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Наименование прибора: 10N50TF
Тип транзистора: MOSFET
Полярность: N
Pdⓘ - Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность: 40
|Vds|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение сток-исток: 500
|Vgs|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение затвор-исток: 30
|Id|ⓘ - Максимально
допустимый постоянный ток стока: 10
Tjⓘ - Максимальная температура канала: 150
trⓘ -
Время нарастания: 20
Cossⓘ - Выходная емкость: 154
Rdsⓘ - Сопротивление сток-исток открытого транзистора: 0.75
Тип корпуса:
- подбор MOSFET транзистора по параметрам
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:537K chongqing pingwei

10N50TF10 Amps,500 Volts N-CHANNEL Power MOSFETFEATURETO-220TF 10A,500V,R =0.75@V =10V/5ADS(ON)MAX GS Low gate charge Low Ciss Fast switching 100% avalanche tested Improved dv/dt capability Halogen freeAbsolute Maximum Ratings(T =25,unless otherwise noted)CParameter Symbol UNIT10N50TFDrain-Source Voltage V 500DSSVGate-Source Volt
8.1. Size:748K magnachip

MDF10N50 N-Channel MOSFET 500V, 10 A, 0.75 General Description Features The MDF10N50 uses advanced MagnaChips MOSFET V = 500V DSTechnology, which provides low on-state resistance, high I = 10.0A @ V = 10V D GSswitching performance and excellent quality. R 0.75 @ V = 10V DS(ON) GSMDF10N50 is suitable device for SMPS, high Speed Applications switching and gene
8.2. Size:729K magnachip

MDP10N50 N-Channel MOSFET 500V, 10.0 A, 0.75 General Description Features The MDP10N50 uses advanced Magnachips VDS = 500V MOSFET Technology, which provides low on- ID = 10.0A @VGS = 10V state resistance, high switching performance RDS(ON)
9.3. Size:49K 1
hgth12n40c1 hgth12n40e1 hgth12n50c1 hgth12n50e1 hgtp10n40c1 hgtp10n40e1 hgtp10n50c1 hgtp10n50e1.pdf 

HGTP10N40C1, 40E1, 50C1, 50E1,S E M I C O N D U C T O R HGTH12N40C1, 40E1, 50C1, 50E110A, 12A,400V and 500V N-Channel IGBTsApril 1995Features PackagesHGTH-TYPES JEDEC TO-218AC 10A and 12A, 400V and 500VEMITTER VCE(ON): 2.5V Max.COLLECTOR TFI: 1s, 0.5sGATECOLLECTOR(FLANGE) Low On-State Voltage Fast Switching Speeds High Input Impedance
9.4. Size:40K 1
hgtd10n40f1 hgtd10n40f1s hgtd10n50f1 hgtd10n50f1s.pdf 

HGTD10N40F1, HGTD10N40F1S,S E M I C O N D U C T O RHGTD10N50F1, HGTD10N50F1S10A, 400V and 500V N-Channel IGBTsApril 1995Features PackagesHGTD10N40F1, HGTD10N50F1 10A, 400V and 500VJEDEC TO-251AA VCE(ON) 2.5V Max.EMITTER TFALL 1.4sCOLLECTORGATE Low On-State Voltage Fast Switching SpeedsCOLLECTOR(FLANGE) High Input ImpedanceApplications
9.6. Size:483K fairchild semi
fdp10n50u fdpf10n50ut.pdf 

November 2009UniFETTMFDP10N50U / FDPF10N50UTtmN-Channel MOSFET500V, 8A, 1.05Features Description RDS(on) = 0.85 ( Typ.) @ VGS = 10V, ID = 4A These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transis-tors are p roduced using Fa irchilds proprietary, planar stripe, Low Gate Charge ( Typ. 18nC)DMOS technology. Low Crss ( Typ. 9pF)This advan ce technology
9.7. Size:987K fairchild semi
fqp10n50cf fqpf10n50cf.pdf 

December 2006 TM FRFETFQP10N50CF / FQPF10N50CF 500V N-Channel MOSFETFeatures Description 10A, 500V, RDS(on) = 0.61 @VGS = 10 V These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transis-tors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar stripe, Low gate charge (typical 43 nC)DMOS technology. Low Crss (typical 16pF)This advanced technology has been espe
9.8. Size:409K fairchild semi
fdp10n50f fdpf10n50ft.pdf 

January 2009UniFETTMFDP10N50F / FDPF10N50FTN-Channel MOSFET 500V, 9A, 0.85Features Description RDS(on) = 0.71 ( Typ.) @ VGS = 10V, ID = 4.5A These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transis-tors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar stripe, Low Gate Charge ( Typ. 18nC)DMOS technology. Low Crss ( Typ. 10pF)This advance technology has
9.9. Size:594K fairchild semi

October 2013FQB10N50CFN-Channel QFET FRFET MOSFET500 V, 10 A, 610 mFeatures Description 10 A, 500 V, RDS(on) = 610 m (Max.) @ VGS = 10 V, ID = 5 A This N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFET is pro-duced using Fairchild Semiconductors proprietary planar stripe Low gate charge ( Typ. 45 nC)and DMOS technology. This advanced MOSFET technology has been esp
9.10. Size:350K diodes

ZXT10N50DE6 50V NPN LOW SATURATION SWITCHING TRANSISTOR Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > 50V Case: SOT26 IC = 3A Continuous Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound. ICM = 6A Peak Pulse Current UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 RCE(SAT) = 75m for a Low Equivalent On-Resistance Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1
9.11. Size:261K ixys
ixzh10n50la ixzh10n50lb.pdf 

IXZH10N50LA/B RF Power MOSFET N-Channel Enhancement Mode Linear 175MHz RF MOSFET VDSS = 500 V Low Capacitance Z-MOSTM MOSFET Process ID25 = 10 A Optimized for Linear Operation in Common Source Mode 150V (operating) Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings TJ = 25C to 150C VDSS 500 VTJ = 25C to 150C; RGS = 1 M VDGR 500 V Continuous VGS 20 V Transient VG
9.12. Size:247K ixys

IXZ210N50L & IXZ2210N50L RF Power MOSFET N-Channel Enhancement Mode Linear 175MHz RF MOSFET VDSS = 500 V Low Capacitance Z-MOSTM MOSFET Process ID25 = 10 A Optimized for Linear Operation Ideal for Class AB & C, Broadcast & Communications Applications 150V (operating) Note: All data is per the IXZ210N50L single ended device unless otherwise noted. 300 & 550 Watts Symbol Tes
9.13. Size:318K ixys

IXZ210N50L & IXZ2210N50L RF Power MOSFET N-Channel Enhancement Mode Linear 175MHz RF MOSFET VDSS = 500 V Low Capacitance Z-MOSTM MOSFET Process ID25 = 10 A Optimized for Linear Operation Ideal for Class AB & C, Broadcast & Communications Applications 150V (operating) Note: All data is per the IXZ210N50L single ended device unless otherwise noted. 300 & 550 Watts Symbol Tes
9.14. Size:1251K onsemi

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur
9.15. Size:166K utc

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 10N50 Preliminary Power MOSFET 10A, 500V N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFET 1TO-220 DESCRIPTION The UTC 10N50 is an N-channel mode power MOSFET usingUTCs advanced technology to provide customers with planar stripe and DMOS technology. This technology allows a minimum on-state resistance and superior switching performance. It also can withstand 1hig
9.16. Size:32K harris semi
rfh10n45 rfh10n50.pdf 

RFH10N45, RFH10N50SemiconductorData Sheet October 1998 File Number 1629.210A, 450V and 500V, 0.600 Ohm, FeaturesN-Channel Power MOSFETs 10A, 450V and 500V[ /TitleThese are N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate rDS(ON) = 0.600(RFH10power field effect transistors designed for applications such Related Literatureas switching regulators, switching converters, m
9.17. Size:47K harris semi
hgtp10n40c1d hgtp10n40e1d hgtp10n50c1d hgtp10n50e1d.pdf 

HGTP10N40C1D, HGTP10N40E1D,S E M I C O N D U C T O RHGTP10N50C1D, HGTP10N50E1D10A, 400V and 500V N-Channel IGBTswith Anti-Parallel Ultrafast DiodesApril 1995Features PackageJEDEC TO-220AB 10A, 400V and 500V VCE(ON): 2.5V Max.EMITTERCOLLECTOR TFALL: 1s, 0.5sGATE Low On-State VoltageCOLLECTOR Fast Switching Speeds(FLANGE) High Input Impeda
9.18. Size:330K aosemi

AOTF10N50FD500V, 10A N-Channel MOSFET with Fast Recovery DiodeGeneral Description Product Summary VDS600V@150The AOTF10N50FD has been fabricated using anadvanced high voltage MOSFET process that is designed ID (at VGS=10V) 10Ato deliver high levels of performance and robustness in RDS(ON) (at VGS=10V)
9.19. Size:567K jilin sino

N N- CHANNEL MOSFET RMP10N50EI MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Package ID 10 A VDSS 500 V Rdson-max@Vgs=10V 0.70 Qg-typ 34.38nC APPLICATIONS High efficiency switch mode power supplies - Electronic lamp ballasts UPS based on half bridge
9.20. Size:266K crhj
cs10n50 a8r.pdf 

Silicon N-Channel Power MOSFET R CS10N50 A8R General Description VDSS 500 V CS10N50 A8R, the silicon N-channel Enhanced ID 10 A PD(TC=25) 130 W VDMOSFETs, is obtained by the self-aligned planar Technology RDS(ON)Typ 0.5 which reduce the conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various pow
9.21. Size:272K crhj
cs10n50f a9r.pdf 

Silicon N-Channel Power MOSFET R CS10N50F A9R General Description VDSS 500 V CS10N50F A9R, the silicon N-channel Enhanced ID 10 A PD(TC=25) 40 W VDMOSFETs, is obtained by the self-aligned planar Technology RDS(ON)Typ 0.5 which reduce the conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various po
9.22. Size:1235K cn wxdh

F10N5010A 500V N-channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET1 DescriptionThese N-channel enhanced vdmosfets, is obtained by the self-alignedVDSS = 500Vplanar technology which reduce the conduction loss, improve switchingI = 10.0ADperformance and enhance the avalanche energy. Which accords with theRoHS standard. TO-220F provides insulation voltage rated at 2000VRDS(on)TYP)
9.23. Size:1355K samwin
swf10n50k swp10n50k swt10n50k swn10n50k swd10n50k.pdf 

SW10N50K N-channel Enhanced mode TO-220F/TO-220/TO-247/TO-251N/TO-252 MOSFET Features TO-220F TO-220 TO-247 TO-251N TO-252 BVDSS : 500V ID : 10A High ruggedness Low RDS(ON) (Typ 0.26)@VGS=10V RDS(ON) : 0.26 Low Gate Charge (Typ 29nC) Improved dv/dt Capability 2 100% Avalanche Tested 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Application:LED, PC Power, Cha
9.24. Size:4610K first semi

FIR10N50FGN - CHANNEL MOSFET-G PIN Connection TO-220FVDSS 500 V ID 10 A PD(TC=25) 40 W RDS(ON)Typ 0.5 General Description G D S , the silicon N-channel Enhanced FIR10N50FGVDMOSFETs, is obtained by the self-aligned planar Technology D which reduce the conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor G can be
9.25. Size:960K cn fx-semi

FuXin Semiconductor Co., Ltd. FXN10N50F Series Rev.AGeneral Description Features The 10N50Fuses advanced Silicon s MOSFET T echnology, which FXN VDS = 500V provides high performance in on-state resistance, fast switching ID = 10A @VGS = 10V performance, and excellent quality. Very low on-resistance These devices can also be utilized in indust
9.26. Size:209K inchange semiconductor

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor 10N50DESCRIPTIONDrain Current I =10A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 500V(Min)DSSFast Switching SpeedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for applications such as switching regulators,switching converters,motor drivers,relay drivers anddrivers for power
9.27. Size:251K inchange semiconductor

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor AOTF10N50FDFEATURESDrain Current I = 10A@ T =25D CDrain Source Voltage-: V = 500V(Min)DSSStatic Drain-Source On-Resistance: R = 0.75(Max)DS(on)100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRIPTIONDesigned for use in switch mode power supplies and generalp
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