MOSFET. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: AOTF10T60P
Type of Transistor: MOSFET
Type of Control Channel: N
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 43
|Vds|ⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 600
|Vgs|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Source Voltage: 30
|Vgs(th)|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Threshold Voltage: 5
|Id|ⓘ - Maximum Drain Current: 10
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 150
Qgⓘ - Total Gate Charge: 26
trⓘ - Rise Time: 54
Cossⓘ -
Output Capacitance: 56
Rdsⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance: 0.7
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - MOSFET Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:284K aosemi
AOT10T60P/AOB10T60P/AOTF10T60P600V,10A N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product Summary Trench Power AlphaMOS-II technology VDS @ Tj,max 700V Low RDS(ON) IDM 40A Low Ciss and Crss RDS(ON),max
5.1. Size:468K aosemi
AOT10T60/AOTF10T60600V,10A N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product Summary VDS @ Tj,max 700VThe AOT10T60 & AOTF10T60 are fabricated using anadvanced high voltage MOSFET process that is designed IDM 40Ato deliver high levels of performance and robustness in RDS(ON),max
8.1. Size:721K aosemi
AOTF10B60D2TM600V, 10A Alpha IGBT with DiodeGeneral Description Product Summary VCE600VThe Alpha IGBTTM line of products offers best-in-class IC (TC=100C) 10Aperformance in conduction and switching losses, withrobust short circuit capability. They are designed for ease VCE(sat) (TJ=25C) 1.55Vof paralleling, minimal gate spike under high dV/dtconditions and resistance
8.2. Size:1325K aosemi
AOTF10B65M1TM650V, 10A AlphaIGBTWith soft and fast recovery anti-parallel diodeGeneral Description Product SummaryVCE Latest AlphaIGBT (IGBT) technology 650V 650V breakdown voltageIC (TC=100 10AC) Very fast and soft recovery freewheeling diodeVCE(sat) (TJ=25 1.6VC) High efficient turn-on di/dt controllability Low VCE(sat) enables high efficiencie
8.3. Size:296K aosemi
AOTF10N90900V, 10A N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product Summary VDS1000V@150The AOTF10N90 has been fabricated using an advancedhigh voltage MOSFET process that is designed to deliver ID (at VGS=10V) 10Ahigh levels of performance and robustness in popular AC- RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)
8.4. Size:203K aosemi
AOT10N65/AOTF10N65650V,10A N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product Summary VDS750V@150The AOT10N65 & AOTF10N65 have been fabricatedusing an advanced high voltage MOSFET process that is ID (at VGS=10V) 10Adesigned to deliver high levels of performance and RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)
8.5. Size:1182K aosemi
AOTF10B65M2TM650V, 10A AlphaIGBTWith soft and fast recovery anti-parallel diodeGeneral Description Product SummaryVCE Latest AlphaIGBT(IGBT) technology 650V 650V breakdown voltageIC (TC=100 10AC) Very fast and soft recovery freewheeling diodeVCE(sat) (TJ=25 1.6VC) High efficient turn-on di/dt controllability Low VCE(sat) enables high efficiencies
8.6. Size:728K aosemi
AOTF10B60DTM600V, 10A Alpha IGBT with DiodeGeneral Description Product Summary VCE600VThe Alpha IGBTTM line of products offers best-in-class IC (TC=100C) 10Aperformance in conduction and switching losses, withrobust short circuit capability. They are designed for ease VCE(sat) (TC=25C) 1.53Vof paralleling, minimal gate spike under high dV/dtconditions and resistance
8.7. Size:375K aosemi
AOT10N60/AOB10N60/AOTF10N60600V,10A N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description Product Summary VDS700V@150The AOT10N60 & AOB10N60 & AOTF10N60 have beenfabricated using an advanced high voltage MOSFET ID (at VGS=10V) 10Aprocess that is designed to deliver high levels of RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)
8.8. Size:330K aosemi
AOTF10N50FD500V, 10A N-Channel MOSFET with Fast Recovery DiodeGeneral Description Product Summary VDS600V@150The AOTF10N50FD has been fabricated using anadvanced high voltage MOSFET process that is designed ID (at VGS=10V) 10Ato deliver high levels of performance and robustness in RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)
8.9. Size:581K aosemi
AOTF10B65MQ2TM 650V, 10A AlphaIGBTWith Soft and Fast Recovery Anti-Parallel DiodeGeneral Description Product SummaryVCE Latest AlphaIGBT (IGBT) technology 650V 650V breakdown voltageIC (TC=100 10AC) Very fast and soft recovery freewheeling diodeVCE(sat) (TJ=25 1.6VC) High efficient turn-on di/dt controllability Low VCE(sat) enables high efficienc
8.10. Size:252K inchange semiconductor
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOTF10N90FEATURESDrain Current I = 10A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =900V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R =0.98(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpo
8.11. Size:255K inchange semiconductor
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOTF10N65FEATURESWith TO-220F packagingHigh speed switchingLow gate input resistanceStandard level gate driveEasy to use100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSPower supplySwitching applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL P
8.12. Size:250K inchange semiconductor
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOTF10N60FEATURESDrain Current I =10A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V =600V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.75(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalpurpo
8.13. Size:251K inchange semiconductor
isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOTF10N50FDFEATURESDrain Current I = 10A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 500V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.75(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalp
Datasheet: IRFP360LC
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, IRFP431
, IRFP432
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, IRFP440A
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, IRFP443
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