Биполярный транзистор 2SB953A
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Наименование производителя: 2SB953A
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: PNP
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 30
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 50
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 50
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 3
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 7
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 175
Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 75
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 80
Корпус транзистора:
- подбор биполярного транзистора по параметрам
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:216K jmnic
2sb953 2sb953a.pdf 

JMnic Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SB953 2SB953A DESCRIPTION With TO-220Fa package Complement to type 2SD1444/1444A High speed switching Low collector saturation voltage APPLICATIONS For low-voltage switching PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter 2 Collector3 BaseAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VALUE UNI
8.1. Size:56K panasonic

Power Transistors2SB953, 2SB953ASilicon PNP epitaxial planar typeFor low-voltage switchingComplementary to 2SD1444 and 2SD1444AUnit: mm10.0 0.2 4.2 0.2Features5.5 0.2 2.7 0.2 Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) High-speed switching Full-pack package which can be installed to the heat sink with 3.1 0.1one screwAbsolute Maximum Ratings (TC=
8.2. Size:218K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB953DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage-: V = -0.6V(Max)@I = -5ACE(sat) CHigh Speed SwitchingComplement to Type 2SD1444Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for low-voltage switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE
9.1. Size:42K panasonic
2sb956 e.pdf 

Transistor2SB956Silicon PNP epitaxial planer typeFor low-frequency power amplificationUnit: mmComplementary to 2SD12801.5 0.14.5 0.1Features1.6 0.2Large collector power dissipation PC.Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).Mini Power type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment 45and automatic insertion through the tape packing and the maga-
9.2. Size:47K panasonic

Power Transistors2SB954, 2SB954ASilicon PNP epitaxial planar typeFor power amplificationUnit: mmFeatures High forward current transfer ratio hFE which has satisfactory linearity10.0 0.2 4.2 0.2 Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat)5.5 0.2 2.7 0.2 Full-pack package which can be installed to the heat sink withone screw 3.1 0.1Absolute Maximum R
9.3. Size:62K panasonic

Power Transistors2SB950, 2SB950ASilicon PNP epitaxial planar type DarlingtonUnit: mm10.0 0.2 4.2 0.2For power amplification and switching5.5 0.2 2.7 0.2Complementary to 2SD1276 and 2SD1276AFeatures 3.1 0.1High foward current transfer ratio hFEHigh-speed switchingFull-pack package which can be installed to the heat sink withone screw1.3 0.21.4 0.1A
9.4. Size:96K panasonic

Power Transistors2SB0952 (2SB952), 2SB0952A (2SB952A)Silicon PNP epitaxial planar typeFor low-voltage switchingUnit: mm8.50.2 3.40.3 Features6.00.2 1.00.1 Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) High-speed switching N type package enabling direct soldering of the radiating fin to theprinted circuit board, etc. of small electronic equipment0
9.5. Size:71K panasonic

Power Transistors2SB951, 2SB951ASilicon PNP epitaxial planar type DarlingtonFor midium-speed switching Unit: mm10.0 0.2 4.2 0.2Complementary to 2SD1277 and 2SD1277A 5.5 0.2 2.7 0.2Features 3.1 0.1High foward current transfer ratio hFEHigh-speed switchingFull-pack package which can be installed to the heat sink withone screw1.3 0.21.4 0.1Absolute Maxim
9.6. Size:195K panasonic
2sb0950-a 2sb950-a.pdf 

Power Transistors2SB0950 (2SB950), 2SB0950A (2SB950A)Silicon PNP epitaxial planar type darlingtonUnit: mmFor power amplification and switching10.00.2 4.20.2Complementary to 2SD1276 and 2SD1276A5.50.2 2.70.2 Features 3.10.1 High forward current transfer ratio hFE High-speed switching Full-pack package which can be installed to the heat sink with on
9.7. Size:38K panasonic

Transistor2SB956Silicon PNP epitaxial planer typeFor low-frequency power amplificationUnit: mmComplementary to 2SD12801.5 0.14.5 0.1Features1.6 0.2Large collector power dissipation PC.Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).Mini Power type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment 45and automatic insertion through the tape packing and the maga-
9.8. Size:35K hitachi

2SB955(K)Silicon PNP Triple DiffusedApplicationPower switching complementary pair with 2SD1126(K)OutlineTO-220AB211. BaseID2. Collector(Flange)13. Emitter 1.0 k 200 23(Typ) (Typ)32SB955(K)Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)Item Symbol Rating UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 120 VCollector to emitter voltage VCEO 120 VEmitter to base
9.9. Size:197K jmnic
2sb954 2sb954a.pdf 

JMnic Product SpecificationSilicon PNP Power Transistors 2SB954 2SB954A DESCRIPTION With TO-220Fa package High forward current transfer ratio hFE which has satisfactory linearity Low collector saturation voltage APPLICATIONS For power amplification PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Emitter 2 Collector3 BaseAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDIT
9.10. Size:894K kexin

SMD Type TransistorsPNP Transistors2SB9561.70 0.1 Features Large collector power dissipation PC. Low collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat). Complementary to 2SD12800.42 0.10.46 0.11.Base2.Collector3.Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO -20 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCE
9.11. Size:213K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor 2SB955DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain-: h = 1000(Min)@ I = -5AFE CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = -120V(Min)(BR)CEOLow Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = -1.5V(Max)@ I = -5ACE(sat) CComplement to Type 2SD1126Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICAT
9.12. Size:217K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor 2SB954DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage-: V = -1.0V(Max)@I = -1ACE(sat) CGood Linearity of hFEMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for power amplifications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Collector-Base Voltage -60 VCBO
9.13. Size:219K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor 2SB950ADESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain-: h = 2000(Min.)@I = -3AFE CHigh Speed SwitchingComplement to Type 2SD1276AMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for power amplifier and switching applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VA
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History: DTL8003
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