Биполярный транзистор UN221T
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Наименование производителя: UN221T
Маркировка: EZ
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: Pre-Biased-NPN
Встроенный резистор цепи смещения R1 = 22 kOhm
Встроенный резистор цепи смещения R2 = 47 kOhm
Соотношение сопротивлений R1/R2 = 0.47
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 0.2
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 50
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 50
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 6
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 0.1
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150
Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 150
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 80
Корпус транзистора:
- подбор биполярного транзистора по параметрам
Datasheet (PDF)
9.1. Size:263K motorola

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MUN2211T1/DBias Resistor TransistorMUN2211T1NPN Silicon Surface Mount Transistor withSERIESMonolithic Bias Resistor NetworkMotorola Preferred DevicesThis new series of digital transistors is designed to replace a single device and itsexternal resistor bias network. The BRT (Bias Resistor Transistor) contains a singl
9.2. Size:218K onsemi

MUN2211T1, SMUN2211T1,NSVMUN2211T1 SeriesBias Resistor TransistorsNPN Silicon Surface Mount Transistorswith Monolithic Bias Resistor Networkhttp://onsemi.comThis new series of digital transistors is designed to replace a singledevice and its external resistor bias network. The BRT (Bias ResistorNPN SILICONTransistor) contains a single transistor with a monolithic bias network
9.3. Size:104K onsemi

MMUN2217L,NSVMMUN2217LDigital Transistors (BRT)R1 = 4.7 kW, R2 = 10 kWNPN Transistors with Monolithic Biashttp://onsemi.comResistor NetworkPIN CONNECTIONSThis series of digital transistors is designed to replace a singlePIN 3device and its external resistor bias network. The Bias ResistorCOLLECTORTransistor (BRT) contains a single transistor with a monolithic bias (OUTPU
9.4. Size:171K onsemi

MMUN2211LT1G SeriesBias Resistor TransistorNPN Silicon Surface Mount Transistorwith Monolithic Bias Resistor NetworkThis new series of digital transistors is designed to replace a singlehttp://onsemi.comdevice and its external resistor bias network. The BRT (Bias ResistorTransistor) contains a single transistor with a monolithic bias networkconsisting of two resistors; a series
9.5. Size:160K onsemi

MUN2211T1 SeriesPreferred DevicesBias Resistor TransistorsNPN Silicon Surface Mount Transistorswith Monolithic Bias Resistor NetworkThis new series of digital transistors is designed to replace a singlehttp://onsemi.comdevice and its external resistor bias network. The BRT (Bias ResistorTransistor) contains a single transistor with a monolithic bias networkconsisting of two re
9.8. Size:135K onsemi
mun2214 mmun2214l mun5214 dtc114ye dtc114ym3 nsbc114yf3.pdf 

MUN2214, MMUN2214L,MUN5214, DTC114YE,DTC114YM3, NSBC114YF3Digital Transistors (BRT)R1 = 10 kW, R2 = 47 kWwww.onsemi.comNPN Transistors with Monolithic BiasPIN CONNECTIONSResistor NetworkPIN 3COLLECTORThis series of digital transistors is designed to replace a single(OUTPUT)PIN 1device and its external resistor bias network. The Bias Resistor R1BASETransistor (BRT
9.9. Size:94K onsemi
mmun2217l mmun2217lt1g.pdf 

MMUN2217L,NSVMMUN2217LDigital Transistors (BRT)R1 = 4.7 kW, R2 = 10 kWNPN Transistors with Monolithic Biashttp://onsemi.comResistor NetworkPIN CONNECTIONSThis series of digital transistors is designed to replace a singlePIN 3device and its external resistor bias network. The Bias ResistorCOLLECTORTransistor (BRT) contains a single transistor with a monolithic bias (OUTPU
9.10. Size:155K onsemi

MUN2212, MMUN2212L,MUN5212, DTC124EE,DTC124EM3, NSBC124EF3Digital Transistors (BRT)R1 = 22 kW, R2 = 22 kWhttp://onsemi.comNPN Transistors with Monolithic BiasPIN CONNECTIONSResistor NetworkPIN 3COLLECTORThis series of digital transistors is designed to replace a single(OUTPUT)PIN 1device and its external resistor bias network. The Bias Resistor R1BASETransistor (
9.11. Size:139K onsemi

MUN2211, MMUN2211L,MUN5211, DTC114EE,DTC114EM3, NSBC114EF3Digital Transistors (BRT)R1 = 10 kW, R2 = 10 kWhttp://onsemi.comNPN Transistors with Monolithic BiasPIN CONNECTIONSResistor NetworkPIN 3COLLECTORThis series of digital transistors is designed to replace a single(OUTPUT)PIN 1device and its external resistor bias network. The Bias Resistor R1BASETransistor (
9.12. Size:427K panasonic
unr221x un221x series.pdf 

Transistors with built-in ResistorUNR221x Series (UN221x Series)Silicon NPN epitaxial planar transistorUnit: mm0.40+0.100.05For digital circuits0.16+0.100.063 Features Costs can be reduced through downsizing of the equipment andreduction of the number of parts.1 2 Mini type package allowing easy automatic insertion through tape(0.95) (0.95)packing
9.14. Size:441K wietron

MMUN2211 SeriesCOLLECTOR3Bias Resistor Transistor3BASE R1NPN Silicon1R212P b Lead(Pb)-Free2EMITTERSOT-23MAXIMUM RATINGSRating SymbolValue Unit50 VdcCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEOCollector-Base Voltage 50 VdcVCBOCollector Current-Continuous I 100 mAdcCTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristics Symbol Value UnitTotal Device Dissipation FR-5 Board (1
9.16. Size:391K tysemi

ssSMD Type TranssiisttorrsSMD Transs iis ttoCsSMD Type Tran IorrSMDType Tra n ICSMD TypeSMD TypeSMD Type oTypeProduct specificationKMUN221 4SOT-23Unit: mm Features+0.12.9-0.1+0.10.4-0.1 Simplifies Circuit Design3 Reduces Board Space Reduces Component Count1 2+0.1+0.050.95-0.1 0.1-0.01+0.11.9-0.1PIN 3COLLECTORPIN 1R1 (
9.17. Size:1951K kexin

SMD Type TransistorsNPN TransistorsMUN2211 ~ MUN2234 SOT-23Unit: mm2.9+0.1-0.1+0.10.4-0.13 Features Collector Current Capability IC=100mA Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=50V1 2+0.1+0.050.95 -0.1 0.1 -0.01+0.11.9 -0.1PIN3CollectorPIN1R1(Output)base1.Base(Input)R22.EmitterPIN23.collectorEmitter(Ground) Absolute Maximum
9.19. Size:1037K cn cbi
mmun2211 mmun2241.pdf 

NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistorfor switching and interface circuit and drive circuit applications Resistor ValuesType R1 (K) R2 (K) MMUN2211 10 10 1.Base 2.Emitter 3.Collector MMUN2212 22 22 SOT-23 Plastic PackageMMUN2213 47 47 MMUN2214 10 47 Collector MMUN2215 10 (Output) MMUN2216 4.7 R1 Base (Input) MMUN2230 1 1 R2MMUN2231 2.2 2.2 Emi
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