Справочник транзисторов. UMC2N


Биполярный транзистор UMC2N - описание производителя. Основные параметры. Даташиты.

   Наименование производителя: UMC2N
   Маркировка: C2
   Тип материала: Si
   Полярность: Pre-Biased-NPN*PNP
   Встроенный резистор цепи смещения R1 = 22 kOhm
   Встроенный резистор цепи смещения R2 = 22 kOhm
   Соотношение сопротивлений R1/R2 = 1
   Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 0.15 W
   Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 50 V
   Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 10 V
   Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 0.1 A
   Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150 °C
   Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 140 MHz
   Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 56
   Корпус транзистора: SC88A SOT353

 Аналоги (замена) для UMC2N



UMC2N Datasheet (PDF)

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TransistorsPower management(dual digital transistors)UMC2N / FMC2AFFeatures FExternal dimensions (Units: mm)1) Includes a DTA124E and aDTC124E transistor in a singleUMT and a SMT package.2) Ideal for power switch circuits.3) Mounting cost and area can be cutin half.FStructureA PNP and a NPN digital transistor(each with two built in resistors)The following characteris

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umc2n fmc2a c2 sot23-5sot353.pdf


TransistorsPower management(dual digital transistors)UMC2N / FMC2AFFeatures FExternal dimensions (Units: mm)1) Includes a DTA124E and aDTC124E transistor in a singleUMT and a SMT package.2) Ideal for power switch circuits.3) Mounting cost and area can be cutin half.FStructureA PNP and a NPN digital transistor(each with two built in resistors)The following characteris

 ..3. Size:794K  kexin


SMD Type TransistorsNPN And PNP Digital TransistorsUMC2NSOT323-5(SOT-353)Unit: mm+0.05 Features0.2+0.1 0.15 -0.05-0.05 Includes a DTA124E and a5 4 DTC124E transistor in a single UMT and a SMT package.0~0.1 Ideal for power switch circuits.1 2 3 Mounting cost and area can be cut in half.0.650.71.3 0.1+0.10.9-0.1+0.22.0-0.2 A

 0.1. Size:158K  onsemi
umc2nt1g umc3nt1g umc5nt1g.pdf


UMC2NT1G, UMC3NT1G,UMC5NT1GPreferred DevicesDual CommonBase-Collector BiasResistor Transistorshttp://onsemi.comNPN and PNP Silicon Surface MountTransistors with Monolithic Bias312Resistor NetworkR1R2The Bias Resistor Transistor (BRT) contains a single transistor witha monolithic bias network consisting of two resistors; a series baseresistor and a base-emitter re

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umc2nt1g nsvumc2nt1g umc3nt1g nsvumc3nt1g umc3nt2g umc5nt1g umc5nt2g nsvumc5nt2g.pdf


UMC2NT1G,NSVUMC2NT1G,UMC3NT1G,NSVUMC3NT1G,UMC5NT1G,NSVUMC5NT2Ghttp://onsemi.comDual CommonBase-Collector BiasResistor TransistorsSC-88A/SOT-353CASE 419ANPN and PNP Silicon Surface MountSTYLE 6Transistors with Monolithic BiasResistor Network 312R1R2The Bias Resistor Transistor (BRT) contains a single transistor witha monolithic bias network consisting of t

 0.3. Size:152K  onsemi
umc2nt1g umc3nt2g umc5nt1g.pdf


UMC2NT1G,NSVUMC2NT1G,UMC3NT1G,NSVUMC3NT1G,UMC5NT1G,NSVUMC5NT2Ghttp://onsemi.comDual CommonBase-Collector BiasResistor TransistorsSC-88A/SOT-353CASE 419ANPN and PNP Silicon Surface MountSTYLE 6Transistors with Monolithic BiasResistor Network 312R1R2The Bias Resistor Transistor (BRT) contains a single transistor witha monolithic bias network consisting of t

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