Биполярный транзистор 2SD1231
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Наименование производителя: 2SD1231
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: NPN
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 70
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 70
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 60
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 6
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 10
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150
Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 20
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 8000
Корпус транзистора:
- подбор биполярного транзистора по параметрам
Datasheet (PDF)
8.3. Size:151K sanyo

Ordering number:1034BPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Darlington Transistors2SB913/2SD1230Driver ApplicationsApplications Package Dimensions Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relay drivers,unit:mmvoltage regulator control.2022A[2SB913/2SD1230]Features High DC current gain. High current capacity and wide ASO. Low saturation voltage.1 : Base2 : Colle
8.4. Size:117K sanyo

Ordering number:1046BPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SB919/2SD123530V/8A High-Speed Switching ApplicationsApplications Package Dimensions Large current switching of relay drivers, high-speedunit:mminverters, converters.2010C[2SB919/2SD1235]Features Low collector-to-emitter saturation voltage : VCE(sat)=0.5V (PNP), 0.4V (NPN) max. Large current
8.5. Size:104K sanyo

Ordering number:1798APNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SB922L/2SD1238L80V/12A Switching ApplicationsApplications Package Dimensions Suittable for relay drivers, high-speed inverters,unit:mmconverters, and other large-current switching appli-2022Acations.[2SB922L/2SD1238L]Features Low collector-to-emitter saturation voltage : VCE(sat)=0.5V (PNP), 0.4
8.6. Size:142K sanyo

Ordering number:1797BPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SB921L/2SD1237L80V/7A Switching ApplicationsApplications Package Dimensions Suitable for relay drivers, high-speed inverters,unit:mmconverters, and other genral large current switching2010Capplications.[2SB921L/2SD1237L]Features Low collector-to-emitter saturation voltage : VCE(sat)=0.5V (PNP),
8.7. Size:148K sanyo

Ordering number:1796BPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SB920L/2SD1236L80V/5A Switching ApplicationsApplications Package Dimensions Relay drivers, high-speed inverters, converters, andunit:mmother general high-current switching applications.2010C[2SB920L/2SD1236L]Features Low-saturation collector-to-emitter voltage : VCE(sat)=0.5V (PNP), 0.4V (NPN) max
8.8. Size:240K inchange semiconductor

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1237DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage: V = 0.4V(Max)@ I = 4ACE(sat) CLarge Current CapacityMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for relay drivers, high-speed inverters,converters,and other general high-current switching applications.
8.9. Size:205K inchange semiconductor

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1236DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage: V = 0.4V(Max)@ I = 3ACE(sat) CLarge Current Capacity100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for relay drivers, high-speed inverters,converters,and other general high-curren
8.10. Size:217K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD1230DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain: h = 1500(Min.)@ I = 4A, V = 3VFE C CECollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 100V(Min.)(BR)CEOComplement to Type 2SB913Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relaydriver
8.11. Size:181K inchange semiconductor

isc Product Specificationisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SD1239DESCRIPTIONHigh Current CapabilityExcellent Safe Operating AreaFast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSSwitching regulatorsPower amplifiers .Absolute maximum ratings(Ta=25)SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE
8.12. Size:214K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1235DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage: V = 0.4V(Max)@ I = 3ACE(sat) CLarge Current CapacityComplement to Type 2SB919Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSLarge current switching of relay drivers, high-speedinverters,converters.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)
8.13. Size:218K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1238LDESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage: V = 0.4V(Max)@ I = 6ACE(sat) CWide Area of Safe OperationComplement to Type 2SB922LMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for relay drivers , high-speed inverters,converters,and other general high-current switching
8.14. Size:212K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1238DESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage: V = 0.4V(Max)@ I = 6ACE(sat) CWide Area of Safe OperationMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for relay drivers , high-speed inverters,converters,and other general high-current switchingapplicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM
8.15. Size:214K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1237LDESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage: V = 0.4V(Max)@ I = 4ACE(sat) CLarge Current CapacityComplement to Type 2SB921LMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for relay drivers, high-speed inverters,converters,and other general high-current switching applic
8.16. Size:206K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor 2SD1233DESCRIPTIONHigh DC Current Gain: h = 1500(Min.)@ I = 4A, V = 3VFE C CECollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage-: V = 100V(Min.)(BR)CEOMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relaydrivers, voltage regulator control
8.17. Size:214K inchange semiconductor

isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors 2SD1236LDESCRIPTIONLow Collector Saturation Voltage: V = 0.4V(Max)@ I = 3ACE(sat) CLarge Current CapacityComplement to Type 2SB920LMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for relay drivers, high-speed inverters,converters,and other general high-current switching applic
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History: 3DD3145_A6
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