(on) max ID P-Channel MOSFET -12V 7m@VGS = -4.5V -16A Surface Mount9m@VGS = -2.5V -13.6A Available in Tape & Reel13m@VGS = -1.8V -11.5ADescriptionAThese P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFETs from1 8S DInternational Rectifier utilize advanced processing2 7techniques to achieve the extrem

PD - 91853CSi4410DYHEXFET Power MOSFET N-Channel MOSFETAA Low On-Resistance 1 8S DVDSS = 30V Low Gate Charge2 7S D Surface Mount3 6S D Logic Level Drive4 5G DRDS(on) = 0.0135Top ViewDescriptionThis N-channel HEXFET Power MOSFET is producedusing International Rectifier's advanced HEXFET powerMOSFET technology. The low on-resistance and low gat

PD - 97471AAUTOMOTIVE GRADEAUIRF4104AUIRF4104SFeatures Low On-ResistanceHEXFET Power MOSFET Dynamic dV/dT Rating 175C Operating TemperatureD V(BR)DSS40V Fast SwitchingRDS(on) typ.4.3m Fully Avalanche Rated Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax max. 5.5mG Lead-Free, RoHS CompliantID (Silicon Limited)120A Automotive Qualified *SID (Package Li

PD - 91607BIRLR/U3410HEXFET Power MOSFET Logic Level Gate DriveD Ultra Low On-ResistanceVDSS = 100V Surface Mount (IRLR3410) Straight Lead (IRLU3410)RDS(on) = 0.105 Advanced Process TechnologyG Fast SwitchingID = 17A Fully Avalanche RatedSDescriptionFifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierutilize advanced processing techniques to achieve the

PD- 91381AIRFL4105HEXFET Power MOSFET Surface MountD Advanced Process TechnologyVDSS = 55V Ultra Low On-Resistance Dynamic dv/dt RatingRDS(on) = 0.045 Fast SwitchingG Fully Avalanche RatedID = 3.7ASDescriptionFifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierutilize advanced processing techniques to achieveextremely low on-resistance per silicon area.

PD - 95260IRF9410PbFHEXFET Power MOSFETl Generation V TechnologyAl Ultra Low On-ResistanceA1 8S Dl N-Channel MOSFETVDSS = 30V2 7l Surface Mount S Dl Very Low Gate Charge and3 6S DSwitching Losses45G DRDS(on) = 0.030l Fully Avalanche Ratedl Lead-FreeTop ViewDescriptionRecommended upgrade: IRF7403 or IRF7413Fifth Generation HEXFETs from Int

PD - 97544AUTOMOTIVE GRADE AUIRFR4105ZAUIRFU4105ZHEXFET Power MOSFETFeaturesD Advanced Process TechnologyV(BR)DSS55V Ultra Low On-Resistance 175C Operating TemperatureRDS(on) max.24.5mG Fast Switching Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax IDS 30A Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant Automotive Qualified *DescriptionDSpecifically de

PD - 91302CIRFR/U4105HEXFET Power MOSFET Ultra Low On-ResistanceD Surface Mount (IRFR4105)VDSS = 55V Straight Lead (IRFU4105) Fast SwitchingRDS(on) = 0.045 Fully Avalanche RatedGDescriptionID = 27A SFifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierutilize advanced processing techniques to achieve thelowest possible on-resistance per silicon area. This

PD - 96902CIRFB4410IRFS4410IRFSL4410ApplicationsHEXFET Power MOSFETl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power Supply DVDSS100Vl High Speed Power SwitchingRDS(on) typ.8.0ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsG max. 10mBenefitsID96Al Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtSRuggednessl Fully Characterized Capacita

PD - 96372IRFI4410ZGPbFHEXFET Power MOSFETApplicationsVDSS 100Vl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSRDS(on) typ.7.9ml Uninterruptible Power Supplyl High Speed Power Switching max. 9.3ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsID 43ABenefitsDDl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtRuggednessl Fully Characterized Capacitance and Avalanche

PD - 97597AAUTOMOTIVE GRADEAUIRFR4105HEXFET Power MOSFETFeaturesDV(BR)DSS55V Advanced Planar Technology Low On-ResistanceRDS(on) max.45m Dynamic dV/dT RatingGID (Silicon Limited)27A 175C Operating Temperature Fast SwitchingID (Package Limited)20AS Fully Avalanche Rated Repetitive Avalanche Allowedup toTjmax Lead-Free,

PD - 9.1533AIRFR/U5410HEXFET Power MOSFETl Ultra Low On-ResistanceDl P-ChannelVDSS = -100Vl Surface Mount (IRFR5410)l Straight Lead (IRFU5410)RDS(on) = 0.205Wl Advanced Process TechnologyGl Fast SwitchingID = -13Al Fully Avalanche RatedSDescriptionFifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierutilize advanced processing techniques to achieveextreme

PD - 94728IRFR4104AUTOMOTIVE MOSFETIRFU4104HEXFET Power MOSFETFeaturesD Advanced Process TechnologyVDSS = 40V Ultra Low On-Resistance 175C Operating TemperatureRDS(on) = 5.5m Fast SwitchingG Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to TjmaxID = 42ASDescriptionSpecifically designed for Automotive applications, this HEXFETPower MOSFET utilizes
irfr4104pbf irfu4104pbf.pdf

PD - 95425BIRFR4104PbFIRFU4104PbFHEXFET Power MOSFETFeaturesDl Advanced Process TechnologyVDSS = 40Vl Ultra Low On-Resistancel 175C Operating TemperatureRDS(on) = 5.5ml Fast SwitchingGl Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmaxl Lead-FreeID = 42ASDescriptionThis HEXFET Power MOSFET utilizes the latestprocessing techniques to achieve extremely low on
irfr3410pbf irfu3410pbf.pdf

PD - 95514AIRFR3410PbF IRFU3410PbFHEXFET Power MOSFETApplicationsVDSS RDS(on) max IDl High frequency DC-DC converters100V 39m 31Al Lead-FreeBenefitsl Low Gate-to-Drain Charge to ReduceSwitching Lossesl Fully Characterized Capacitance IncludingEffective COSS to Simplify Design, (SeeApp. Note AN1001)l Fully Characterized Avalanche VoltageD-Pak I-Pakand Cu

PD - 96028BIRF7410PbFHEXFET Power MOSFETl Ultra Low On-ResistanceVDSS RDS(on) max IDl P-Channel MOSFET -12V 7m@VGS = -4.5V -16Al Surface Mount9m@VGS = -2.5V -13.6Al Available in Tape & Reel13m@VGS = -1.8V -11.5Al Lead-FreeDescriptionAThese P-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFETs from1 8S DInternational Rectifier utilize advanced processing2 7techniques

PD - 97309AIRFP4410ZPbFHEXFET Power MOSFETApplicationsVDSS100Vl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSRDS(on) typ.l Uninterruptible Power Supply 7.2m:l High Speed Power Switching max. 9.0m:l Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsID (Silicon Limited)97ABenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtDDRuggednessl Fully Characterized Cap
irlu3410pbf irlr3410pbf.pdf

PD - 95087AIRLR/U3410PbFl Logic Level Gate DriveHEXFET Power MOSFETl Ultra Low On-Resistancel Surface Mount (IRLR3410)Dl Straight Lead (IRLU3410) VDSS = 100Vl Advanced Process Technologyl Fast SwitchingRDS(on) = 0.105Gl Fully Avalanche Ratedl Lead-FreeID = 17ASDescriptionFifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierutilize advanced processing tec
irfr4105pbf irfu4105pbf.pdf

PD - 95550AIRFR4105PbFIRFU4105PbFl Ultra Low On-ResistanceHEXFET Power MOSFETl Surface Mount (IRFR4105)l Straight Lead (IRFU4105) DVDSS = 55Vl Fast Switchingl Fully Avalanche Ratedl Lead-FreeRDS(on) = 0.045GDescriptionFifth Generation HEXFETs from International RectifierID = 27ASutilize advanced processing techniques to achieve thelowest possible on-r
irfs4410pbf irfsl4410pbf.pdf

PD - 95707EIRFB4410PbFIRFS4410PbFIRFSL4410PbFApplicationsHEXFET Power MOSFETl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power Supply DVDSS 100Vl High Speed Power SwitchingRDS(on) typ. 8.0ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsG max. 10mIDS 88ABenefitsl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtRuggednessl Fully Characterized

PD - 96344AUTOMOTIVE GRADEAUIRFR5410Features Advanced Planar TechnologyHEXFET Power MOSFET P-Channel MOSFETD Low On-ResistanceV(BR)DSS -100V Dynamic dV/dT Rating 175C Operating Temperature RDS(on) max.0.205G Fast SwitchingID-13A Fully Avalanche RatedS Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up toTjmax Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant

PD - 96213IRFB4410ZGPbFHEXFET Power MOSFETDApplicationsVDSS100Vl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSRDS(on) typ.l Uninterruptible Power Supply 7.2ml High Speed Power SwitchingG max. 9.0ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsID (Silicon Limited)97ASBenefitsDl Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtRuggednessl Fully Characterized C

PD- 95319IRFL4105PbFHEXFET Power MOSFET Surface MountD Advanced Process TechnologyVDSS = 55V Ultra Low On-Resistance Dynamic dv/dt RatingRDS(on) = 0.045 Fast SwitchingG Fully Avalanche RatedID = 3.7A Lead-FreeSDescriptionFifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierutilize advanced processing techniques to achieveextremely low on-resistance per
irfb4410 irfs4410 irfsl4410.pdf

PD - 96902CIRFB4410IRFS4410IRFSL4410ApplicationsHEXFET Power MOSFETl High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSl Uninterruptible Power Supply DVDSS100Vl High Speed Power SwitchingRDS(on) typ.8.0ml Hard Switched and High Frequency CircuitsG max. 10mBenefitsID96Al Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtSRuggednessl Fully Characterized Capacita
bf410a 410b 410c 410d.pdf

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETBF410A to DN-channel silicon field-effecttransistorsDecember 1990Product specificationFile under Discrete Semiconductors, SC07Philips Semiconductors Product specificationN-channel silicon field-effect transistors BF410A to DDESCRIPTION PINNING - TO-92 VARIANTAsymmetrical N-channel planar1 = drainepitaxial junction field-effect2 = sou

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETBFG410WNPN 22 GHz wideband transistorProduct specification 1998 Mar 11Supersedes data of 1997 Oct 29NXP Semiconductors Product specificationNPN 22 GHz wideband transistor BFG410WFEATURES PINNING Very high power gainPIN DESCRIPTION Low noise figure1emitter High transition frequency2 base Emitter is thermal lead3emitt
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSBFG410WNPN 22 GHz wideband transistorProduct specification 1998 Mar 11Supersedes data of 1997 Oct 29File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC14Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN 22 GHz wideband transistor BFG410WFEATURES PINNING Very high power gainPIN DESCRIPTION Low noise figure1 emitter High transition frequency2 base

PBSS9410PA100 V, 2.7 A PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistorRev. 01 11 May 2010 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionPNP low VCEsat Breakthrough In Small Signal (BISS) transistor, encapsulated in an ultra thin SOT1061 leadless small Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package with medium power capability.NPN complement: PBSS8510PA.1.2 Features and benefit

SD4100PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEETThis data sheet contains the design criteria and target specifications for a product which is currentlyunder development by SGS-THOMSON. The design criteria and specifications of this item could changeprior to introduction and SGS-THOMSON assumes no liability for use of information contained herein.RF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORSTV/LINEAR APPLICATIONS

BUF410AHigh voltage fast-switching NPN power transistorFeatures High voltage capability Very high switching speed Minimum lot-to-lot spread for reliable operation Low base-drive requirementsApplications 321 Switch mode power suppliesTO-247 Motor control DescriptionThe BUF410A is manufactured using high voltage Figure 1. Internal schematic diagram

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STH410N4F7-2AG, STH410N4F7-6AG Automotive-grade N-channel 40 V, 0.8 m typ., 200 A STripFET F7 Power MOSFETs in HPAK-2 and HPAK-6 packages Datasheet - production data Features R DS(on)Order code VDS ID PTOT max. STH410N4F7-2AG 40 V 1.1 m 200 A 365 W STH410N4F7-6AG Designed for automotive applications and AEC-Q101 qualified Among the lowest RDS(on)
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RN1410,RN1411 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (PCT Process) RN1410,RN1411 Switching, Inverter Circuit, Interface Circuit Unit: mmAnd Driver Circuit Applications With built-in bias resistors Simplify circuit design Reduce a quantity of parts and manufacturing process Complementary to RN2410, RN2411 Equivalent Circuit Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C) JED

MP4104 TOSHIBA Power Transistor Module Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (Darlington power transistor 4 in 1) MP4104 Industrial Applications High Power Switching Applications. Unit: mmHammer Drive, Pulse Motor Drive and Inductive Load Switching. Small package by full molding (SIP 10 pin) High collector power dissipation (4 devices operation) : P = 4 W (Ta = 25C) T

SSM6J410TU TOSHIBA Field-Effect Transistor Silicon P-Channel MOS Type (U-MOS) SSM6J410TU Power Management Switch Applications Unit: mm High-Speed Switching Applications 4-V drive Low ON-resistance RDS(ON) = 393m (max) (@VGS = 4 V) RDS(ON) = 216m (max) (@VGS = 10 V) Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C) Characteristic Symbol Rating UnitDrain-Sou
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MP4410 TOSHIBA Power MOS FET Module Silicon N Channel MOS Type (Four L2--MOSV in One) MP4410 Industrial Applications High Power, High Speed Switching Applications Unit: mmHammer Drive, Pulse Motor Drive and Inductive Load Switching 4-V gate drivability Small package by full molding (SIP 12 pin) High drain power dissipation (4-device operation) : PT = 28 W (T

2SK4104 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (-MOSVI) 2SK4104 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (ON) = 1.35 (typ.) High forward transfer admittance: |Yfs| = 3.5 S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 A (VDS = 500 V) Enhancement mode: Vth = 2.0 to 4.0 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 1 mA) Absolute M

RN2410,RN2411 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT Process) RN2410,RN2411 Unit: mmSwitching, Inverter Circuit, Interface Circuit And Driver Circuit Applications With built-in bias resistors Simplify circuit design Reduce a quantity of parts and manufacturing process Complementary to RN1410, RN1411 Equivalent Circuit Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)

2SK4106 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (-MOSVI) 2SK4106 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (ON) = 0.4 (typ.) High forward transfer admittance: |Yfs| = 8.5 S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 A (max) (VDS = 500 V) Enhancement mode: Vth = 2.0 to 4.0 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 1 mA) Absol

2SK4105 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (-MOSVI) 2SK4105 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (ON) = 0.75 (typ.) High forward transfer admittance: |Yfs| = 6.5 S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 A (max) (VDS = 500 V) Enhancement mode: Vth = 2.0 to 4.0 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 1 mA) Abso

MP4410 TOSHIBA Power MOS FET Module Silicon N Channel MOS Type (L2--MOSV 4 in 1) MP4410 Industrial Applications High Power, High Speed Switching Applications. Unit: mmHammer Drive, Pulse Motor Drive and Inductive Load Switching. 4 V gate drive available Small package by full molding (SIP 12 pin) High drain power dissipation (4 devices operation) : PT = 28 W
mp4104 .pdf

MP4104 TOSHIBA Power Transistor Module Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (Four Darlington Power Transistors in One) MP4104 Industrial Applications High Power Switching Applications Unit: mmHammer Drive, Pulse Motor Drive and Inductive Load Switching Small package by full molding (SIP 10 pins) High collector power dissipation (4-device operation) : PT = 4 W (Ta = 25C)

2SK4108 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N-Channel MOS Type (-MOS VI) 2SK4108 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm Low drain-source ON resistance : RDS (ON) = 0. 21 (typ.) High forward transfer admittance : |Yfs| = 14 S (typ.) Low leakage current : IDSS = 100 A (max) (VDS = 500 V) Enhancement mode : Vth = 2.0~4.0 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 1 mA) Absolute Max

MP4101 TOSHIBA Power Transistor Module Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (Darlington power transistor 4 in 1) MP4101 Industrial Applications High Power Switching Applications. Unit: mmHammer Drive, Pulse Motor Drive. Inductive Load Switching. Small package by full molding (SIP 10 pin) High collector power dissipation (4 devices operation) : P = 4 W (Ta = 25C) T Hi

TTD1410BBipolar Transistors Silicon NPN Triple-Diffused TypeTTD1410BTTD1410BTTD1410BTTD1410B1. Applications1. Applications1. Applications1. Applications High-Voltage Switching2. Features2. Features2. Features2. Features(1) High DC current gain: hFE = 2000 (min) (VCE = 2 V , IC = 2 A)3. Packaging and Internal Circuit3. Packaging and Internal Circuit3. Packa

2SK4103 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N-Channel MOS Type (-MOSVI) 2SK4103 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (ON) = 1.35 (typ.) High forward transfer admittance: |Yfs| = 2.8S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 A (VDS = 500 V) Enhancement model: Vth = 2.0~4.0 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 1 mA) Absolute Maximu

2SK4107 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N-Channel MOS Type (-MOS VI) 2SK4107 Switching Regulator Applications Unit: mm Low drain-source ON resistance : RDS (ON) = 0. 33 (typ.) High forward transfer admittance : |Yfs| = 8.5 S (typ.) Low leakage current : IDSS = 100 A (max) (VDS = 500 V) Enhancement mode : Vth = 2.0 to 4.0 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 1
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MP4101 TOSHIBA Power Transistor Module Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (Four Darlington Power Transistors in One) MP4101 Industrial Applications High Power Switching Applications Unit: mmHammer Drive, Pulse Motor Drive Inductive Load Switching Small package by full molding (SIP 10 pins) High collector power dissipation (4-device operation) : PT = 4 W (Ta = 25C)

ECH8410Ordering number : ENA1331SANYO SemiconductorsDATA SHEETN-Channel Silicon MOSFETGeneral-Purpose Switching DeviceECH8410ApplicationsFeatures Low ON-resistance. 4V drive. Halogen free compliance.Specifications at Ta=25CAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage VDSS 30 VGate-to-Source Voltage VGSS 20
2sa1580 2sc4104.pdf

Ordering number:EN3172PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SA1580/2SC4104High-Definition CRT Display ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High fT.unit:mm Small reverse transfer capacitance.2018A Adoption of FBET process.[2SA1580/2SC4104]C : CollectorB : BaseE : Emitter( ) : 2SA1580SANYO : CPSpecificationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25

Ordering number : ENA0745 2SK4101LSSANYO SemiconductorsDATA SHEETN-Channel Silicon MOSFETGeneral-Purpose Switching Device2SK4101LSApplicationsFeatures Low ON-resistance, low input capacitance, ultrahigh-speed switching. High reliability (Adoption of HVP process). Attachment workability is good by Mica-less package. Avalanche resistance guarantee.Specification

Ordering number:EN2471ANPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4106400V/7A Switching Regulator ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage and high reliability.unit:mm Fast switching speed.2010C Wide ASO.[2SC4106] Adoption of MBIT process. : Base0.80.42 : Collector1 2 33 : EmitterJEDEC : T

Ordering number : ENN6864MCH3410N-Channel Silicon MOSFETMCH3410Ultrahigh-Speed Switching ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions Low ON-resistance. unit : mm Ultrahigh-speed switching. 2167 4V drive.[MCH3410]0.3 0.1531 20.652.01 : Gate2 : Source3 : DrainSpecificationsSANYO : MCPH3Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25CParameter Symbol Conditions R

Ordering number:EN2473ANPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4108400V/12A Switching Regulator ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage and high reliability.unit:mm Fast switching speed.2022A Wide ASO.[2SC4108] Adoption of MBIT process. 2 31 : Base0.62 : Collector3 : E

Ordering number:EN2472ANPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4107400V/10A Switching Regulator ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage and high reliability.unit:mm Fast switching speed.2010C Wide ASO.[2SC4107] Adoption of MBIT process. : Base0.80.42 : Collector1 2 33 : EmitterJEDEC :

Ordering number:EN2474ANPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4109400V/16A Switching Regulator ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage and high reliability.unit:mm Fast switching speed.2022A Wide ASO.[2SC4109] Adoption of MBIT process. 2 31 : Base0.62 : Collector3 : E

www.DataSheet4U.comOrdering number : ENA0778 2SK4100LSSANYO SemiconductorsDATA SHEETN-Channel Silicon MOSFETGeneral-Purpose Switching Device2SK4100LSApplicationsFeatures Low ON-resistance, low input capacitance, ultrahigh-speed switching. Adoption of high reliability HVP process. Attachment workability is good by Mica-less package. Avalanche resistance guaran

Ordering number:EN2470ANPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4105400V/4A Switching Regulator ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage and high reliability.unit:mm Fast switching speed.2010C Wide ASO.[2SC4105] Adoption of MBIT process. 1 : Base0.42 : Collector1 2 33 : EmitterJEDEC : TO

TF410Ordering number : ENA2007SANYO SemiconductorsDATA SHEETN-Channel Silicon Junction FETImpedance Converter, TF410Infrared Sensor ApplicationsApplications Impedance conversion, infrared sensor applicationsFeatures Ultrasmall package facilities miniaturization in end products : 1.0mm0.6mm0.27mm (max 0.3mm) Small IGSS : max --500pA (VGSS= --20V, VDS=0V)

Ordering number : ENN6777CPH3410N-Channel Silicon MOSFETCPH3410Ultrahigh-Speed Switching ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions Low ON-resistance. unit : mm Ultrahigh-speed switching. 2152A 2.5V drive.[CPH3410] 21.91 : Gate2 : Source3 : DrainSpecificationsSANYO : CPH3Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25CParameter Symbol Cond

2SJ410Silicon P Channel MOS FET REJ03G0863-0300 Rev.3.00Jun 05, 2006 DescriptionHigh speed power switching Features Low on-resistance High speed switching Low drive current No secondary breakdown Suitable for switching regulator and DC-DC converter and motor driver OutlineRENESAS Package code: PRSS0003AD-A(Package name: TO-220FM)D1. GateG

FJV4109RSwitching Application (Bias Resistor Built In) Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver Circuit3 Built in bias Resistor (R=4.7K) Complement to FJV3109R2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector Equivalent CircuitMarkingCR79RBPNP Epitaxial Silicon TransistorEAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise noted Symbol Parame

April 1998 FDS4410 Single N-Channel Logic Level PWM Optimized PowerTrenchTM MOSFET General Description FeaturesThis N-Channel Logic Level MOSFET has been designed10 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 0.0135 @ VGS = 10 V specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DCRDS(ON) = 0.0200 @ VGS = 4.5 V.converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers.O

April 2009FDMA410NZSingle N-Channel 1.5 V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET 20 V, 9.5 A, 23 mFeatures General Description Max rDS(on) = 23 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 9.5 A This Single N-Channel MOSFET has been designed using Fairchild Semiconductors advanced Power Trench process to Max rDS(on) = 29 m at VGS = 2.5 V, ID = 8.0 Aoptimize the rDS(ON) @ VGS = 1.5 V on special M

HP4410DYData Sheet December 200110A, 30V, 0.0135 Ohm, Single N-Channel, FeaturesLogic Level Power MOSFET Logic Level Gate DriveThis power MOSFET is manufactured using an innovative 10A, 30Vprocess. This advanced process technology achieves the rDS(ON) = 0.0135 at ID = 10A, VGS = 10Vlowest possible on-resistance per silicon area, resulting in outstanding perform

May 2005FDS4410ASingle N-Channel, Logic-Level, PowerTrench MOSFETFeatures General Description 10 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 13.5 m @ VGS = 10 V This N-Channel Logic Level MOSFET is produced using Fair-RDS(ON) = 20 m @ VGS = 4.5 V child Semiconductors advanced PowerTrench process that hasbeen especially tailored to minimize the on-state resistance and Fast switching speed

January 2010TMMotion-SPMFNB41060Smart Power ModuleFeatures General DescriptionIt is an advanced motion-smart power module (Motion-SPMTM) 600V-10A 3-phase IGBT inverter bridge including control ICsthat Fairchild has newly developed and designed to providefor gate driving and protection very compact and high performance ac motor drives mainly tar- Easy PCB layout due t

FJV4107RSwitching Application (Bias Resistor Built In) Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver Circuit3 Built in bias Resistor (R1=22K, R2=47K) Complement to FJV3107R2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector Equivalent CircuitMarkingCR1R77BR2PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor EAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise note

February 1996 NDS8410Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description Features10A, 30V. RDS(ON) = 0.015 @ VGS = 10V These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effectRDS(ON) = 0.020 @ VGS = 4.5V.transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high celldensity, DMOS technology. This very high density process isHigh density cell design

February 1996 NDS9410ASingle N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 7.3A, 30V. RDS(ON) = 0.028 @ VGS = 10V.transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell RDS(ON) = 0.042 @ VGS = 4.5V.density, DMOS technology. This very high density process isHigh density cell design

May 2000TMQFETQFETQFETQFETFQS4410Single N-Channel, Logic Level, Power MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 10A, 30V, RDS(on) = 0.0135 @VGS = 10 Vtransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, Low gate charge ( typical 21 nC)planar stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 145 pF)This advanced t

October 2004NDS8410ASingle 30V N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel MOSFET are produced using 10.8 A, 30 V RDS(ON) = 12 m @ VGS = 10 VFairchilds proprietary, high cell density, DMOS RDS(ON) = 17 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vtechnology. This very high density process isespecially tailored to minimize on-state resistance and Ultra-low gate ch

January 2014FDMD84100Dual N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 100 V, 21 A, 20 mFeatures General Description Max rDS(on) = 20 m at VGS = 10 V, ID = 7 A This package integrates two N-Channel devices connected internally in common-source configuration. This enables very Max rDS(on) = 32 m at VGS = 6 V, ID = 5.5 Alow package parasitics and optimized thermal path to the Ideal fo

January 2010TMMotion-SPMFNA41060Smart Power ModuleFeatures General DescriptionIt is an advanced motion-smart power module (Motion-SPMTM) 600V-10A 3-phase IGBT inverter bridge including control ICsthat Fairchild has newly developed and designed to providefor gate driving and protection very compact and high performance ac motor drives mainly tar- Easy PCB layout due t
ndb410ae ndb410b ndb410be ndp410ae ndp410b vndp410be.pdf

May 1994 NDP410A / NDP410AE / NDP410B / NDP410BENDB410A / NDB410AE / NDB410B / NDB410BEN-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description FeaturesThese N-channel enhancement mode power field9 and 8A, 100V. RDS(ON) = 0.25 and 0.30. effect transistors are produced using Fairchild'sCritical DC electrical parameters specified atproprietary, high cell density

FJV4103RSwitching Application (Bias Resistor Built In) Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver Circuit 3 Built in bias Resistor (R1=22K, R2=22K) Complement to FJV3103R2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector Equivalent CircuitCMarkingR1BR73R2PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor EAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise noted

March 2009FDG410NZSingle N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 20 V, 2.2 A, 70 mFeatures General DescriptionThis N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to Max rDS(on) = 70 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 2.2 Aimprove the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either Max rDS(on) = 77 m at VGS = 2.5 V, ID = 2.0 Asynchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It

Discrete POWER & SignalTechnologies2N4410C TO-92BENPN General Purpose AmplifierThis device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiersand switches requiring collector currents to 50 mA. Sourcedfrom Process 16. See 2N5551 for characteristics.Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 80 VV

FJV4106RSwitching Application (Bias Resistor Built In) Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver Circuit3 Built in bias Resistor (R1=10K, R2=47K) Complement to FJV3106R2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector Equivalent CircuitMarkingCR1R76BR2PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor EAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise note

FJV4108RSwitching Application (Bias Resistor Built In) Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver Circuit3 Built in bias Resistor (R1=47K, R2=22K) Complement to FJV3108R2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector Equivalent CircuitCMarkingR1BR78R2PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor EAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise note

FJV4102RSwitching Application (Bias Resistor Built In) Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver Circuit 3 Built in bias Resistor (R1=10K, R2=10K) Complement to FJV3102R2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector Equivalent CircuitCMarkingR1BR72R2PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor EAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise noted

FJV4105RSwitching Application (Bias Resistor Built In) Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver Circuit3 Built in bias Resistor (R1=4.7K, R2=10K) Complement to FJV3105R2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector Equivalent CircuitMarkingCR1R75BR2PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor EAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise not

February 2010FDME410NZTN-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 20 V, 7 A, 26 mFeatures General DescriptionThis Single N-Channel MOSFET has been designed using Max rDS(on) = 26 m at VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 7 AFairchild Semiconductors advanced Power Trench process to Max rDS(on) = 31 m at VGS = 2.5 V, ID = 6 Aoptimize the rDS(ON) @ VGS = 1.5 V on special MicroFET Max rDS(on) = 39

April 1998 FDR4410 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description FeaturesThe FDR4410 has been designed as a smaller, low cost9.3 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 0.013 @ VGS = 10 Valternative to the popular Si4410DY. RDS(ON) = 0.020 @ VGS = 4.5 V.High density cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).The SuperSOTTM-8 package is 40% smaller than the SO-8package
fdd9410 f085.pdf

October 2014FDD9410_F085N-Channel Power Trench MOSFET40 V, 50 A, 4.1 m DFeatures Typ rDS(on) = 3.5 m at VGS = 10V, ID = 50 A D Typ Qg(tot) = 23.5 nC at VGS = 10V, ID = 50 AGG UIS CapabilityS RoHS CompliantD-PAKTO-252 Qualified to AEC Q101S(TO-252)Applications Automotive Engine Control Powertrain ManagementForcurrentpackagedrawing,plea

FJV4104RSwitching Application (Bias Resistor Built In) Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver Circuit3 Built in bias Resistor (R1=47K, R2=47K) Complement to FJV3104R2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector Equivalent CircuitCMarkingR1BR74R2PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor EAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise note

FJV4101RSwitching Application (Bias Resistor Built In) Switching circuit, Inverter, Interface circuit, Driver Circuit3 Built in bias Resistor (R1=4.7K, R2=4.7K) Complement to FJV3101R2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. Collector Equivalent CircuitCMarkingR1BR71R2PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor EAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise no

DATA SHEETLDMOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORNE55410GRN-CHANNEL SILICON POWER LDMOS FETFOR 2 W + 10 W VHF to L-BAND SINGLE-END POWER AMPLIFIERDESCRIPTIONThe NE55410GR is an N-channel enhancement-mode LDMOS FET designed for driver 0.1 to 2.6 GHz PA, suchas, cellular base station amplifier, analog/digital TV-transmitters, and the other PAs. This product has two differentFET's on one

Important notice Dear Customer, On 7 February 2017 the former NXP Standard Product business became a new company with the tradename Nexperia. Nexperia is an industry leading supplier of Discrete, Logic and PowerMOS semiconductors with its focus on the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer and wearable application markets In data sheets and application notes which still contain

PHPT60410NY40 V, 10 A NPN high power bipolar transistor27 January 2015 Product data sheet1. General descriptionNPN high power bipolar transistor in a SOT669 (LFPAK56) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) power plastic package.PNP complement: PHPT60410PY2. Features and benefits High thermal power dissipation capability High temperature applications up to 175 C Reduced Print

PHPT60410PY40 V, 10 A PNP high power bipolar transistor21 January 2015 Product data sheet1. General descriptionPNP high power bipolar transistor in a SOT669 (LFPAK56) Surface-MountedDevice (SMD) power plastic package.NPN complement: PHPT60410NY2. Features and benefits High thermal power dissipation capability Suitable for high temperature applications up to 175 C

Advanced Power MOSFETIRFU410ABVDSS = 520 V Improved Inductive RuggednessRDS(on) = 10.0 Rugged Polysilicon Gate Cell Structure Fast Switching Times ID = 1.2 A Lower Input Capacitance Improved Gate Charge Extended Safe Operating Area Improved High Temperature Reliability1.Gate 2. Drain 3. SourceAbsolute Maximum RatingsSymbol Characteristic Value UnitsVDSS Drain-to-

PROFET BTS 410 H2Smart Highside Power SwitchFeatures Product Summary Overload protectionOvervoltage protection Vbb(AZ) 65 V Current limitationV 4.7 ... 42 VOperating voltage bb(on) Short circuit protectionOn-state resistance R 220 Thermal shutdownON m Overvoltage protection (including load dump) Load current (ISO) I 1.8 AL(ISO) Fast demagnetiza

PROFET BTS 410 F2Smart Highside Power SwitchFeatures Product Summary Overload protectionOvervoltage protection Vbb(AZ) 65 V Current limitationV 4.7 ... 42 VOperating voltage bb(on) Short circuit protectionOn-state resistance R 220 Thermal shutdownON m Overvoltage protection (including load dump) Load current (ISO) I 1.8 AL(ISO) Fast demagnetiza

PROFET BTS 410 G2Smart Highside Power SwitchFeatures Product Summary Overload protectionOvervoltage protection Vbb(AZ) 65 V Current limitationV 4.7 ... 42 VOperating voltage bb(on) Short circuit protectionOn-state resistance R 220 Thermal shutdownON m Overvoltage protection (including load dump) Load current (ISO) I 1.8 AL(ISO) Fast demagnetiza

PROFET BTS 410 D2Smart Highside Power SwitchFeatures Product Summary Overload protectionOvervoltage protection Vbb(AZ) 65 V Current limitationV 4.7 ... 42 VOperating voltage bb(on) Short circuit protectionOn-state resistance R 220 Thermal shutdownON m Overvoltage protection (including load dump) Load current (ISO) I 1.8 AL(ISO) Fast demagnetiza

BUP 410DIGBT With Antiparallel DiodePreliminary data Low forward voltage drop High switching speed Low tail current Latch-up free Including fast free-wheel diodePin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3G C EType VCE IC Package Ordering CodeBUP 410D 600V 13A TO-220 AB Q67040-A4425-A2Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Values UnitCollector-emitter voltage VCE 600 VCollector-gate

PROFET BTS 410 E2Smart Highside Power SwitchFeatures Product Summary Overload protectionOvervoltage protection Vbb(AZ) 65 V Current limitationV 4.7 ... 42 VOperating voltage bb(on) Short circuit protectionOn-state resistance R 220 Thermal shutdownON m Overvoltage protection (including load dump) Load current (ISO) I 1.8 AL(ISO) Fast demagnetiza
2sc4102 2sc3906k.pdf

2SC4102 / 2SC3906KDatasheetHigh-voltage Amplifier Transistor (120V, 50mA)lOutlinelParameter Value SOT-323 SOT-346VCEO120VIC50mA 2SC4102 2SC3906K(UMT3) (SMT3) lFeatures lInner circuitl l1)High breakdown voltage. (BVCEO=120V)2)Complements the 2SA1579/2SA1514K.

2SC4102 / 2SC3906K2SC4102FRA / 2SC3906KFRADatasheetNPN 50mA 120V High Voltage Amplifier transistorsAEC-Q101 QualifiedlOutline UMT3 SMT3Parameter ValueCollector CollectorVCEO120VBase BaseIC50mAEmitterEmitter2SC3906K2SC4102FRA 2SC3906KFRA2SC4102SOT-346 (SC-59)SOT-323 (SC-70)lFeatures1) High Breakdown Voltage (VCEO=120V).2) Complementary PNP Types :2
2sc4102 2sc3906k 2sc2389s.pdf

2SC4102 / 2SC3906K / 2SC2389S Transistors High-voltage Amplifier Transistor (120V, 50mA) 2SC4102 / 2SC3906K / 2SC2389S External dimensions (Unit : mm) Features 1) High breakdown voltage. (BVCEO = 120V) 2SC41022) Complements the 2SA1579 / 2SA1514K / 2SA1038S. 1.25 Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) 2.1Parameter Symbol Limits UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 120 VC

High-voltage Amplifier Transistor (120V, 50mA) 2SC4102 / 2SC3906K Features Dimensions (Unit : mm) 1) High breakdown voltage. (BVCEO = 120V) 2SC41022) Complements the 2SA1579 / 2SA1514K 1.25Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) 2.1Parameter Symbol Limits UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 120 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 120 V0.1Min.Emitter-base voltage VEBO 5 V
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TN2410L, VN2406D/L, VN2410L/LSVishay SiliconixN-Channel 240-V (D-S) MOSFETsPRODUCT SUMMARYPart Number V(BR)DSS Min (V) rDS(on) Max (W) VGS(th) (V) ID (A)TN2410L 10 @ VGS = 4.5 V 0.5 to 1.8 0.18VN2406D 6 @ VGS = 10 V 0.8 to 2 1.12VN2406L 240 6 @ VGS = 10 V 0.8 to 2 0.18VN2410L 10 @ VGS = 10 V 0.8 to 2 0.18VN2410LS 10 @ VGS = 10 V 0.8 to 2 0.19FEATURES BENEFITS APPLICATIONSD

Si4410BDYVishay SiliconixN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21 VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)Definition0.0135 at VGS = 10 V 10 TrenchFET Power MOSFET300.020 at VGS = 4.5 V 8 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS Battery Switch Load SwitchSO-8DS D1
si4410dypbf si4410dytrpbf.pdf

PD - 95168Si4410DYPbFHEXFET Power MOSFETl N-Channel MOSFETl Low On-ResistanceAl Low Gate Charge A1 8S DVDSS = 30Vl Surface Mount2 7S Dl Logic Level Drive3 6l Lead-Free S D4 5G D RDS(on) = 0.0135DescriptionTop ViewThis N-channel HEXFET Power MOSFET isproduced using International Rectifier's advancedHEXFET power MOSFET technology. The low on-re

Si1410EDHVishay SiliconixN-Channel 20 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)Definition0.070 at VGS = 4.5 V 3.7 TrenchFET Power MOSFETs: 1.8 V Rated 20 0.080 at VGS = 2.5 V 3.4 ESD Protected: 2000 V Thermally Enhanced SC-70 Package 0.100 at VGS = 1.8 V 3.0 Compliant to RoHS Direc

Si4102DYVishay SiliconixN-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21 VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)d Qg (Typ.)Available0.158 at VGS = 10 V 3.8 TrenchFET Power MOSFET100 4.6 nC 100 % UIS Tested0.175 at VGS = 6 V 3.6APPLICATIONS High Frequency Boost Converter LED Backlight for LCD TVSO-8 S D

SiR410DPVishay SiliconixN-Channel 20-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.0048 at VGS = 10 V 35 100 % Rg Tested20 12.7 nC 100 % UIS Tested0.0063 at VGS = 4.5 V 35APPLICATIONSPowerPAK SO-8 DC/DC Converter- Notebook- POLS6.15 mm 5.15 mm1 DS2S3

New ProductSi4108DYVishay SiliconixN-Channel 75-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFETRoHS0.0098 at VGS = 10 V 75 36 nC20.5 100 % Rg Tested COMPLIANT 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Primary Side Switch Half BridgeSO-8 Intermediate Bus ConverterD S1

SQJ410EPwww.vishay.comVishay SiliconixAutomotive N-Channel 30 V (D-S) 175 C MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) 30 AEC-Q101 QualifieddRDS(on) () at VGS = 10 V 0.0039 100 % Rg and UIS TestedRDS(on) () at VGS = 4.5 V 0.0042 Material categorization:ID (A) 32For definitions of compliance please seeConfiguration Singlewww.

SiS410DNVishay SiliconixN-Channel 20 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21 VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) Definition TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.0048 at VGS = 10 V 3520 12.7 nC 100 % Rg and UIS Tested0.0063 at VGS = 4.5 V 35 Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECPowerPAK 1212-8APPLICATIONS DC

SiR410DPVishay SiliconixN-Channel 20-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.0048 at VGS = 10 V 35 100 % Rg Tested20 12.7 nC 100 % UIS Tested0.0063 at VGS = 4.5 V 35APPLICATIONSPowerPAK SO-8 DC/DC Converter- Notebook- POLS6.15 mm 5.15 mm1 DS2S3
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TN2410L, VN2406D/L, VN2410L/LSVishay SiliconixN-Channel 240-V (D-S) MOSFETsPRODUCT SUMMARYPart Number V(BR)DSS Min (V) rDS(on) Max (W) VGS(th) (V) ID (A)TN2410L 10 @ VGS = 4.5 V 0.5 to 1.8 0.18VN2406D 6 @ VGS = 10 V 0.8 to 2 1.12VN2406L 240 6 @ VGS = 10 V 0.8 to 2 0.18VN2410L 10 @ VGS = 10 V 0.8 to 2 0.18VN2410LS 10 @ VGS = 10 V 0.8 to 2 0.19FEATURES BENEFITS APPLICATIONSD

SI4410DYN-channel TrenchMOS logic level FETRev. 03 4 December 2009 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionLogic level N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor (FET) in a plastic package using TrenchMOS technology. This product is designed and qualified for use in computing, communications, consumer and industrial applications only.1.2 Features a

Si6410DQVishay SiliconixN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A) TrenchFET Power MOSFETs0.014 at VGS = 10 V 7.830RoHS0.021 at VGS = 4.5 V 6.3COMPLIANTDTSSOP-8* Source Pins 2, 3, 6 and 7 must be tied common.GD D1 8S S2 7Si6410DQS S3 6G D4 5Top View S*Ordering Information:

SQA410EJwww.vishay.comVishay SiliconixAutomotive N-Channel 20 V (D-S) 175 C MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) 20DefinitionRDS(on) () at VGS = 4.5 V 0.028 TrenchFET Power MOSFETRDS(on) () at VGS = 2.5 V 0.034 AEC-Q101 Qualified dRDS(on) () at VGS = 1.8 V 0.038 100 % Rg and UIS TestedID (A) 7.8

New ProductSi4101DYVishay SiliconixP-Channel 30 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) () Max.ID (A)d Qg (Typ.) 100 % Rg and UIS Tested0.0060 at VGS = - 10 V - 25.7 Material categorization:- 30 65 nCFor definitions of compliance please see0.0080 at VGS = - 4.5 V - 22.3www.vishay.com/doc?99912SO-8APPLICATIONS

Si4100DYVishay SiliconixN-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21 VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)d Qg (Typ.)Available0.063 at VGS = 10 V 6.8 TrenchFET Power MOSFET100 9 nC 100 % UIS Tested0.084 at VGS = 6 V 5.8APPLICATIONS High Frequency Boost Converter LED Backlight for LCD TVSO-8 S D

New ProductSi4104DYVishay SiliconixN-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21 VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.)Definition0.105 at VGS = 10 V TrenchET Power MOSFET100 4.6 8.5 nC 100 % Rg Tested 100 % Avalanche Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONSSO-8 High Freque

SQ4410EYwww.vishay.comVishay SiliconixAutomotive N-Channel 30 V (D-S) 175 C MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) 30 AEC-Q101 QualifiedRDS(on) () at VGS = 10 V 0.012 100 % Rg and UIS TestedRDS(on) () at VGS = 4.5 V 0.020 Material categorization:ID (A) 15For definitions of compliance please see Configuration Singlewww

Si3410DVVishay SiliconixN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.)Definition0.0195 at VGS = 10 V 8 TrenchFET Power MOSFET30 9.2 nC Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC0.023 at VGS = 4.5 V 8APPLICATIONS Notebook Load Switch Low Current dc-to-dcTSOP-6 T

SiS410DNVishay SiliconixN-Channel 20-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFETRoHS 0.0048 at VGS = 10 V 35 100 % Rg TestedCOMPLIANT 20 12.7 nC 100 % UIS Tested0.0063 at VGS = 4.5 V 35APPLICATIONSPowerPAK 1212-8 DC/DC Converter- NotebookS - POL3.30 mm 3.30 m

New ProductSiB410DKVishay SiliconixN-Channel 30 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.)Definition0.042 at VGS = 4.5 V TrenchFET Power MOSFET9 100 % Rg Tested0.046 at VGS = 2.5 V 30 9 5.7 nC Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC0.052 at VGS = 1.8 V 9APPLICATIONSP

New ProductSi5410DUVishay SiliconixN-Channel 40-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.018 at VGS = 10 V 12 New Thermally Enhanced PowerPAKRoHS40 10 nC0.021 at VGS = 4.5 V 12 COMPLIANTChipFET Package- Small Footprint AreaPowerPAK ChipFET Single- Low On-Resistance

VP2410LVishay SiliconixP-Channel 240-V (D-S) MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS Min (V) rDS(on) Max (W) VGS(th) (V) ID (A)240 10 @ VGS = 4.5 V 0.8 to 2.5 0.18FEATURES BENEFITS APPLICATIONSD High-Side Switching D Ease in Driving Switches D Drivers: Relays, Solenoids, Lamps,Hammers, Displays, Memories,D Secondary Breakdown Free: 255 V D Full-Voltage OperationTrans

SQ3410EVwww.vishay.comVishay SiliconixAutomotive N-Channel 30 V (D-S) 175 C MOSFETFEATURES TrenchFET Power MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARY AEC-Q101 QualifieddVDS (V) 30 100 % Rg and UIS TestedRDS(on) () at VGS = 10 V 0.0175 Material categorization:RDS(on) () at VGS = 4.5 V 0.0213For definitions of compliance please seeID (A) 8www.vishay.com/doc?99912

CTLM3410-M832DCTLM7410-M832DCTLM3474-M832Dwww.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTDESCRIPTION:DUAL, LOW VCE (SAT)The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLM3410-M832D SILICON TRANSISTORS(Dual NPN), CTLM7410-M832D (Dual PNP), and CTLM3474-M832D (Complementary NPN & PNP) are Low VCE(SAT) Transistors packaged in the small, thermally efficient, 3x2mm Tiny Leadless Module (TLM) surface mount

CMUT3410 NPNCMUT7410 PNPwww.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTDESCRIPTION:COMPLEMENTARY LOW VCE(SAT) The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CMUT3410, and SILICON TRANSISTORSCMUT7410, are low VCE(SAT) silicon transistors in an ULTRAmini surface mount package designed for small signal general purpose amplifier and switching applications, requiring low collector emitter saturation voltage.

CMST3410 NPNCMST7410 PNPwww.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTCOMPLEMENTARY LOW VCE(SAT) DESCRIPTION:The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CMST3410, SILICON TRANSISTORSCMST7410 types are complementary silicon transistors manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a SUPERmini surface mount package, designed for battery driven, handheld devices requiring high current and

CMPT3410www.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTLOW VCE(SAT)DESCRIPTION:NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CMPT3410 type is a NPN Low VCE(SAT) silicon transistor manufactured by the epitaxial planar process and epoxy molded in an SOT-23 surface mount package. This device is designed for battery driven, handheld devices requiring high current and Low VCE(SAT).MARKING
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CTLM3410-M832DCTLM7410-M832DCTLM3474-M832Dwww.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTDESCRIPTION:DUAL, LOW VCE (SAT)The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLM3410-SILICON TRANSISTORSM832D (Dual NPN), CTLM7410-M832D (Dual PNP), and CTLM3474-M832D (Complementary NPN & PNP) are Low VCE(SAT) Transistors packaged in the small, thermally efficient, 3x2mm Tiny Leadless Module (TLM) surface mount

CMUT3410 NPNCMUT7410 PNPwww.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTDESCRIPTION:COMPLEMENTARY LOW VCE(SAT) The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CMUT3410, and SILICON TRANSISTORSCMUT7410, are low VCE(SAT) silicon transistors in an ULTRAmini surface mount package designed for small signal general purpose amplifier and switching applications, requiring low collector emitter saturation voltage.

CMPT7410www.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTLOW VCE(SAT) DESCRIPTION:The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CMPT7410 type PNP SILICON TRANSISTORis a PNP Low VCE(SAT) silicon transistor manufactured by the epitaxial planar process and epoxy molded in an SOT-23 surface mount package. This device is designed for battery driven, handheld devices requiring high current and Low VCE(SAT).MARKING

CMST3410 NPNCMST7410 PNPwww.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTCOMPLEMENTARY LOW VCE(SAT) DESCRIPTION:The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CMST3410, SILICON TRANSISTORSCMST7410 types are complementary silicon transistors manufactured by the epitaxial planar process, epoxy molded in a SUPERmini surface mount package, designed for battery driven, handheld devices requiring high current and

CMLT3410 NPNCMLT7410 PNP CMLT3474 NPN/PNPwww.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNT SILICONDESCRIPTION:DUAL, LOW VCE(SAT)These CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR dual devices TRANSISTORS are low VCE(SAT) silicon transistors in an SOT-563 surface mount package designed for small signal general purpose amplifier and switching applications requiring low collector emitter saturation voltage.MARKIN

CTLT3410-M621 (NPN)CTLT7410-M621 (PNP)www.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTCOMPLEMENTARYDESCRIPTION:LOW VCE(SAT)The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CTLT3410-M621 SILICON TRANSISTORS and CTLT7410-M621 are Low VCE(SAT) transistors in a very small leadless 1x2mm surface mount package, designed for applications where small size, operational efficiency, and low energy consumption are prime
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CXT3410 NPNCXT7410 PNPwww.centralsemi.comSURFACE MOUNTCOMPLEMENTARY LOW VCE(SAT) DESCRIPTION:The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CXT3410 and SILICON TRANSISTORSCXT7410 are Low VCE(SAT) NPN and PNP silicon transistors packaged in the SOT-89 case. High collector current coupled with a low saturation voltage make this an ideal choice for industrial/consumer applications where operation

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BCP 54/ 55/ 56 NPN MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTORS IN SOT223 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 45V, 60V & 80V Case: SOT223 IC = 1A High Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound; ICM = 2A Peak Pulse Current UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 2W Power Dissipation Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020 Low Saturat

SOT23 N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENTZVN4106FMODE VERTICAL DMOS FETISSUE 2 DECEMBER 1995PARMARKING DETAIL - MZSDGABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS.PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNITVDrain-Source Voltage VDS 60 VContinuous Drain Current at Tamb=25C ID 0.2 A10 Pulsed Drain Current IDM 3AGate-Source Voltage VGS 20 VMax Power Dissipation at Tamb=25C Ptot 330 mWentOperating and St
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A Product Line ofDiodes IncorporatedZVN4106F60V N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE VERTICAL DMOSFET IN SOT23 Features Mechanical Data BVDSS > 60V Case: SOT23 Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound. UL RDS(on) 2.5 @ VGS = 10V Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 Maximum continuous drain current ID = 200mA Moisture Sensitivity: Lev

DMG7410SFGGreenN-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFET POWERDI Product Summary Features Low RDS(ON) ensures on state losses are minimized ID V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) TA = 25C Small form factor thermally efficient package enables higher 20m @ VGS = 10V 8.0 A density end products 30V 27m @ VGS = 4.5V 6.5 A Occupies just 33% of the board area occupied by SO-8

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BCX54 /55 /56 NPN MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTORS IN SOT89 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 45V, 60V & 80V Case: SOT89 Ic = 1A Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound; ICM = 2A Peak Pulse Current UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 Low Saturation Voltage VCE(sat)

AUTOMOTIVE GRADE AUIRLR3410 Features HEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Planar Technology Low On-Resistance VDSS 100V Logic Level Gate Drive Dynamic dV/dT Rating RDS(on) max. 105m 175C Operating Temperature Fast Switching ID 17A Fully Avalanche Rated Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant D

IRFI4410ZPbF HEXFET Power MOSFET Applications VDSS 100V High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS Uninterruptible Power Supply RDS(on) typ. 7.9m High Speed Power Switching Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits RDS(on) max. 9.3mID 43A Benefits Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dt Ruggedness Fully Characterized Capac

BFP410Low Noise Silicon Bipolar RF Transistor Low current device suitable e.g. for handhelds3 For high frequency oscillators e.g. DRO for LNB241 For ISM band applications like Automatic Meter Reading, Sensors etc. Transit frequency fT = 25 GHz Pb-free (RoHS compliant) and halogen-free package with visible leads Qualification report according to AEC-Q1

AUTOMOTIVE GRADE AUIRFR5410 Features HEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Planar Technology VDSS -100V P-Channel MOSFET Low On-Resistance RDS(on) max. 0.205 Dynamic dV/dT Rating 175C Operating Temperature ID -13A Fast Switching Fully Avalanche Rated Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant D Aut

PD - 95168Si4410DYPbFHEXFET Power MOSFETl N-Channel MOSFETl Low On-ResistanceAl Low Gate Charge A1 8S DVDSS = 30Vl Surface Mount2 7S Dl Logic Level Drive3 6l Lead-Free S D4 5G D RDS(on) = 0.0135DescriptionTop ViewThis N-channel HEXFET Power MOSFET isproduced using International Rectifier's advancedHEXFET power MOSFET technology. The low on-re

MOSFETMetal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorOptiMOSTMOptiMOSTM Power-Transistor, 300 VIPP410N30NData SheetRev. 2.0FinalPower Management & MultimarketOptiMOSTM Power-Transistor, 300 VIPP410N30NTO-220-31 DescriptiontabFeatures N-channel, normal level Fast Diode with reduced Qrr Optimized for hard commutation ruggedness Very low on-resi
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AUIRF4104 AUTOMOTIVE GRADE AUIRF4104S Features HEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process Technology VDSS 40V Ultra Low On-Resistance RDS(on) typ. 4.3m 175C Operating Temperature Fast Switching max. 5.5m Fully Avalanche Rated ID (Silicon Limited) 120A Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax ID (Package Limited) 75A L
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AUIRFR4104 AUTOMOTIVE GRADE AUIRFU4104 Features HEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process Technology Low On-Resistance VDSS 40V 175C Operating Temperature RDS(on) max. 5.5m Fast Switching Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax ID (Silicon Limited) 119A Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant Automotive Qualified * ID (Package Limited) 42A D
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AUIRFR4105Z AUTOMOTIVE GRADE AUIRFU4105Z Features HEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-Resistance VDSS 55V 175C Operating Temperature Fast Switching RDS(on) max. 24.5m Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant ID 30A Automotive Qualified * D D Description Specifically designed

IRFL4105PbF Surface Mount HEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process Technology Ultra Low On-Resistance VDSS 55V Dynamic dv/dt Rating RDS(on) 0.045 Fast Switching Fully Avalanche Rated ID 3.7A Lead-Free Description Fifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifier utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve extremely low on-resi

OMS410 OMS410AOMS5103 PHASE, LOW VOLTAGE, LOW RDS(on), MOSFETBRIDGE CIRCUIT IN A PLASTIC PACKAGEThree Phase, 100 Volt, 15 To 45 Amp BridgeWith Current And Temperature SensingIn A Low Profile PackageFEATURES Three Phase Power Switch Configuration Zener Gate Protection 10 Miliohm Shunt Resistor Linear Thermal Sensor Isolated Low Profile Package Output C

NTB6410AN, NTP6410AN,NVB6410ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 76 A, 13 mWFeatureswww.onsemi.com Low RDS(on) High Current CapabilityID MAX 100% Avalanche TestedV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX (Note 1) NVB Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring100 V 13 mW @ 10 V 76 AUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101Qualified and PPAP CapableN-Channel
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NTB6410AN, NTP6410AN,NVB6410ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 76 A, 13 mWFeatureshttp://onsemi.com Low RDS(on) High Current CapabilityID MAX 100% Avalanche TestedV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX (Note 1) NVB Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring100 V 13 mW @ 10 V 76 AUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101Qualified and PPAP CapableN-Chan

NTMFS4108NPower MOSFET30 V, 35 A, Single N-Channel,SO-8 Flat Lead Packagehttp://onsemi.comFeatures Thermally and Electrically Enhanced Packaging Compatible withhttp://onsemi.comStandard SO-8 Package Footprint New Package Provides Capability of Inspection and Probe AfterV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAXBoard Mounting1.8 mW @ 10 V Ultra Low RDS(on) (at 4.5 VGS), Low G
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NTB6410AN, NTP6410ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 76 A, 13 mWFeatures Low RDS(on) High Current Capabilityhttp://onsemi.com 100% Avalanche Tested These are Pb-Free DevicesID MAXV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX (Note 1)MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C Unless otherwise specified)100 V 13 mW @ 10 V 76 AParameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-to-Source Voltage VDSS 100 VN-ChannelG
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NTMS4107NPower MOSFET30 V, 18 A, Single N-Channel, SO-8Features Ultra Low RDS(on) (at 4.5 VGS), Low Gate Resistance and Low QG Optimized for Low Side Synchronous Applicationshttp://onsemi.com High Speed Switching Capability Pb-Free Package is AvailableV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAX3.4 mW @ 10 VApplications30 V 18 A Notebook Computer Vcore Applications4.7

NTJD4105CSmall Signal MOSFET20 V / -8.0 V, Complementary, +0.63 A / -0.775 A, SC-88Features Complementary N and P Channel Device Leading -8.0 V Trench for Low RDS(on) Performancehttp://onsemi.com ESD Protected Gate - ESD Rating: Class 1 SC-88 Package for Small Footprint (2 x 2 mm) V(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID Max Pb-Free Packages are Available0.29 W @ 4.5 VN-Ch
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NTB6410AN, NTP6410AN,NVB6410ANN-Channel Power MOSFET100 V, 76 A, 13 mWFeatureswww.onsemi.com Low RDS(on) High Current CapabilityID MAX 100% Avalanche TestedV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX (Note 1) NVB Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring100 V 13 mW @ 10 V 76 AUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101Qualified and PPAP CapableN-Channel

NTS4101PPower MOSFET-20 V, -1.37 A, Single P-Channel, SC-70Features Leading -20 V Trench for Low RDS(on) http://onsemi.com -2.5 V Rated for Low Voltage Gate DriveV(BR)DSS RDS(on) Typ ID Max SC-70 Surface Mount for Small Footprint (2x2 mm)83 mW @ -4.5 V Pb-Free Package is Available-20 V88 mW @ -3.6 V -1.37 AApplications High Side Load Switch 104 mW @ -2.5

MOSFET Single,N-Channel40 V, 0.92 mW, 300 ANTMFS5C410NFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver LossesV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS Compliant40 V 0.92 mW @ 10 V 300 AMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise

NVMFS5C410NLPower MOSFET40 V, 0.9 mW, 315 A, Single N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseshttp://onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses NVMFS5C410NLWF - Wettable Flank Option for Enhanced OpticalInspectionV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable0.9

NTHS4101PPower MOSFET-20 V, 6.7 A, P-Channel ChipFETtFeatures Offers an Ultra Low RDS(on) Solution in the ChipFET Package Miniature ChipFET Package 40% Smaller Footprint than TSOP-6http://onsemi.commaking it an Ideal Device for Applications where Board Space is at aPremiumV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAX Low Profile (

NTR4101P, NTRV4101PTrench Power MOSFET-20 V, Single P-Channel, SOT-23Features Leading -20 V Trench for Low RDS(on) -1.8 V Rated for Low Voltage Gate Drivehttp://onsemi.comhttp://onsemi.com SOT-23 Surface Mount for Small Footprint AEC Q101 Qualified - NTRV4101P These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS CompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) TYP ID MAXApplications70 mW @

VN2410LSmall Signal MOSFET240 V, 200 mA, N-Channel TO-92Features Pb-Free Packages are Available*http://onsemi.comMAXIMUM RATINGS200 mA, 240 VRating Symbol Value UnitRDS(on) = 10 Drain -Source Voltage VDSS 240 VdcN-ChannelDrain -Gate Voltage VDGR 240 VdcDGate-Source Voltage- Continuous VGS 20 Vdc- Non-repetitive (tp 50 s) VGSM 40 VpkContinuous D

NTJD4105CSmall Signal MOSFET20 V / -8.0 V, Complementary, +0.63 A / -0.775 A, SC-88Features Complementary N and P Channel Devicehttp://onsemi.com Leading -8.0 V Trench for Low RDS(on) Performance ESD Protected Gate - ESD Rating: Class 1V(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAX SC-88 Package for Small Footprint (2 x 2 mm)0.29 W @ 4.5 VN-Ch 20 V 0.63 A Pb-Free Package M

NTS4101PPower MOSFET-20 V, -1.37 A, Single P-Channel, SC-70Features Leading -20 V Trench for Low RDS(on) http://onsemi.com -2.5 V Rated for Low Voltage Gate DriveV(BR)DSS RDS(on) Typ ID Max SC-70 Surface Mount for Small Footprint (2x2 mm)83 mW @ -4.5 V Pb-Free Package is Available-20 V88 mW @ -3.6 V -1.37 AApplications High Side Load Switch 104 mW @ -2.5

NTR4101P, NTRV4101PTrench Power MOSFET-20 V, Single P-Channel, SOT-23Features Leading -20 V Trench for Low RDS(on) -1.8 V Rated for Low Voltage Gate Drivewww.onsemi.comwww.onsemi.com SOT-23 Surface Mount for Small Footprint NTRV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications RequiringUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) TYP ID MAX

MMJT9410Preferred Device Bipolar Power TransistorsNPN SiliconFeatures Collector -Emitter Sustaining Voltage -VCEO(sus) = 30 Vdc (Min) @ IC = 10 mAdc http://onsemi.com High DC Current Gain -hFE = 85 (Min) @ IC = 0.8 AdcPOWER BJT= 60 (Min) @ IC = 3.0 AdcIC = 3.0 AMPERES Low Collector -Emitter Saturation Voltage -BVCEO = 30 VOLTSVCE(sat) = 0.2 Vdc (Max) @ IC =

NTMFS4108NPower MOSFET30 V, 35 A, Single N-Channel,SO-8 Flat Lead Packagehttp://onsemi.comFeatures Thermally and Electrically Enhanced Packaging Compatible withhttp://onsemi.comStandard SO-8 Package Footprint New Package Provides Capability of Inspection and Probe AfterV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAXBoard Mounting1.8 mW @ 10 V Ultra Low RDS(on) (at 4.5 VGS), Low G

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

NTMFS5C410NLPower MOSFET40 V, 0.9 mW, 302 A, Single N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseshttp://onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS CompliantV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAXMAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25C unless otherwise noted)0.9 mW @ 10 V

NTR4101PTrench Power MOSFET-20 V, Single P-Channel, SOT-23Features Leading -20 V Trench for Low RDS(on) -1.8 V Rated for Low Voltage Gate Drivehttp://onsemi.comhttp://onsemi.com SOT-23 Surface Mount for Small Footprint Pb-Free Package is AvailableV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) TYP ID MAXApplications70 mW @ -4.5 V-20 V Load/Power Management for Portables 90 mW @ -2.5

NTHS4101PMOSFET Power,P-Channel, ChipFET-20 V, 6.7 AFeatures Offers an Ultra Low RDS(on) Solution in the ChipFET Packagehttp://onsemi.com Miniature ChipFET Package 40% Smaller Footprint than TSOP-6making it an Ideal Device for Applications where Board Space is at a V(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAXPremium21 mW @ -4.5 V Low Profile (

FDD9410-F085N-Channel Power Trench MOSFET40 V, 50 A, 4.1 mFeaturesD Typ rDS(on) = 3.5 m at VGS = 10V, ID = 50 AG Typ Qg(tot) = 23.5 nC at VGS = 10V, ID = 50 A UIS CapabilityD RoHS CompliantG Qualified to AEC Q101D-PAKTO-252SS(TO-252)Applications Automotive Engine Control Powertrain Management Solenoid and Motor Drivers Integrated Starter/alt
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NTR4101P, NTRV4101PTrench Power MOSFET-20 V, Single P-Channel, SOT-23Features Leading -20 V Trench for Low RDS(on) -1.8 V Rated for Low Voltage Gate Drivewww.onsemi.comwww.onsemi.com SOT-23 Surface Mount for Small Footprint NTRV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications RequiringUnique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) TYP ID MAX

FDD9410L-F085N-Channel Logic Level PowerTrench MOSFET40 V, 50 A, 4.2 mFeaturesD Typical RDS(on) = 3.3 m at VGS = 10V, ID = 50 A Typical Qg(tot) = 29 nC at VGS = 10V, ID = 50 A UIS CapabilityD RoHS CompliantG Qualified to AEC Q101GSApplicationsD-PAKTO-252 Automotive Engine ControlS(TO-252) PowerTrain Management Solenoid and Motor Drivers Elec

MOSFET - Power, SingleN-Channel40 V, 0.92 mW, 300 ANVMFS5C410NFeatureswww.onsemi.com Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses NVMFS5C410NWF - Wettable Flank Option for Enhanced OpticalV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAXInspection40 V 0.92 mW @ 10 V 300 A AEC-Q101 Qualif

NTHD4102PPower MOSFET-20 V, -4.1 A, Dual P-Channel ChipFETtFeatures Offers an Ultra Low RDS(ON) Solution in the ChipFET Package http://onsemi.com Miniature ChipFET Package 40% Smaller Footprint than TSOP-6V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) TYP ID MAX Low Profile (

NTHS4101PPower MOSFET-20 V, 6.7 A, P-Channel ChipFETtFeatures Offers an Ultra Low RDS(on) Solution in the ChipFET Package Miniature ChipFET Package 40% Smaller Footprint than TSOP-6http://onsemi.commaking it an Ideal Device for Applications where Board Space is at aPremiumV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAX Low Profile (

NTMFS5C410NLTPower MOSFET40 V, 0.9 mW, 315 A, Single N-ChannelFeatures Small Footprint (5x6 mm) for Compact Design Low RDS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losseswww.onsemi.com Low QG and Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses NTMFS5C410NLTWF - Wettable Flank Option for EnhancedOptical InspectionV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) MAX ID MAX These Devices are Pb-Free and are RoHS Com

NTMS4101PTrench Power MOSFET20 V, 9.0 A, Single P-Channel, SO-8Features Leading -20 V Trench for Low RDS(on) Surface Mount SO-8 Package Saves Board Spacehttp://onsemi.com Lead-Free Package for Green Manufacturing (G Suffix)Applications Power ManagementV(BR)DSS RDS(on) TYP ID MAX Load Switch16 mW @ -4.5 V Battery Protection-20 V -9.0 A22 mW @ -2.5

Transistor2SC4410Silicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor UHF amplificationUnit: mm2.1 0.1Features 0.425 1.25 0.1 0.425Allowing the small current and low voltage operation.High transition frequency fT.1S-Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment and3automatic insertion through the tape packing and the magazinepacking. 2Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25C

This product complies with the RoHS Directive (EU 2002/95/EC).MTM68410Silicon P-channel MOS FETFor load switch circuitsFor switching circuits Package Overview CodeMTM68410 is the low ON resistance dual P-channel MOS FET designed for WMini8-F1load switch circuits.Package dimension clicks here. Click! Features Pin Name Dual P-channel MOS FET in o
2sc4410 e.pdf

Transistor2SC4410Silicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor UHF amplificationUnit: mm2.1 0.1Features 0.425 1.25 0.1 0.425Allowing the small current and low voltage operation.High transition frequency fT.1S-Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment and3automatic insertion through the tape packing and the magazinepacking. 2Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25C

Supertex inc. VN2410N-Channel Enhancement-ModeVertical DMOS FETFeatures General Description Free from secondary breakdown This enhancement-mode (normally-off) transistor utilizes a vertical DMOS structure and Supertexs well-proven, Low power drive requirementsilicon-gate manufacturing process. This combination Ease of parallelingproduces a device with the power h

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD UTD410 Power MOSFET N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE 1 DESCRIPTION SOT-223The UTD410 can provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge by using advanced trench technology. This UTD410 is suitable for using as a load switch or in PWM applications. FEATURES 1* VDS=30V, ID=8A TO-252* RDS(ON) =48m @VGS =10V SYMBOL ORDERING INFORMATI

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD UT4410 Power MOSFET N-CHANNEL 30-V (D-S) MOSFET DESCRIPTION As advanced N-channel logic level enhancement MOSFET, the UT4410 is produced using UTCs high cell density, DMOS trench technology. which has been specially tailored to minimize the on-resistance and maintain low gate charge for superior switching performance. These devices can be

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD UT7410 Preliminary Power MOSFET 30V, 24A N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE POWER MOSFET DESCRIPTION The UTC UT7410 is an N-channel enhancement MOSFET, it uses UTCs advanced technology to provide the customers with perfect RDS(ON) and low gate charge. The UTC UT7410 is suitable for Load Switch and DC-DCconverters applications, etc. FEATURES

FreescaleIRFR3410/ MCD3410N-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFET PRODUCT SUMMARYKey Features:rDS(on) (m)VDS (V) ID(A) Low r trench technologyDS(on)78 @ VGS = 10V21 Low thermal impedance10092 @ VGS = 4.5V19 Fast switching speedTypical Applications: PoE Power Sourcing Equipment PoE Powered Devices Telecom DC/DC converters White LED boost conve

JULY 1996IT14410012DPRELIMINARY DATADS4372-2.6ITC14410012DPOWERLINE N-CHANNEL IGBT CHIPFEATURES TYPICAL KEY PARAMETERS (25C)VCES 1200V n - Channel.IC(CONT) 100A Enhancement Mode.VCE(sat) 2.8V High Input Impedance. High Switching Speed. Latch-Free Operation. Low Forward Voltage Drop. Short Circuit Capability (10s).RATINGSSymbol Parameter Test Conditions Ma

GF9410N-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOSFETV 30V R 30 I 7ADS DS(ON) m DSO-80.197 (5.00)0.189 (4.80)8 50.157 (3.99)0.150 (3.81)0.244 (6.20)0.05 (1.27)0.228 (5.79)0.04 (1.02)Dimensions in inches 1 4and (millimeters)0.245 (6.22) 0.165 (4.19)Min. 0.155 (3.94)0.019 (0.48)x 450.020 (0.51)0.010 (0.25) 0.009 (0.23)0.013 (0.33)0.050 (1.27) 0.007 (0.18)

2SK410Silicon N-Channel MOS FETApplicationHF/VHF power amplifierFeatures High breakdown voltage You can decrease handling current. Included gate protection diode No secondarybreakdown Wide area of safe operation Simple bias circuitry No thermal runawayOutline2SK410Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)Item Symbol Ratings UnitDrain to sourc
irfr410 irfu410.pdf

IRFR410, IRFU410Data Sheet July 1999 File Number 3372.21.5A, 500V, 7.000 Ohm, N-Channel Power FeaturesMOSFETs 1.5A, 500VThese are N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate rDS(ON) = 7.000power field effect transistors. They are advanced power Single Pulse Avalanche Energy RatedMOSFETs designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand aspecified level of energy in the b

JANSR2N7410Formerly FSL110R4 3.5A, 100V, 0.600 Ohm, Rad Hard,March 1998 N-Channel Power MOSFETFeatures Description 3.5A, 100V, rDS(ON) = 0.600 The Discrete Products Operation of Intersil Corporation hasdeveloped a series of Radiation Hardened MOSFETs specif- Total Doseically designed for commercial and military space applica-- Meets Pre-RAD Specifications to 100K RAD (S

SILICON EPITAXIAL PLANAR PNP TRANSISTOR MG9410, MG9410-R TO-3P Plastic Package Complimentary NPN MG6330 Designed specifically for audio power amplifier applications High Current audio bipolar with wide Safe Operating Area ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C unless otherwise stated) MG9410 MG9410-R VCBO Collector Base Voltage -230V -260V VCEO Col

2N4104Dimensions in mm (inches). Bipolar NPN Device in a 5.84 (0.230)5.31 (0.209) Hermetically sealed TO18 4.95 (0.195)4.52 (0.178)Metal Package. Bipolar NPN Device. VCEO = 60V 0.48 (0.019)0.41 (0.016)dia.IC = 0.05A 2.54 (0.100)All Semelab hermetically sealed products Nom. can be processed in accordance with the requirements of BS, CECC and JAN, JANTX, JA

SSM0410 3.5 A, 100V, RDS(ON) 220m N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A Suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free DESCRIPTION The SSM0410 provide the designer with best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on resistance and cost-effectiveness. The SOT-223 package is universally preferred for

SGM0410S 2.2A , 100V , RDS(ON) 310 m N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free DESCRIPTION SOT-89 The SGM0410S provide the designer with the best Acombination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness. The SOT-89 pac

SGM0410 3.5A , 100V , RDS(ON) 170 m N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free DESCRIPTION SOT-89 The SGM0410 provide the designer with the best Acombination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness. The SOT-89 package 4Top Vie

SSG4410N 13 A, 30 V, RDS(ON) 13.5 m N-Ch Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET Elektronische Bauelemente DESCRIPTION SOP-8 These miniature surface mount MOSFETs utilize a high cell density trench process to Bprovide low RDS(on) and to ensure minimal power loss and heat dissipation. Typical applications are DC-DC converters and power L Dmanagement in portable and battery-pow

SSG0410 N-Ch Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET 3.8 A, 100 V, RDS(ON) 158 m Elektronische Bauelemente DESCRIPTION The SSG0410 provide the designer with the best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness. The SOP-8 package is universally preferred for all commercial-industrial surface mount applications and suited for low volt

Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyNPN EPITAXIAL SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR BD410TO-126 Plastic PackageECBABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSDESCRIPTION SYMBOL VALUE UNITCollector -Base Voltage VCBO 500 VCollector -Emitter Voltage VCEO 325 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5.0 VContinuous Collector Current IC 1.0 APeak Collector Curr

JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD PDFNWB56-8L-A Plastic-Encapsulate MOSFETS CJAC0410 N Channel+P Channel MOSFET ID V(BR)DSS RDS(on)MAX PDFNWB56-8L-A 185m@10V100V4A195m@4.5V270m@-10V-100V-4A330m@-4.5VDESCRIPTION The CJAC0410 provides excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications FEATURES

JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-251-3L Plastic-Encapsulate MOSFETS CJD4410 N-Channel 30-V(D-S) MOSFET TO-2 51-3L FEATURE TrenchFET Power MOSFET 1. GATE 2. DRAIN APPLICATIONS 3. SOURCE Load Switch Battery Switch Maximum ratings ( Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Value Unit Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 V Gate-Source Voltage

JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOP8 Plastic-Encapsulate MOSFETS CJQ4410 N-Channel Power MOSFET ID V(BR)DSS R DS(on) MAX SOP8 13.5 10m@ V 7.5A30V 20m@ 4.5V DESCRIPTION The CJQ4410 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), shoot-through immunity, body diode characteristics and ultra-low gate resistance. This device is ideall

SEMICONDUCTOR KRC410E~KRC414EEPITAXIAL PLANAR NPN TRANSISTORTECHNICAL DATASWITCHING APPLICATION. INTERFACE CIRCUIT AND DRIVER CIRCUIT APPLICATION. EFEATURESBDIM MILLIMETERSWith Built-in Bias Resistors._+A 1.60 0.10DSimplify Circuit Design. _+2 B 0.85 0.10_+C 0.70 0.10Reduce a Quantity of Parts and Manufacturing Process.31D 0.27+0.10/-0.05_

SEMICONDUCTOR KRC410, 411, 414EPITAXIAL PLANAR NPN TRANSISTORTECHNICAL DATASWITCHING APPLICATION. INTERFACE CIRCUIT AND DRIVER CIRCUIT APPLICATION. EFEATURESM B MDIM MILLIMETERSWith Built-in Bias Resistors._+A 2.00 0.20D2_Simplify Circuit Design. B 1.25 0.15+_+C 0.90 0.103Reduce a Quantity of Parts and Manufacturing Process. 1D 0.3+0.10/-0.05

SEMICONDUCTOR KRC410V~KRC414VEPITAXIAL PLANAR NPN TRANSISTORTECHNICAL DATASWITCHING APPLICATION. INTERFACE CIRCUIT AND DRIVER CIRCUIT APPLICATION. EFEATURESBWith Built-in Bias Resistors.Simplify Circuit Design.DIM MILLIMETERS2_Reduce a Quantity of Parts and Manufacturing Process. A 1.2 +0.05_B 0.8 +0.05High Packing Density. 13_C 0.5 + 0.05_D 0.3

40 V, 29 A, 9.5 m Low RDS(ON) N ch Trench Power MOSFET DKI04103 Features Package TO-252 V(BR)DSS --------------------------------- 40 V (ID = 100 A) (4) ID ---------------------------------------------------------- 29 A D RDS(ON) -------- 11.8 m max. (VGS = 10 V, ID = 18.8 A) Qg ------- 5.1 nC (VGS = 4.5 V, VDS = 20 V, ID = 23.6 A) Low Total Gate

40 V, 26 A, 9.3 m Low RDS(ON) N ch Trench Power MOSFET GKI04101 Features Package V(BR)DSS --------------------------------- 40 V (ID = 100 A) DFN 5 6 ID ---------------------------------------------------------- 26 A RDS(ON) -------- 11.6 m max. (VGS = 10 V, ID = 18.8 A) 8pin 8pin D D D D D D D D Qg ------- 5.1 nC (VGS = 4.5 V, VDS = 20 V, ID = 23.

PT441030V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETVDS= 30V RDS(ON), Vgs@10V, Ids@12A = 10.5m RDS(ON), Vgs@4.5V, Ids@12A = 15m Features Advanced trench process technology High Density Cell Design For Ultra Low On-Resistance Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage and Current Improved Shoot-Through FOM Package Dimensions D D D D8 7 6 51 2 3 4S S S GMillimeter Millimeter

2SC4102TRANSISTOR (NPN)FEATURES SOT323 High Breakdown Voltage Complements the 2SA1579 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Unit V Collector-Base Voltage 120 V CBO1. BASE V Collector-Emitter Voltage 120 V 2. EMITTER CEO3. COLLECTOR V Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V EBOI Collector Current 50 mA CP Collector Power Dissipat

CEM0410Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor PRELIMINARYFEATURES100V, 3.4A, RDS(ON) = 120m @VGS = 10V.Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).High power and current handing capability.Lead free product is acquired.D D D DSurface mount Package.8 7 6 5SO-81 2 3 41 S S S GABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA = 25 C unless otherwise notedPa

WT4410M Surface Mount N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET DRAIN CURRENT P b Lead(Pb)-Free10 AMPERS DRAIN SOUCE VOLTAGE Features: 30 VOLTAGE *Super high dense cell design for low R DS(ON) RDS(ON)

WTK9410Surface Mount N-ChannelDRAIN CURRENTEnhancement Mode MOSFET18 AMPERESDRAIN SOURCE VOLTAGEP b Lead(Pb)-Free30 VOLTAGEFeatures:* Simple Drive Requirement.* Low On-Resistance.* Fast Switching.* Super high dense cell design for low RDS(ON)1 RDS(ON)

AON741030V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThe AON7410 uses advanced trench technology and design VDS (V) = 30Vto provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This ID = 24A (VGS = 10V)device is suitable for use in DC - DC converters and Load RDS(ON)

AOD410N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThe AOD410 uses advanced trench technology to VDS (V) = 30Vprovide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. ThisID = 8A (VGS = 10V)device is suitable for use as a load switch or in PWMRDS(ON)

AO441030V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryThe AO4410 uses advanced trench technology to VDS (V) = 30Vprovide excellent RDS(ON), shoot-through immunity,ID = 18A (VGS = 10V)body diode characteristics and ultra-low gateRDS(ON)

AOD4102/AOI410230V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS30VThe AOD4102/AOI4102 uses advanced trenchtechnology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with ID (at VGS=10V) 19Alow gate charge. This device is suitable for use in PWM, RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOCA24108E12V Common-Drain Dual N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryVSS Trench Power MOSFET Technology 12V Low RSS(ON) With ESD protection to improve battery performance and RSS(ON) (at VGS=4.5V)

AON641030V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryThe AON6410 uses advanced trench technology to VDS (V) = 30Vprovide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge.ThisID = 24A (VGS = 10V)device is suitable for use as a high side switch inRDS(ON)

AOD4100N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThe AOD4100 uses advanced trench technology to VDS (V) = 25Vprovide excellent RDS(ON), shoot-through immunity and ID = 50A (VGS = 10V)body diode characteristics. This device is ideally suiteRDS(ON)

AOW410100V N-Channel MOSFETTMSDMOSGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS100VThe AOW410 is fabricated with SDMOSTM trench 150Atechnology that combines excellent RDS(ON) with low gate ID (at VGS=10V)charge & low Qrr.The result is outstanding efficiency with

AON241030V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryVDSThe AON2410 combines advanced trench MOSFET 30Vtechnology with a low resistance package to provide ID (at VGS=4.5V) 8Aextremely low RDS(ON). This device is ideal for load switch RDS(ON) (at VGS = 4.5V)

AOCA24106C12V Common-Drain Dual N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryVSS Trench Power MOSFET Technology 12V Ultra low RSS(ON) With ESD protection to improve battery performance and RSS(ON) (at VGS=4.5V)

AO741030V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS30VThe AO7410 uses advanced trench technology toprovide excellent RDS(ON), very low gate charge and ID (at VGS=10V) 1.7Aoperation with gate voltages as low as 2.5V. This RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOE66410TM40V N-Channel AlphaSGTGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS40V Thermal enhanced XSFET package ID (at VGS=10V) 100A Trench Power AlphaSGTTM technology Low RDS(ON) RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD4102/AOI410230V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryVDS30VThe AOD4102/AOI4102 uses advanced trenchtechnology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with ID (at VGS=10V) 19Alow gate charge. This device is suitable for use in PWM, RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOT410L/AOB410L100V N-Channel MOSFETTMSDMOSGeneral Description Product Summary100VThe AOT410L/AOB410L is fabricated with SDMOSTM VDStrench technology that combines excellent RDS(ON) with low ID (at VGS=10V) 150Agate charge & low Qrr.The result is outstanding efficiency RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOT410L/AOB410L100V N-Channel MOSFETTMSDMOSGeneral Description Product Summary100VThe AOT410L/AOB410L is fabricated with SDMOSTM VDStrench technology that combines excellent RDS(ON) with low ID (at VGS=10V) 150Agate charge & low Qrr.The result is outstanding efficiency RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)

AOD4104N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThe AOD4104 uses advanced trench technology to VDS (V) = 25Vprovide excellent RDS(ON), shoot-through immunity and ID = 75A (VGS = 10V)body diode characteristics. This device is ideally suiteRDS(ON)

AOD4106N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThe AOD4106 uses advanced trench technology to VDS (V) = 25Vprovide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge.This device is ID = 50A (VGS = 20V)suitable for use as a low side switch in SMPS and RDS(ON)

AOCA24106E12V Common-Drain Dual N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummaryVSS Trench Power MOSFET Technology 12V Low RSS(ON) With ESD protection to improve battery performance and RSS(ON) (at VGS=4.5V)

AP9410GH-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Low On-resistance D BVDSS 30V Simple Drive Requirement RDS(ON) 6m Fast Switching Characteristic ID 75AG RoHS Compliant & Halogen-FreeSDescriptionAP9410 series are from Advanced Power innovated design andGDsilicon process technology to achieve the lowes

AP9410AGM-HFHalogen-Free Product Advanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE Electronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Simple Drive Requirement BVDSS 30VDD Low On-resistance RDS(ON) 5.5mDD Fast Switching Characteristic ID 18AG RoHS Compliant & Halogen-Free SSSSO-8DDescriptionAP9410A series are from

AP9410GMT-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Capable of 2.5V Gate Drive D BVDSS 30V Simple Drive Requirement RDS(ON) 5.5m SO-8 Compatible ID 80AG Low On-resistanceS RoHS Compliant & Halogen-FreeDDDDDescriptionAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide the designer with the best combina

AP4410MAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFETLow On-Resistance BVDSS 30V DDFast Switching D RDS(ON) 13.5m DSimple Drive Requirement ID 10A GSSSO-8SDescriptionDDThe Advanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide thedesigner with the best combination of fast switching,rugged

AP9410GM-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Simple Drive Requirement BVDSS 30VDD Low On-resistance RDS(ON) 6mDD Fast Switching ID 18AGSSSSO-8DDescriptionAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide thedesigner with the best combination of fast switching,Gruggedized device design, low on-

AP4410AGMRoHS-compliant ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Simple Drive Requirement BVDSS 30VDD Low On-resistance RDS(ON) 13.5mDD Fast Switching Characteristic ID 10AGSSSSO-8DescriptionDAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide thedesigner with the best combination of fast switching,ruggedized device d

AP4410AGM-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Simple Drive Requirement BVDSS 30VDD Low On-resistance RDS(ON) 13.5mDD Fast Switching Characteristic ID 10AGS RoHS Compliant & Halogen-FreeSSSO-8DescriptionDAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide the designer withthe best combination of

AP9410GMPb Free Plating ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFETSimple Drive Requirement BVDSS 30V DDLow On-resistance RDS(ON) 6m DDFast Switching ID 18A GSSSO-8SDescriptionDThe Advanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide thedesigner with the best combination of fa

AP9410GH-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Low On-resistance D BVDSS 30V Simple Drive Requirement RDS(ON) 6m Fast Switching Characteristic ID 75AG RoHS Compliant & Halogen-FreeSDescriptionAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide the designer with theGDbest combination of fast switching, ruggedi

AP4410GMRoHS-compliant ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Low On-Resistance BVDSS 30VDD Fast Switching D RDS(ON) 13.5mD Simple Drive Requirement ID 10AGSSSO-8SDescriptionDDAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide thedesigner with the best combination of fast switching,ruggedized device design, low on-

AP9410AGH-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Low On-resistance D BVDSS 30V Simple Drive Requirement RDS(ON) 6m Fast Switching Characteristic ID 67AG RoHS Compliant & Halogen-FreeSDescriptionAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide the designer with theGDbest combination of fast switching, rugged

AP9410AGM-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Simple Drive Requirement BVDSS 30VDD Low On-resistance RDS(ON) 5.5mDD Fast Switching Characteristic ID 18AG RoHS Compliant & Halogen-Free SSSSO-8DDescriptionAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide thedesigner with the best combination of fa

AP9410AGH-HFHalogen-Free Product Advanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE Electronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Low On-resistance D BVDSS 30V Simple Drive Requirement RDS(ON) 6m Fast Switching Characteristic ID 67AG RoHS Compliant & Halogen-FreeSDescriptionAP9410A series are from Advanced Power innovated d

Analog Power AMA410NN-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYKey Features: rDS(on) (m)VDS (V) ID (A) Low r trench technology DS(on)92 @ VGS = 10V4.7 Low thermal impedance 10099 @ VGS = 4.5V4.5 Fast switching speed DFN2X2 Typical Applications: LED Inverter Circuits DC/DC Conversion Circuits Motor drives ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA

Analog Power AM7410NN-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYKey Features: rDS(on) (m)VDS (V) ID(A) Low r trench technology DS(on)15 @ VGS = 10V15 Low thermal impedance 10019 @ VGS = 5.5V14 Fast switching speed DFN5X6-8L Typical Applications: White LED boost converters Automotive Systems Industrial DC/DC Conversion Circuits ABSOLU

Analog Power AM9410NN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETThese miniature surface mount MOSFETs utilize PRODUCT SUMMARYHigh Cell Density process. Low rDS(on) assures VDS (V) rDS(on) m() ID (A)minimal power loss and conserves energy, making this device ideal for use in power management 24 @ VGS = 10V 8.1circuitry. Typical applications are PWMDC-DC 3033 @ VGS = 4.5V 6.9converters, p

Analog Power AM4410NN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETThese miniature surface mount MOSFETs utilize a PRODUCT SUMMARYhigh cell density trench process to provide low VDS (V) rDS(on) m() ID (A)rDS(on) and to ensure minimal power loss and heat dissipation. Typical applications are DC-DC 13.5 @ VGS = 10V 13converters and power management in portable and 3020 @ VGS = 4.5V 11battery

AFN4102W Alfa-MOS 100V N-Channel Technology Enhancement Mode MOSFET General Description Features AFN4102W, N-Channel enhancement mode 100V/3.8A,RDS(ON)=158m@VGS=10V MOSFET, uses Advanced Trench Technology 100V/3.0A,RDS(ON)=175m@VGS=4.5V to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge. Super high density cell design for extremely These devices are particularly suit

AFN3410 Alfa-MOS 30V N-Channel Technology Enhancement Mode MOSFET General Description Features AFN3410, N-Channel enhancement mode 30V/6.0A,RDS(ON)=27m@VGS=10V MOSFET, uses Advanced Trench Technology 30V/4.5A,RDS(ON)=30m@VGS=4.5V to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge. Super high density cell design for extremely These devices are particularly suited for

Shenzhen Tuofeng Semiconductor Technology co., LTD4410N-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOSFET (30V, 10A) PRODUCT SUMMARY VDSS ID RDS(on) (m-ohm) Max 13.5 @ VGS = 10V ,ID=10A 30V 10A 20 @ VGS = 4.5V,ID=5A Features Advanced Trench Process Technology High Density Cell Design for Ultra Low On-Resistance Lead free product is acquired Surface mount Package Pin 1 /

Shenzhen Tuofeng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd AO3410AO3410N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThe AO3410 uses advanced trench technology to VDS (V) = 30Vprovide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge and ID = 5.0 Aoperation with gate voltages as low as 1.8V and as RDS(ON)

Spec. No. : C397V8 Issued Date : 2012.03.14 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : 2012.03.15 Page No. : 1/9 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET MTN4410V8 Features Single Drive Requirement Low On-resistance Pb-free lead plating package Applications Synchronous rectifier for DC/DC converters Telecom secondary side rectification High end s

Spec. No. : C792L3 Issued Date : 2010.07.16 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : Page No. : 1/7 N -Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode MOSFET BVDSS 100VMTN0410L3 ID 3A280m RDSON(MAX) Features Low Gate Charge Simple Drive Requirement Pb-free lead plating package Equivalent Circuit Outline MTN0410L3 SOT-223 D S D GGate DDrain G

Spec. No. : C433J3 Issued Date : 2008.12.24 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : 2010.07.22 Page No. : 1/7 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET BVDSS 100VID 50AMTN3410J3 RDS(ON) 30m Features Low Gate Charge Simple Drive Requirement Repetitive Avalanche Rated Fast Switching Characteristic RoHS compliant package Symbol Outline MTN3410

Spec. No. : C795F3 Issued Date : 2011.03.01 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : Page No. : 1/8 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFETBVDSS : 100V RDS(ON) : 20m (max.) MTN3410F3 ID : 59A Description The MTN3410F3 is a N-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET, providing the designer with the best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on-resistance a

Spec. No. : C397Q8 Issued Date : 2007.06.14 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : 2014.01.23 Page No. : 1/8 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET MTN4410Q8 Features Single Drive Requirement Low On-resistance Fast Switching Characteristic Dynamic dv/dt rating Repetitive Avalanche Rated Pb-free lead plating and halogen-free package Symbol O

APM9410N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETFeatures Pin DescriptionSO-8 30V/8A , RDS(ON)=15m(typ.) @ VGS=10VRDS(ON)=23m(typ.) @ VGS=4.5VS 1 8 D Super High Dense Cell Design for ExtremelyS 2 7 DLow RDS(ON)S 3 6 D Reliable and RuggedG 45 D SO-8 PackageTop ViewDApplications Power Managem

APM4410N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETFeatures Pin Description 30V/11.5A, RDS(ON) = 9m(typ.) @ VGS = 10VS 1 8 DRDS(ON) =14.5m(typ.) @ VGS = 4.5VS 2 7 D High Density Cell DesignS 3 6 D Reliable and RuggedG 45 D SO-8 Package SO - 8DApplications Power Management in Notebook Computer,G

APM4101KDual N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETFeatures Pin DescriptionD1D1 40V/9A,D2D2RDS(ON)= 12m (typ.) @ VGS=10VRDS(ON)= 20m (typ.) @ VGS=5VS1G1 Super High Dense Cell DesignS2G2 Reliable and RuggedTop View of SOP-8 Lead Free and Green Devices Available (RoHS Compliant)D1 D1 D2 D2ApplicationsG1 G2 Power Management in LCD Monitor/TV Inverter.

APM9410N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETFeatures Pin DescriptionSO-8 30V/8A , RDS(ON)=15m(typ.) @ VGS=10VRDS(ON)=23m(typ.) @ VGS=4.5VS 1 8 D Super High Dense Cell Design for ExtremelyS 2 7 DLow RDS(ON)S 3 6 D Reliable and RuggedG 45 D SO-8 PackageTop ViewDApplications Power Managem
stu410s std410s.pdf

S TU/D410SS amHop Microelectronics C orp.ver1.1Oct. 9, 2007N-Channel Logic Level E nhancement Mode Field E ffect TransistorFEATUR ESPR ODUCT S UMMAR YS uper high dense cell design for low R DS (ON).VDS S ID R DS (ON) ( m ) MaxR ugged and reliable.20 @ VGS = 10VSurface Mount Package.30A40VESD Protected.30 @ VGS =4.5VDDDGGGSSSTU SERIES STD SERIE

S T M4410AS amHop Microelectronics C orp. J an 04 2005 ver1.1 N-C hannel E nhancement Mode Field E ffect TransistorP R ODUC T S UMMAR Y F E AT UR E SS uper high dense cell design for low R DS (ON).V DS S ID R DS (ON) ( m W ) Max R ugged and reliable.9.5 @ V G S = 10V30V 10AS urface Mount Package.21 @ V G S = 4.5VS O-81ABS OLUTE MAXIMUM R ATINGS (TA=25 C unless other

GreenProductS DM4410S amHop Microelectronics C orp.Mar.01,2006 ver1.2N-Channel E nhancement Mode Field E ffect TransistorPR ODUC T S UMMAR Y F E ATUR E SS uper high dense cell design for low R DS (ON).VDS S ID R DS (ON) ( m ) MaxR ugged and reliable.13.5 @ VG S = 10V30V 10AS urface Mount Package.20 @ VG S = 4.5VS O-81ABS OLUTE MAXIMUM R ATINGS (TA=25 C unless
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STB4410GreenProductSTP4410aS mHop Microelectronics C orp.Ver 1.0N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARYSuper high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).VDSS ID RDS(ON) (m) TypHigh power and current handling capability.100V 75A 7.0 @ VGS=10VTO-220 & TO-263 package.DGSTB SERIESSTP SERIESTO-263(DD-PAK)TO-

PA410BDN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID140m @VGS = 10V100V 10ATO-252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSVDSDrain-Source Voltage 100 VVGSGate-Source Voltage 20 VTC = 25 C10IDContinuous Drain CurrentTC = 100 C7AIDM30Pulsed Drain Curren

LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.20V P-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOSFET LP4101LT1GV = -20V DSR Vgs@-4.5V, Ids@-2.8A = 100 mDS(ON), mRDS(ON), Vgs@-2.5V, Ids@-2.0A = 1503Features Advanced trench process technology 1High Density Cell Design For Ultra Low On-Resistance 2Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage and Current SOT 23 (TO236AB)Improved Shoot-Through FOM
lp4101lt1g s-lp4101lt1g.pdf

LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.20V P-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOSFET V = -20V DSLP4101LT1GR Vgs@-4.5V, Ids@-2.8A = 100 mDS(ON), S-LP4101LT1GmRDS(ON), Vgs@-2.5V, Ids@-2.0A = 150Features 3Advanced trench process technology High Density Cell Design For Ultra Low On-Resistance 1Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage and Current Improved Shoot-Through FOM 2we declar
irf4410a irf4410h.pdf

RoHS IRF4410 Series RoHS SEMICONDUCTORNell High Power ProductsN-Channel Power MOSFET(97A, 100Volts)DESCRIPTION The Nell IRF4410 is a three-terminal silicon Ddevice with current conduction capability of 97A,Dfast switching speed, low on-state resistance,breakdown voltage rating of 100V ,and max. threshold voltage of 4 volts.G They are designed for use in application

NPN S I L I C O N T R A N S I S T O R Shantou Huashan Electronic Devices Co.,Ltd. HC4106 APPLICATIONS High Breakdown Voltage And High Reliability.Fast Switching Speed. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTa=25 TO-220 TstgStorage Temperature -55~150TjJunction Temperature150PCCollec
cs3410 b4.pdf

Silicon N-Channel Power MOSFET R CS3410 B4 General Description VDSS 100 V CS3410 B4, the silicon N-channel Enhanced VDMOSFETs, ID 17 A PD (TC=25) 80 W is obtained by the self-aligned planar Technology which reduce the RDS(ON)Typ 0.075 conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various power
cs3410 br.pdf

Silicon N-Channel Power MOSFET R CS3410 BR General Description VDSS 100 V CS3410 BR, the silicon N-channel Enhanced VDMOSFETs, ID 17 A PD (TC=25) 80 W is obtained by the self-aligned planar Technology which reduce the RDS(ON)Typ 0.075 conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various power
cs3410 b3.pdf

Silicon N-Channel Power MOSFET R CS3410 B3 General Description VDSS 100 V CS3410 B3, the silicon N-channel Enhanced VDMOSFETs, is ID 17 A PD (TC=25) 80 W obtained by the self-aligned planar Technology which reduce the RDS(ON)Typ 0.075 conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various power

CS5410P PD TC=25 66 W ID VGS=-10V,TC=25 -13 AIDM -52 AVGS 20 V Tjm +150 Tstg -55 +150 RthJC 1.9 /W BVDSS VGS=0V,ID=-0.25mA -100 VRDS on VGS=-10V,ID=-7.8A 0.205 VGS th VDS=VGS,ID=-0.25mA -2.0 -4.0 Vgfs

CSR3410 N PD TC=25 110 W ID VGS=10V,TC=25 31 A IDM 125 A VGS 20 V Tjm +150 Tstg -55 +150 RthJC 1.4 /W BVDSS VGS=0V,ID=0.25mA 100 V RDS on VGS=10V,ID=18A 0.034 0.039 VGS th VDS=VGS,ID=0.25mA 2.0 4.0 V
ntr4101p ntrv4101p.pdf

Product specificationNTR4101P, NTRV4101PTrench Power MOSFETV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) TYP ID MAX-20 V, Single P-Channel, SOT-2370 mW @ -4.5 VFeatures-20 V 90 mW @ -2.5 V -3.2 A Leading -20 V Trench for Low RDS(on)112 mW @ -1.8 V -1.8 V Rated for Low Voltage Gate Drive SOT-23 Surface Mount for Small FootprintP-Channel MOSFET NTRV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applic

SEMICONDUCTORFTK4410DTECHNICAL DATAN-Channel MOSFET AIDESCRIPTIONCJThe FTK410D uses advanced trench te chnology to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge. DIM MILLIMETERSThis device is suitable for use as a load switch A 6 50 0 2B 5 60 0 2or in PWM applications. C 5 20 0 2D 1 50 0 2E 2 70 0 2F 2 30 0 1HH 1 00 MAXI 2 30 0

SEMICONDUCTOR FTK4410TECHNICAL DATADESCRIPTION N-Channel MOSFETThe FTK4410 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge .It has been optimized for power management applications requiring a wide range of gave drive voltage ratings (4.5V 25V). Schematic diagramD D D DGENERAL FEATURES 7 6 58 VDS = 30V,I = 7.5A DRDS(ON)

SMD Type MOSFETN-Channel MOSFETAO3410 (KO3410)SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9 -0.1+0.10.4 -0.13 Features VDS (V) = 30V ID = 5.8 A (VGS = 10V)1 2 RDS(ON) 28m (VGS = 10V)+0.1+0.050.95-0.1 0.1 -0.01+0.11.9 -0.1 RDS(ON) 33m (VGS = 4.5V) RDS(ON) 52m (VGS = 2.5V) RDS(ON) 70m (VGS = 1.8V)1. Gate2. Source3. Drain

SMD Type MOSFETN-Channel MOSFETSI9410DY (KI9410DY)SOP-8 Features VDS (V) = 30V ID = 7 A (VGS = 10V)1.50 0.15 RDS(ON) 30m (VGS = 10V) RDS(ON) 40m (VGS = 5V)1 Source 5 Drain RDS(ON) 50m (VGS = 4.5V)6 Drain2 Source7 Drain3 Source8 Drain4 Gate Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Drain-Sou

SMD Type MOSFETN-Channel MOSFETAO4410 (KO4410)SOP-8 Features VDS (V) = 30V ID = 18 A (VGS = 10V) RDS(ON) 5.5m (VGS = 10V)1.50 0.15 RDS(ON) 6.2m (VGS = 4.5V)1 Source 5 Drain6 Drain2 Source7 Drain3 Source8 Drain4 GateDGS Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30V Gat

SMD Type ICSMD Type ICHEXFET Power MOSFETKRF7410FeaturesUltra Low On-ResistanceP-Channel MOSFETSurface MountAvailable in Tape & ReelAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitDrain- Source Voltage VDS -20 VContinuous Drain Current, VGS @ -4.5V @ Ta =25 ID -16Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ -4.5V @ Ta =70 ID -13 APulsed Drain Current *1 IDM -65Power

SMD Type MOSFETN-Channel MOSFETSI4410DY (KI4410DY)SOP-8 Features VDS (V) = 30V ID = 10 A (VGS = 10V) 1.50 0.15 RDS(ON) 13.5m (VGS = 10V) RDS(ON) 20m (VGS = 4.5V)1 Source 5 Drain6 Drain2 Source7 Drain3 Source8 Drain4 GateDGS Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30V

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors 2SC4104SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9 -0.1+0.10.4-0.13 Features High fT Small reverse transfer capacitance1 2+0.1+0.050.95 -0.1 0.1 -0.01 Complementary to 2SA1580+0.11.9 -0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 70 Co

SMD Type MOSFETN-Channel MOSFETAO3410 (KO3410)SOT-23-3Unit: mm+0.22.9 -0.1+0.10.4-0.13 Features VDS (V) = 30V ID = 5.8 A (VGS = 10V)1 2+0.02+0.1 RDS(ON) 28m (VGS = 10V) 0.15 -0.020.95 -0.1+0.11.9 -0.2 RDS(ON) 33m (VGS = 4.5V) RDS(ON) 52m (VGS = 2.5V)1. Gate RDS(ON) 70m (VGS = 1.8V)2. Source3. Dr

SMD Type MOSFETP-Channel MOSFETNTR4101P (KTR4101P)SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9 -0.1+0.10.4 -0.13 Features VDS (V) =-20V ID =-3.2 A1 2 RDS(ON) 85m (VGS =-4.5V)+0.1+0.050.95-0.1 0.1-0.01+0.11.9-0.1 RDS(ON) 120m (VGS =-2.5V) RDS(ON) 210m (VGS =-1.8V)S1. Gate2. Source3. DrainGD Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta =

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4102 Features High Breakdown Voltage Complementary to 2SA15791 Base2 Emitter3 Collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 120 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO 120 V Emitter - Base Voltage VEBO 5 Collector Current - Continuous IC 50mA Collector Current -

SMD Type MOSFETP-Channel MOSFETNTR4101P (KTR4101P)SOT-23-3Unit: mm+0.22.9 -0.1+0.10.4 -0.13 Features VDS (V) =-20V ID =-3.2 A1 2 RDS(ON) 85m (VGS =-4.5V)+0.02+0.10.15 -0.020.95 -0.1+0.1 RDS(ON) 120m (VGS =-2.5V) 1.9 -0.2 RDS(ON) 210m (VGS =-1.8V)S1. Gate2. Source3. DrainGD Absolute Maximum Rating

WFY4101WFY4101WFY4101WFY4101Trench Power MOSFETTrench Power MOSFETTrench Power MOSFETTrench Power MOSFET-20 V, Single P-Channel, SOT-23-20 V, Single P-Channel, SOT-23-20 V, Single P-Channel, SOT-23-20 V, Single P-Channel, SOT-23Features -3.2A, -20V, RDS(on)(Max 85m)@VGS=-4.5V -1.8 V Rated for Low Voltage Gate Drive SOT-23 Surface Mount for Small Footprin

CHENMKO ENTERPRISE CO.,LTDCHM9410JGPSURFACE MOUNT N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor VOLTAGE 30 Volts CURRENT 7 AmpereAPPLICATION* Servo motor control. * Power MOSFET gate drivers.* Other switching applications.SO-8FEATURE* Small flat package. (SO-8 )( )* High density cell design for extremely low RDS(ON). 4.06 0.160( )3.70 0.146* Rugged and relia

CHENMKO ENTERPRISE CO.,LTDCHM4410BJPTSURFACE MOUNT N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor VOLTAGE 30 Volts CURRENT 12.5 AmpereAPPLICATION* Servo motor control. * Power MOSFET gate drivers.* Other switching applications.SO-8FEATURE* Small flat package. (SO-8 )( )* Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON). 4.06 0.160( )3.70 0.146* High pow

CHENMKO ENTERPRISE CO.,LTDCHM4410AJGPSURFACE MOUNT N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor VOLTAGE 30 Volts CURRENT 10 AmpereAPPLICATION* Servo motor control. * Power MOSFET gate drivers.* Other switching applications.SO-8FEATURE* Small flat package. (SO-8 )( )* Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON). 4.06 0.160( )3.70 0.146* High power

CHENMKO ENTERPRISE CO.,LTDCHM0410JGPSURFACE MOUNT N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorVOLTAGE 100 Volts CURRENT 3.4 AmpereAPPLICATION* Servo motor control.* Power MOSFET gate drivers.* Other switching applications.SO-8FEATURE* Small flat package. (SO-8 )( )* Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON). 4.06 0.160( )3.70 0.146* High power

CHENMKO ENTERPRISE CO.,LTDCHM8410JGPSURFACE MOUNT N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor VOLTAGE 30 Volts CURRENT 10 AmpereAPPLICATION* Servo motor control. * Power MOSFET gate drivers.* Other switching applications.SO-8FEATURE* Small flat package. (SO-8 )( )* Super High density cell design for extremely low RDS(ON). 4.06 0.160( )3.70 0.146* High satu

N-Channel CICLON NexFET Power MOSFETs CSD16410Q5A Features Product Summary Ultra Low Qg & Qgd VDS 25 V DS 1 8 DS 1 8 D Qg 3.9 nC Low Thermal Resistance DS 2 7 DG S 2 7 D Qgd 1.1 nC D Avalanche Rated S DS 3 6 DS 3 6 D VGS=4.5V 9.6 m S RDS(on) DDG 4 5 DG 4 5 DVGS=10V 6.8 m Pb Free Terminal Plating S Vth 1.9 V RoHS Complian

ELEFLOW TECHNOLOGIES MRF410www.eleflow.com NPN Bipolar RF power transistor MRF410 Description: MRF410 is designed primarily for HF, VHF, UHF, 800MHz, and Microwave applications in military and commercial land mobile, avionics, and marine transmitters. Features: 1.5-30MHz, HF/SSB Transistors. Designed for broadband operation, these devices feature specified intermodulation dist

Single N-channel MOSFETELM33410CA-SGeneral description Features ELM33410CA-S uses advanced trench technology to Vds=20Vprovide excellent Rds(on), low gate charge and low gate Id=5A resistance. Rds(on)

GSM3410 30V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Product Description Features GSM3410, N-Channel enhancement mode 30V/6.0A,RDS(ON)=27m@VGS=10V MOSFET, uses Advanced Trench Technology to 30V/4.5A,RDS(ON)=30m@VGS=4.5V provide excellent RDS (ON), low gate charge. Super high density cell design for extremely low RDS (ON) These devices are particularly suited for low TSOP-6 p

GSM4102W 100V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Product Description Features GSM4102W, N-Channel enhancement mode 100V/3.8A,RDS(ON)=158m@VGS=10V MOSFET, uses Advanced Trench Technology to 100V/3.0A,RDS(ON)=175m@VGS=4.5V provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge. Super high density cell design for extremely low RDS (ON) These devices are particularly suited for
hy3410p hy3410m hy3410b hy3410ps hy3410pm hy3410mf.pdf

HY3410P/M/B/PS/PM/MFN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPin DescriptionFeatures 100V/140ASRDS(ON)= 6.2 m(typ.) @ VGS=10VDGSD 100% avalanche testedGSDG Reliable and RuggedTO-220FB-3L TO-220FB-3S TO-263-2L Lead Free and Green Devices Available(RoHS Compliant)SDGSSpplicationsDA DGGTO-3PS-3L TO-3PM-3STO-220MF-3LSw

MMN4410Data SheetM-MOS Semiconductor Hong Kong Limited30V N-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOSFETVDS= 30VRDS(ON), Vgs@10V, Ids@18A = 5.5mRDS(ON), Vgs@4.5V, Ids@15A = 6.2mFeaturesAdvanced trench process technologyHigh Density Cell Design For Ultra Low On-ResistanceImproved Shoot-Through FOMSOP-08 Internal Schematic DiagramDrain Gate Source Top View N-Channel MOSFET

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PA410BD NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G2. DRAIN 100V 140m 10A 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 100 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC =

PP1410AEA N-Channel Enhancement Mode NIKO-SEM PDFN 3x3P Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free PRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID D100V 14m 42A D D D DG. GATE D. DRAIN GS. SOURCE 100% UIS Tested #1 S S S GS100% Rg Tested ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Sou

N-Channel Enhancement Mode P1410BD NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE G100V 14.5m 49A 2. DRAIN 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 100 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC =

N-Channel Enhancement Mode P1410BK NIKO-SEM PDFN 5x6P Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DD D D DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID G100V 14.5m 42A G. GATE D. DRAIN S. SOURCE #1 S S S GSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 100 V Gate-Source Vo

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PA410BTF NIKO-SEM TO-220F Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID 1. GATE 2. DRAIN G100V 140m 10A 3. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 100 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PP1410AK NIKO-SEM PDFN 5x6P Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free PRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID D D D D D100V 14m 49A MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level) 1. GG. GATE D. DRAIN #1 S S S GS. SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Sou

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PP1410AF NIKO-SEM TO-220F Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID G100V 14m 34A 1. GATE 2. DRAIN S3. SOURCE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 100 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC =

N-Channel Enhancement Mode PP1410AD NIKO-SEM TO-252 Field Effect Transistor Halogen-Free & Lead-Free DPRODUCT SUMMARY V(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID G1.GATE 100V 14m 45A 2.DRAIN 3.SOURCE SABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITS Drain-Source Voltage VDS 100 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS 20 V TC = 25

PMC4106 NPN SILICON TRIPLE DIFFUSED PLANAR TRANSISTOR designed for switching regulator applications. TO-220AB MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25 C) Characteristic Symbol Value UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 500 VCollector to emitter voltage VCEO 400 VEmitter to base voltage VEBO 7 VCollector current IC 7 ACollector current (peak) IC(peak) 14 ABase Current IB 3 ACollector



SSM9410MN-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT-MODE POWER MOSFETSimple drive requirement BVDSS 30VDDLow on-resistance RDS(ON) 6mDDFast switching ID 18AGSSSO-8SDescriptionDAdvanced power MOSFETs from Silicon Standard providethe designer with the best combination of fast switching,ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness.GSThe SO-8 package is

SSM4410MN-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE POWER MOSFETLow on-resistance BV 30VDSSDDFast switching D RDS(ON) 13.5mD Simple drive requirement I 10ADGSSSO-8SDescriptionDPower MOSFETs from Silicon Standard provide thedesigner with the best combination of fast switching,ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness. GSThe SO-8 package is wid

SL4410N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETFeatures Pin DescriptionDD 30V/20A,DD RDS(ON)= 5.9m (max.) @ VGS= 10V RDS(ON)= 7.9m (max.) @ VGS= 4.5VS 100% UIS + Rg TestedSSG Reliable and RuggedTop View of SOP-8 Lead Free and Green Devices Available (RoHS Compliant)( 5,6,7,8 )D D D D(4)ApplicationsG Power Management in Notebook Computer, Portable Equipm

STN4102 N Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET 15.0A DESCRIPTION STN4102 is the N-Channel logic enhancement mode power field effect transistor which is produced using high cell density, DMOS trench technology. The STN410D has been designed specially to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been op

STN410D N Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET 15.0A DESCRIPTION STN410D is the N-Channel logic enhancement mode power field effect transistor which is produced using high cell density, DMOS trench technology. The STN410D has been designed specially to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been o

QM2410J N-Ch 20V Fast Switching MOSFETsGeneral Description Product SummeryThe QM2410J is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFETs with extreme high cell density , BVDSS RDSON ID which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge 20V 37m 5.1Afor most of the small power switching and load switch applications. Applications The QM2410J meet the RoHS and Green Product requi

QM2410K N-Ch 20V Fast Switching MOSFETsGeneral Description Product SummeryThe QM2410K is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFETs with extreme high cell density , BVDSS RDSON ID which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge 20V 37m 4.2Afor most of the small power switching and load switch applications. Applications The QM2410K meet the RoHS and Green Product requir

QM2410D N-Ch 20V Fast Switching MOSFETsGeneral Description Product SummeryThe QM2410D is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFETs with extreme high cell density , BVDSS RDSON ID which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge 20V 25m 22Afor most of the small power switching and load switch applications. Applications The QM2410D meet the RoHS and Green Product require

QM2410S N-Ch 20V Fast Switching MOSFETsGeneral Description Product SummeryThe QM2410S is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFETs with extreme high cell density , BVDSS RDSON ID which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge 20V 25m 6.2Afor most of the small power switching and load switch applications. Applications The QM2410S meet the RoHS and Green Product requi

QM2410G N-Ch 20V Fast Switching MOSFETsGeneral Description Product SummeryThe QM2410G is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFETs with extreme high cell density , BVDSS RDSON ID which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge 20V 37m 5.1Afor most of the small power switching and load switch applications. Applications The QM2410G meet the RoHS and Green Product requi

uPI SEMI www.upi-semi.com Power Solutions for TODAY and TOMORROW IS NOW PART OF Please visit our website for more information: www.upi-semi.com The contents of this document are provided in connection with uPI Semiconductor Corp. (uPI) products. uPI makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and res

QM2410V N-Ch 20V Fast Switching MOSFETsGeneral Description Product SummeryThe QM2410V is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFETs with extreme high cell density , BVDSS RDSON ID which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge 20V 37m 4.5Afor most of the small power switching and load switch applications. Applications The QM2410V meet the RoHS and Green Product requir

Silicon N-Channel Power MOSFET R CS3410 B3 General Description VDSS 100 V CS3410 B3, the silicon N-channel Enhanced VDMOSFETs, is ID 17 A PD (TC=25) 80 W obtained by the self-aligned planar Technology which reduce the RDS(ON)Typ 0.075 conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various power

ASDM4410S100V Dual N & P-Channel PowerTrenchFeaturesProduct SummaryN-ChannelV DS 100 VV DS V100 95 95 R DS(on),Typ@ VGS=10 V mR DS(on),Typ@ VGS=10 V m 5 I AI D RDS (ON) = 185m @ VGS = -10VP-ChannelApplicationV DS -100V DC-DC primary bridge 185R DS(on),Typ@ VGS=-10 V m DC-DC Synchronous rectificationI D -4AHot

Eternal Semiconductor Inc.ET4410N-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOSFET (30V, 10A)PRODUCT SUMMARYVDSS ID RDS(on) (m) Typ.9 @ VGS = 10V, ID=6.9A30V 10A13@ VGS = 4.5V, ID=5.8AFeatures Super high density cell design for extremely low RDS(ON) Exceptional on-resistance and maximum DC current capability LeadPb-free and halogen-freePin 1 / 2 / 3: SourcePin 4: Gate

HSM4410 Description Product Summary The HSM4410 is the high cell density trenched N-VDS 30 V ch MOSFETs, which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge for most of the synchronous buck RDS(ON),max 9.5 m converter applications. ID 12 A The HSM4410 meet the RoHS and Green Product requirement, 100% EAS guaranteed with full function reliability approved. l Super Low Gate C

HSM4103 P-Ch 40V Fast Switching MOSFETs Description Product Summary VDS -40 V The HSM4103 is the high cell density trenched P-ch MOSFETs, which provide excellent RDSON and RDS(ON),max 32 m gate charge for most of the synchronous buck converter applications. ID -8.6 A The HSM4103 meet the RoHS and Green Product requirement, 100% EAS guaranteed with full function reli

HSU4103 P-Ch 40V Fast Switching MOSFETs Description Product Summary VDS -40 V The HSU4103 is the high cell density trenched P-ch MOSFETs, which provide excellent RDSON and RDS(ON),max 32 m gate charge for most of the synchronous buck converter applications. ID -27 A The HSU4103 meet the RoHS and Green Product requirement, 100% EAS guaranteed with full function reliab
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IRFR3410N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETDescriptionThe IRFR3410 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent R , low gate charge and DS(ON)operation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This DSdevice is suitable for use as a GBattery protection or in other Switching application. TO-252-2LGeneral Features V = 100V I = 30A DS DPIN2 D R

IRFL410560V N-Channel General Description These logic level N-Channel enhancement This very high density process is especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance and provide superior switching performance, and withstand high energy pulse in the avalanche and commutation modes. These devices are particularly suited for low voltage applications such as DC motor control a

HTD410P06 P-160V P-Ch Power MOSFETFeature-60 VVDS High Speed Power Switching, Logic Level34RDS(on),typ VGS=10V m Enhanced Avalanche Ruggedness44RDS(on),typ VGS=4.5V m 100% UIS Tested, 100% Rg Tested-26 AID (Sillicon Limited) Lead Free, Halogen FreeApplication Load Switches Hard Switching and High Speed Circuit BLDC MotorTO-252Dr

HTS410P06 P-160V P-Ch Power MOSFETFeature-60 VVDS High Speed Power Switching, Logic Level35RDS(on),typ VGS=10V m Enhanced Avalanche Ruggedness45RDS(on),typ VGS=4.5V m 100% UIS Tested, 100% Rg Tested-7.5 AID (Sillicon Limited) Lead Free, Halogen FreeApplication Load Switches Hard Switching and High Speed CircuitSOIC-8 BLDC Motor2

SHENZHEN TUOFENG SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDSOP-8 Plastic-Encapsulate MOSFETS 4410N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET SO-8LDDDescription DDThe 4410 uses advanced trench technology to provide GGSexcellent RDS(ON) and low gate charge . The complementary S SSSMOSFETs may be used to form a level shifted high side SO-8 SPin 1switch, and for a host o


SHENZHEN TUOFENG SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDSOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate MOSFETS3410TFTF N-Channel 30-V(D-S) MOSFET3410V(BR)DSS RDS(on)MAX IDSOT-230.028@ 10V31.GATE30V5.8A0.033@ 4.5V2.SOURCE3.DRAIN10.042@ 2.5V 2General FEATUREEquivalent CircuitMARKINGTrenchFET Power MOSFETLead free product is acquiredSurface mount packageAA1TF w

WSP4410 N-Ch MOSFETGeneral Description Product SummeryThe WSP4410 is the highest performance trench BVDSS RDSON ID N-Ch MOSFET with extreme high cell density , which provide excellent RDSON and gate 30V 4m 20A charge for most of the synchronous buck converter applications . Applications The WSP4410 meet the RoHS and Green High Frequency Point-of-Load Synchronous Prod

WSF3410N-Ch MOSFETProduct SummeryGeneral Description The WSF3410 is the highest performance trench BVDSS RDSON ID N-ch MOSFET with extreme high cell density , which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge 100V 90m 15Afor most of the synchronous buck converter applications .Applications The WSF3410 meet the RoHS and Green Product High Frequency Point-of-Load Synchrono

VS4410AT 100V/110A N-Channel Advanced Power MOSFET Features Low On-Resistance Fast Switching 100% Avalanche Tested Repetitive Avalanche Allowed up to Tjmax Lead-Free, RoHS Compliant Description VS4410AT designed by the trench processing techniques to achieve extremely low on-resistance. Additional features of this design are a 175C junction opera

SM4410N-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOSFET (30V,10A)PRODUCT SUMMARY VDSS ID RDS(on) (m-ohm) Max 15 @ VGS = 10V ,ID=10A 30V 10A 24 @ VGS = 4.5V,ID=5A Features 1 Advanced Trench Process Technology. 2 High Density Cell Design for Ultra Low On-Resistance. 3 Lead free product is acquired. 4 Surface mount Package 5 RoHS Compliant. Ordering

SI4410BDYwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 20V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.012 at VGS = 10 V 1220 6.1 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.015 at VGS = 4.5 V 11Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side SwitchS

NTS4101PT1Gwww.VBsemi.twP-Channel 20 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)c Qg (Typ.)Definition0.080 at VGS = - 4.5 V - 3.1 TrenchFET Power MOSFET4.3 nC- 200.100 at VGS = - 2.5 V - 2.3 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS Load Switch DC/DC Conv

SI4410DY-T1www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 20V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.012 at VGS = 10 V 1220 6.1 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.015 at VGS = 4.5 V 11Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side Switch

IRFU3410Pwww.VBsemi.twwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 100 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A) 175 C Junction Temperature1000.036 at VGS = 10 V35 PWM Optimized 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECTO-251APPLICATIONS Primary Side SwitchDGSG D SN-Channel MOSFETTop View

VBFB1410www.VBsemi.comN-Channel 40 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) () ID (A) Qg (Typ.)Definition0.0 3 at VGS = 10 V55d TrenchFET Power MOSFET40 9.50.0 at VGS = 4.5 V 5d 100 % Rg and UIS Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONSTO-251 Power Supply- Secondary

AOD410www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a, e Qg (Typ) 100 % Rg and UIS Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU0.007 at VGS = 10 V 5030 25 nC0.009 at VGS = 4.5 V 40APPLICATIONSD OR-ing ServerTO-252 DC/DCGG D SSTop ViewN-Channel MOSFETABSOLUT

SI9410BDY-T1www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 20V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.012 at VGS = 10 V 1220 6.1 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.015 at VGS = 4.5 V 11Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side Switch

IRLR3410TRwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 100 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A) 175 C Junction Temperature1000.11 4 at VGS = 10 V15 PWM Optimized 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS Primary Side SwitchDTO-252 GSG D S N-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING

IRF3410www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETSV(BR)DSS (V) rDS(on) ()ID (A)Available 175 C Junction Temperature0.030 at VGS = 10 V40RoHS*100 Low Thermal Resistance Package0.035 at VGS = 4.5 V37COMPLIANTDTO-252GG D STop ViewSN-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TC = 25 C, unless

NDS9410Awww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 650 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Low Gate Charge Qg Results in Simple DriveVDS (V) 650AvailableRequirementRDS(on) ()VGS = 10 V 3.8RoHS Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dtQg (Max.) (nC) 15RuggednessQgs (nC) 3 Fully Characterized Capacitance and Avalanche Voltageand CurrentQgd (nC) 6 Compliant to RoHS

IRFR5410TRwww.VBsemi.twP-Channel 100 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) () ID (A) Qg (Typ.)Definition0.250 at VGS = - 10 V - 8.8 TrenchFET Power MOSFET- 100 11.70.280 at VGS = - 4.5 V - 8.0 100 % Rg and UIS Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONSTO-251 Power Switch

IRFR4104TRPBFwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 40-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a, c Qg (Typ.) 100 % Rg and UIS TestedRoHS0.0050 at VGS = 10 V 85COMPLIANT 40 80 nC0.0065 at VGS = 4.5 V 70APPLICATIONS Synchronous Rectification Power SuppliesDTO-252 GG D S SN-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMU

ME4410ADwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 20V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.012 at VGS = 10 V 1220 6.1 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.015 at VGS = 4.5 V 11Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side SwitchSO

VBZA4410www.VBsemi.comN-Channel 20V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.011 at VGS = 10 V 1120 6.1 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.015 at VGS = 4.5 V 9Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side SwitchSO

IRFR4105ZTRwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 6 0-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) rDS(on) ()ID (A)aAvailable 175 C Junction Temperature0.025 at VGS = 10 V 35RoHS*600.030 at VGS = 4.5 V 30 COMPLIANTTO-252 DGDrain Connected to TabG D SSTop ViewN-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TC = 25 C, unless otherwise n

HM4410www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.008 at VGS = 10 V 1330 6.1 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.011 at VGS = 4.5 V 11Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side SwitchSO

ME4410www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 20V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.012 at VGS = 10 V 1220 6.1 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.015 at VGS = 4.5 V 11Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side SwitchSO-8

IRLU3410Pwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 100 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY DT-Trench Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A) 175 C Junction Temperature0.115 at VGS = 10 V15 100 % Rg Tested1000.120 at VGS = 6 V 15APPLICATIONS Primary Side SwitchTO-251DGSG D SN-Channel MOSFETTop ViewABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25 C, unless otherwise

VBA3410www.VBsemi.comDual N-Channel 40-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.010 at VGS = 10 V 1240 5.9 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.015 at VGS = 4.5 V 10Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side Swit

VBA1410www.VBsemi.comN-Channel 40-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21 VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)d Qg (Typ.)Definition0.012 at VGS = 10 V TrenchFET Power MOSFET1240 15 nC 100 % Rg Tested0.012 at VGS = 4.5 V 9 100 % UIS Tested Compliant to RoHS directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS Synchronous Re

VBZA9410www.VBsemi.comN-Channel 20V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-freeVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.012 at VGS = 10 V 1220 6.1 nC Optimized for High-Side Synchronous0.015 at VGS = 4.5 V 9Rectifier Operation 100 % Rg Tested 100 % UIS TestedAPPLICATIONS Notebook CPU Core- High-Side SwitchSO

IRF7410TRwww.VBsemi.twP-Channel 12-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)Definition0.0050 at VGS = - 4.5 V - 16 TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.0065 at VGS = - 2.5 V - 12 - 15 Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC0.0100 at VGS = - 1.8 V - 13APPLICATIONS Load Switch Battery SwitchS

VBE1410www.VBsemi.comN-Channel 4 0-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a, e Qg (Typ) 100 % Rg and UIS Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU0.013 at VGS = 10 V 5540 42 nC0.018 at VGS = 4.5 V 45APPLICATIONSD OR-ingTO-252 Server DC/DCGDG SSTop ViewN-Channel MOSFETABS

IRFR3410TRwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETSV(BR)DSS (V) rDS(on) ()ID (A)Available 175 C Junction Temperature0.030 at VGS = 10 V40RoHS*100 Low Thermal Resistance Package0.035 at VGS = 4.5 V37COMPLIANTDTO-252GG D STop ViewSN-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TC = 25 C, unl

TPNTS4 1 01 PT1 GP-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOS FETswww.sot23.com.twFeaturesApplications (typ) @VGS =4.5V. -20V, -2.3A, RDS(ON) =100m Battery protection RDS(ON) = 125m (typ) @VGS = 2.5V. Load switch Power management SOT-323 package. Ordering InformationPart Number Qty per Reel Reel SizeTPNTS4101PT1G 3000 7DSGSOT-323Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA=

HM441030V N-Channel Enhancement-Mode MOSFET 30V N MOS VDS= 30V RDS(ON), Vgs@10V, Ids@12A = 9.0m RDS(ON), Vgs@4.5V, Ids@10A = 12m Features Advanced trench process technology High Density Cell Design For Ultra Low On-Resistance Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage and Current

HM4410B N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET DESCRIPTION The HM4410B uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications. GENERAL FEATURES VDS =30V,ID =12A RDS(ON)

HM4410A N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET DESCRIPTION The HM4410A uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications. GENERAL FEATURES VDS =30V,ID =12A RDS(ON)

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFB4410ZGIIRFB4410ZGFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 9.0mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONreliable device for use in a wide variety of applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFR3410, IIRFR3410FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)39mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh frequency DC-DC convertersABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 1

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFU4105FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)45mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast SwitchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 55 VDSSV Gate-Source Volt

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor DKI04103FEATURESDrain Current I =29A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =40V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 11.8m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpos

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFU4105ZFEATURESWith TO-251(IPAK) packagingHigh speed switchingEasy to use100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSPower supplyDC-DC convertersMotor controlSwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE U

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOD4102FEATURESDrain Current I = 19A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =37m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpose a

Isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFS4410ZFEATURESWith To-263(D2PAK) packageLow input capacitance and gate chargeLow gate input resistance100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSSwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Vol

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor 2SK4101LSFEATURESDrain Current : I = 7.0A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 650V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 1.1(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand sole

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor MJ410DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 200V(Min.)CEO(SUS)Low Collector Saturation Voltage-: V )= 0.8V(Max)@ I = 1ACE(sat CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device performanceand reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for medium to high voltage inverters, converters,regulators and switching circuits.

INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Product Specification isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor BUF410A DESCRIPTION High Voltage High Speed Switching APPLICATIONS Designed for use in high-frequency power supplies and motor control applications. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITVCEV Collector-Emitter Voltage VBE= -1.5V 1000 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Vo

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4106DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 400V(Min.)(BR)CEOHigh Switching SpeedWide Area of Safe OperationMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for switching regulator applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25)SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV

Isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFS4410FEATURESWith To-263(D2PAK) packageLow input capacitance and gate chargeLow gate input resistance100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSSwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Volt

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFR4105Z, IIRFR4105ZFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)24.5mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh Speed Power SwitchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 55

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD1410DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 250V(Min)CEO(SUS)Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-:V = 2.0V(Max) @I = 4ACE(sat) CHigh DC Current Gain: h = 2000(Min) @ I = 2A, V = 2VFE C CEMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSIgniter applicati

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4108DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 400V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Switching SpeedWide Area of Safe OperationMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for switching regulator and general purposeapplications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBO

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFP4410ZIIRFP4410ZFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)9.0mEnhancement mode:Vth =2.0 to 4.0 V (VDS=VGS, ID=250A)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONHigh Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPSUninterruptible Power Supply

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4107DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 400V(Min.)(BR)CEOHigh Switching SpeedWide Area of Safe OperationMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for switching regulator applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25)SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor 2SK1410DESCRIPTIONDrain Current I =16A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =500 (Min)DSSMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high voltage, high speed power switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aUNISYMBOL ARAMETER VALUETV Drain-Source Voltage (V =

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4109DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 400V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Switching SpeedWide Area of Safe OperationMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for switching regulator and general purposeapplications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBO

INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Product Specification isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor BUF410 DESCRIPTION High Voltage High Speed Switching APPLICATIONS Designed for use in high-frequency power supplies and motor control applications. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITVCEV Collector-Emitter Voltage VBE= -1.5V 850 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Volt

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRLR3410, IIRLR3410FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)105mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast SwitchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 100 VDSSV Gat

Isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRF4104SFEATURESWith To-263(D2PAK) packageLow input capacitance and gate chargeLow gate input resistance100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSSwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Volt

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor 2SK4100LSFEATURESDrain Current : I = 6.0A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 650V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 1.35(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand sol

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOW410FEATURESDrain Current I = 150A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 100V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 6.5m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONBe suitable for synchronous rectification for server andgene

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFSL4410FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 10mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONreliable device for use in a wide variety of applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAME

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFR4105, IIRFR4105FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)45mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast SwitchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 55 VDSSV Gate-

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRF4104IIRF4104FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 5.5mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONreliable device for use in a wide variety of applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM R

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFI4410Z,IIRFI4410ZFEATURESLow drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 9.3m (max)Enhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONDevice for use in a wide variety of applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor 2SK4108FEATURESDrain Current : I = 20A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage: V = 500V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.27(Max) @ V = 10VDS(on) GS100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONmotor drive, DC-DC converter, power switchand soleno

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFB4410IIRFB4410FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 10mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONreliable device for use in a wide variety of applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMU

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOI4102FEATURESDrain Current I = 19A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =30V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =37m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpose a

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOT410LFEATURESDrain Current I = 150A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 100V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 6.5m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONBe suitable for synchronous rectification for server andgen

isc P-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFR5410,IIRFR5410FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)205mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITION175C operating junction temperatureABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Vol

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFU4104FEATURESWith TO-251(IPAK) packagingHigh speed switchingEasy to use100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSPower supplyDC-DC convertersMotor controlSwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UN

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4105DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 400V(Min.)(BR)CEOHigh Switching SpeedWide Area of Safe OperationMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for switching regulator applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25)SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRLU3410FEATURESWith TO-251(IPAK) packagingHigh speed switchingEasy to use100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSPower supplyDC-DC convertersMotor controlSwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UN

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFB4410ZIIRFB4410ZFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 9.0mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONreliable device for use in a wide variety of applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIM

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IPP410N30NIIPP410N30NFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 41mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONOptimized for hard commutation ruggednessABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMET

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOB410LFEATURESDrain Current I = 150A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 100V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 6.2m(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONBe suitable for synchronous rectification for server andgen

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor BUF410AIDESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 450V(Min.)CEO(SUS)High Speed Switching100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use in high-frequency power supplies andmotor control applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor BUF410IDESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 450V(Min.)CEO(SUS)High Speed Switching100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use in high-frequency power supplies andmotor control applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)a

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFU3410FEATURESWith TO-251(IPAK) packagingHigh speed switchingEasy to use100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSPower supplyDC-DC convertersMotor controlSwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UN

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFR4104, IIRFR4104FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)5.5mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONFast switchingABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 40 VDSSV Gate

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFSL4410ZFEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 9.0mEnhancement modeFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONreliable device for use in a wide variety of applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T

isc P-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFU5410FEATURESStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on)205mEnhancement mode:100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITION175C operating junction temperatureABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage -100
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History: ISC3249AS1 | IDI8003 | BSP62T1 | DDTA124XE | F110 | 2N915A | 2SA403
History: ISC3249AS1 | IDI8003 | BSP62T1 | DDTA124XE | F110 | 2N915A | 2SA403

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