WNM2030 Datasheet and Replacement
Type Designator: WNM2030
Type of Transistor: MOSFET
Type of Control Channel: N
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 0.43
|Vds|ⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 20
|Vgs|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Source Voltage: 6
|Id|ⓘ - Maximum Drain Current: 0.95
Rdsⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance: 0.31
- MOSFET Cross-Reference Search
WNM2030 Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:559K willsemi
WNM2030 WNM2030 Http://www.sh-willsemi.com Single N-Channel, 20V, 0.95A, Power MOSFET DVDS (V) Rds(on) ( ) 0.210@ VGS=4.5V S G20 0.250@ VGS=2.5V SOT-723 0.305@ VGS=1.8V ESD Protected Descriptions D3The WNM2030 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) 12with low gate ch
8.1. Size:136K tysemi
Product specificationWNM2034N-Channel, 20V, 3.6A, Power MOSFET VDS (V) Rdson ( )0.037 @ 10V200.045 @ 4.5VDescriptionsSOT-23 The WNM2034 is N-Channel enhancement MOS DField Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology 3and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable for use in DC-DC conversion and power switch application
9.1. Size:1480K willsemi
WNM2046BWNM2046BSingle N-Channel, 20V, 0.71A, Power MOSFET Http://www.sh-willsemi.comGVDS (V) Typical Rds(on) ()S0.220@ VGS=4.5VD20 0.260@ VGS=2.5V0.315@ VGS=1.8VDFN1006-3LDescriptionsThe WNM2046B is N-Channel enhancement MOSField Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trenchDtechnology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON)with low gate charge. This device is suit
9.2. Size:1225K willsemi
WNM2046C WNM2046C Single N-Channel, 20V, 0.6A, Power MOSFET Http://www.willsemi.com GV (V) Typical R () DS DS(on)SD0.42 @ V =4.5V GS 20 0.58 @ V =2.5V GS0.84 @ V =1.8V GS DFN1006-3L Descriptions DThe WPM2046C is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent R DS(ON)with low gate char
9.3. Size:909K willsemi
WNM2024 WNM2024 Single N-Channel, 20V, 3.9A, Power MOSFET Http://www.sh-willsemi.com VDS (V) Rds(on) ()0.027@ VGS=4.5V20 0.031@ VGS=2.5V0.036@ VGS=1.8VSOT-23 Descriptions D 3 The WNM2024 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable for us
9.4. Size:1062K willsemi
WNM2046WNM2046Single N-Channel, 20V, 0.71A, Power MOSFET Http://www.sh-willsemi.com(1)(2)GVDS (V) Typical Rds(on) ()S0.220@ VGS=4.5V (3)D20 0.260@ VGS=2.5V0.315@ VGS=1.8VDFN1006-3LDescriptions(3)The WNM2046 is N-Channel enhancement MOSField Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trenchDtechnology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON)with low gate charge. Thi
9.5. Size:1935K willsemi
WNM2072WNM2072Single N-Channel, 20V, 0.71A, Power MOSFET Http://www.sh-willsemi.comGVDS (V) Typical Rds(on) ()S0.220@ VGS=4.5VD20 0.260@ VGS=2.5V0.315@ VGS=1.8VESD ProtectedDFN1006-3LDescriptionsThe WNM2072 is N-Channel enhancement MOSField Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trenchDtechnology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON)with low gate charge. This de
9.6. Size:440K willsemi
WNM2020WNM2020Http://www.sh-willsemi.com N-Channel, 20V, 0.90A, Small Signal MOSFET VDS (V) Rds(on) ( )D0.220@ VGS=4.5V20 0.260@ VGS=2.5VS0.320@ VGS=1.8VGSOT-23 DescriptionsThe WNM2020 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) Dwith low gate charge. This device is suitable for
9.7. Size:951K willsemi
WNM2077WNM2077Single N-Channel, 20V, 0.54A, Power MOSFET Http//:www.willsemi.comV (V) Rds(on) ()DS0.420@ V =4.5VGS20 0.580@ V =2.5VGSSOT-7230.840@ V =1.8VGSESD ProtectedDescriptionsD3The WNM2077 is N-Channel enhancement MOSField Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trenchtechnology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON)1 2with low gate charge. This devi
9.8. Size:389K willsemi
WNM2016WNM2016Http://www.sh-willsemi.com N-Channel, 20V, 3.2A, Power MOSFET VDS (V) Typical RDS(on) (m) D40 @ VGS=4.5V S20 47 @ VGS=2.5V 55 @ VGS=1.8V GSOT-23 DDescriptions3The WNM2016 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable
9.9. Size:872K willsemi
WNM2016A WNM2016ASingle N-Channel, 20V, 4.7A, Power MOSFET Http://www.sh-willsemi.com V (V) Typical R (m) DS DS(on)33@ V =4.5V GS39@ V =3.1V GS20 44@ V =2.5V GS66@ V =1.8V GSSOT-23 Description D3The WNM2016A is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent R DS(ON)with low gate cha
9.10. Size:502K willsemi
WNM2021WNM2021Http://www.sh-willsemi.com N-Channel, 20V, 0.89A, Small Signal MOSFET VDS (V) Rds(on) ( ) 0.220@ VGS=4.5VD20 0.260@ VGS=2.5VS0.320@ VGS=1.8VGSOT-323 DescriptionsDThe WNM2021 is N-Channel enhancement MOS 3Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable
9.11. Size:393K tysemi
Product specificationWNM2024 Single N-Channel, 20V, 3.9A, Power MOSFET VDS (V) Rds(on) ()0.027@ VGS=4.5V20 0.031@ VGS=2.5V0.036@ VGS=1.8VSOT-23 Descriptions D 3 The WNM2024 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trenchtechnology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable for use in 1 2 DC
9.12. Size:124K tysemi
Product specificationWNM2027N-Channel, 20V, 3.6A, Power MOSFET Rds(on) IdV(BR)DSS(Max. m) (A) 45 @ 4.5V 3.6 20 55 @ 2.5V 3.1 66 @ 1.8V 1.5 SOT-23 DDescriptions3The WNM2027 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable for use in DC-DC
9.13. Size:442K tysemi
Product specificationWNM2025 Single N-Channel, 20V, 3.9 A, Power MOSFET VDS (V) Rds(on) ()0.027@ VGS=4.5V20 0.031@ VGS=2.5V0.036@ VGS=1.8VSOT-23-3L Descriptions D 3 The WNM2025 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trenchtechnology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable for use in 1 2
9.14. Size:167K tysemi
Product specificationWNM2020N-Channel, 20V, 0.90A, Small Signal MOSFET VDS (V) Rds(on) ( )0.220@ VGS=4.5V20 0.260@ VGS=2.5V0.320@ VGS=1.8VSOT-23 DescriptionsThe WNM2020 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON)D3with low gate charge. This device is suitable for use in DC-DC convers
9.15. Size:388K tysemi
Product specificationWNM2023 Single N-Channel, 20V, 3.2A, Power MOSFET VDS (V) Rds(on) ()0.038@ VGS=4.5V20 0.044@ VGS=2.5V0.052@ VGS=1.8VSOT-23-3L Descriptions D 3 The WNM2023 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trenchtechnology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable for use in DC-DC
9.16. Size:99K tysemi
Product specificationWNM2016N-Channel, 20V, 3.2A, Power MOSFET V(BR)DSS Rds(on) 40 @ 4.5V 20 47 @ 2.5V 55 @ 1.8V SOT-23 DDescriptions3The WNM2016 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable for use in DC-DC 21conversion and power swit
9.17. Size:1282K kexin
SMD Type MOSFETN-Channel MOSFETWNM2020 SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9 -0.1+0.10.4 -0.13 Features VDS (V) = 20V ID = 0.83 A1 2 RDS(ON) 310m (VGS = 4.5V)+0.1+0.050.95-0.1 0.1-0.01+0.11.9-0.1 RDS(ON) 360m (VGS = 2.5V) RDS(ON) 460m (VGS = 1.8V)1. Gate2. SourceD3. Drain31 2G S Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 2
9.18. Size:431K slkor
WNM2021SOT-323 Plastic-Encapsulate MOSFETSW NM2021 N-Channel MOSFET IDV(BR)DSS RDS(on)MAX SOT-323 58m@4.5V20 V 2.3A@2.5V86m1. GATE 2. SOURCE 3. DRAIN APPLICATION FEATURE Load Switch for Portable Devices TrenchFET Power MOSFET DC/DC Converter Equivalent Circuit MARKING Maximum ratings (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Value
9.19. Size:1478K cn vbsemi
WNM2016-3www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 20 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)e Qg (Typ.)Definition0.028 at VGS = 4.5 V TrenchFET Power MOSFET6a 100 % Rg Tested20 0.042 at VGS = 2.5 V 6a 8.8 nC Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC0.050 at VGS = 1.8 V 5.6APPLICATIONS DC/DC
9.20. Size:911K cn vbsemi
WNM2020-3www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 20 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)e Qg (Typ.)Definition0.028 at VGS = 4.5 V TrenchFET Power MOSFET6a 100 % Rg Tested20 0.042 at VGS = 2.5 V 6a 8.8 nC Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC0.050 at VGS = 1.8 V 5.6APPLICATIONS DC/DC
9.21. Size:844K cn vbsemi
WNM2021www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 20 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.)Definition0.036 at VGS = 10 V 4 TrenchFET Power MOSFET20 0.040 at VGS = 4.5 V 3.8 4 nC Typical ESD Protection 2000 V HBM0.048 at VGS = 2.5 V 3.6 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECA
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History: BRI5N65
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