MOSFET. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: MMBFJ108
Marking Code: I8
Type of Transistor: MOSFET
Type of Control Channel: N
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 0.35
|Vds|ⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 25
|Vgs|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Source Voltage: 25
|Vgs(off)|ⓘ - Minimum Gate-to-Source Cutoff Voltage: 3
|Id|ⓘ - Maximum Drain Current: 0.08
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 150
Rdsⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance: 8
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - MOSFET Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:128K fairchild semi
J108/J109/J110/MMBFJ108N-Channel Switch3 This device is designed for digital switching applications where very low on resistance is mandatory.2 Sourced from Process 58.TO-921 SuperSOT-31Marking: I81. Drain 2. Source 3. Gate 1. Drain 2. Source 3. GateAbsolute Maximum Ratings * TA=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVDG Drain-Gate Voltage 25
..2. Size:129K fairchild semi
j108 j109 j110 mmbfj108.pdf
J108/J109/J110/MMBFJ108N-Channel Switch3 This device is designed for digital switching applications where very low on resistance is mandatory.2 Sourced from Process 58.TO-921 SuperSOT-31Marking: I81. Drain 2. Source 3. Gate 1. Drain 2. Source 3. GateAbsolute Maximum Ratings * TA=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVDG Drain-Gate Voltage 25
8.1. Size:76K motorola
MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MMBFJ175LT1/DJFET ChopperMMBFJ175LT1PChannel DepletionMotorola Preferred Device2 SOURCE3GATE31 DRAIN12MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitCASE 31808, STYLE 10SOT23 (TO236AB)DrainGate Voltage VDG 25 VReverse GateSource Voltage VGS(r) 25 VTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharact
8.2. Size:56K motorola
MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MMBFJ175LT1/DJFET ChopperMMBFJ175LT1PChannel DepletionMotorola Preferred Device2 SOURCE3GATE31 DRAIN12MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitCASE 31808, STYLE 10SOT23 (TO236AB)DrainGate Voltage VDG 25 VReverse GateSource Voltage VGS(r) 25 VTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharact
8.3. Size:57K motorola
MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MMBFJ177LT1/DJFET ChopperPChannel Depletion MMBFJ177LT12 SOURCE3GATE1 DRAIN31MAXIMUM RATINGS2Rating Symbol Value UnitDrainGate Voltage VDG 25 VdcCASE 31808, STYLE 10SOT23 (TO236AB)Reverse GateSource Voltage VGS(r) 25 VdcTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Max Unit
8.4. Size:728K fairchild semi
j174 j175 j176 j177 mmbfj175 mmbfj176 mmbfj177.pdf
J174 MMBFJ175J175 MMBFJ176J176 MMBFJ177J177GSS TO-92DSOT-23GDMark: 6W / 6X / 6YNOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeableP-Channel SwitchThis device is designed for low level analog switching sample and holdcircuits and chopper stabilized amplifiers. Sourced from Process 88.Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value Units
8.5. Size:178K fairchild semi
April 2011MMBFJ110N-Channel SwitchSuperSOT-3Features3 This device is designed for digital switching applications2 where very low on resistance is mandatory.Marking : 110 Sourced from process 58.11. Drain 2. Source 3. GateAbsolute Maximum Ratings* TA=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVDG Drain-Gate Voltage 25 VVGS Gate-Source Voltage -
8.6. Size:151K fairchild semi
mmbfj111 mmbfj112 mmbfj113.pdf
August 2012J111 / J112 / J113 / MMBFJ111 / MMBFJ112 / MMBFJ112_SB51338 / MMBFJ113N-Channel SwitchFeatures This device is designed for low level analog switching, sample and hold circuits and chopper stabilized amplifiers. Sourced from Process 51. Source & Drain are interchangeable.MMBFJ111J111 MMBFJ112J112 MMBFJ112_SB51338J113 MMBFJ113GSSOT-23G TO-92 Mark
8.7. Size:488K fairchild semi
j111 j112 j113 mmbfj111 mmbfj112 mmbfj113.pdf
J111 MMBFJ111J112 MMBFJ112J113 MMBFJ113GSG TO-92S SOT-23 DDMark: 6P / 6R / 6SNOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeableN-Channel SwitchThis device is designed for low level analog switching, sampleand hold circuits and chopper stabilized amplifiers. Sourcedfrom Process 51.Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVDG D
8.8. Size:109K onsemi
MMBFJ177LT1GJFET ChopperP-Channel - DepletionFeatures These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHS http://onsemi.comCompliant2 SOURCE3MAXIMUM RATINGSGATERating Symbol Value UnitDrain-Gate Voltage VDG 25 Vdc1 DRAINReverse Gate-Source Voltage VGS(r) -25 VdcStresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. MaximumRatings are stress ratings
8.9. Size:105K onsemi
MMBFJ175LT1GJFET ChopperP-Channel - DepletionFeatures These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHShttp://onsemi.comCompliant2 SOURCEMAXIMUM RATINGS3Rating Symbol Value UnitGATEDrain-Gate Voltage VDG 25 VReverse Gate-Source Voltage VGS(r) -25 V1 DRAINTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Max UnitTotal Device Dissipation FR-5 Board, PD
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