Биполярный транзистор 2SD2659
- описание производителя. Основные параметры. Даташиты.
Наименование производителя: 2SD2659
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: NPN
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 20
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 80
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 60
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 6
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 3
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150
Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 50
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 500
Корпус транзистора: TO-220D-A1
Аналоги (замена) для 2SD2659
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:63K panasonic
2sd2659.pdf Power Transistors2SD2659Silicon NPN triple diffusion planar typeUnit: mm4.60.2For power switching 3.20.1 Features High forward current transfer ratio hFE Satisfactory linearity of forward current transfer ratio hFE TO-220D built-in: Excellent package with withstand voltage 5 kVguaranteed1. 0.550.1
8.1. Size:29K sanyo
2sd2650.pdf Ordering number : ENN6781A2SD2650NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor2SD2650Color TV Horizontal DeflectionOutput ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions High speed. unit : mm High breakdown voltage(VCBO=1500V). 2174A High reliability(Adoption of HVP process).[2SD2650] Adoption of MBIT process.5.63.416. 2 31 : Ba
8.2. Size:31K sanyo
2sd2658ls.pdf Ordering number : ENN71682SD2658LSNPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Transistor2SD2658LSColor TV Horizontal DeflectionOutput ApplicationsFeaturesPackage Dimensions High speed.unit : mm High breakdown voltage (VCBO=1500V).2079D High reliability (Adoption of HVP process).[2SD2658LS] Adoption of MBIT process.10.0 On-chip damper diode.0
8.3. Size:101K renesas
r07ds0281ej 2sd2655-1.pdf Preliminary Datasheet 2SD2655 R07DS0281EJ0300(Previous: REJ03G0810-0200)Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planer Rev.3.00Low Frequency Power Amplifier Mar 28, 2011Features Small size package: MPAK (SC59A) Large Maximum current: IC = 1 A Low collector to emitter saturation voltage: VCE(sat) = 0.3 V max.(at IC/IB = 0.5 A/0.05 A) High power dissipation: PC = 800 mW
8.4. Size:90K rohm
2sd2653.pdf 2SD2653 Transistors Low frequency amplifier 2SD2653 External dimensions (Unit : mm) Application Low frequency amplifier TSMT3Driver 1.0MAX2.90.850.4 0.7( )3 Features 1) A collector current is large. 2) VCE(sat) 180mV ( ) ( )1 20.95 0.95at IC = 1A / IB = 50mA 0.161.9(1) Base(2) Emitter Each lead has same dimensions(3) Collector Absolute m
8.5. Size:77K rohm
2sd2652.pdf 2SD2652TransistorsGeneral purpose amplification (12V, 1.5A)2SD2652 External dimensions (Units : mm) ApplicationLow frequency amplifier Features1.251) A collector current is large.2.12) Collector saturation voltage is low.VCE(sat) 200mV0.1Min.At IC = 500mA / IB = 25mAEach lead has same dimensionsROHM : UMT3 (1) EmitterAbbreviated symbol : EWEIAJ : SC-70 (2
8.6. Size:1309K rohm
2sd2656fra.pdf 2SD26562SD2656FRADatasheet NPN 1A 30V Low Frequency Amplifier TransistorsAEC-Q101 QualifiedlOutlineUMT3Parameter ValueCollectorVCEO30VBaseIC1AEmitter2SD2656FRA2SD2656SOT-323 (SC-70)lFeatures1) A Collecotr current is large.General Purpose.2) Collector saturation voltage is low.VCE(sat) is Max. 350mVAt IC=500mA, IB=25mA3) Complementary PNP Types :2S
8.7. Size:121K rohm
2sd2653k.pdf 2SD2653KTransistorsLow frequency amplifier2SD2653K External dimensions (Units : mm) ApplicationLow frequency amplifierDriver1.6 Features2.81) A collector current is large.2) VCE(sat) 180mV0.3Min.At IC = 1A / IB = 50mAEach lead has same dimensionsAbbreviated symbol : FW (1) EmitterROHM : SMT3EIAJ : SC-59 (2) BaseJEDEC : SOT-346 (3) Collector Absolute m
8.8. Size:77K rohm
2sd2656.pdf 2SD2656 Transistors General purpose amplification (30V, 1A) 2SD2656 Application Low frequency amplifier 1.25 Features 2.11) A collector current is large. 2) Collector saturation voltage is low. 0.1Min.VCE(sat) 350mV Each lead has same dimensionsAt IC = 500mA / IB = 25mA ROHM : UMT3 (1) EmitterAbbreviated symbol : EUEIAJ : SC-70 (2) Base JEDEC : SOT-323 (
8.9. Size:75K rohm
2sd2657k-1.pdf 2SD2657K Transistors Low frequency amplifier 2SD2657K External dimensions (Units : mm) Application Low frequency amplifier Driver 1.6 Features 2.81) A collector current is large. 2) VCE(sat) 350mV 0.3Min.At IC = 1A / IB = 50mA Each lead has same dimensionsROHM : SMT3 Abbreviated symbol : FZ (1) EmitterEIAJ : SC-59 (2) Base JEDEC : SOT-346 (3) Collector
8.10. Size:943K rohm
2sd2657kfra.pdf 2SD2657KFRA AEC-Q101 Qualified 2SD2657KFRA
8.11. Size:67K rohm
2sd2657.pdf 2SD2657 Transistors Low frequency amplifier 2SD2657 External dimensions (Unit : mm) Application Low frequency amplifier TSMT3Driver 1.0MAX2.90.850.4 0.7(3) Features 1) A collector current is large. 1 22) VCE(sat) : max.350mV ( ) ( )0.95 0.950.16At IC = 1A / IB = 50mA 1.9(1) Base(2) EmitterEach lead has same dimensions(3) Collector Packaging
8.12. Size:1233K rohm
2sd2654.pdf 2SD2654DatasheetGeneral purpose Transistor (50V, 150mA)lOutlinel SOT-416 Parameter Value SC-75A VCEO50VIC150mAEMT3lFeatures lInner circuitl l1)High DC current gain.2)High emitter-base voltage. (VCBO=12V)3)Low saturation voltage. (Max.VCE(sat)=300mV at IC/IB=50/5mA)lApplicationlLOW FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER, DRIVER
8.13. Size:73K rohm
2sd2657k.pdf 2SD2657K Transistors Low frequency amplifier 2SD2657K External dimensions (Units : mm) Application Low frequency amplifier Driver 1.6 Features 2.81) A collector current is large. 2) VCE(sat) 350mV 0.3Min.At IC = 1A / IB = 50mA Each lead has same dimensionsROHM : SMT3 Abbreviated symbol : FZ (1) EmitterEIAJ : SC-59 (2) Base JEDEC : SOT-346 (3) Collector
8.14. Size:85K rohm
2sd2654 2sd2707 2sd2654 2sd2351 2sd2226k 2sd2227s.pdf 2SD2707 / 2SD2654 / 2SD2351 / 2SD2226K / 2SD2227S Transistors General Purpose Transistor (50V, 0.15A) 2SD2707 / 2SD2654 / 2SD2351 / 2SD2226K / 2SD2227S Features External dimensions (Unit : mm) 1) High DC current gain. 2SD27072) High emitter-base voltage. (VCBO=12V) 3) Low saturation voltage. 1.20.2 0.8 0.2(Typ. VCE(sat)=0.3V at IC/IB=50mA/5mA) (2)(3)(1)(1) Base
8.15. Size:41K hitachi
2sd2651.pdf 2SD2651Silicon NPN EpitaxialHigh Voltage AmplifierADE-208-976 (Z)1st. EditionOctober 2000Features High breakdown voltageVCEO = -300V minOutlineTO-92 (1)1. Emitter2. Collector3. Base3212SD2651Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C)Item Symbol Ratings UnitCollector to base voltage VCBO 300 VCollector to emitter voltage VCEO 300 VEmitter to base voltag
8.16. Size:75K hitachi
2sd2655.pdf 2SD2655Silicon NPN Epitaxial PlanerLow Frequency Power AmplifierADE-208-1388A (Z)Rev.1Jun. 2001Features Small size package: MPAK (SC59A) Large Maximum current: IC = 1 A Low collector to emitter saturation voltage: VCE(sat) = 0.3 V max.(at IC/IB = 0.5 A/0.05 A) High power dissipation: PC = 800 mW (when using alumina ceramic board (25 x 60 x 0.7 mm)) Comple
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