MOSFET. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: NCEAP40T15GU
Type of Transistor: MOSFET
Type of Control Channel: N
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 160
|Vds|ⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 40
|Vgs|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Source Voltage: 20
|Vgs(th)|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Threshold Voltage: 2.2
|Id|ⓘ - Maximum Drain Current: 170
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 175
Qgⓘ - Total Gate Charge: 91
trⓘ - Rise Time: 6.5
Cossⓘ -
Output Capacitance: 1700
Rdsⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance: 0.00185
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - MOSFET Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:762K ncepower
nceap40t15gu.pdf NCEAP40T15GUNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescription General FeaturesThe NCEAP40T15GU uses Super Trench technology that is uniquely V =40V,I =240A (Silicon Limited)DS Doptimized to provide the most efficient high frequency switching R =1.09m , typical@ V =10VDS(ON) GSperformance. Both conduction and switching power losses are R =
4.1. Size:829K ncepower
NCEAP40T15AGUhttp://www.ncepower.comNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionGeneral FeaturesThe NCEAP40T15AGU uses Super Trench technology that is V =40V,I =240A (Silicon Limited)DS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequencyR =1.35m , typical@ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power losses
5.1. Size:615K ncepower
nceap40t13agu.pdf NCEAP40T13AGUNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionGeneral FeaturesThe NCEAP40T13AGU uses Super Trench technology that is V =40V,I =165A (Silicon Limited)DS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequencyR =2.0m (typical) @ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power Excel
5.2. Size:566K ncepower
NCEAP40T14AKhttp://www.ncepower.comNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionThe NCEAP40T14AK uses Super Trench technology that isuniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequencyswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power lossesare minimized due to an extremely low combination of R andDS(ON)Q . This device is ideal for high-freq
5.3. Size:897K ncepower
NCEAP40T11AKhttp://www.ncepower.comNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionThe NCEAP40T11AK uses Super Trench technology that isuniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequencyswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power lossesare minimized due to an extremely low combination of R andDS(ON)Q . This device is ideal for high-freq
5.4. Size:543K ncepower
http://www.ncepower.comNCEAP40T11GNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescription General FeaturesThe NCEAP40T11G uses Super Trench technology that is V =40V,I =150A (Silicon Limited)DS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency R =2.2m (typical) @ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power losses R =3.3m
5.5. Size:637K ncepower
NCEAP40T11Khttp://www.ncepower.comNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionThe NCEAP40T11K uses Super Trench technology that is uniquelyoptimized to provide the most efficient high frequency switchingperformance. Both conduction and switching power losses areminimized due to an extremely low combination of R and Q . ThisDS(ON) gdevice is ideal for high-freq
5.6. Size:918K ncepower
http://www.ncepower.comNCEAP40T11AGNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionGeneral FeaturesThe NCEAP40T11AG uses Super Trench technology that is V =40V,I =150A (Silicon Limited)DS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequencyR =2.5m (typical) @ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power Excell
5.7. Size:640K ncepower
nceap40t17ad.pdf NCEAP40T17ADNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionGeneral FeaturesThe NCEAP40T17AD uses Super Trench technology that is V =40V,I =275A (Silicon Limited)DS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequencyR =1.4m , typical@ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power Excellen
5.8. Size:711K ncepower
NCEAP40T17AGhttp://www.ncepower.comNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionGeneral FeaturesThe NCEAP40T17AG uses Super Trench technology that is V =40V,I =235A (Silicon Limited)DS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequencyR =1.4m (typical) @ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power Excell
5.9. Size:769K ncepower
http://www.ncepower.comNCEAP40T14GNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescription General FeaturesThe NCEAP40T14G uses Super Trench technology that is V =40V,I =210ADS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency R =1.6m (typical) @ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power R =2.3m (typical) @ V =4.5VDS(
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