2N530 . Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características
Número de Parte: 2N530
Material: Ge
Polaridad de transistor: PNP
Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 0.15 W
Tensión colector-base (Vcb): 15 V
Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 0.025 A
Temperatura operativa máxima (Tj): 85 °C
Transición de frecuencia (ft): 1 MHz
Capacitancia de salida (Cc): 28 pF
Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 23
Paquete / Cubierta: TO5
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2N530 Datasheet (PDF)
2n5301 2n5302 2n5303.pdf

Order this documentMOTOROLAby 2N5301/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA2N53012N5302High-Power NPN Silicon2N5303Transistors. . . for use in power amplifier and switching circuits applications.20 AND 30 AMPERE High CollectorEmitter Sustaining Voltage POWER TRANSISTORSVCEO(sus) = 80 Vdc (Min) @ IC = 200 mAdc (2N5303)NPN SILICON Low CollectorEmitter Saturatio

2N5306NPN Darlington Transistor This device is designed for applications requiring extremely high current gain at currents to 1.0A. Sourced from process 05. See MPSA14 for characteristics.TO-9211. Emitter 2. Collector 3. BaseAbsolute Maximum Ratings * TA=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 25 VVCBO Collector-Bas

2N5308NPN Darlington Transistor This device is designed for applications requiring extremely high current gain at currents to 1.0A. Sourced from process 05. See MPSA14 for characteristics.TO-9211. Emitter 2. Collector 3. BaseAbsolute Maximum Ratings * TA=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 40 VVCBO Collector-Bas

2N5307NPN General Purpose Amplifier This device designed for applications requiring extremely high current gain at currents to 1.0A. Sourced from Process 05. See MPSA14 for characteristics.TO-9211. Emitter 2. Collector 3. BaseNPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings* Ta=25C unless otherwise noted Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCEO Collector-Emit
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History: A1020 | STX715 | BCV61B | KSD1691Y | MMBC1622D7 | BC302 | MD2218F
History: A1020 | STX715 | BCV61B | KSD1691Y | MMBC1622D7 | BC302 | MD2218F

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