Биполярный транзистор 2SC4346 Даташит. Аналоги
Наименование производителя: 2SC4346
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: NPN
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 18 W
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 500 V
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 400 V
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 5 A
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150 °C
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 350
Корпус транзистора: TO218
- подбор биполярного транзистора по параметрам
2SC4346 Datasheet (PDF)

DATA SHEETSILICON POWER TRANSISTOR2SC4346,4346-ZNPN SILICON TRIPLE DIFFUSED TRANSISTOR FOR HIGH SPEED SWITCHING, HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The 2SC4346 is a mold power transistor developed for PART NUMBER PACKAGE high-speed switching, high voltage switching, and is ideal 2SC4346 TO-251 (MP-3) for use as a driver in devices such as switching re

DATA SHEETSILICON POWER TRANSISTOR2SC4342NPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR (DARLINGTON CONNECTION) FOR HIGH-SPEED SWITCHING ORDERING INFORMATION DESCRIPTION The 2SC4342 is a high-speed Darlington power transistor. PART NUMBER PACKAGE This transistor is ideal for high-precision control such as PWM 2SC4342 TO-126 (MP-5) control for pulse motors or blushless of OA and FA equi

Power Transistors2SC4359Silicon NPN triple diffusion planar typeFor high breakdown voltage high-speed switchingUnit: mm15.00.3 (3.2) Features High-speed switching 3.20.1 High collector-base voltage (Emitter open) VCBO Wide safe oeration area Satisfactory linearity of forward current transfer ratio hFE2.00.2 2.00.1 Absolut

2SC4324 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2SC4324 VHF~UHF Band Low Noise Amplifier Applications Unit: mm Low noise figure, high gain. NF = 1.8dB, |S |2 = 9.5dB (f = 2 GHz) 21eMaximum Ratings (Ta == 25C) ==Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 20 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 10 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 1.5 V

2SC4394 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2SC4394 VHF~UHF Band Low Noise Amplifier Applications Unit: mm Low noise figure, high cain. NF = 1.1dB, |S |2 = 11dB (f = 1 GHz) 21eMaximum Ratings (Ta == 25C) ==Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 20 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 12 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 3 VC

2SC4315 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2SC4315 VHF~UHF Band Low Noise Amplifier Applications Unit: mm Low noise figure, high gain. NF = 1.1dB, |S |2 = 14dB (f = 1 GHz) 21eMaximum Ratings (Ta == 25C) ==Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 20 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 12 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 3 VC

2SC4322 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2SC4322 VHF~UHF Band Low Noise Amplifier Applications Unit: mm Low noise figure, high gain. NF = 1.8dB, |S |2 = 7.5dB (f = 2 GHz) 21eMaximum Ratings (Ta == 25C) ==Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 20 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 10 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 1.5 V

2SC4325 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2SC4325 VHF~UHF Band Low Noise Amplifier Applications Unit: mm Low noise figure, high gain. NF = 1.8dB, |S |2 = 7.5dB (f = 2 GHz) 21eMaximum Ratings (Ta == 25C) ==Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 20 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 10 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 1.5 V

2SC4393 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2SC4393 VHF~UHF Band Low Noise Amplifier Applications Unit: mm Low noise figure. NF = 1.5dB, |S |2 = 16dB (f = 500 MHz) 21e NF = 1.7dB, |S |2 = 10.5dB (f = 1000 MHz) 21eMaximum Ratings (Ta == 25C) ==Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 17 VCollector-emitter voltage

2SC4320 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2SC4320 VHF~UHF Band Low Noise Amplifier Applications Unit: mm Low noise figure, high gain. NF = 1.1dB, |S |2 = 15dB (f = 1 GHz) 21eMaximum Ratings (Ta == 25C) ==Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 20 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 10 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 1.5 V

2SC4321 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2SC4321 VHF~UHF Band Low Noise Amplifier Applications Unit: mm Low noise figure, high gain. NF = 1.1dB, |S |2 = 13dB (f = 1 GHz) 21eMaximum Ratings (Ta == 25C) ==Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 20 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 10 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 1.5 V

2SC4317 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2SC4317 VHF~UHF Band Low Noise Amplifier Applications Unit: mm Low noise figure, high gain. NF = 1.1dB, |S |2 = 13dB (f = 1 GHz) 21eMaximum Ratings (Ta == 25C) ==Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage VCBO 20 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO 10 VEmitter-base voltage VEBO 1.5 V

Ordering number:EN3020NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4399High-FrequencyGeneral-Purpose Amplifier ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High power gain : PG=25dB typ (f=100MHz).unit:mm Very small-sized package permitting the 2SC4399-2059Bapplied sets to be made small and slim.[2SC4399]0.30.1530~0.11 20.3 0.60.65 0.650.92.01 : Base2 :

Ordering number:EN2958ANPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4390High-hFE, AF Amplifier ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions Adoption of MBIT process.unit:mm High DC current gain (hFE=800 to 3200).2038A Large current capacity (IC=2A).[2SC4390] Low collector-to-emitter saturation voltage4.5(VCE(sat) 0.3V). 1.51.6 High VEBO (VEBO 15V).0.

Ordering number:EN3008NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4364VHF, UHF/MIX. OSC. Low-VoltageHigh-Frequency Amplifier ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions Low-voltage operationunit:mm: fT=3.0GHz typ (VCE=3V)2018B: MAG=11dB typ (VCE=3V, IC=3mA)[2SC4364]: NF=3.0dB typ (VCE=3V, IC=3mA)0.40.1630~0.11 0.95 20.951.92.91 : Base2 : Emitter3 : Col

Ordering number:EN2930ANPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4306High-Current Switching ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions Adoption of FBET, MBIT processes.unit:mm Low saturation voltage.2045B Fast switching speed.[2SC4306] Large current capacity. Small and slim package making it easy to make0.542SC4306-used set smaller.0.85

Ordering number:EN3007NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor2SC4365VHF, UHF/MIX. OSC. Low-VoltageHigh-Frequency Amplifier ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions Low-voltage operationunit:mm: fT=3.0GHz typ (VCE=3V)2018B: MAG=12dB typ (VCE=3V, IC=10mA)[2SC4365]: NF=1.5dB typ (VCE=3V, IC=5mA)0.40.1630~0.11 0.95 20.951.92.91 : Base2 : Emitter3 : Co

To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid Renesas Electronics document. We appreciate your understanding.

To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid Renesas Electronics document. We appreciate your understanding.
2sc4331 2sc4331-z.pdf

DATA SHEETSILICON POWER TRANSISTORS2SC4331, 2SC4331-ZNPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORFOR HIGH-SPEED SWITCHINGThe 2SC4331 and 2SC4331-Z are mold power transistors PACKAGE DRAWING (UNIT: mm)developed for high-speed switching and features a very lowcollector-to-emitter saturation voltage.This transistor is ideal for use in switching regulators, DC/DCconverters, motor drivers, sol
2sc4332 2sc4332-z.pdf

DATA SHEETSILICON POWER TRANSISTORS2SC4332, 2SC4332-ZNPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORFOR HIGH-SPEED SWITCHINGThe 2SC4332 and 2SC4332-Z are mold power transistorsPACKAGE DRAWING (Unit: mm)developed for high-speed switching and features a very lowcollector-to-emitter saturation voltage.This transistor is ideal for use in switching regulators, DC/DCconverters, motor drivers, so

DATA SHEETDARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTOR2SC4351NPN SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR (DARLINGTON CONNECTION)FOR HIGH-SPEED SWITCHINGThe 2SC4351 is a high-speed Darlington power transistor. This PACKAGE DRAWING (UNIT: mm)transistor is ideal for high-precision control such as PWM control forpulse motors or blushless motor of OA and FA equipment.FEATURES Mold package that does not req
2sc4391 e.pdf

Transistor2SC4391Silicon NPN epitaxial planer typeFor low-frequency output amplificationUnit: mmComplementary to 2SA16742.5 0.1 0.05 (1.45)0.7 4.0 0.8FeaturesLow collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat).High collector to emitter voltage VCEO.0.65 max.Allowing supply with the radial taping.+0.1 0.450.05Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25

2SC4367Silicon NPN EpitaxialApplicationHigh Frequency amplifierOutlineTO-92MOD1. Emitter2. Collector3. Base3212SC4367Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)Item Symbol Ratings UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 30 VCollector to emitter voltage VCEO 20 VEmitter to base voltage VEBO 3VCollector current IC 100 mACollector peak current iC (peak) 200 mACollecto

2SC4308Silicon NPN Epitaxial PlanarApplicationVHF Wide band amplifierOutlineTO-92 (2)1. Base2. Emitter3. Collector3212SC4308Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)Item Symbol Ratings UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 30 VCollector to emitter voltage VCEO 20 VEmitter to base voltage VEBO 3VCollector current IC 300 mACollector peak current iC (peak) 500 mAC

2SC4366Silicon NPN EpitaxialApplicationLow Frequency amplifierOutlineMPAK311. Emitter2. Base23. Collector2SC4366Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)Item Symbol Ratings UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 60 VCollector to emitter voltage VCEO 50 VEmitter to base voltage VEBO 15 VCollector current IC 300 mACollector power dissipation PC 150 mWJunction temp

SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC4336 DESCRIPTION With TO-220Fa package Fast switching speed Low collector saturation voltage APPLICATIONS For use in switching power supplies ,DC/DC converters,motor drivers,solenoid drivers,etc PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base 2 Collector Fig.1 simplified outline (TO-220Fa) and symbol

2SC4373 0.8 A , 120 V NPN Plastic-Encapsulate Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free SOT-89 FEATURES Small Flat Package. Large Current Capacity. 4123ACLASSIFICATION OF hFE ECProduct-Rank 2SC4373-O 2SC4373-Y B DRange 80~160 120~240 F GMarking CO CY H KJ LPACKAGE INFORMATION

2SC4375 1.5 A , 30 V NPN Plastic-Encapsulate Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free SOT-89 FEATURES Small Flat Package. Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage. 4123ACLASSIFICATION OF hFE ECProduct-Rank 2SC4375-O 2SC4375-YB DRange 100~200 160~320F GMarking GO GYH KJ L

ISAHAYA ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONISAHAYA ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONISAHAYA ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONhttp://www.idc-com.co.jp6-41, TSUKUBA, ISAHAYA, NAGASAKI, 854-0065, JAPANKeep safety in your circuit designs !Isahaya Electronics Corporation puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble

ISAHAYA ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONISAHAYA ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONISAHAYA ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONhttp://www.idc-com.co.jp6-41, TSUKUBA, ISAHAYA, NAGASAKI, 854-0065, JAPANKeep safety in your circuit designs !Isahaya Electronics Corporation puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble

JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-89-3L Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsSOT-89-3L 2SC4373 TRANSISTOR (NPN)1. BASEFEATURES 2. COLLECTOR Small Flat Package Large Current Capacity3. EMITTERMAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 120 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 120 V VEBO Emitter-Bas

JMnic Product SpecificationSilicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC4336 DESCRIPTION With TO-220Fa package Fast switching speed Low collector saturation voltage APPLICATIONS For use in switching power supplies ,DC/DC converters,motor drivers,solenoid drivers,etc PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base 2 CollectorFig.1 simplified outline (TO-220Fa) and symbol3 EmitterAbsolute

JMnic Product SpecificationSilicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC4303 DESCRIPTION With TO-3PML package High voltage switchihg transistor APPLICATIONS Switching Regulator, Lighting Inverter and general purpose PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base 2 CollectorFig.1 simplified outline (TO-3PML) and symbol 3 EmitterAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITI

JMnic Product SpecificationSilicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC4350 DESCRIPTION With TO-220 package High DC current gain DARLINGTON APPLICATIONS For high speed power switching applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base Collector;connected to 2 mounting base Fig.1 simplified outline (TO-220) and symbol3 EmitterAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PAR

JMnic Product SpecificationSilicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC4369 DESCRIPTION With TO-220F package Complement to type 2SA1658 Good linearity of hFE APPLICATIONS For general purpose applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base 2 CollectorFig.1 simplified outline (TO-220F) and symbol3 EmitterAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VALUE U

JMnic Product SpecificationSilicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC4300 DESCRIPTION With TO-3PML package High voltage switchihg transistor APPLICATIONS For switching regulator and general purpose applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base 2 CollectorFig.1 simplified outline (TO-3PML) and symbol 3 EmitterAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS

JMnic Product SpecificationSilicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC4301 DESCRIPTION With TO-3PML package High voltage switchihg transistor APPLICATIONS Switching Regulator, Lighting Inverter and general purpose PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base 2 CollectorFig.1 simplified outline (TO-3PML) and symbol 3 EmitterAbsolute maximum ratings(Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITI

JMnic Product SpecificationSilicon NPN Power Transistors 2SC4304 DESCRIPTION With TO-220F package High voltage High speed switching APPLICATIONS For switching regulator and general purpose applications PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION1 Base 2 CollectorFig.1 simplified outline (TO-220F) and symbol3 EmitterAbsolute maximum ratings (Ta=25) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITI
2sc4381 2sc4382.pdf

2SC4381/4382Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor (Complement to type 2SA1667/1668)Application : TV Vertical Output, Audio Output Driver and General Purpose Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25C)External Dimensions FM20(TO220F)Symbol 2SC4381 2SC4382 Unit Symbol Conditions2SC4381 2SC4382 Unit0. 150 200

2SC4300Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor (High Voltage Switchihg Transistor)Application : Switching Regulator and General PurposeExternal Dimensions FM100(TO3PF) Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25C)Symbol 2SC4300 Symbol Conditions 2SC4300 UnitUnit0.20.2 5.515.60.23.45VCBO 900 ICBO VCB=800V 100max AVVCEO 800 IE

2SC4301Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor (High Voltage Switchihg Transistor)Application : Switching Regulator, Lighting Inverter and General PurposeExternal Dimensions FM100(TO3PF) Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25C)Symbol 2SC4301 Unit Symbol Conditions 2SC4301 Unit0.20.2 5.515.60.23.45VCBO 900 V VCB=800V 100max A

2SC4388Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor (Complement to type 2SA1673)Application : Audio and General Purpose(Ta=25C) External Dimensions FM100(TO3PF) Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Electrical CharacteristicsSymbol Conditions 2SC4388Symbol 2SC4388 Unit Unit0.20.2 5.515.60.23.45ICBO VCB=200V 10maxVCBO 200 V AIEBO VEB=6V 10max AVCEO 180

2SC4304Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor (High Voltage High Speed Switchihg Transistor)Application : Switching Regulator and General PurposeExternal Dimensions FM20(TO220F) Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25C)Symbol 2SC4304 Symbol Conditions 2SC4304 UnitUnit0. 900 ICBO VCB=800V 100max AVV

2SC4374 SOT-89-3L TRANSISTOR (NPN)1. BASE FEATURES 2. COLLECTOR Small Flat Package Low Collector- Emitter Saturation Voltage 3. EMITTER MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 80 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 80 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current 400 mA PC Collector Power Dissip

2SC4373 SOT-89-3L TRANSISTOR (NPN)1. BASE FEATURES 2. COLLECTOR Small Flat Package Large Current Capacity 3. EMITTER MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 120 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 120 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current 800 mA PC Collector Power Dissipation 500 mW R

2SC4375 SOT-89-3L TRANSISTOR (NPN)1. BASE FEATURES 2. COLLECTOR Small Flat Package Low Collector- Emitter Saturation Voltage 3. EMITTER MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 30 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 30 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current 1.5 A PC Collector Power Dissip

ST 2SC4379U NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for power amplification applications Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 50 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current IC 2 ABase Current IB 0.4 A0.5 Ptot W Total Power Dissipation1 1) Junction Temperature Tj 150

ST 2SC4378U NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage VCBO 80 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 60 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current IC 1 APeak Collector Current ICP 2 A0.5 Ptot W Total Power Dissipation1 1) Junction Temperature Tj 150 Storage Temperature Range Tstg

ST 2SC4375U NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor High current application Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage VCBO 30 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 30 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current IC 1.5 A0.5 Ptot W Total Power Dissipation11) Junction Temperature TJ 150 Storage Temperature Range TStg -
2sc4379u-o 2sc4379u-y.pdf

2SC4379U NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for power amplification applications Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 50 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current IC 2 ABase Current IB 0.4 A0.5 Ptot W Total Power Dissipation1 1) Junction Temperature Tj 150 Sto

ICSMD Type TransistorsSMD Type TransistorsSMD Type ICICSMD Type TransistorsSMD Type TransistorsSMDType TransistorsSMDType TransistorsProduct specification2SC4332-ZTO-252Unit: mm+0.15 +0.1Features6.50-0.15 2.30-0.1+0.2 +0.85.30-0.2 0.50-0.7Low collector saturation voltage.Fast switching speed.High DC current gain.0.127+0.1 max0.80-0.1+0.12.3 0.60-0

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4357SOT-89Unit:mm1.70 0.1 Features Collector Current Capability IC=2A Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=60V0.42 0.10.46 0.11.Base2.Collector3.Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 60 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO 60 V Emitter - Base Voltage VEBO

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4390SOT-89Unit:mm1.70 0.1 Features Collector Current Capability IC=2A Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=10V0.42 0.10.46 0.11.Base2.Collector3.Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 20 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO 10 V Emitter - Base Voltage VEBO

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4322SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9 -0.1+0.10.4-0.13 Features Collector Current Capability IC=15mA1 2 Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=10V+0.1+0.050.95 -0.1 0.1 -0.01+0.11.9 -0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 20 Colle

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4325 Features Collector Current Capability IC=15mA Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=10V1.Base2.Emitter3.Collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 20 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO 10 V Emitter - Base Voltage VEBO 1.5 Collector Current - Continuous IC 15

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4364SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9-0.1+0.10.4 -0.13 Features Collector Current Capability IC=30mA1 2 Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=15V+0.1+0.050.95 -0.1 0.1 -0.011.9+0.1-0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 25 Collec

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC43731.70 0.1 Features Collector Current Capability IC=800mA Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=120V0.42 0.10.46 0.11.Base2.Collector3.Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 120 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO 120 V Emitter - Base Voltage VEBO 5 Collec

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4321 Features Collector Current Capability IC=40mA Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=10V1.Base2.Emitter3.Collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 20 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO 10 V Emitter - Base Voltage VEBO 1.5 Collector Current - Continuous IC 40

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4317SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9-0.1+0.10.4 -0.13 Features Collector Current Capability IC=40mA1 2 Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=10V+0.050.95+0.1-0.1 0.1 -0.011.9+0.1-0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 20 Collect

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4365SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9 -0.1+0.10.4 -0.13 Features Collector Current Capability IC=50mA1 2 Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=15V+0.1+0.050.95-0.1 0.1-0.01+0.11.9-0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 25 Collect

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC43751.70 0.1 Features Collector Current Capability IC=1.5 A Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=30 V0.42 0.10.46 0.11.Base2.Collector3.Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 30 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO 30 V Emitter - Base Voltage VEBO 5 Collecto

SMD Type TransistorsNPN Transistors2SC4366SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9 -0.1+0.10.4-0.13 Features Collector Current Capability IC=300mA1 2 Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=50V+0.1+0.050.95 -0.1 0.1 -0.01+0.11.9 -0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collector Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO 60 Coll

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4336DESCRIPTION Mold package that does not require an insulating boardor insulation bushingHigh Speed Switching100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSThis transistor is ideal for use in switching power supplies,DC/DC converters,mo

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4383DESCRIPTION Mold package that does not require an insulating boardor insulation bushingHigh Speed Switching100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSThis transistor is ideal for use in 50KHz class switchingregulators.ABSOLUTE M

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4381DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 150V(Min)(BR)CEODC Current Gain-: h = 60(Min)@ (V = 10V, I = 0.7A)FE CE CComplement to Type 2SA1667100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for TV vertical outp

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4303DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 800V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for horizontal deflection output applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMB

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SC4350DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 100V(Min)CEO(SUS)High DC Current Gain: h = 2000~20000(Min) @I = 5AFE CFast Switching SpeedGood Linearity of hFEMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high-precis

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4370DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown VoltageV = 160V(Min)CEOComplement to Type 2SA1659Full-mold package that does not require an insulatingboard or bushing when mounting.100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesign

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4327DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 35V(Min)(BR)CEOLow Collector Saturation Voltage-: V = 0.5V(Max)@ (I = 5A, I = 0.3A)CE(sat) C BComplement to Type 2SA1643100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4369DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 30V(Min)CEOGood Linearity of hFEComplement to Type 2SA1658100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for general purpose applications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =2

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN RF Transistor 2SC4308DESCRIPTIONLow NoiseHigh Gain Bandwidth Product100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for use in VHF wide band amplifiers.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Collector-Base Voltage 30 VCBO

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4370APDESCRIPTIONTO-220 packageHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown VoltageV = 180V(Min)CEOComplement to Type 2SA1659APMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high voltage applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Collector-Bas

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4300DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 800V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Switching Speed100% testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for switching regulator and general purposeapplications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSY

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4301DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 800V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for switching regulator and general purposeapplications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4388DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 180V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFEComplement to Type 2SA1673100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for audio and general purpose applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIM

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4385DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 80V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFEComplement to Type 2SA1670100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for audio and general purpose applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMU

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4332DESCRIPTIONLow collector saturation voltageFast switching speedHigh DC current gain and excellent linearity100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSThis transistor is ideal for use in Switching regulators,DC/DC converters,motor drivers,Solenoid drivers

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4332-ZDESCRIPTIONLow collector saturation voltageFast switching speedHigh DC current gain and excellent linearity100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSThis transistor is ideal for use in Switching regulators,DC/DC converters,motor drivers,Solenoid drive

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4331-ZDESCRIPTIONAvailable for high-current control in small dimensionLow collector saturation voltageFast switching speedHigh DC current gain and excellent linearity100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSThis transistor is ideal for use in Switching r

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4368DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage: V = 150V(Min)CEOComplement to Type 2SA1657Good Linearity of hFEMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for TV, monitor vertical output applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYM

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4387DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 140V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFEComplement to Type 2SA1672100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for audio and general purpose applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIM

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4331DESCRIPTIONAvailable for high-current control in small dimensionLow collector saturation voltageFast switching speedHigh DC current gain and excellent linearity100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSThis transistor is ideal for use in Switching reg

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4330DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage: V = 0.5V(Max)@ I = 8ACE(sat) CCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 100V (Min)CEO(SUS)High Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for high speed a

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4386DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 120V(Min)(BR)CEOGood Linearity of hFEComplement to Type 2SA1671100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for audio and general purpose applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIM

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4371DESCRIPTIONHigh Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 400(Min)(BR)CEOExcellent Switching Times-: tr= 1.0s(Max), tf= 1.0s(Max)@ I = 4AC100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSSwitching regulator applicationHigh vol

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4304DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 800V(Min)(BR)CEOHigh Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for switching regulator and general purposeapplications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4382DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 200V(Min)(BR)CEODC Current Gain-: h = 60(Min)@ (V = 10V, I = 0.7A)FE CE CComplement to Type 2SA1668100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for TV vertical outp

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC4313DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage- :VCEO(SUS)= 800V(Min)Fast Switching speedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSColor TV horizontal output applicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Collector-Base
Другие транзисторы... 2SA1179M4 , 2SA1179M5 , 2SA1179M6 , 2SA1179M7 , 2SA118 , 2SA1180 , 2SA1180A , 2SA1182 , 2N5401 , 2SA1182Y , 2SA1183 , 2SA1184 , 2SA1185 , 2SA1186 , 2SA1186O , 2SA1186P , 2SA1186Y .
History: 2SB487 | KRC663U | DTC123JEB | 2SB443A | 2N5862 | 2SC765 | NKT108
History: 2SB487 | KRC663U | DTC123JEB | 2SB443A | 2N5862 | 2SC765 | NKT108

Список транзисторов
BJT: GA1A4M | SBT42 | 2SA200-Y | 2SA200-O | 2SD882-Q | 2SD882-P | 2SD882-E | 2SC945-L | 2SC945-H | 2SC4226-R23 | 2SC3357-F | 2SC3357-E | 2SC3356-R26 | 2SC3356-R24 | 2SC3356-R23 | 2SB772-Q | 2SB772-P | 2SB772-E | 2SA1015-L | 2SA1015-H | HSS8550
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