Биполярный транзистор TIPL774
- описание производителя. Основные параметры. Даташиты.
Наименование производителя: TIPL774
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: NPN
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 150
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 550
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 450
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 8
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 20
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150
Ёмкость коллекторного перехода (Cc): 240
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 300
Корпус транзистора:
Аналоги (замена) для TIPL774
Datasheet (PDF)
8.1. Size:125K bourns
tipl770.pdf TIPL770NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR Rugged Triple-Diffused Planar Construction 2.5 A Continuous Collector Current TO-220 PACKAGE(TOP VIEW) Operating Characteristics Fully Guaranteed at 100CB 1 850 Volt Blocking CapabilityC 2 50 W at 25C Case Temperature 3EPin 2 is in electrical contact with the mounting base.MDTRACAabsolute maximum ratings at 25C
9.1. Size:134K bourns
tipl760.pdf TIPL760, TIPL760ANPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS Rugged Triple-Diffused Planar Construction 4 A Continuous Collector Current TO-220 PACKAGE(TOP VIEW) Operating Characteristics Fully Guaranteed at 100CB 1 1000 Volt Blocking CapabilityC 2 75 W at 25C Case Temperature 3EPin 2 is in electrical contact with the mounting base.MDTRACAabsolute maximum rating
9.2. Size:131K bourns
tipl765.pdf TIPL765, TIPL765ANPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS Rugged Triple-Diffused Planar Construction SOT-93 PACKAGE(TOP VIEW) 10 A Continuous Collector CurrentB1 Operating Characteristics Fully Guaranteed at 100CC 2 1000 Volt Blocking Capability 125 W at 25C Case Temperature3EPin 2 is in electrical contact with the mounting base.MDTRAAAabsolute maximum ra
9.3. Size:140K bourns
tipl762.pdf TIPL762, TIPL762ANPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS Rugged Triple-Diffused Planar ConstructionSOT-93 PACKAGE(TOP VIEW) 6 A Continuous Collector CurrentB1 Operating Characteristics Fully Guaranteed at 100CC 2 1000 Volt Blocking Capability 120 W at 25C Case Temperature3EPin 2 is in electrical contact with the mounting base.MDTRAAAabsolute maximum ra
9.4. Size:134K bourns
tipl761.pdf TIPL761, TIPL761ANPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS Rugged Triple-Diffused Planar ConstructionSOT-93 PACKAGE(TOP VIEW) 4 A Continuous Collector CurrentB1 Operating Characteristics Fully Guaranteed at 100CC 2 1000 Volt Blocking Capability 100 W at 25C Case Temperature3EPin 2 is in electrical contact with the mounting base.MDTRAAAabsolute maximum ra
9.5. Size:159K bourns
tipl791.pdf TIPL791, TIPL791ANPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS Rugged Triple-Diffused Planar Construction 4 A Continuous Collector Current TO-220 PACKAGE(TOP VIEW) Operating Characteristics Fully Guaranteed at 100CB 1 1000 Volt Blocking CapabilityC 2E 3Pin 2 is in electrical contact with the mounting base.MDTRACAabsolute maximum ratings at 25C case temperature (unless
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