MMBT9018LT1 . Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características
Número de Parte: MMBT9018LT1
Código: T33_F3X
Material: Si
Polaridad de transistor: NPN
Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 0.225 W
Tensión colector-base (Vcb): 30 V
Tensión colector-emisor (Vce): 15 V
Tensión emisor-base (Veb): 5 V
Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 0.05 A
Temperatura operativa máxima (Tj): 150 °C
Transición de frecuencia (ft): 700 MHz
Capacitancia de salida (Cc): 1.3 pF
Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 28
Paquete / Cubierta: SOT-23
Búsqueda de reemplazo de transistor bipolar MMBT9018LT1
MMBT9018LT1 Datasheet (PDF)
RoHS MMBT9018LT1NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR SOT-233AM/FM IF AMPLIFIER,LOCAL OSCILATOR1OF FM/VHF TUNER High Current Gain Bandwidth2 Product fT=1100MHz1.1.BASE2.EMITTER2.43.COLLECTOR1.3Unit:mmoABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 C)Symbol Rating UnitCharacteristicCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 30 VCollector-Emitter Voltage VVCEO 15VEmitter-Base Vol
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MMBT9018 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR AM/FM AMPLIFIER, LOCAL 3OSCILLATOR OF FM/VHF TUNER 12SOT-23 FEATURES * High Current Gain Bandwidth Product 3f T = 1.1GHz (Typ) 12SOT-523 ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Pin Assignment Package Packing Lead Free Plating Halogen Free 1 2 3 MMBT9018L-x-AE3-R MMBT9018G-x-AE3-R SOT-23 E B
mmbt9018g mmbt9018h.pdf
MMBT9018G / MMBT9018H NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for AM/FM amplifier and local oscillator of FM/VHF tuner applications. SOT-23 Plastic PackageOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (T = 25 C)aParameter Symbol Value Unit Collector Base Voltage VCBO 30 V Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO 15 V Emitter Base Voltage VEBO 5 V Collector Current IC 50 mA Power Dissipation Ptot 20
UTC MMBT9012 PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR 1W OUTPUT AMPLIFIER OF POTABLE RADIOS IN CLASS B PUSH-PULL OPERATION FEATURES 2*High total power dissipation. (625mW) 1*High collector current. (-500mA) *Excellent hFE linearity *Complementary to UTC MMBT9013 3MARKING 12SOT-231: EMITTER 2: BASE 3: COLLECTOR ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25C, unless otherwise specifie
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MMBT9015 PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR PRE-AMPLIFIER, LOW LEVEL & LOW NOISE 3 FEATURES *High total power dissipation. (450mW) 1*Excellent hFE linearity. 2*Complementary to UTC MMBT9014 SOT-23(JEDEC TO-236) ORDERING INFORMATION Pin Assignment Ordering Number Package Packing 1 2 3MMBT9015G-x-AE3-R SOT-23 E B C Tape ReelNote: Pin As
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MMBT9014 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR PRE-AMPLIFIER, LOW LEVEL & LOW NOISE 3 FEATURES * High Total Power Dissipation. (450mW) 1* Excellent hFE Linearity. 2* Complementary to UTC MMBT9015 SOT-23(JEDEC TO-236) ORDERING INFORMATION Pin Assignment Ordering Number Package Packing 1 2 3MMBT9014G-x-AE3-R SOT-23 E B C Tape ReelNote: Pin
mmbt9012g-d mmbt9012g-e mmbt9012g-f mmbt9012g-g mmbt9012g-h mmbt9012g-i.pdf
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MMBT9012 PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR 1W OUTPUT AMPLIFIER OF POTABLE RADIOS IN CLASS B PUSH-PULL OPERATION 3 FEATURES 12*High total power dissipation. (625mW) SOT-23*High collector current. (-500mA) (JEDEC TO-236)*Excellent hFE linearity *Complementary to UTC MMBT9013 ORDERING INFORMATION Pin Assignment Ordering Number Package P
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MMBT9013 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR 1W OUTPUT AMPLIFIER OF POTABLE RADIOS IN CLASS B PUSH-PULL OPERATION FEATURES *High total Power Dissipation. (625mW) *High Collector Current. (500mA) *Excellent hFE linearity. *Complementary to UTC MMBT9012 ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Pin Assignment Package Packing Normal Lead Free Halogen Fre
mmbt9013g mmbt9013h.pdf
MMBT9013 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and amplifier applications. As complementary types the PNP transistor MMBT9012 is recommended. TO-236 Plastic PackageOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage VCBO 40 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 30 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current IC 500 mAPo
mmbt9012g mmbt9012h.pdf
MMBT9012 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and amplifier applications. TO-236 Plastic PackageOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage -VCBO 40 VCollector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 30 VEmitter Base Voltage -VEBO 5 VCollector Current -IC 500 mA Power Dissipation Ptot 200 mWOJunction Temperature Tj 150 C O
mmbt9014b mmbt9014c mmbt9014d.pdf
MMBT9014 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications As complementary types the PNP transistor MMBT9015 is recommended. TO-236 Plastic Package OAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current IC 100 mA
mmbt9015b mmbt9015c mmbt9015d.pdf
MMBT9015B / MMBT9015C / MMBT9015D PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and AF amplifier applications. As complementary types the NPN transistor MMBT9014B, MMBT9014C and MMBT9014D are recommended. SOT-23 Plastic Package OAbsolute Maximum Ratings (T = 25 C)aParameter Symbol Value Unit Collector Base Voltage -VCBO 50 V Collector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 45 V
MMBT9012H-H35 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and amplifier applications. TO-236 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage -VCBO 40 VCollector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 30 VEmitter Base Voltage -VEBO 5 VCollector Current -IC 500 mA Power Dissipation Ptot 200 mWJunction Temperature Tj 150
MMBT9014C1 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications As complementary types the PNP transistor MMBT9015 is recommended. 1.Base 2.Emitter 3.Collector TO-236 Plastic Package OAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO
MMBT9012H-H23 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and amplifier applications. TO-236 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage -VCBO 40 VCollector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 30 VEmitter Base Voltage -VEBO 5 VCollector Current -IC 500 mA Power Dissipation Ptot 200 mWOJunction Temperature Tj 150 C
RoHS MMBT9012LT1PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR SOT-2331W OUTPUT AMPLIFIER OF PORTABLE1RADIOS IN CLASSB PUSH-PULL OPERATION21.1.BASE Complement to 9013G2.EMITTER Collector Current :Ic=-500mA2.43.COLLECTOR1.3 High Total Power Dissipation Pc=225mW Unit:mmoABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 C)Symbol Rating UnitCharacteristicCollector-Base Voltage VCBO
RoHS MMBT9014LT1 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR SOT-233PRF-AMPLIFIER,LOW LEVEL&LOW NOISE1 Complemen to MMPT9015LT1 Collector-current:Ic=100mA 2 Collector-Emiller Voltage:VCE=45V1.1.BASE High Totalpower Dissipation Pc=225mW2.EMITTER High life And Good Linearity2.43.COLLECTOR1.3Unit:mmoABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 C)Symbol Rating UnitCharacterist
RoHS MMBT9015LT1PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR SOT-233LOW FREQRENCY,LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER1 Complemen to MMPT9014LT1 Collector-current:Ic=-100mA 2 Collector-Emiller Voltage:VCE=-45V1.1.BASE2.EMITTER2.43.COLLECTOR1.3Unit:mmoABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 C)Symbol Rating UnitCharacteristicCollector-Base Voltage VCBO -50 VCollector-Emitter Voltage VV
RoHS MMBT9013LT1NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR SOT-2331W OUTPUT AMPLIFIER OF PORTABLE1RADIOS IN CLASSB PUSH-PULL OPERATION21.1.BASE Complement to 90122.EMITTER Collector Current :Ic=500mA2.43.COLLECTOR1.3 High Total Power Dissipation Pc=225mW Unit:mmoABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 C)Symbol Rating UnitCharacteristicCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 40
mmbt9012g mmbt9012h.pdf
MMBT9012 PNP Transistor Features SOT-23 For Switching and AF Amplifer Applications.Equivalent Circuit 1.Base 2.Emitter 3.Collector3.CollectorMarking Code : MMBT9012G : K2 1.BaseMMBT9012H : K32. Emitter.Absolute Maximum Ratings Ratings at 25 ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage -V 40 VCBOCollec
mmbt9015-b mmbt9015-c mmbt9015-d.pdf
MMBT9015 PNP Transistor FeaturesSOT-23 (TO-236) For Switching and Amplifier Applications. As Complementary Type of the PNP TransistorMMBT9014 is Recommended.1.Base 2.Emitter 3.CollectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ratings at 25 ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage -V 50 V CBOCollector Emitter Voltage
mmbt9013-g mmbt9013-h.pdf
MMBT9013 NPN Transistor FeaturesSOT-23 (TO-236) For Switching and Amplifier Applications. As Complementary Type of the PNP TransistorMMBT9012 is Recommended.1.Base 2.Emitter 3.CollectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ratings at 25 ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage V 40 V CBOCollector Emitter Voltage V
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