. Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características
Número de Parte: ZXTN2031F
Material: Si
Polaridad de transistor: NPN
Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 1.2
Tensión colector-emisor (Vce): 50
Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 5
Transición de frecuencia (ft): 125
Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 200
Paquete / Cubierta:
Búsqueda de reemplazo de transistor bipolar ZXTN2031F
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:401K diodes
A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated ZXTN2031F 50V NPN MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR IN SOT23 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 50V Case: SOT23 BVCEV > 80V Forward Blocking Voltage Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound IC = 5A high Continuous Collector Current UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 ICM = 12A Peak Collector Current
7.1. Size:130K diodes
A Product Line ofDiodes IncorporatedZXTN2038FSOT23 80 volt NPN silicon planar medium power transistorSummary V(BR)CEV > 80VV(BR)CEO > 60VIc(cont) = 1A Vce(sat)
8.1. Size:483K diodes
A Product Line ofDiodes IncorporatedZXTN2040F40V NPN MEDIUM POWER PLANAR TRANSISTOR IN SOT23 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 40V Case: SOT23 IC = 1A Continuous Collector Current Case material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound Low Saturation Voltage VCE(sat)
8.2. Size:135K diodes
ZXTN2007Z30V NPN LOW SATURATION MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR IN SOT89SUMMARYBVCEO = 30V : RSAT = 23m ; IC = 6.0ADESCRIPTIONPackaged in the SOT89 outline this new low saturation 30V NPN transistoroffers extremely low on state losses making it ideal for use in DC-DC circuitsand various driving and power management functions.FEATURESSOT89 Extemely low equivalent on-resistance; RS
8.3. Size:483K diodes
ZXTN2010G Green60V NPN MEDIUM POWER LOW SATURATION TRANSISTOR SOT223 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 60V Case: SOT223 IC = 6A Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound; ICM = 20A Peak Pulse Current UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 Low Saturation Voltage VCE(SAT)
8.4. Size:523K diodes
ZXTN2005ZQ 25V NPN LOW SATURATION MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR IN SOT89 Description Mechanical Data Case: SOT89 This Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is designed to meet the stringent requirement of Automotive Applications. Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound. UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020 Features
8.5. Size:507K diodes
ZXTN2018F60V, SOT23, NPN medium power transistorSummaryV(BR)CEV > 140V, V(BR)CEO > 60VIC(cont) = 5A RCE(sat) = 25 m typicalVCE(sat)
8.6. Size:119K diodes
ZXTN2010A60V NPN LOW SATURATION MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR IN E-LINESUMMARYBVCEO = 60V : RSAT = 34m ; IC = 4.5ADESCRIPTIONPackaged in the E-line outline this new low saturation 60V NPN transistoroffers extremely low on state losses making it ideal for use in DC-DC circuitsand various driving and power management functions.FEATURESE-LINE Extemely low equivalent on-resistance;
8.7. Size:471K diodes
A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated GreenZXTN2005G 25V NPN LOW SATURATION TRANSISTOR IN SOT223 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 60V Case: SOT223 IC = 7A Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound; ICM = 20A Peak Pulse Current UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 Low Saturation Voltage VCE(sat)
8.8. Size:431K diodes
GreenZXTN2007G 30V NPN MEDIUM POWER LOW SATURATION TRANSISTOR IN SOT223 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 30V Case: SOT223 IC = 7A Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound. ICM = 20A Peak Pulse Current UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 Low Saturation Voltage VCE(SAT)
8.9. Size:420K diodes
ZXTN2010Z Green60V NPN LOW SATURATION MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR IN SOT89 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 60V Case: SOT89 IC = 5A High Continuous Current Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound. UL RSAT = 30m for a Low Equivalent On-Resistance Flammability Rating 94V-0 Low Saturation Voltage VCE(SAT)
8.10. Size:250K diodes
A Product Line ofDiodes IncorporatedGreen ZXTN2011Z100V NPN LOW SATURATION MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR IN SOT89 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 100V Case: SOT89 IC = 4.5A high Continuous Current Case material: molded plastic. Green molding compound. ICM = 10A Peak Pulse Current UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 RCE(sat) = 31m for a low equivalent On
8.11. Size:104K diodes
ZXTN2005Z25V NPN LOW SATURATION MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR IN SOT89SUMMARYBVCEO = 25V : RSAT = 25m ; IC = 5.5ADESCRIPTIONPackaged in the SOT89 outline this new low saturation 25V NPN transistoroffers extremely low on state losses making it ideal for use in DC-DC circuitsand various driving and power management functions.FEATURES Extremely low equivalent on-resistance; RSAT = 2
8.12. Size:447K diodes
ZXTN2011G Green100V NPN MEDIUM POWER LOW SATURATION TRANSISTOR IN SOT223 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 100V Case: SOT223 IC = 6A Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound. ICM = 10A Peak Pulse Current UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 Low Saturation Voltage VCE(sat)
8.13. Size:516K diodes
ZXTN2020F100V, SOT23, NPN medium power transistorSummary V(BR)CEV > 160V, V(BR)CEO > 100VIC(cont) = 4A RCE(sat) = 30m typicalVCE(sat)
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