Биполярный транзистор PMBTA13 - описание производителя. Основные параметры. Даташиты.
Наименование производителя: PMBTA13
Маркировка: 1M_P1M_p1M_p1M_t1M_W1M
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: NPN
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 0.33 W
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 30 V
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 30 V
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 10 V
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 0.3 A
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150 °C
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 12000
Корпус транзистора: TO236
PMBTA13 Datasheet (PDF)
pmbta13 14 4.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PMBTA13; PMBTA14NPN Darlington transistors1999 Apr 29Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Apr 18Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN Darlington transistors PMBTA13; PMBTA14FEATURES PINNING High current (max. 500 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 30 V)1 base High DC current gain (
PMBTA44400 V, 0.3 A NPN high-voltage low VCEsat (BISS) transistorRev. 01 22 February 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN high-voltage low VCEsat Breakthrough In Small Signal (BISS) transistor in aSOT23 (TO-236AB) small Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package.1.2 Features Low current (max. 300 mA) High voltage (max. 400 V) AEC-Q101 qua
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETPMBTA92PNP high-voltage transistorProduct data sheet 2004 Jan 22Supersedes data of 1999 Apr 13NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetPNP high-voltage transistor PMBTA92FEATURES PINNING Low current (max. 100 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION High voltage (max. 300 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collector Telephony Professional com
pmbta64 4.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PMBTA64PNP Darlington transistor1999 Apr 13Product specificationSupersedes data of 1998 Jul 21Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP Darlington transistor PMBTA64FEATURES PINNING High current (max. 500 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 30 V)1 base High DC current gain (min. 10000).2 emit
pmbta56 3.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PMBTA56PNP general purpose transistor1999 Apr 09Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Apr 22Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP general purpose transistor PMBTA56FEATURES PINNING High current (max. 500 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 80 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collecto
pmbta06 4.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PMBTA06NPN general purpose transistor1999 Apr 29Product specificationSupersedes data of 1998 Jul 20Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN general purpose transistor PMBTA06FEATURES PINNING High current (max. 500 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 80 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collecto
pmbta42 3.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PMBTA42NPN high-voltage transistor1999 Apr 22Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Jul 02Philips Semiconductors Product specificationNPN high-voltage transistor PMBTA42FEATURES PINNING Low current (max. 100 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION High voltage (max. 300 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collector
PMBTA42300 V, 100 mA NPN high-voltage transistorRev. 05 12 December 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN high-voltage transistor in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package.PNP complement: PMBTA92.1.2 Features High voltage (max. 300 V)1.3 Applications Telephony and professional communication equipment1.4 Qui
PMBTA42DSNPN/NPN high-voltage double transistorsRev. 02 27 August 2009 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN/NPN high-voltage double transistors in a small SOT457 (SC-74) Surface MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.1.2 Features High breakdown voltage Two electrically isolated transistors Small SMD plastic package1.3 Applications Automotive:
PMBTA45500 V, 150 mA NPN high-voltage low VCEsat (BISS) transistorRev. 02 10 March 2010 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN high-voltage low VCEsat Breakthrough In Small Signal (BISS) transistor in a SOT23 (TO-236AB) small Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package.PNP complement: PBHV9050T.1.2 Features and benefits High voltage Low collector
pmbta92 4.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PMBTA92PNP high-voltage transistor1999 Apr 13Product specificationSupersedes data of 1998 Jul 21Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP high-voltage transistor PMBTA92FEATURES PINNING Low current (max. 100 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION High voltage (max. 300 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collector
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETPMBTA56PNP general purpose transistorProduct data sheet 2004 Jan 09Supersedes data of 1999 Apr 09 NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetPNP general purpose transistor PMBTA56FEATURES PINNING High current (max. 500 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 80 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collector General purpose switching
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETPMBTA06NPN general purpose transistorProduct data sheet 2004 Jan 22Supersedes data of 1999 Apr 29NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetNPN general purpose transistor PMBTA06FEATURES PINNING High current (max. 500 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 80 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collector General purpose switching
PMBTA44400 V, 0.3 A NPN high-voltage low VCEsat (BISS) transistorRev. 01 22 February 2008 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN high-voltage low VCEsat Breakthrough In Small Signal (BISS) transistor in aSOT23 (TO-236AB) small Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package.1.2 Features Low current (max. 300 mA) High voltage (max. 400 V) AEC-Q101 qua
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEETPMBTA92PNP high-voltage transistorProduct data sheet 2004 Jan 22Supersedes data of 1999 Apr 13NXP Semiconductors Product data sheetPNP high-voltage transistor PMBTA92FEATURES PINNING Low current (max. 100 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION High voltage (max. 300 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collector Telephony Professional com
Important notice Dear Customer, On 7 February 2017 the former NXP Standard Product business became a new company with the tradename Nexperia. Nexperia is an industry leading supplier of Discrete, Logic and PowerMOS semiconductors with its focus on the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer and wearable application markets In data sheets and application notes which still contain
PMBTA42DSNPN/NPN high-voltage double transistorsRev. 02 27 August 2009 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN/NPN high-voltage double transistors in a small SOT457 (SC-74) Surface MountedDevice (SMD) plastic package.1.2 Features High breakdown voltage Two electrically isolated transistors Small SMD plastic package1.3 Applications Automotive:
Important notice Dear Customer, On 7 February 2017 the former NXP Standard Product business became a new company with the tradename Nexperia. Nexperia is an industry leading supplier of Discrete, Logic and PowerMOS semiconductors with its focus on the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer and wearable application markets In data sheets and application notes which still contain
Important notice Dear Customer, On 7 February 2017 the former NXP Standard Product business became a new company with the tradename Nexperia. Nexperia is an industry leading supplier of Discrete, Logic and PowerMOS semiconductors with its focus on the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer and wearable application markets In data sheets and application notes which still contain
Important notice Dear Customer, On 7 February 2017 the former NXP Standard Product business became a new company with the tradename Nexperia. Nexperia is an industry leading supplier of Discrete, Logic and PowerMOS semiconductors with its focus on the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer and wearable application markets In data sheets and application notes which still contain
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