. Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características
Número de Parte: 2SA1381E
Material: Si
Polaridad de transistor: PNP
Disipación total del dispositivo (Pc): 1
Tensión colector-base (Vcb): 300
Tensión colector-emisor (Vce): 300
Tensión emisor-base (Veb): 5
Corriente del colector DC máxima (Ic): 0.1
Temperatura operativa máxima (Tj): 150
Transición de frecuencia (ft): 150
Ganancia de corriente contínua (hfe): 100
Paquete / Cubierta:
- Selección de transistores por parámetros
Datasheet (PDF)
7.1. Size:158K sanyo
2sa1381 2sc3503.pdf 

Ordering number:EN1426BPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SA1381/2SC3503High-Definition CRT Display,Video Output ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage : VCEO 300V.unit:mm Small reverse transfer capacitance and excellent high2009Afrequency characteristic[2SA1381/2SC3503]: Cre=1.8 pF (NPN), 2.3pF (PNP), VCB=30V. Adoption of
7.2. Size:157K fairchild semi
ksa1381 2sa1381.pdf 

March 20082SA1381/KSA1381PNP Epitaxial Silicon TransistorApplications Audio, Voltage Amplifier and Current Source CRT Display, Video Output General Purpose Amplifier Features High Voltage : VCEO= -300V Low Reverse Transfer Capacitance : Cre= 2.3pF at VCB = -30VTO-1261 Excellent Gain Linearity for low THD1. Emitter 2.Collector 3.Base High Frequenc
8.2. Size:307K toshiba

2SA1384 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Triple Diffused Type (PCT process) 2SA1384 HIGH Voltage Control Applications Unit: mm Plasma Display, Nixie Tube Driver Applications Cathode Ray Tube Brightness Control Applications High voltage: VCBO = -300 V, V = -300 V CEO Low saturation voltage: V = -0.5 V (max) CE (sat) Small collector output capacitance: C = 6 pF (typ
8.4. Size:156K sanyo

Ordering number:EN1425CPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SA1380/2SC3502Ultrahigh-Definition CRT Display,Video Output ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High breakdown voltage : VCEO 200V.unit:mm Small reverse transfer capacitance and excellent2009Bhigh-frequnecy characteristics[2SA1380/2SC3502]: Cre=1.2pF (NPN), 1.7pF (PNP), VCB=30V. Adoptio
8.8. Size:155K jmnic

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SA1383 DESCRIPTION With TO-220 package Complement to type 2SC3514 High transition frequency APPLICATIONS Designed for use in audio frequency power amplifier applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter Collector;connected to 2 mounting base Fig.1 simplified outline (TO-220) and symbol3 BaseAbs
8.9. Size:216K jmnic

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SA1388 DESCRIPTION With TO-220Fa package Low collector saturation voltage High speed switching time Complementary to 2SC3540 APPLICATIONS High current switching applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter 2 Collector3 BaseAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VALUE UNI
8.10. Size:160K jmnic

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SA1389 DESCRIPTION With MT-200 package Fast switching speed Excellent safe operating area APPLICATIONS High frequency power amplifiers Audio power amplifiers Switching regulators DC-DC converters PINNING(see Fig.2) PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base Collector;connected to 2 mounting base Fig.1 simplifi
8.11. Size:206K jmnic

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SA1387 DESCRIPTION With TO-220Fa package Low collector saturation voltage High speed switching time High DC current gain APPLICATIONS High current switching applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter 2 Collector3 BaseAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VALUE UNITV
8.12. Size:183K jmnic
2sa1386 2sa1386a.pdf 

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SA1386 2SA1386A DESCRIPTION With TO-3PN package Complement to type 2SC3519/3519A APPLICATIONS Audio and general purpose PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base Collector;connected to 2 mounting base Fig.1 simplified outline (TO-3PN) and symbol 3 EmitterAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITI
8.13. Size:28K sanken-ele

LAPT 2SA1386/1386ASilicon PNP Epitaxial Planar Transistor (Complement to type 2SC3519/A)Application : Audio and General PurposeExternal Dimensions MT-100(TO3P) Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25C)Ratings RatingsSymbol Unit Symbol Conditions Unit0.24.80.415.62SA1386 2SA1386A 2SA1386 2SA1386A0.19.6 2.0VCBO 160 180 V 1
8.14. Size:213K nell

RoHS 2SA1386B Series RoHS SEMICONDUCTORNell High Power ProductsSilicon PNP Epitaxial Planar Transistor(Complement to type 2SC3519B)-15A/-160V,-180V/130W15.,1TO-3P(B)23+0.2+0.20.651.05-0.1-0.1FEATURES5.450.1 5.450.11.4 Recommend for 105W high Fiderity audio frequency B C E amplifier output stageC Complem
8.15. Size:213K nell

RoHS 2SA1386B Series RoHS SEMICONDUCTORNell High Power ProductsSilicon PNP Epitaxial Planar Transistor(Complement to type 2SC3519B)-15A/-160V,-180V/130W15.,1TO-3P(B)23+0.2+0.20.651.05-0.1-0.1FEATURES5.450.1 5.450.11.4 Recommend for 105W high Fiderity audio frequency B C E amplifier output stageC Complem
8.16. Size:1535K kexin

SMD Type TransistorsPNP Transistors 2SA1385-ZTO-252Unit: mm+0.156.50-0.15+0.12.30 -0.1+0.25.30-0.2 +0.80.50 -0.7FeaturesLow VCE(sat):VCE(sat)=-0.18 V TYP. Complement to 2SC3518-Z0.127+0.10.80-0.1max+ 0.11 Base2.3 0.60- 0.1+0.154.60 -0.152 Collector3 EmitterAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base volta
8.17. Size:1306K kexin

SMD Type TransistorsPNP Transistors2SA1384SOT-89Unit:mm1.70 0.1 Features Collector Current Capability IC=-0.1A Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=-300V Complementary to 2SC35150.42 0.10.46 0.11.Base2.Collector3.Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO -300 Collector - Emitter Voltage V
8.18. Size:195K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SA1383DESCRIPTIONTO-220 packageHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown VoltageGood Linearity of hFEMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSAdudio frequency power amplifierABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Collector-Base Voltage -180 VCBOV Collecto
8.19. Size:217K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SA1388DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage-: V = -0.4V(Max)@ I = -3ACE(sat) CHigh Switching SpeedComplement to Type 2SC3540Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high current switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VAL
8.20. Size:218K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SA1389DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-V = -160V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Speed SwitchingWide Area of Safe OperationMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSHigh frequency power amplifiersAudio power amplifiersSwitching regulatorsDC-DC convertersABSOLUTE MAXIMUM
8.21. Size:214K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SA1387DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain-: h = 150(Min.) @ I = -1AFE CHigh Switching SpeedLow Collector Saturation Voltage-: V = -0.4V(Max)@ I = -3ACE(sat) CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high current switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25
8.22. Size:220K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SA1386DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-V = -160V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFEComplement to Type 2SC3519Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSFor audio and general purpose applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT
8.23. Size:146K inchange semiconductor
2sa1386 a.pdf 

INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Product Specification isc Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SA1386/A DESCRIPTION Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage- V(BR)CEO= -160V(Min)-2SA1386 = -180V(Min)-2SA1386A Good Linearity of hFE Complement to Type 2SC3519/A APPLICATIONS Designed for audio and general purpose applications ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER VALU
8.24. Size:221K inchange semiconductor
2sa1386 2sa1386a.pdf 

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SA1386/ADESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-V = -160V(Min)-2SA1386(BR)CEO= -180V(Min)-2SA1386AGood Linearity of hFEComplement to Type 2SC3519/AMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for audio and general purpose applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =
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History: 2N2223L
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