IGBT. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: APT60GA60JD60
Type: IGBT + Anti-Parallel Diode
Type of IGBT Channel: N
Pcⓘ -
Maximum Power Dissipation: 356
|Vce|ⓘ - Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage: 600
|Vge|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Emitter Voltage: 30
|Ic|ⓘ - Maximum Collector Current: 60
A @25℃
|VCEsat|ⓘ -
Collector-Emitter saturation Voltage, typ: 1.9
V @25℃
|VGEth|ⓘ - Maximum G-E Threshold Voltag: 6
Tjⓘ -
Maximum Junction Temperature: 150
trⓘ - Rise Time, typ: 49
Coesⓘ - Output Capacitance, typ: 714
Qgⓘ -
Total Gate Charge, typ: 296
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - IGBT Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
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APT60GA60JD60 600V High Speed PT IGBTPOWER MOS 8 is a high speed Punch-Through switch-mode IGBT. Low Eoff is achieved through leading technology silicon design and lifetime control processes. A reduced Eoff - VCE(ON) tradeoff results in superior efficiency compared to other IGBT technologies. Low gate charge and a greatly reduced ratio of Cres/Cies provide excellent noise immunity
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APT60GF60JU2ISOTOP Boost chopper VCES = 600V IC = 60A @ Tc = 95CNPT IGBT Application AC and DC motor control K Switched Mode Power Supplies Power Factor Correction Brake switch CFeatures Non Punch Through (NPT) THUNDERBOLT IGBT G - Low voltage drop- Low tail current - Switching frequency up to 100 kHz - Soft recovery parallel diodes - L
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TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES APT60GF120JRDQ3 1200V APT60GF120JRDQ3FAST IGBT & FREDThe Fast IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs. Using Non-Punch through technology, the Fast IGBT combined with an APT free wheeling Ultra Fast Recovery Epi-taxial Diode (FRED) offers superior ruggedness and fast switching speed."UL Recognized"ISOTOP file # E145592 Low Forwa
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APT60GT60BR600V 116AThunderbolt IGBTTO-247The Thunderbolt IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Non-Punch Through Technology the Thunderbolt IGBT offers superiorruggedness and ultrafast switching speed.G Low Forward Voltage Drop High Freq. Switching to 150KHzCCE Low Tail Current Ultra Low Leakage Current Avalanche Rated
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APT60GF60JU3ISOTOP Buck chopper VCES = 600V IC = 60A @ Tc = 95CNPT IGBT CApplication AC and DC motor control Switched Mode Power Supplies G Features Non Punch Through (NPT) THUNDERBOLT IGBT - Low voltage dropE- Low tail current - Switching frequency up to 100 kHz - Soft recovery parallel diodes - Low diode VF - Low leakage current A- Avala
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TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES APT60GT60JRDQ3 600V APT60GT60JRDQ3Thunderbolt IGBTThe Thunderblot IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs. Using Non- Punch Through Technology, the Thunderblot IGBT offers superior ruggedness and ultrafast switching speed."UL Recognized"ISOTOP file # E145592 Low Forward Voltage Drop High Freq. Switching to 100KHz
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APT60GT60JRD600V 90AThunderbolt IGBT & FREDThe Thunderbolt IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Non-Punch Through Technology the Thunderbolt IGBT combinedwith an APT free-wheeling ultraFast Recovery Epitaxial Diode (FRED) offerssuperior ruggedness and ultrafast switching speed."UL Recognized"ISOTOP Low Forward Voltage Drop High Freq. Swi
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