TPCP8601 . Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características
Número de Parte: TPCP8601
Código: 8601
Material: Si
Polaridad de transistor: PNP
Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 1.3 W
Tensión colector-base (Vcb): 20 V
Tensión colector-emisor (Vce): 20 V
Tensión emisor-base (Veb): 7 V
Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 4 A
Temperatura operativa máxima (Tj): 150 °C
Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 200
Paquete / Cubierta: PS8
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TPCP8601 Datasheet (PDF)

TPCP8601 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT Process) TPCP8601 High-Speed Switching Applications Unit: mmDC-DC Converter Applications 0.330.05 0.05 M A8 5Strobo Flash Applications High DC current gain: hFE = 200 to 500 (IC = -0.6 A) Low collector-emitter saturation: VCE (sat) = -0.19 V (max) 0.475 1 4B High-speed switching: tf = 35 ns (typ.

TPCP8603 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type TPCP8603 High-Speed Switching Applications Unit: mmDC/DC Converters 0.330.05 0.05 M A8 5Strobe Applications High DC current gain: hFE = 120300 (IC = -0.1 A) Low collector-emitter saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = -0.2 V (max) 0.475 1 4B0.05 M B0.65 High-speed switching: tf = 120 ns (typ.) 2.9

TPCP8604 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Mesa Type TPCP8604 High-Voltage Switching Applications Unit: mm0.330.05High breakdown voltage: VCEO = -400 V 0.05 M A8 5Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C) Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit0.475 1 4BCollector-base voltage VCBO -400 V0.05 M B0.65Collector-emitter voltage VCEO -400 V 2.90.1AEmitte

TPCP8602 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type TPCP8602 High-Speed Switching Applications Unit: mmDC-DC Converter Applications 0.330.05 0.05 M A8 5Strobe Flash Applications High DC current gain: hFE = 200 to 500 (IC = -0.3 A) Low collector-emitter saturation: VCE (sat) = -0.2 V (max) 0.475 1 4 High-speed switching: tf = 90 ns (typ.) B0.05 M B
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