Справочник транзисторов. NSVT30010MXV6T1G


Биполярный транзистор NSVT30010MXV6T1G - описание производителя. Основные параметры. Даташиты.

   Наименование производителя: NSVT30010MXV6T1G
   Маркировка: UU
   Тип материала: Si
   Полярность: PNP
   Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 0.5 W
   Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 30 V
   Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 30 V
   Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 5 V
   Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 0.1 A
   Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150 °C
   Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 100 MHz
   Ёмкость коллекторного перехода (Cc): 4.5 pf
   Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 420
   Корпус транзистора: SOT563

 Аналоги (замена) для NSVT30010MXV6T1G



NSVT30010MXV6T1G Datasheet (PDF)

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nst30010mxv6t1g nsvt30010mxv6t1g.pdf


NST30010MXV6T1G,NSVT30010MXV6T1GDual Matched GeneralPurpose TransistorPNP Matched Pairhttp://onsemi.comThese transistors are housed in an ultra-small SOT563 packageideally suited for portable products. They are assembled to create apair of devices highly matched in all parameters, eliminating the needfor costly trimming. Applications are Current Mirrors; Differential,Sense a

 0.2. Size:102K  onsemi


NST30010MXV6T1G,NSVT30010MXV6T1GDual Matched GeneralPurpose TransistorPNP Matched Pairhttp://onsemi.comThese transistors are housed in an ultra-small SOT563 packageideally suited for portable products. They are assembled to create apair of devices highly matched in all parameters, eliminating the needfor costly trimming. Applications are Current Mirrors; Differential,Sense a

 9.1. Size:55K  onsemi


NST3904DP6T5GDual General PurposeTransistorThe NST3904DP6T5G device is a spin-off of our popularSOT-23/SOT-323/SOT-563 three-leaded device. It is designed forgeneral purpose amplifier applications and is housed in the SOT-963six-leaded surface mount package. By putting two discrete devices inone package, this device is ideal for low-power surface mounthttp://onsemi.comapplicat

 9.2. Size:67K  onsemi


NST3946DP6T5GDual ComplementaryGeneral Purpose TransistorThe NST3946DP6T5G device is a spin-off of our popularSOT-23/SOT-323/SOT-563 three-leaded device. It is designed forgeneral purpose amplifier applications and is housed in the SOT-963six-leaded surface mount package. By putting two discrete devices inone package, this device is ideal for low-power surface mounthttp://onsemi

 9.3. Size:208K  onsemi
nst3904dxv6t1g nsvt3904dxv6t1g nst3904dxv6t5g.pdf


Dual General PurposeTransistorNST3904DXV6T1G,NSVT3904DXV6T1G,NST3904DXV6T5Gwww.onsemi.comThe NST/NSV3904DXV6 device is a spin-off of our popularSOT-23/SOT-323 three-leaded device. It is designed for generalpurpose amplifier applications and is housed in the SOT-563(3) (2) (1)six-leaded surface mount package. By putting two discrete devices inone package, this device is ide

 9.4. Size:174K  onsemi


NST3904DXV6T1,NSVT3904DXV6T1,NST3904DXV6T5,SNST3904DXV6T5Dual General Purposehttp://onsemi.comTransistorThe NST3904DXV6T1 device is a spin-off of our popular(3) (2) (1)SOT-23/SOT-323 three-leaded device. It is designed for generalpurpose amplifier applications and is housed in the SOT-563six-leaded surface mount package. By putting two discrete devices in Q1 Q2one packag

 9.5. Size:123K  onsemi


NST3946DXV6Complementary GeneralPurpose TransistorThe NST3946DXV6T1 device is a spin-off of our popularSOT-23/SOT-323 three-leaded device. It is designed for generalpurpose amplifier applications and is housed in the SOT-563http://onsemi.comsix-leaded surface mount package. By putting two discrete devices inone package, this device is ideal for low-power surface mountapplicati

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