- IGBT справочник. Даташиты. Аналоги. Параметры и характеристики.
Наименование: NGTB15N60S1
Тип транзистора: IGBT + Diode
Тип управляющего канала: N
Pcⓘ -
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность: 117
|Vce|ⓘ -
Предельно-допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер: 600
|Vge|ⓘ - Максимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-затвор: 20
|Ic|ⓘ - Максимальный постоянный ток коллектора:
A @25℃
|VCEsat|ⓘ - Напряжение насыщения коллектор-эмиттер типовое:
V @25℃
|VGEth|ⓘ -
Максимальное пороговое напряжение затвор-эмиттер: 6.5
Tjⓘ - Максимальная температура перехода:
trⓘ -
Время нарастания типовое: 28
Coesⓘ - Выходная емкость, типовая: 70
Qgⓘ - Общий заряд затвора, typ: 88
Тип корпуса:
Аналог (замена) для NGTB15N60S1
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:177K onsemi
ngtb15n60s1.pdf NGTB15N60S1EGIGBT - Short-Circuit RatedThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Non-Punch Through (NPT) Trench construction, andprovides superior performance in demanding switching applications.Offering both low on state voltage and minimal switching loss, theIGBT is well suited for motor drive control and other hard switchinghttp://onsemi.
0.1. Size:132K onsemi
ngtb15n60s1eg.pdf NGTB15N60S1EGIGBT - Short-Circuit RatedThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Non-Punch Through (NPT) Trench construction, andprovides superior performance in demanding switching applications.Offering both low on state voltage and minimal switching loss, theIGBT is well suited for motor drive control and other hard
5.1. Size:176K onsemi
ngtb15n60eg.pdf NGTB15N60EGIGBT - Short-Circuit RatedThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Non-Punch Through (NPT) Trench construction, andprovides superior performance in demanding switching applications.Offering both low on state voltage and minimal switching loss, theIGBT is well suited for motor drive control and other hard switching
7.1. Size:185K onsemi
ngtb15n120flwg.pdf NGTB15N120FLWGIGBTThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Trench construction, and provides superior performancein demanding switching applications, offering both low on statevoltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT is well suited for UPSand solar applications. Incorporated into the device is a soft and fastco-packaged free wheeling di
7.2. Size:175K onsemi
ngtb15n120lwg.pdf NGTB15N120LWGIGBTThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop (FS) Trench construction, and providessuperior performance in demanding switching applications, offeringboth low on-state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT iswell suited for resonant or soft switching applications. Incorporatedhttp://onsemi.cominto the device
7.3. Size:124K onsemi
ngtb15n120ih.pdf NGTB15N120IHWGProduct PreviewIGBTThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop (FS) Trench construction, and providessuperior performance in demanding switching applications, offeringboth low on-state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT ishttp://onsemi.comwell suited for resonant or soft switching applications.15 A, 1200
7.4. Size:175K onsemi
ngtb15n120ihr.pdf NGTB15N120IHRWGIGBT with Monolithic FreeWheeling DiodeThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop (FS) Trench construction, and providessuperior performance in demanding switching applications, offeringboth low on-state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT ishttp://onsemi.comwell suited for resonant or soft switching appli
7.5. Size:267K onsemi
ngtb15n120fl2wg.pdf NGTB15N120FL2WGIGBT - Field Stop IIThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop II Trench construction, and provides superiorperformance in demanding switching applications, offering both lowon state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT is well suitedfor UPS and solar applications. Incorporated into the device is a softwww.on
7.6. Size:175K onsemi
ngtb15n120l.pdf NGTB15N120LWGIGBTThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop (FS) Trench construction, and providessuperior performance in demanding switching applications, offeringboth low on-state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT iswell suited for resonant or soft switching applications. Incorporatedhttp://onsemi.cominto the device
7.7. Size:194K onsemi
ngtb15n135ihr.pdf NGTB15N135IHRWGIGBT with Monolithic FreeWheeling DiodeThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop (FS) Trench construction, and providessuperior performance in demanding switching applications, offeringboth low on-state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT ishttp://onsemi.comwell suited for resonant or soft switching appli
7.9. Size:172K onsemi
ngtb15n120ihl.pdf NGTB15N120IHLWGIGBTThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop (FS) Trench construction, and providessuperior performance in demanding switching applications, offeringboth low on-state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT iswell suited for resonant or soft switching applications. Incorporatedhttp://onsemi.cominto the devic
7.10. Size:233K onsemi
ngtb15n120fl2.pdf NGTB15N120FL2WGIGBT - Field Stop IIThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop II Trench construction, and provides superiorperformance in demanding switching applications, offering both lowon state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT is well suitedfor UPS and solar applications. Incorporated into the device is a softand fa
7.11. Size:185K onsemi
ngtb15n120fl.pdf NGTB15N120FLWGIGBTThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Trench construction, and provides superior performancein demanding switching applications, offering both low on statevoltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT is well suited for UPSand solar applications. Incorporated into the device is a soft and fastco-packaged free wheeling di
7.12. Size:175K onsemi
ngtb15n120ihrwg.pdf NGTB15N120IHRWGIGBT with Monolithic FreeWheeling DiodeThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop (FS) Trench construction, and providessuperior performance in demanding switching applications, offeringboth low on-state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT ishttp://onsemi.comwell suited for resonant or soft switching appli
7.13. Size:124K onsemi
ngtb15n120ihwg.pdf NGTB15N120IHWGProduct PreviewIGBTThis Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) features a robust andcost effective Field Stop (FS) Trench construction, and providessuperior performance in demanding switching applications, offeringboth low on-state voltage and minimal switching loss. The IGBT ishttp://onsemi.comwell suited for resonant or soft switching applications.15 A, 1200
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