Биполярный транзистор BC847BP
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Наименование производителя: BC847BP
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: NPN*PNP
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 0.35
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 45
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 0.1
Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 100
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 200
Корпус транзистора:
- подбор биполярного транзистора по параметрам
Datasheet (PDF)
0.1. Size:53K philips
bc847bpn 2.pdf 

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETandbook, halfpageMBD128BC847BPNNPN/PNP general purposetransistor1999 Apr 26Preliminary specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Jul 09Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specificationNPN/PNP general purpose transistor BC847BPNFEATURES PINNING Low collector capacitancePIN DESCRIPTION Low collector-emitter saturation voltage1, 4 e
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BC847BPN45 V, 100 mA NPN/PNP general-purpose transistorRev. 04 18 February 2009 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN/PNP general-purpose transistor pair in a very small SOT363 (SC-88)Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package.1.2 Features Low collector capacitance Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Closely matched current gain Reduces
0.3. Size:101K nxp

BC847BPN45 V, 100 mA NPN/PNP general-purpose transistorRev. 04 18 February 2009 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionNPN/PNP general-purpose transistor pair in a very small SOT363 (SC-88)Surface-Mounted Device (SMD) plastic package.1.2 Features Low collector capacitance Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Closely matched current gain Reduces
0.4. Size:110K onsemi
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BC847BPDXV6,SBC847BPDXV6NPN/PNP Dual GeneralPurpose TransistorThis transistor is designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. It is housed in the SOT-563 which is designed for lowhttp://onsemi.compower surface mount applications.Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring UniqueSite and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualif
0.5. Size:177K onsemi
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BC846BPDW1,BC847BPDW1,BC848CPDW1 SeriesDual General PurposeTransistorshttp://onsemi.comNPN/PNP Duals (Complementary)These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT-363/SC-88 which isSOT-363designed for low power surface mount applications.CASE 419BSTYLE 1Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Ap
0.6. Size:131K onsemi
bc846bpdw1t1g bc847bpdw1t1g bc848cpdw1t1g.pdf 

BC846BPDW1,BC847BPDW1,BC848CPDW1 SeriesDual General PurposeTransistorswww.onsemi.comNPN/PNP Duals (Complementary)These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT-363/SC-88 which isSOT-363designed for low power surface mount applications.CASE 419BSTYLE 1Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Appli
0.7. Size:177K onsemi

BC846BPDW1,BC847BPDW1,BC848CPDW1 SeriesDual General PurposeTransistorshttp://onsemi.comNPN/PNP Duals (Complementary)These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT-363/SC-88 which isSOT-363designed for low power surface mount applications.CASE 419BSTYLE 1Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Ap
0.8. Size:114K onsemi

BC847BPDXV6,SBC847BPDXV6NPN/PNP Dual GeneralPurpose TransistorThis transistor is designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. It is housed in the SOT-563 which is designed for lowhttp://onsemi.compower surface mount applications.Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring UniqueSite and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualif
0.9. Size:177K onsemi
bc847bpdw1t1g bc848cpdw1t1g.pdf 

BC846BPDW1,BC847BPDW1,BC848CPDW1 SeriesDual General PurposeTransistorshttp://onsemi.comNPN/PNP Duals (Complementary)These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT-363/SC-88 which isSOT-363designed for low power surface mount applications.CASE 419BSTYLE 1Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Ap
0.10. Size:208K onsemi
bc848cpdw1t1g bc846bpdw1t1g bc847bpdw1t1g.pdf 

BC846BPDW1,BC847BPDW1,BC848CPDW1 SeriesDual General PurposeTransistorswww.onsemi.comNPN/PNP Duals (Complementary)These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT-363/SC-88 which isSOT-363designed for low power surface mount applications.CASE 419BSTYLE 1Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Appli
0.11. Size:262K onsemi
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ON SemiconductorIs NowTo learn more about onsemi, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comonsemi and and other names, marks, and brands are registered and/or common law trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba onsemi or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. onsemi owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks,
0.12. Size:114K onsemi

BC847BPDXV6,SBC847BPDXV6NPN/PNP Dual GeneralPurpose TransistorThis transistor is designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. It is housed in the SOT-563 which is designed for lowhttp://onsemi.compower surface mount applications.Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring UniqueSite and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualif
0.13. Size:177K onsemi

BC846BPDW1,BC847BPDW1,BC848CPDW1 SeriesDual General PurposeTransistorshttp://onsemi.comNPN/PNP Duals (Complementary)These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT-363/SC-88 which isSOT-363designed for low power surface mount applications.CASE 419BSTYLE 1Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Ap
0.14. Size:76K onsemi

BC847BPDXV6T1,BC847BPDXV6T5Dual General PurposeTransistorNPN/PNP Dual (Complementary)http://onsemi.comThis transistor is designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. It is housed in the SOT-563 which is designed for low(3) (2) (1)power surface mount applications. Lead-Free Solder PlatingMAXIMUM RATINGS - NPNQ1 Q2Rating Symbol Value UnitCollector-Emitter Vol
0.15. Size:177K onsemi

BC846BPDW1,BC847BPDW1,BC848CPDW1 SeriesDual General PurposeTransistorshttp://onsemi.comNPN/PNP Duals (Complementary)These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT-363/SC-88 which isSOT-363designed for low power surface mount applications.CASE 419BSTYLE 1Features(3) (2) (1) S Prefix for Automotive and Other Ap
0.17. Size:172K lrc
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LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.Dual General Purpose TransistorsLBC846BPDW1T1GLBC847BPDW1T1GNPN/PNP Duals (Complimentary)LBC847CPDW1T1G These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierLBC848BPDW1T1Gapplications. They are housed in the SOT363/SC88 which isLBC848CPDW1T1Gdesigned for low power surface mount applications.S-LBC846BPDW1T1GWe declare that the materi
0.18. Size:172K lrc

LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.Dual General Purpose TransistorsLBC846BPDW1T1GLBC847BPDW1T1GNPN/PNP Duals (Complimentary)LBC847CPDW1T1G These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierLBC848BPDW1T1Gapplications. They are housed in the SOT363/SC88 which isLBC848CPDW1T1Gdesigned for low power surface mount applications.S-LBC846BPDW1T1GWe declare that the materi
0.19. Size:1957K kexin

SMD Type TransistorsComposite TransistorsBC847BPN (KC847BPN) Features Low collector capacitance Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Closely matched current gain Reduces number of components and board space No mutual interference between the transistorsC1 B2 E20.5 mm (min)PNPNPNE1 B1 C21.9 mm Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parame
0.20. Size:522K panjit

BC847BPNDUAL SURFACE MOUNT NPN/PNP TRANSISTORS (COMPLIMENTARY)This device contains two electrically-isolated complimentary pair (NPN andPNP) general-purpose transistors. This device is ideal for portable SOT- 363applications where board space is at a premium.4455FEATURES6633Electrically-Isolated Complimentary Transistor Pairs22Lead free in compliance with EU Ro
0.21. Size:500K dxc
dbc846bpdw1t1g dbc847bpdw1t1g dbc847cpdw1t1g dbc848bpdw1t1g dbc848cpdw1t1g.pdf 

Dual General Purpose TransistorsDual General Purpose TransistorsNPN/PNP Duals (Complimentary)DBC846BPDW1T1GDBC847BPDW1T1G These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT363/SC88 which isDBC847CPDW1T1Gdesigned for low power surface mount applications.DBC848BPDW1T1GWe declare that the material of product compliance wit
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