APT11GP60K IGBT. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: APT11GP60K
Type: IGBT
Type of IGBT Channel: N
Pcⓘ - Maximum Power Dissipation: 187 W
|Vce|ⓘ - Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage: 600 V
|Vge|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Emitter Voltage: 20 V
|Ic|ⓘ - Maximum Collector Current: 41 A @25℃
|VCEsat|ⓘ - Collector-Emitter saturation Voltage, typ: 2.2 V @25℃
|VGEth|ⓘ - Maximum G-E Threshold Voltag: 6 V
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 150 ℃
trⓘ - Rise Time, typ: 9 nS
Coesⓘ - Output Capacitance, typ: 110 pF
Qgⓘ - Total Gate Charge, typ: 40 nC
Package: TO220
APT11GP60K Transistor Equivalent Substitute - IGBT Cross-Reference Search
APT11GP60K Datasheet (PDF)
TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES APT11GP60K_SAAPT11GP60KAPT11GP60SA600V(K) POWER MOS 7 IGBT (SA)TO-220D2PAKThe POWER MOS 7 IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Punch Through Technology this IGBT is ideal for many high frequency,Chigh voltage switching applications and has been optimized for high frequencyG Eswitchmode power supplies.GCE L
TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES APT11GP60BDQBAPT11GP60BDQB600V POWER MOS 7 IGBTTO-247The POWER MOS 7 IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Punch Through Technology this IGBT is ideal for many high frequency,high voltage switching applications and has been optimized for high frequencyswitchmode power supplies.GC CE Low Conduction Loss SSOA rat
APT11GF120BRD1200V 22AFast IGBT & FREDThe Fast IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs. Using Non- TO-247Punch Through Technology the Fast IGBT combined with an APT free-wheeling ultraFast Recovery Epitaxial Diode (FRED) offers superiorruggedness and fast switching speed.G Low Forward Voltage Drop High Freq. Switching to 20KHzCCE Low Tail Cur
TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES APT11GF120KR(G) 1200V APT11GF120KR APT11GF120KRG**G Denotes RoHS Compliant, Pb Free Terminal Finish.FAST IGBT & FREDTO-220The Fast IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs. Using Non-Punch through technology, the Fast IGBT combined with an APT free wheeling Ultra Fast Recovery Epi-taxial Diode (FRED) offers superior ruggedness and fa
APT11GF120KR1200V 22AFast IGBTTO-220The Fast IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs. UsingNon-Punch Through Technology the Fast IGBT offers superior ruggedness,fast switching speed and low Collector-Emitter On voltage.GC Low Forward Voltage Drop High Freq. Switching to 20KHzEC Low Tail Current Ultra Low Leakage Current Avalanche Rated
APT11GF120BRD11200V 22AFast IGBT & FREDThe Fast IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs. Using Non- TO-247Punch Through Technology the Fast IGBT combined with an APT free-wheeling ultraFast Recovery Epitaxial Diode (FRED) offers superiorruggedness and fast switching speed.G Low Forward Voltage Drop High Freq. Switching to 20KHzCEC Low Tail Cu
TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES APT11GF120BRDQ1(G) 1200V APT11GF120BRDQ1 APT11GF120BRDQ1G**G Denotes RoHS Compliant, Pb Free Terminal Finish.FAST IGBT & FREDThe Fast IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs. Using Non-Punch through technology, the Fast IGBT combined with an APT free wheeling Ultra Fast Recovery Epi-taxial Diode (FRED) offers superior ruggedness and f
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