BCX55TC . Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características
Número de Parte: BCX55TC
Código: BE
Material: Si
Polaridad de transistor: NPN
Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 1 W
Tensión colector-base (Vcb): 60 V
Tensión colector-emisor (Vce): 60 V
Tensión emisor-base (Veb): 6 V
Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 1 A
Temperatura operativa máxima (Tj): 150 °C
Transición de frecuencia (ft): 150 MHz
Capacitancia de salida (Cc): 25 pF
Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 40
Paquete / Cubierta: SOT89
Búsqueda de reemplazo de transistor bipolar BCX55TC
BCX55TC Datasheet (PDF)
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BCX54 /55 /56 NPN MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTORS IN SOT89 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 45V, 60V & 80V Case: SOT89 Ic = 1A Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound; ICM = 2A Peak Pulse Current UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 Low Saturation Voltage VCE(sat)
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BCX55T series60 V, 1 A NPN power bipolar transistorsRev. 1 22 August 2019 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1. General descriptionNPN power transistors in a medium power SOT89 (SC-62) flat lead Surface-Mounted Device(SMD) plastic package.Table 1. Product overviewType number Package PNP complementNexperia JEDECBCX55T SOT89 SC-62 BCX52TBCX55-10T BCX52-10TBCX55-16T
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BC637; BCP55; BCX5560 V, 1 A NPN medium power transistorsRev. 07 25 June 2007 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN medium power transistor series.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNXP JEITA JEDECBC637[2] SOT54 SC-43A TO-92 BC638BCP55 SOT223 SC-73 - BCP52BCX55 SOT89 SC-62 TO-243 BCX52[1] Valid for all available sel
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETook, halfpageM3D109BCX54; BCX55; BCX56NPN medium power transistors1999 Apr 19Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Mar 24Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN medium power transistors BCX54; BCX55; BCX56FEATURES PINNING High current (max. 1 A)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 80 V).1 emitter2 collectorAPP
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BCP55; BCX55; BC55PA60 V, 1 A NPN medium power transistorsRev. 8 24 October 2011 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN medium power transistor series in Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic packages.Table 1. Product overviewType number[1] Package PNP complementNexperia JEITA JEDECBCP55 SOT223 SC-73 - BCP52BCX55 SOT89 SC-62 TO-243 BCX52BC55PA SO
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NPN Silicon AF Transistors BCX 54 BCX 56Features For AF driver and output stages High collector current Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BCX 51 BCX 53 (PNP)Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration Package1)(tape and reel) 1 2 3BCX 54 BA Q62702-C954 B C E SOT-89BCX 54-10 BC Q62702-C1861BCX 54-16 BD Q62702-C1731BCX 55 BE Q62702-C1729
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BCX54 ...- BCX56...NPN Silicon AF Transistors1 For AF driver and output stages2 High collector current 32 Low collctor-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BCX51...BCX53 (PNP) Pb-free (RoHS compliant) package Qualified according AEC Q101Type Marking Pin Configuration PackageBCX54-16 BD 1=B 2=C 3=E SOT89 BCX55 BE 1=B 2=C 3=E SOT89 BCX55-16
BCX55NPN TransistorsElektronische BauelementePlastic-Encapsulate TransistorsRoHS Compliant Product12SOT-8931.BASE4.4~4.62.COLLECTOR1.4~1.81.4~1.63.EMITTERFeatures Power dissipation 0.36~0.56 PCM: 0.5 W (Tamb=25o ) C Collector current 0.32~0.520.35~0.441.5Ref. ICM: 1 A 2.9~3.1 Collector-base voltage V(BR)CBO: 60 V Dimensision in Millimete
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JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-89-3L Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors SOT-89-3L BCX54,BCX55,BCX56 TRANSISTOR (NPN) 1. BASE FEATURES 2. COLLECTOR PNP Complements to BCX51,BCX52,BCX53 Low Voltage3. EMITTER High CurrentAPPLICATIONS Driver Stages of Audio Amplifiers MARKING:BCX54:BA, BCX54-10:BC, BCX54-16:BD BCX55:BE, BCX55-10:BG, BCX55-16B
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BCX54 ,BCX55,BCX56 TRANSISTOR (NPN) SOT-89-3L FEATURES PNP Complements to BCX51,BCX52,BCX53 1. BASE Low Voltage High Current2. COLLECTOR 3. EMITTER APPLICATIONS Driver Stages of Audio Amplifiers MARKING:BCX54:BA, BCX54-10:BC, BCX54-16:BD BCX55:BE, BCX55-10:BG, BCX55-16BM BCX56:BH, BCX56-10:BK, BCX56-16:BL MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) S
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BCX54-BCX56 NPN Silicon AF TransistorsSOT-894.6B4. For AF driver and output stages 0.8MIN0.53High collector current 0.400.480.442x)0.13 B0.35 0.371.5 Low collector-emitter saturation voltage 3.0 Complementary types:BCX51BCX53(PNP)Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)Ordering InformationT
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BCX54/BCX55/BCX56NPN Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorP b Lead(Pb)-Free1. BASE 12. COLLECTOR23FEATURES 3. EMITTERHigh current SOT-89Low voltage Medium power general purposes Driver stages of audio amplifiers. MAKING: BCX54:BA BCX54-10:BC BCX54-16:BD BCX55:BE BCX55-10:BG BCX52-16:BM BCX56:BH BCX56-10:BK BCX56-16:BL MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted)
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FM120-M BCX55 WILLASTHRU SOT-89 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsBCX56FM1200-M1.0A SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS -20V- 200VSOD-123 PACKAGE Pb Free ProducPackage outlineFeatures Batch process design, excellent power dissipation offers better reverse leakage current and thermal resistance.SOD-123H Low profile surface mounted application in order to
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SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors BCX54,BCX55,BCX56(KCX54 ,KCX55,KCX56)1.70 0.1FeaturesHigh current (max. 1 A).Low voltage (max. 80 V).0.42 0.10.46 0.11.Base2.Collector3.EmitterAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage BCX54 VCBO 45 VBCX55 60 VBCX56 100 VCollector-emitter voltage BCX54 VCEO 45 VBCX55 60 VBCX56 80
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BCX54/BCX55/BCX56NPN Silicon AF Transistors FEATURES For AF driver and output stages Pb High collector current Lead-free Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BCX51BCX53(PNP) SOT-89 ORDERING INFORMATION Type No. Marking Package Code BCX54 BA SOT-89 BCX54-10 BC SOT-89 BCX54-16 BD SOT-89 BCX55 BE SOT-89 BCX55-10 BG SOT-89
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BCX54/BCX55/BCX56NPN TransistorsFeaturesHigh current (max. 1 A).Low voltage (max. 80 V).321.Base2.Collector13.Emitter Simplified outline(SOT-89)Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage BCX54 VCBO 45 VBCX55 60 VBCX56 100 VCollector-emitter voltage BCX54 VCEO 45 VBCX55 60 VBCX56 80 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 5 V
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BCX54,BCX55,BCX56 TRANSISTOR(NPN)SOT-89-3L SOT-89-3LPlastic-Encapsulate TransistorsSOT-89-3L Features BCX51,BCX52,BCX53 ; Complementary to BCX51,BCX52,BCX53 500mW; Power Dissipation of 500mW High Stability and High Reliability Mechanical Data : SOT-89-3L SO
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BCX54 THRU BCX56BCX54 THRU BCX56BCX54 THRU BCX56BCX54 THRU BCX56BCX54 THRU BCX56 TRANSISTOR(NPN)FEATURE SOT-89 PNP Complements to BCX51,BCX52,BCX53 Low Voltage High Current1. BASE 2. COLLECTOR 3. EMITTER APPLICATIONS Driver Stages of Audio Amplifiers MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Unit BCX54 45VCBO Collector-Base Vo
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BCX54-BCX56SOT-89-3L BCX54,BCX55,BCX56 TRANSISTOR (NPN)1. BASEFEATURES 2. COLLECTOR PNP Complements to BCX51,BCX52,BCX53 Low Voltage3. EMITTER High CurrentAPPLICATIONS Driver Stages of Audio AmplifiersMARKING:BCX54:BA, BCX54-10:BC, BCX54-16:BD BCX55:BE, BCX55-10:BG, BCX55-16BM BCX56:B H, BCX56-10:BK, BCX56-16:BL MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted)
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Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors BCX54/BCX55/BCX56 FEATURES (NPN) For AF driver and output stages High collector current Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types:BCX51BCX53(PNP) ORDERING INFORMATION Type No. Marking Package Code 1. BASE BCX54 BA SOT-89 2. COLLECTO SOT-89 BCX54-10 BC SOT-89 BCX54-16 BD SOT-89 3. EMITTER BCX55 BE SOT-89
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YFSEMI ELECTRONNPN Silicon AF Transistors BCX54/BCX55/BCX56 FEATURES For AF driver and output stages Pb High collector current Lead-free Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BCX51BCX53(PNP) SOT-89 ORDERING INFORMATION Type No. Marking Package Code BCX54 BA SOT-89 BCX54-10 BC SOT-89 BCX54-16 BD SOT-89 BCX55 BE S
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1Jiangsu Weida Semiconductor Co., Ltd.NPN TransistorsBCX54,BCX55,BCX56(KCX54 ,KCX55,KCX56)FeaturesHigh current (max. 1A).Low voltage (max.80V).Package:SOT-89-3L.SOT-89-3L1:B 2:C 3:EAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitBCX54 45 VVCBOCollector-base voltageBCX55 60 VBCX56 100 VBCX54 45 VVCEOCollector-emitter voltageBCX55
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