FDC633N Datasheet and Replacement
Type Designator: FDC633N
Type of Transistor: MOSFET
Type of Control Channel: N
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 1.6
|Vds|ⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 30
|Vgs|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Source Voltage: 8
|Id|ⓘ - Maximum Drain Current: 5.2
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 150
trⓘ - Rise Time: 17
Cossⓘ -
Output Capacitance: 226
Rdsⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance: 0.042
- MOSFET Cross-Reference Search
FDC633N Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:61K fairchild semi
fdc633n f095.pdf 
March 1998 FDC633N N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThis N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect5.2 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 0.042 @ VGS = 4.5 Vtransistors is produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cellRDS(ON) = 0.054 @ VGS = 2.5 V.density, DMOS technology. This very high density process istailored to minimize on-stat
8.1. Size:98K fairchild semi
October 2001FDC6333C30V N & P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFETsGeneral Description FeaturesThese N & P-Channel MOSFETs are produced using Q1 2.5 A, 30V. RDS(ON) = 95 m @ VGS = 10 VFairchild Semiconductors advanced PowerTrenchRDS(ON) = 150 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vprocess that has been especially tailored to minimizeon-state resistance and yet maintain superior Q2 2
8.2. Size:212K onsemi
Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur
9.1. Size:66K fairchild semi
November 1999FDC637ANSingle N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrenchTM MOSFETGeneral DescriptionFeaturesThis N-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is produced 6.2 A, 20 V. RDS(on) = 0.024 @ VGS = 4.5 Vusing Fairchild Semiconductor's advancedPowerTrench process that has been especially tailored RDS(on) = 0.032 @ VGS = 2.5 Vto minimize on-state resistance and yet maintain lo
9.2. Size:154K fairchild semi
September 2001 FDC638P P-Channel 2.5V PowerTrench Specified MOSFET General Description Features This P 2.5V specified MOSFET is produced -Channel 4.5 A, 20 V. R = 48 m @ V = 4.5 V DS(ON) GSusing Fairchild Semiconductors advanced R = 65 m @ V = 2.5 V DS(ON) GSPowerTrench process that has been especially tailored to minimize the on-state resistanc
9.3. Size:121K fairchild semi
March 1999 FDC6323LIntegrated Load Switch General Description FeaturesVDROP=0.2V @ VIN=5V, IL=1A, VON/OFF= 1.5V to 8VThese Integrated Load Switches are produced usingVDROP=0.3V @ VIN=3.3V, IL=1A, VON/OFF= 1.5V to 8V.Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOStechnology. This very high density process isHigh density cell design for extremely low on-resistance.especially
9.4. Size:73K fairchild semi
March 1999FDC6305NDual N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrenchTM MOSFETGeneral Description Features 2.7 A, 20 V. RDS(ON) = 0.08 @ VGS = 4.5 VThese N-Channel low threshold 2.5V specifiedMOSFETs are produced using Fairchild Semiconductor'sRDS(ON) = 0.12 @ VGS = 2.5 Vadvanced PowerTrench process that has beenespecially tailored to minimize on-state resistance and Low
9.5. Size:88K fairchild semi
January 2001FDC6312PDual P-Channel 1.8V PowerTrench Specified MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThese P-Channel 1.8V specified MOSFETs are 2.3 A, 20 V. RDS(ON) = 115 m @ VGS = 4.5 Vproduced using Fairchild Semiconductor's advancedRDS(ON) = 155 m @ VGS = 2.5 VPowerTrench process that has been especially tailoredRDS(ON) = 225 m @ VGS =
9.6. Size:61K fairchild semi
February 1999FDC6306PDual P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFETFeaturesGeneral DescriptionThese P-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFETs are produced -1.9 A, -20 V. RDS(on) = 0.170 @ VGS = -4.5 Vusing Fairchild Semiconductor's advanced PowerTrenchRDS(on) = 0.250 @ VGS = -2.5 Vprocess that has been especially tailored to minimizeon-state resistance and yet maintain
9.7. Size:193K fairchild semi
April 2002 FDC6392S 20V Integrated P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET and Schottky Diode General Description Features MOSFET: The FDC6392S combines the exceptional performance of Fairchild's PowerTrench MOSFET technology with a 2.2 A, 20V. RDS(ON) = 150 m @ VGS = 4.5V very low forward voltage drop Schottky barrier rectifier RDS(ON) = 200 m @ VGS
9.8. Size:80K fairchild semi
July 1997 FDC6304P Digital FET, Dual P-Channel General Description Features-25 V, -0.46 A continuous, -1.0 A Peak.These P-Channel enhancement mode field effect transistor areproduced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS RDS(ON) = 1.5 @ VGS= -2.7 Vtechnology. This very high density process is tailored to minimizeRDS(ON) = 1.1 @ VGS = -4.5 V.on-state
9.9. Size:479K fairchild semi
December 2006FDC638APZP-Channel 2.5V PowerTrench Specified MOSFET 20V, 4.5A, 43mFeatures General Description Max rDS(on) = 43m at VGS = 4.5V, ID = 4.5AThis P-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is produced using Fairchild Semiconductors advanced PowerTrench process Max rDS(on) = 68m at VGS = 2.5V, ID = 3.8Athat has been especially tailored to minim
9.10. Size:106K fairchild semi
October 1997 FDC6320C Dual N & P Channel , Digital FET General Description FeaturesThese dual N & P Channel logic level enhancement mode fieldN-Ch 25 V, 0.22 A, RDS(ON) = 5 @ VGS= 2.7 V.effec transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary,high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density P-Ch 25 V, -0.12 A, RDS(ON) = 13 @ VGS= -2.7 V.process is especial
9.11. Size:69K fairchild semi
April 2001 FDC6310P Dual P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features These P-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFETs are 2.2 A, 20 V. R = 125 m @ V = 4.5 V DS(ON) GSproduced using Fairchild Semiconductor's advanced R = 190 m @ V = 2.5 V DS(ON) GSPowerTrench process that has been especially tailored to minimize on-state resistance
9.12. Size:130K fairchild semi
April 1999 FDC6321C Dual N & P Channel , Digital FET General Description FeaturesThese dual N & P Channel logic level enhancement modeN-Ch 25 V, 0.68 A, RDS(ON) = 0.45 @ VGS= 4.5 Vfield effect transistors are produced using Fairchild'sproprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very P-Ch -25 V, -0.46 A, RDS(ON) = 1.1 @ VGS= -4.5 V.high density process is especi
9.13. Size:82K fairchild semi
October 1997 FDC6302P Digital FET, Dual P-Channel General Description FeaturesThese Dual P-Channel logic level enhancement mode field effect -25 V, -0.12 A continuous, -0.5 A Peak.transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary, high cell RDS(ON) = 13 @ VGS= -2.7 Vdensity, DMOS technology. This very high density process is RDS(ON) = 10 @ VGS = -4.5 V.especially
9.14. Size:136K fairchild semi
September 2001 FDC634P P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This P-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET uses 3.5 A, 20 V. R = 80 m @ V = 4.5 V DS(ON) GSFairchilds low voltage PowerTrench process. It has R = 110 m @ V = 2.5 V DS(ON) GSbeen optimized for battery power management applications. Low gate charge (7.2 n
9.15. Size:141K fairchild semi
November 1998 FDC6329LIntegrated Load Switch General Description FeaturesThis device is particularly suited for compact powerVDROP=0.2V @ VIN=5V, IL=2.8A. R(ON) = 0.07 VDROP=0.2Vmanagement in portable electronic equipment where@ VIN=2.5V, IL=1.9A. R(ON) = to 8V input and 2.5A output current capability areneeded. This load switch integrates a small N-Channel
9.16. Size:374K fairchild semi
September 2001 FDC6301N Dual N-Channel , Digital FETGeneral Description Features25 V, 0.22 A continuous, 0.5 A Peak.These dual N-Channel logic level enhancement mode fieldeffect transistors are produced using Fairchild 's proprietary, RDS(ON) = 5 @ VGS= 2.7 Vhigh cell density, DMOS technology. This very high densityRDS(ON) = 4 @ VGS= 4.5 V.process is especially tailo
9.17. Size:150K fairchild semi
July 1999FDC6308PDual P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrenchTM MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThis P-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is a rugged -1.7 A, -18 V. RDS(ON) = 0.18 @ VGS = -4.5 Vgate version of Fairchild Semiconductor's advancedRDS(ON) = 0.30 @ VGS = -2.5 VPowerTrench process. It has been optimized for powermanagement applications with a wide range of gate
9.18. Size:149K fairchild semi
July 2000FDC6327CDual N & P-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrenchTM MOSFETFeaturesGeneral DescriptionThese N & P-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFETs are N-Channel 2.7A, 20V. RDS(on) = 0.08 @ VGS = 4.5Vproduced using Fairchild Semiconductor's advancedRDS(on) = 0.12 @ VGS = 2.5VPowerTrench process that has been especially tailoredto minimize on-state resistance and yet mainta
9.19. Size:165K fairchild semi
December 2001 FDC6318P Dual P-Channel 1.8V PowerTrench Specified MOSFET General Description Features These P-Channel 1.8V specified MOSFETs are 2.5 A, 12 V. RDS(ON) = 90 m @ VGS = 4.5 V produced using Fairchild Semiconductor's advanced RDS(ON) = 125 m @ VGS = 2.5 V PowerTrench process that has been especially tailored RDS(ON) = 200 m
9.20. Size:78K fairchild semi
August 1997 FDC6303N Digital FET, Dual N-ChannelGeneral Description Features25 V, 0.68 A continuous, 2 A Peak.These dual N-Channel logic level enhancement mode fieldRDS(ON) = 0.6 @ VGS = 2.7 Veffect transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary,high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density RDS(ON) = 0.45 @ VGS= 4.5 V.process is especially tailored
9.21. Size:188K fairchild semi
May 1998 FDC636P P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThese P-Channel logic level enhancement mode power-2.8 A, -20 V. RDS(ON) = 0.130 @ VGS = -4.5 Vfield effect transistors are produced using Fairchild's RDS(ON) = 0.180 @ VGS = -2.5 V.proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This veryhigh density process is
9.22. Size:68K fairchild semi
March 1999 FDC6324LIntegrated Load Switch General Description FeaturesThese Integrated Load Switches are produced using Fairchild's VDROP=0.2V @ VIN=12V, IL=1A, VON/OFF=1.5 to 8V proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very highVDROP=0.3V @ VIN=5V, IL=1A, VON/OFF=1.5 to 8V.density process is especially tailored to minimize on-stateHigh density cell design for extr
9.23. Size:415K fairchild semi
September 2007FDC637BNZtmN-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET 20V, 6.2A, 24mFeatures General Description Max rDS(on) = 24m at VGS = 4.5V, ID = 6.2A This N-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is produced using Fairchild Semiconductors advanced PowerTrench process Max rDS(on) = 32m at VGS = 2.5V, ID = 5.2Athat has been especially tailored to minimize the on-sta
9.24. Size:365K onsemi
FDC637ANSingle N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrenchTM MOSFETGeneral DescriptionFeaturesThis N-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is produced 6.2 A, 20 V. RDS(on) = 0.024 @ VGS = 4.5 Vusing ON Semiconductor's advanced PowerTrench process that has been especially tailored RDS(on) = 0.032 @ VGS = 2.5 Vto minimize on-state resistance and yet maintain low gate charge for
9.25. Size:185K onsemi
Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur
9.26. Size:204K onsemi
Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur
9.27. Size:175K onsemi
Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur
9.28. Size:542K onsemi
FDC6321CDual N & P Channel , Digital FET FeaturesN-Ch 25 V, 0.68 A, RDS(ON) = 0.45 @ VGS= 4.5 VGeneral DescriptionP-Ch -25 V, -0.46 A, RDS(ON) = 1.1 @ VGS= -4.5 V.These dual N & P Channel logic level enhancement mode Very low level gate drive requirements allowing directfield effect transistors are produced using ON operation in 3 V circuits. VGS(th)
9.29. Size:604K onsemi
FDC6301N Dual N-Channel , Digital FET FeaturesGeneral Description25 V, 0.22 A continuous, 0.5 A Peak.These dual N-Channel logic level enhancement mode field RDS(ON) = 5 @ VGS= 2.7 Veffect transistors are produced using ON Semiconductor 's RDS(ON) = 4 @ VGS= 4.5 V.proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high density process is especially tailored to
9.30. Size:218K onsemi
Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comON Semiconductor and the ON Semiconductor logo are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. ON Semiconductor owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and oth
9.31. Size:279K onsemi
Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur
9.32. Size:415K onsemi
September 2007FDC637BNZtmN-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET 20V, 6.2A, 24mFeatures General Description Max rDS(on) = 24m at VGS = 4.5V, ID = 6.2A This N-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFET is produced using Fairchild Semiconductors advanced PowerTrench process Max rDS(on) = 32m at VGS = 2.5V, ID = 5.2Athat has been especially tailored to minimize the on-sta
9.33. Size:912K cn vbsemi
FDC637ANwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 30 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21DefinitionVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a, e Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.030 at VGS = 10 V 6 Low On-Resistance30 4.2 nC0.040 at VGS = 4.5 V 6 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECTSOP-6APPLICATIONS DC/DC
9.34. Size:839K cn vbsemi
FDC638Pwww.VBsemi.twP-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.)Available0.049 at VGS = - 10 V - 4.8 TrenchFET Power MOSFET- 30 5.1 nC0.054 at VGS = - 4.5 V - 4.1APPLICATIONS Load SwitchTSOP-6(4) STop V iew1 6(3) G3 mm523 4(1, 2, 5, 6) D2.85 mmP-Cha
9.35. Size:2356K cn vbsemi
FDC6305Nwww.VBsemi.twDual N-Channel 20 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.)Definition0.022 at VGS = 4.5 V TrenchFET Power MOSFET6.020 1.8 nC 100 % Rg Tested0.028 at VGS = 2.5 V 5.0 Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECTSOP-6 D1 D 2 D Top View G1 D1 1 6 G 1
9.36. Size:896K cn vbsemi
FDC6312Pwww.VBsemi.twDual P-Channel 20 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.)Definition0.075 at VGS = - 4.5V - 4.0 TrenchFET Power MOSFET- 20 2.7 nC0.100 at VGS = - 2.5 V - 3.2 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS Load Switch for Portable Ap
9.37. Size:925K cn vbsemi
FDC6321Cwww.VBsemi.twN- and P-Channel 2 V (D-S) MOSFET0 FEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)Definition0.024 at VGS = 10 V 5.5 TrenchFET Power MOSFETN-Channel 200.036 at VGS = 4.5 V 4.2 100 % Rg Tested0.069 at VGS = - 10 V - 3.4 Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECP-Channel - 200.083 at V
9.38. Size:925K cn vbsemi
FDC6327Cwww.VBsemi.twN- and P-Channel 2 V (D-S) MOSFET0 FEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)Definition0.024 at VGS = 10 V 5.5 TrenchFET Power MOSFETN-Channel 200.036 at VGS = 4.5 V 4.2 100 % Rg Tested0.069 at VGS = - 10 V - 3.4 Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECP-Channel - 200.083 at V
9.39. Size:861K cn vbsemi
FDC637BNZwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 30 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21DefinitionVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a, e Qg (Typ.) TrenchFET Power MOSFET0.030 at VGS = 10 V 6 Low On-Resistance30 4.2 nC0.040 at VGS = 4.5 V 6 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECTSOP-6APPLICATIONS DC/DC
Datasheet: FDC5612
, FDC6301N
, FDC6302P
, FDC6303N
, FDC6304P
, FDC6305N
, FDC6306P
, FDC6308P
, FDC634P
, FDC636P
, FDC637AN
, FDC638P
, FDC640P
, FDC6506P
, FDC653N
, FDC654P
History: STP10NM65N
| HLML6401
| SI4420DY
| SFF054C
| UT2316G-AE2-R
| PMF780SN
| AP85T03GH-HF
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