IRGB4B60K IGBT. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: IRGB4B60K
Type: IGBT
Type of IGBT Channel: N
Pcⓘ - Maximum Power Dissipation: 63 W
|Vce|ⓘ - Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage: 600 V
|Vge|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Emitter Voltage: 20 V
|Ic|ⓘ - Maximum Collector Current: 12 A @25℃
|VCEsat|ⓘ - Collector-Emitter saturation Voltage, typ: 2.1 V @25℃
|VGEth|ⓘ - Maximum G-E Threshold Voltag: 5.5 V
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 175 ℃
trⓘ - Rise Time, typ: 18 nS
Coesⓘ - Output Capacitance, typ: 25 pF
Qgⓘ - Total Gate Charge, typ: 12 nC
Package: TO220AB
IRGB4B60K Transistor Equivalent Substitute - IGBT Cross-Reference Search
IRGB4B60K Datasheet (PDF)
PD - 94633AIRGB4B60KIRGS4B60KIRGSL4B60KINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTORFeaturesCVCES = 600V Low VCE (on) Non Punch Through IGBT Technology. 10s Short Circuit Capability.IC = 6.8A, TC=100C Square RBSOA. Positive VCE (on) Temperature Coefficient.G Maximum Junction Temperature rated at 175C. tsc > 10s, TJ=150CEVCE(on) typ. = 2.1VBenefits
PD - 94607BIRGB4B60KD1IRGS4B60KD1IRGSL4B60KD1INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE CVCES = 600VFeatures Low VCE (on) Non Punch Through IGBT Technology.IC = 7.6A, TC=100C 10s Short Circuit Capability.G Square RBSOA.tsc > 10s, TJ=150C Positive VCE (on) Temperature Coefficient.E Maximum Junction Temperature rated
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PD - 95616AIRGB4B60KD1PbFIRGS4B60KD1PbFIRGSL4B60KD1PbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE CVCES = 600VFeatures Low VCE (on) Non Punch Through IGBT Technology.IC = 7.6A, TC=100C 10s Short Circuit Capability.G Square RBSOA.tsc > 10s, TJ=150C Positive VCE (on) Temperature Coefficient.E Maximum Junction Temperatu
IRGB4715DPbF IRGS4715DPbF Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery Diode VCES = 650V C C IC = 15A, TC =100C tSC 5.5s, TJ(max) = 175C E C VCE(ON) typ. = 1.7V @ IC = 8A E GG G C EIRGS4715DPbFApplications IRGB4715DPbFn-channelD2PakTO220AB Industrial Motor Drive UPS G C E Solar Inverters Ga
IRGS4640DPbF IRGSL4640DPbF IRGB4640DPbF IRGP4640D(-E)PbF Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery Diode VCES = 600V CIC = 40A, TC =100C E E E E tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C E G C C C C C G G G G G EIRGP4640D-EPbF VCE(ON) typ. = 1.60V @ IC = 24A IRGS4640DPbF IRGP4640DPbF IRGSL4640DPbF IRGB4640DPbF TO-247AD D2Pak TO-247AC
PD - 97073BIRGB4060DPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHCULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEVCES = 600VFeaturesIC = 8.0A, TC = 100C Low VCE (on) Trench IGBT Technology Low Switching Losses Gtsc > 5s, Tjmax = 175C Maximum Junction temperature 175 C 5s SCSOAEVCE(on) typ. = 1.55V Square RBSOAn-channel 100% of The Parts Tested for 4X Rate
IRGB4062DPbFIRGP4062DPbFIRGP4062D-EPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODECFeaturesVCES = 600V Low VCE (ON) Trench IGBT Technology Low switching lossesIC = 24A, TC = 100C Maximum Junction temperature 175 C 5 S short circuit SOAG tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C Square RBSOA 100% of the parts tested for ILM E
PD - 9.783AIRGB430UINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR UltraFast IGBTFeaturesC Switching-loss rating includes all "tail" lossesVCES = 500V Optimized for high operating frequency (over 5kHz) See Fig. 1 for Current vs. Frequency curveVCE(sat) 3.0VG@VGE = 15V, IC = 15AEn-channelDescriptionInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) from International Rectifier
PD - 97188AIRGB4056DPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEFeatures Low VCE (ON) Trench IGBT Technology CVCES = 600V Low switching losses Maximum Junction temperature 175 CIC = 12A, TC = 100C 5 S short circuit SOA Square RBSOAG tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C 100% of the parts tested for 4X rated current (ILM)
IRGS4620DPbF IRGB4620DPbF IRGP4620D(-E)PbF Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery Diode CVCES = 600V C C C C IC = 20A, TC =100C E E E E C GC C C G tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C G G G EIRGS4620DPbF IRGB4620DPbF IRGP4620DPbF IRGP4620D-EPbF VCE(ON) typ. = 1.55V @ IC = 12A D2Pak TO-220AC TO-247AC TO-247AD n-channelApp
auirgb4062d auirgp4062d auirgp4062d-e.pdf
PD - 96353AUIRGB4062DAUIRGP4062DAUIRGP4062D-ECINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH VCES = 600VULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEIC = 24A, TC = 100CFeatures Low VCE (on) Trench IGBT TechnologyGtSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C Low Switching Losses 5s SCSOAE Square RBSOAVCE(on) typ. = 1.60V 100% of The Parts Tested for ILM n-channel Positive V
PD - 97269AIRGB4045DPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHCULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEVCES = 600VFeaturesIC = 6.0A, TC = 100C Low VCE (on) Trench IGBT TechnologyG Low Switching Lossestsc > 5s, Tjmax = 175C Maximum Junction temperature 175 C 5s SCSOA EVCE(on) typ. = 1.7V Square RBSOAn-channel 100% of the parts tested for ILM
PD - 9.1067IRGB430UD2INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR UltraFast CoPack IGBTWITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEFeaturesCVCES = 500V Switching-loss rating includes all "tail" losses HEXFREDTM soft ultrafast diodes Optimized for high operating frequency (over 5kHz)VCE(sat) 3.0V See Fig. 1 for Current vs. Frequency curveG@VGE = 15V, IC = 15AEn-channelDes
PD - 97072AIRGB4059DPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHCULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEVCES = 600VFeaturesIC = 4.0A, TC = 100C Low VCE (on) Trench IGBT Technology Low Switching LossesGtsc > 5s, Tjmax = 175C Maximum Junction temperature 175 C 5s SCSOAE Square RBSOAVCE(on) typ. = 1.75Vn-channel 100% of The Parts Tested for 4X Rat
PD - 9.1066IRGB420UD2INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR UltraFast CoPack IGBTWITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERYDIODEFeaturesCVCES = 500V Switching-loss rating includes all "tail" losses HEXFREDTM soft ultrafast diodes Optimized for high operating f requency (over 5kHz)VCE(sat) 2.9V See Fig. 1 for Current vs. Frequency curveG@VGE = 15V, IC = 7.5AEn-channel
PD - 9.782AIRGB440UINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR UltraFast IGBTFeaturesC Switching-loss rating includes all "tail" lossesVCES = 500V Optimized for high operating frequency (over 5kHz) See Fig. 1 for Current vs. Frequency curveVCE(sat) 3.0VG@VGE = 15V, IC = 22AEn-channelDescriptionInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) from International Rectifier
PD - 97189BIRGB4061DPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEFeatures Low VCE (ON) Trench IGBT Technology CVCES = 600V Low switching losses Maximum Junction temperature 175 CIC = 18A, TC = 100C 5 S short circuit SOA Square RBSOAG tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C 100% of the parts tested for 4X rated current (ILM)
PD - 96222IRGB4086PbFPDP TRENCH IGBTIRGS4086PbFKey ParametersFeaturesVCE min 300 Vl Advanced Trench IGBT TechnologyVCE(ON) typ. @ IC = 70Al Optimized for Sustain and Energy Recovery 1.90 VCircuits in PDP ApplicationsIRP max @ TC= 25C A250l Low VCE(on) and Energy per Pulse (EPULSETM)TJ max 150 Cfor Improved Panel Efficiencyl High Repetitive Peak Current Capabi
PD - 9.784AIRGB420UINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR UltraFast IGBTFeaturesC Switching-loss rating includes all "tail" lossesVCES = 500V Optimized for high operating frequency (over 5kHz)See Fig. 1 for Current vs. Frequency curveVCE(sat) 3.0VG@VGE = 15V, IC = 7.5AEn-channelDescriptionInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) from International Rectifier
IRGR4610DPbFIRGS4610DPbFIRGB4610DPbFInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery DiodeC CVCES = 600VCCIC = 10A, TC = 100CEEECG GGGtsc > 5s, Tjmax = 175CD-PakE D2-Pak TO-220ABVCE(on) typ. = 1.7V @ 6A IRGR4610DPbFIRGS4610DPbF IRGB4610DPbFn-channelGCEApplicationsGate Collector Emitter Appliance Drives Inverters
IRGS4615DPbFIRGB4615DPbFInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery DiodeCCVCES = 600VCIC = 15A, TC = 100CEECGGtsc > 5s, Tjmax = 175CGEVCE(on) typ. = 1.55V @ 8ATO-220ABD2-Pakn-channelIRGB4615DPbFIRGS4615DPbFGCEGate Collector EmitterApplications Appliance Drives Inverters UPSFeatures BenefitsLow VCE(
IRGS4630DPbF IRGB4630DPbF IRGP4630D(-E)PbF Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery Diode CVCES = 600V C C C C IC = 30A, TC =100C E E E GE C tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C C C C G G G G EIRGS4630DPbF IRGB4630DPbF IRGP4630D-EPbF IRGP4630DPbF VCE(ON) typ. = 1.65V @ IC = 18A TO-220AC TO-247AD n-channel D2Pak TO-247AC Appl
PD - 97113IRGB4064DPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHCULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEVCES = 600VFeaturesIC = 10A, TC = 100C Low VCE (on) Trench IGBT Technology Low Switching LossesGtsc > 5s, Tjmax = 175C Maximum Junction temperature 175 C 5s SCSOAE Square RBSOAVCE(on) typ. = 1.6Vn-channel 100% of The Parts Tested for ILM
IRGR4607DPbF IRGS4607DPbF IRGB4607DPbF Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery Diode VCES = 600V CC C C IC = 7.0A, TC =100C E E E G C C tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C G G G EIRGR4607DPbF IRGS4607DPbF IRGB4607DPbF VCE(ON) typ. = 1.75V @ IC = 4.0A n-channel TO-220AB D-Pak D2Pak Applications G C E Industrial Motor Drive
AUIRGB4062D1AUIRGS4062D1AUTOMOTIVE GRADEAUIRGSL4062D1INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHCULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEVCES = 600VFeatures Low VCE (on) Trench IGBT Technology IC(Nominal) = 24A Low Switching Losses 5s SCSOAGtSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C Square RBSOA 100% of The Parts Tested for ILM Positive VCE (on) Temperature Coefficient.
PD - 97072AIRGB4059DPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHCULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEVCES = 600VFeaturesIC = 4.0A, TC = 100C Low VCE (on) Trench IGBT Technology Low Switching LossesGtsc > 5s, Tjmax = 175C Maximum Junction temperature 175 C 5s SCSOAE Square RBSOAVCE(on) typ. = 1.75Vn-channel 100% of The Parts Tested for 4X Rat
irgb4620dpbf irgib4620dpbf irgp4620dpbf irgs4620dpbf.pdf
IR IGBT IRGB4620DPbF IRGIB4620DPbF IRGP4620D(-E)PbF IRGS4620DPbF Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery Diode VCES = 600V C C C IC = 20A, TC =100C tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C E C E E G C G C G VCE(ON) typ. = 1.55V @ IC = 12A IRGP4620DPbF IRGP4620D-EPbF IRGB4620DPbF TO-247AC TO-247AD TO-220AB CC Applications Indust
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IR IGBT IRGB4630DPbF IRGIB4630DPbF IRGP4630D(-E)PbF IRGS4630DPbF Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery Diode VCES = 600V C C C IC = 30A, TC =100C tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C E C E E G C G C G VCE(ON) typ. = 1.65V @ IC = 18A IRGP4630DPbF IRGP4630D-EPbF IRGB4630DPbF TO-247AC TO-247AD TO-220AB CC Applications Indust
irgp4062dpbf irgb4062dpbf irgp4062d-epbf.pdf
IRGB4062DPbFIRGP4062DPbFIRGP4062D-EPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODECFeaturesVCES = 600V Low VCE (ON) Trench IGBT Technology Low switching lossesIC = 24A, TC = 100C Maximum Junction temperature 175 C 5 S short circuit SOAG tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C Square RBSOA 100% of the parts tested for ILM E
PD - 97188AIRGB4056DPbFINSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITHULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODEFeatures Low VCE (ON) Trench IGBT Technology CVCES = 600V Low switching losses Maximum Junction temperature 175 CIC = 12A, TC = 100C 5 S short circuit SOA Square RBSOAG tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C 100% of the parts tested for 4X rated current (ILM)
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IRGS4640DPbF IRGSL4640DPbF IRGB4640DPbF IRGP4640D(-E)PbF Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Ultrafast Soft Recovery Diode VCES = 600V CIC = 40A, TC =100C E E E E tSC 5s, TJ(max) = 175C E G C C C C C G G G G G EIRGP4640D-EPbF VCE(ON) typ. = 1.60V @ IC = 24A IRGS4640DPbF IRGP4640DPbF IRGSL4640DPbF IRGB4640DPbF TO-247AD D2Pak TO-247AC
Datasheet: IRGB4045D , IRGB4056D , IRGB4059D , IRGB4060D , IRGB4061D , IRGB4062D , IRGB4064D , IRGB4086 , GT30F125 , IRGB4B60KD1 , IRGB5B120KD , IRGB6B60K , IRGB6B60KD , IRGB8B60K , IRGI4086 , IRGI4090 , IRGIB10B60KD1 .
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IGBT: AOTS40B65H1 | AOTF8B65MQ1 | AOTF5B65M2 | AOTF5B65M1 | AOTF20B65M2 | AOTF20B65M1 | AOTF20B65LN2 | AOTF15B65MQ1 | AOTF15B65M3 | AOTF15B65M2 | AOTF15B60D2