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Наименование прибора: 5N60G-TF3T-T
Тип транзистора: MOSFET
Полярность: N
Pdⓘ - Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность: 36
|Vds|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение сток-исток: 600
|Vgs|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение затвор-исток: 30
|Vgs(th)|ⓘ - Пороговое напряжение включения: 4
|Id|ⓘ - Максимально
допустимый постоянный ток стока: 5
Tjⓘ - Максимальная температура канала: 150
Qgⓘ -
Общий заряд затвора: 15
trⓘ -
Время нарастания: 42
Cossⓘ - Выходная емкость: 55
Rdsⓘ - Сопротивление сток-исток открытого транзистора: 2.2
Тип корпуса:
Аналог (замена) для 5N60G-TF3T-T
Datasheet (PDF)
9.1. Size:333K infineon
sgp15n60 sgw15n60g.pdf SGP15N60 SGW15N60Fast IGBT in NPT-technology C 75% lower Eoff compared to previous generation combined with low conduction losses Short circuit withstand time 10 s GE Designed for: - Motor controls - Inverter NPT-Technology for 600V applications offers: - very tight parameter distribution - high ruggedness, temperature stable behaviour - paral
9.2. Size:791K infineon
sgb15n60g.pdf SGB15N60 Fast IGBT in NPT-technology C 75% lower Eoff compared to previous generation combined with low conduction losses Short circuit withstand time 10 s GE Designed for: - Motor controls - Inverter NPT-Technology for 600V applications offers: - very tight parameter distribution - high ruggedness, temperature stable behaviour PG-TO-263-3-2 -
9.3. Size:1150K infineon
skb15n60g.pdf SKB15N60 Fast IGBT in NPT-technology with soft, fast recovery anti-parallel EmCon diode C 75% lower Eoff compared to previous generation combined with low conduction losses Short circuit withstand time 10 s GE Designed for frequency inverters for washing machines, fans, pumps and vacuum cleaners NPT-Technology for 600V applications offers: - very tight
9.4. Size:491K silikron
ssf5n60g.pdf SSF5N60G Main Product Characteristics: VDSS 600V RDS(on) 1.88 (typ.) ID 5A TO-251 Marking a nd p in Sche ma ti c di agr a m Assignment Features and Benefits: Advanced MOSFET process technology Special designed for PWM, load switching and general purpose applications Ultra low on-resistance with low gate charge Fast switching and reverse body recovery
9.5. Size:370K nell
5n60a 5n60af 5n60g.pdf RoHS 5N60 Series RoHS SEMICONDUCTORNell High Power ProductsN-Channel Power MOSFET(5A, 600Volts)DESCRIPTIOND The Nell 5N60 is a three-terminal silicon Ddevice with current conduction capabilityof 5A, fast switching speed, low on-stateresistance, breakdown voltage rating of 600V,and max. threshold voltage of 4 volts.G They are designed for use in applications such
9.6. Size:1198K magnachip
mdf15n60gth mdp15n60gth.pdf MDP15N60G / MDF15N60G N-Channel MOSFET 600V, 15A, 0.40 General Description Features These N-channel MOSFET are produced using advanced V = 600V DSMagnaChips MOSFET Technology, which provides low on- I = 15A @ V = 10V D GSstate resistance, high switching performance and excellent R 0.40 @ V = 10V DS(ON) GSquality. Applications These devices are sui
9.7. Size:363K ncepower
ncep055n60gu.pdf http://www.ncepower.com NCEP055N60GUNCE N-Channel Super Trench II Power MOSFET Description General Features The NCEP055N60GU uses Super Trench II technology that is VDS =60V,ID =75A uniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency RDS(ON)=4.2m (Typ.) @ VGS=10V switching performance. Both conduction and switching power Excellent gate charge x RDS(on) p
9.8. Size:333K ncepower
ncep025n60g.pdf http://www.ncepower.com NCEP025N60GNCE N-Channel Super Trench II Power MOSFET Description General Features The NCEP025N60G uses Super Trench II technology that is VDS =60V,ID =165A uniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency RDS(ON)=2.2m (typical) @ VGS=10V switching performance. Both conduction and switching power Excellent gate charge x RDS(on)
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