BC107BP Todos los transistores


BC107BP . Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características

   Número de Parte: BC107BP
   Material: Si
   Polaridad de transistor: NPN


   Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 0.3 W
   Tensión colector-base (Vcb): 50 V
   Tensión colector-emisor (Vce): 45 V
   Tensión emisor-base (Veb): 6 V
   Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 0.1 A
   Temperatura operativa máxima (Tj): 175 °C


   Transición de frecuencia (ft): 150 MHz
   Capacitancia de salida (Cc): 5 pF
   Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 200
   Paquete / Cubierta: TO18
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BC107BP Datasheet (PDF)

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BC107BC107BLow noise general purpose audio amplifiersDescriptionThe BC107 and BC107B are silicon planarepitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are suitable for use in driver stages, lownoise input stages and signal processing circuitsof television receivers. The PNP complementarytypes are BC177 and BC177B respectively.TO-18Internal schematic diagramOrder code

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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETM3D125BC107; BC108; BC109NPN general purpose transistors1997 Sep 03Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Jun 03File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN general purpose transistors BC107; BC108; BC109FEATURES PINNING Low current (max. 100 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max.

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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETM3D125BC107; BC108; BC109NPN general purpose transistors1997 Sep 03Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Jun 03File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN general purpose transistors BC107; BC108; BC109FEATURES PINNING Low current (max. 100 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max.

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BC107BC108-BC109LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERSDESCRIPTIONThe BC107, BC108 and BC109 are silicon planarepitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case.Theyare suitable for use in driver stages, low noise inputstages and signal processing circuits of televisionreceivers. The complementary PNP types are re-spectively the BC177, BC178 and BC179.TO-18INTERNAL SCHEMATI

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