Биполярный транзистор PDTA114TT - описание производителя. Основные параметры. Даташиты.
Наименование производителя: PDTA114TT
Маркировка: -11_p11_t11_W11
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: Pre-Biased-PNP
Встроенный резистор цепи смещения R1 = 10 kOhm
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 0.25 W
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 50 V
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 50 V
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 5 V
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 0.1 A
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150 °C
Ёмкость коллекторного перехода (Cc): 3 pf
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 200
Корпус транзистора: SOT23
Аналоги (замена) для PDTA114TT
PDTA114TT Datasheet (PDF)
pdta114tt 3.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PDTA114TTPNP resistor-equipped transistor1999 Apr 13Objective specificationSupersedes data of 1998 May 18Philips Semiconductors Objective specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TTFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1 (typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit design3handbook, 4 columns Reduce
pdta114tt 3.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D088PDTA114TTPNP resistor-equipped transistor1999 Apr 13Objective specificationSupersedes data of 1998 May 18Philips Semiconductors Objective specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TTFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1 (typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit design3handbook, 4 columns Reduce
pdta114te sot416.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETM3D173PDTA114TEPNP resistor-equipped transistorPreliminary specification 1998 Jul 23Supersedes data of 1997 Jul 14File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TEFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1 (typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit design R
pdta114tk 3.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D114PDTA114TKPNP resistor-equipped transistor1998 May 15Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Sep 05File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TKFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1 (typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit desi
pdta114te 2.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETM3D173PDTA114TEPNP resistor-equipped transistorPreliminary specification 1998 Jul 23Supersedes data of 1997 Jul 14File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TEFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1 (typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit design R
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D102PDTA114TUPNP resistor-equipped transistor1999 Apr 13Product specificationSupersedes data of 1998 May 15Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TUFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1(typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit design3handbook, 4 columns Reduces num
pdta114ts 2.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D186PDTA114TSPNP resistor-equipped transistor1998 May 15Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Jul 14File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TSFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1 (typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit desi
pdta114tk 3.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D114PDTA114TKPNP resistor-equipped transistor1998 May 15Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Sep 05File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TKFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1 (typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit desi
pdta114te 2.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETM3D173PDTA114TEPNP resistor-equipped transistorPreliminary specification 1998 Jul 23Supersedes data of 1997 Jul 14File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TEFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1 (typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit design R
pdta114t ser.pdf
PDTA114T seriesPNP resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 10 k, R2 = openRev. 07 20 April 2007 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionPNP Resistor-Equipped Transistors (RET) family in small plastic packages.Table 1. Product overviewType number Package NPN complementNXP JEITA JEDECPDTA114TE SOT416 SC-75 - PDTC114TEPDTA114TK SOT346 SC-59A TO-236 PDTC114
pdta114tu 3.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D102PDTA114TUPNP resistor-equipped transistor1999 Apr 13Product specificationSupersedes data of 1998 May 15Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TUFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1(typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit design3handbook, 4 columns Reduces num
pdta114ts 2.pdf
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETbook, halfpageM3D186PDTA114TSPNP resistor-equipped transistor1998 May 15Product specificationSupersedes data of 1997 Jul 14File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP resistor-equipped transistor PDTA114TSFEATURES Built-in bias resistor R1 (typ. 10 k) Simplification of circuit desi
Important notice Dear Customer, On 7 February 2017 the former NXP Standard Product business became a new company with the tradename Nexperia. Nexperia is an industry leading supplier of Discrete, Logic and PowerMOS semiconductors with its focus on the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer and wearable application markets In data sheets and application notes which still contain
pdta114tk pdta114ts.pdf
PDTA114T seriesPNP resistor-equipped transistors; R1 = 10 k, R2 = openRev. 07 20 April 2007 Product data sheet1. Product profile1.1 General descriptionPNP Resistor-Equipped Transistors (RET) family in small plastic packages.Table 1. Product overviewType number Package NPN complementNXP JEITA JEDECPDTA114TE SOT416 SC-75 - PDTC114TEPDTA114TK SOT346 SC-59A TO-236 PDTC114
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