Биполярный транзистор MMBT3906SL Даташит. Аналоги
Наименование производителя: MMBT3906SL
Маркировка: AB
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: PNP
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 0.227 W
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 40 V
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 40 V
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 5 V
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 0.2 A
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150 °C
Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 250 MHz
Ёмкость коллекторного перехода (Cc): 7 pf
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 100
Корпус транзистора: SOT-923F
- подбор биполярного транзистора по параметрам
MMBT3906SL Datasheet (PDF)

August 2012MMBT3906SLPNP Epitaxial Silicon TransistorFeatures General purpose amplifier transistor Ultra small surface mount package for all types (max 0.43mm tall) Suitable for general switching & amplification Well suited for portable application As complementary type, NPN MMBT3904SL is recommended. Pb freeCOLLECTOR3C1BASEEB2Marking : AB
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MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAMMBT3904WT1/DGeneral Purpose TransistorsNPNNPN and PNP SiliconMMBT3904WT1PNPThese transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier applications. They arehoused in the SOT323/SC70 which is designed for low power surface mountMMBT3906WT1applications.MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitGENERAL PURPO
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MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAMMBT3904WT1/DGeneral Purpose TransistorsNPNNPN and PNP SiliconMMBT3904WT1PNPThese transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier applications. They arehoused in the SOT323/SC70 which is designed for low power surface mountMMBT3906WT1applications.MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitGENERAL PURPO

MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MMBT3906LT1/DGeneral Purpose TransistorMMBT3906LT1COLLECTORPNP Silicon3Motorola Preferred Device1BASE23EMITTERMAXIMUM RATINGS1Rating Symbol Value Unit2CollectorEmitter Voltage VCEO 40 VdcCASE 31808, STYLE 6CollectorBase Voltage VCBO 40 VdcSOT23 (TO236AB)EmitterBase Vol
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DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSDATA SHEETk, halfpageM3D088MMBT3906PNP switching transistorProduct specification 2000 Apr 11Philips Semiconductors Product specificationPNP switching transistor MMBT3906FEATURES PINNING Low current (max. 100 mA)PIN DESCRIPTION Low voltage (max. 40 V).1 base2 emitterAPPLICATIONS3 collector Telephony and professional communication


February 2008MMBT3906TPNP Epitaxial Silicon TransistorFeaturesC General purpose amplifier transistor.E Ultra-Small Surface Mount Package for all types.B Suitable for general switching & amplificationMarking : A06 Well suited for portable application SOT-523F As complementary type, NPN MMBT3904T is recommended Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25C unless o

MMBT3906KPNP Epitaxial Silicon TransistorGeneral Purpose TransistorMarking32AK2SOT-2311. Base 2. Emitter 3. CollectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage -40 VVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -40 VVEBO Emitter-Base Voltage -5 VIC Collector Current -200 mAPC Collector Power Dissipation 350
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2N3906 MMBT3906 PZT3906CCEECC TO-92BBBESOT-223SOT-23Mark: 2APNP General Purpose AmplifierThis device is designed for general purpose amplifier and switchingapplications at collector currents of 10 A to 100 mA.Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -40 VVCBO Collector-Base Vol

Important notice Dear Customer, On 7 February 2017 the former NXP Standard Product business became a new company with the tradename Nexperia. Nexperia is an industry leading supplier of Discrete, Logic and PowerMOS semiconductors with its focus on the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer and wearable application markets In data sheets and application notes which still contain

MMBT3906T 40V PNP SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR IN SOT523 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > -40V Case: SOT523 Case Material: Molded Plastic. Green Molding Compound. IC = -200mA Collector Current UL Flammability Rating 94V-0 Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020 Ultra-Small Surface Mount Package Termin

MMBT3906FZ 40V PNP SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR IN DFN0606 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > -40V Case: X2-DFN0606-3 IC = -200mA High Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound. PD = 925mW Power Dissipation UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 0.36mm2 Package Footprint, 40% Smaller than DFN1006 Moisture Sensitivity: Lev
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MMBT3906T PNP SMALL SIGNAL SURFACE MOUNT TRANSISTOR Features A Epitaxial Planar Die Construction SOT-523 Complementary NPN Type Available (MMBT3904T) CDim Min Max Typ Lead Free/RoHS Compliant (Note 2) "Green" Device (Note 3 and 4) A 0.15 0.30 0.22B CTOP VIEWB 0.75 0.85 0.80Mechanical Data B EC 1.45 1.75 1.60G Case: SOT-523 D 0.50

MMBT3906 40V PNP SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR IN SOT23 Features Mechanical Data Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Case: SOT23 Ideal for Medium Power Amplification and Switching Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound Complementary NPN Type: MMBT3904 UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 &

MMBT3906LP 40V PNP SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR IN DFN1006 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > -40V Case: X1-DFN1006-3 IC = -200mA High Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic, "Green" Molding Compound. PD = 1000mW Power Dissipation UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 0.60mm2 Package Footprint, 13 times Smaller than SOT23 Moisture Sensitivity: Lev

MMBT3906FA40V PNP SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR IN DFN0806 Features Mechanical Data BVCEO > -40V Case: X2-DFN0806-3 IC = -200mA high Collector Current Case Material: Molded Plastic, Green Molding Compound. PD = 435mW Power Dissipation UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 0.48mm2 package footprint, 16 times smaller than SOT23 Moisture Sensitivity:
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SMBT3906...MMBT3906PNP Silicon Switching Transistors High DC current gain: 0.1 mA to 100 mA Low collector-emitter saturation voltage For SMBT3906S and SMBT3906U: Two (galvanic) internal isolated transistor with good matching in one package Complementary types: SMBT3904...MMBT3904 (NPN) SMBT3906S/ U: for orientation in reel see package information below P
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SMBT3906/ MMBT3906PNP Silicon Switching Transistor3 High DC current gain: 0.1 mA to 100 mA Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary type: 2 SMBT3904/ MMBT3904 (NPN)1VPS05161Type Marking Pin Configuration PackageSMBT3906/ MMBT3906 s2A SOT231 = B 2 = E 3 = CMaximum RatingsParameter Symbol Value Unit40 VCollector-emitter voltage VCEO40Coll
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SMBT3906...MMBT3906PNP Silicon Switching Transistors High DC current gain: 0.1 mA to 100 mA Low collector-emitter saturation voltage For SMBT3906S and SMBT3906U: Two (galvanic) internal isolated transistor with good matching in one package Complementary types: SMBT3904...MMBT3904 (NPN) SMBT3906S/ U: for orientation in reel see package information below P

MCCTM Micro Commercial Components20736 Marilla Street ChatsworthMicro Commercial Components MMBT3906TCA 91311Phone: (818) 701-4933Fax: (818) 701-4939Features Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant ("P" Suffix designates RoHS Compliant. See ordering information)PNP General Surface Mount SOT-523 Package Epitaxial Planar Die ConstructionPurpose Transistor Epoxy
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MCCTM Micro Commercial Components20736 Marilla Street ChatsworthMicro Commercial Components MMBT3906TCA 91311Phone: (818) 701-4933Fax: (818) 701-4939Features Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant ("P" Suffix designates RoHS Compliant. See ordering information)PNP General Surface Mount SOT-523 Package Epitaxial Planar Die ConstructionPurpose Transistor Epoxy

MMBT3906HE3Features Halogen Free. "Green" Device (Note 1) AEC-Q101 Qualified Moisture Sensitivity Level 1PNP Epoxy Meets UL 94 V-0 Flammability RatingGeneral Purpose Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant ("P" Suffix Designates RoHS Compliant. See Ordering Information) AmplifierMaximum RatingsSOT-23 Operating Junction Temperature Range: -55 to +150
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MCCTM Micro Commercial Components20736 Marilla Street ChatsworthMicro Commercial Components MMBT3906CA 91311Phone: (818) 701-4933Fax: (818) 701-4939Features Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant ("P" Suffix designates RoHS Compliant. See ordering information) Epoxy meets UL 94 V-0 flammability ratingPNP General Moisure Sensitivity Level 1 Capable of 300mWatts

M C CTMonentsMicro Commercial Components 20736Marilla Street ChatsworthMMBT3906 Halogen free available upon request by adding suffix "-HF" Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant ("P" Suffix designatesRoHS Compliant. See ordering information) Epoxy meets UL 94 V-0 flammability ratingPNP GeneraI Moisure Sensitivity Level 1Purpse AmpIifier Marking:2AMaximum Ra

MMBT3906L3Features Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Halogen Free Available Upon Request By Adding Suffix "-HF"PNP Moisture Sensitivity Level 1 Epoxy Meets UL 94 V-0 Flammability RatingGeneral Purpose Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant ("P" Suffix Designates RoHSAmplifierCompliant. See Ordering Information)Maximum Ratings @ 25C Unless Otherwise Specified

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

MMBT3906TT1General PurposeTransistorsPNP SiliconThis transistor is designed for general purpose amplifierwww.onsemi.comapplications. It is housed in the SOT-416/SC-75 package which isdesigned for low power surface mount applications.GENERAL PURPOSEAMPLIFIER TRANSISTORSFeatures NSVM Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications RequiringSURFACE MOUNTUnique Site and Co

MMBT3906LT1GGeneral Purpose TransistorPNP SiliconFeatures These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHShttp://onsemi.comCompliantCOLLECTOR3MAXIMUM RATINGS1Rating Symbol Value UnitBASECollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO -40 Vdc2Collector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VdcEMITTEREmitter-Base Voltage VEBO -5.0 VdcCollector Current - Continuous IC -200 mAdc
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MMBT3904WT1G, NPN,SMMBT3904WT1G, NPN,MMBT3906WT1G, PNP,SMMBT3906WT1G, PNPGeneral Purposewww.onsemi.comTransistorsNPN and PNP SiliconCOLLECTOR3These transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT-323/SC-70 package which1is designed for low power surface mount applications.BASEFeatures2 S Prefix for Automotive an
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MMBT3904WT1, NPNMMBT3906WT1, PNPGeneral PurposeTransistorsNPN and PNP Siliconhttp://onsemi.comThese transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierCOLLECTORapplications. They are housed in the SOT-323/SC-70 package which3is designed for low power surface mount applications.Features1 These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSBASEComplian
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MMBT3904WT1, NPN,SMMBT3904WT1, NPN,MMBT3906WT1, PNPGeneral PurposeTransistorshttp://onsemi.comNPN and PNP SiliconCOLLECTORThese transistors are designed for general purpose amplifier3applications. They are housed in the SOT-323/SC-70 package whichis designed for low power surface mount applications.1BASEFeatures AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable2 S Pref
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2N3906 / MMBT3906 / PZT3906PNP General-Purpose AmplifierDescriptionThis device is designed for general-purpose amplifierand switching applications at collector currents of 10 mAto 100 mA.2N3906 PZT3906MMBT3906CCEECBTO-92 SOT-23 SOT-223BMark:2AEBCOrdering InformationPart Number Marking Package Packing Method Pack Quantity2N3906BU 2N3906 TO-92 3L Bulk 10000

MMBT3906TT1General PurposeTransistorsPNP SiliconThis transistor is designed for general purpose amplifierhttp://onsemi.comapplications. It is housed in the SOT-416/SC-75 package which isdesigned for low power surface mount applications.GENERAL PURPOSEAMPLIFIER TRANSISTORSFeaturesSURFACE MOUNT Pb-Free Package is AvailableCOLLECTOR3MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25C)Ra
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MMBT3906L, SMMBT3906LGeneral Purpose TransistorPNP SiliconFeatures S Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Uniquehttp://onsemi.comSite and Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualified andPPAP CapableCOLLECTOR These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHS 3Compliant1BASEMAXIMUM RATINGS2Rating Symbol Value UnitEMITTERColl

MMBT3906L, SMMBT3906LGeneral Purpose TransistorPNP SiliconFeatures AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capablehttp://onsemi.com S Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring UniqueSite and Control Change RequirementsCOLLECTOR3 These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSCompliant1BASEMAXIMUM RATINGS2Rating Symbol Value UnitEMITTER
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Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MMBT3906 PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR GENERAL PURPOSE APPLIATION FEATURES * Collector-Emitter Voltage: VCEO=40V * Collector Dissipation: PD(MAX)=350mW * Complementary to UTC MMBT3904 ORDERING INFORMATION Pin Assignment Ordering Number Package Packing 1 2 3MMBT3906G-AE3-R SOT-23 E B C Tape ReelMMBT3906G-AL3-R SOT-323 E B C Tape ReelMMB

MMBT3906EFPNP Silicon TransistorDescriptions PIN Connection Small signal application Switching application 3 Features 1 Low collector saturation voltage Low collector output capacitance 2 Complementary pair with MMBT3904EF SOT-523F Ordering Information Type NO. Marking Package Code Y MMBT3906EF SOT-523F Device Code

MMBT3906T PNP Silicon General Purpose Transistors Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free SOT-523 FEATURES Simplifies Circuit Design. We Declare that the material of product compliance with RoHS requirements. ORDERING INFORMATION Device Marking ShippingMMBT3906T 2A 3000/Tape&ReelMillimeter Millimete

MMBT3906WPNP SiliconElektronische Bauelemente General Purpose TransistorRoHS Compliant ProductFEATURESA suffix of "-C" specifies halogen & lead-freeSOT-323(SC-70) Epitaxial Planar Die ConstructionDim Min Max Complementary NPN Type Available(MMBT3904W) A 1.800 2.200 Ideal for Medium Power Amplification andB 1.150 1.350ASwitchingL C 0.800 1.000"Lead free is availab

MMBT3906FWPNP SiliconElektronische Bauelemente General Purpose TransistorRoHS Compliant ProductFEATURESSOT-523 Epitaxial Planar Die ConstructionADim Min Max Complementary NPN Type AvailableL(MMBT3904FW) A 1.500 1.700 Ideal for Medium Power Amplification andB 0.750 0.850SSwitching Top ViewBC 0.700 0.900D 0.250 0.350COLLECTORV GG 0.900 1.10033H 0.00

MMBT3906Z -200 mA, -40 V PNP Plastic Encapsulated Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen and lead free FEATURES SOT-923 Collector current capability IC= -200mA Collector-emitter voltage VCEO= -40V. APPLICATION General switching and amplification. (Top View) MARKING Date code 3 PACKAGING DIMENSION Mi

MMBT3906 -200 mA, -40 V PNP Plastic Encapsulated Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen and lead free FEATURES SOT-23 Collector current capability IC=-200mA Collector-emitter voltage VCEO=-40V. APPLICATION AL General switching and amplification. 33Top ViewC BPACKAGING DIMENSION 11 2

MMBT3906 Taiwan Semiconductor 350mW, PNP Small Signal Transistor FEATURES KEY PARAMETERS Low power loss, high efficiency PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Ideal for automated placement VCBO -40 V High surge current capability VCEO -40 V Moisture sensitivity level: level 1, per J-STD-020 VEBO -5 V RoHS Compliant Halogen-free according to IEC 61249-2-21 I

JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-523 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors SOT-523 MMBT3906T TRANSISTOR (PNP) FEATURES Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary NPN Type Available 1. BASE Also Available in Lead Free Version 2. EMITTER MARKING:3N 3. COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO

JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-723 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsMMBT3906M TRANSISTOR (PNP)SOT-723FEATURE33 Complementary to MMBT3904M Small Package1MARKING: 3N2MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted ) 1. BASE2. EMITTERSymbol Parameter Value Unit3. COLLECTORVCBO Collector-Base Voltage -40 VVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -

JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors MMBT3906 TRANSISTOR (PNP) SOT23 FEATURES As complementary type, the NPN transistor MMBT3904 is Recommended Epitaxial planar die construction 1. BASE MARKING: 2A 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Co

www.jscj-elec.com AD-MMBT3906 series JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. AD-MMBT3906 series Plastic-Encapsulated Transistor AD-MMBT3906 series Transistor (PNP) FEATURES Complementary to AD-MMBT3904 series AEC-Q101 qualified MARKING 2A = Device code 2A X X = Date code Version 1.0 1 / 6 2021-07-01 www.jscj-elec.com AD-MMBT3906 series MAXIM

Zowie Technology CorporationGeneral Purpose TransistorPNP SiliconLead free productHalogen-free typeCOLLECTOR33BASE11MMBT3906WGH22SOT-323EMITTERMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO -40 VdcCollector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VdcEmitter-Base Voltage VEBO -5.0 VdcCollector Current-Continuous IC -200 mAdcTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS

Zowie Technology CorporationGeneral Purpose TransistorPNP SiliconCOLLECTOR33BASE11MMBT3906WG22SOT-323EMITTERMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO -40 VdcCollector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VdcEmitter-Base Voltage VEBO -5.0 VdcCollector Current-Continuous IC -200 mAdcTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Max. UnitoT

Guilin Strong Micro-Electronics Co.,Ltd.Guilin Strong Micro-Electronics Co.,Ltd.Guilin Strong Micro-Electronics Co.,Ltd.GM3906MAXIMUM RATINGSMAXIMUM RATINGS MAXIMUM RATINGSCharacteristic Symbol Rating Unit Collector-Emitter VoltageVCEO -40 Vdc-

MMBT3906T SOT-523 Transistor (PNP) 1. BASE SOT-5232. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR Features Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary NPN Type Available Also Available in Lead Free Version MARKING:3N Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO -40 VCollector-Base Voltage VCEO -40 VCo

MMBT3906LT1 PNP General Purpose Transistor1. BASE 2. EMITTER3. COLLECTORFEATURES A SOT-23 Epitaxial planar die construction. Dim Min MaxA 2.70 3.10E Complementary NPN type available B 1.10 1.50K BC 1.0 Typical(MMBT3904). D 0.4 TypicalE 0.35 0.48J Collector Current Capability ICM =-200mA. DG 1.80 2.00GH 0.02 0.1 Low Voltage(Max:-40V).J 0.1 Typi

MMBT3906 SOT-23 Transistor(PNP)1. BASE 2. EMITTER SOT-233. COLLECTOR Features As complementary type, the NPN transistor MMBT3904 is Recommended Epitaxial planar die construction MARKING: 2A MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO -40 VCollector-Base Voltage VCEO -40 VCollector-Em

MMBT3906TCOLLECTOR3General Purpose Transistor3PNP Silicon1 12BASEP b Lead(Pb)-Free2SC-89EMITTER(SOT-523F)Maximum RatingsRating Symbol Value UnitCollector-Emitter Voltage V -40 VCEOCollector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VEmitter-Base Voltage VEBO -5.0 VCollector Current-Continuous ICmA-200Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristics Symbol Max Unit(1)Total

MMBT3906EPNP General Purpose Transistor3211The MMBT3906E device is a spin-off of our popularSOT-23/SOT-323/SOT-563/SOT-963 three-leaded device.SOT-1123It is designed for general purpose amplifier applicationsand is housed in the SOT-1123 surface mount package.COLLECTORThis device is ideal for low-power surface mount applications3where board space is at a premium.FE

MMBT3906WCOLLECTOR3General Purpose Transistor3PNP Silicon1BASE122EMITTERSOT-323(SC-70)M aximum R atingsRating Symbol Value UnitCollector-Emitter Voltage V -40 VdcCEOCollector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VdcEmitter-Base VOltage VEBO -5.0 VdcCollector Current-Continuous ICmAdc-200Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristics Symbol Max UnitTotal Device Dissipati

MMBT3906COLLECTOR3General Purpose Transistor3PNP Silicon11BASE2P b Lead(Pb)-FreeSOT-232EMITTERMaximum RatingsRating Symbol Value UnitCollector-Emitter Voltage V -40 VdcCEOCollector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VdcEmitter-Base VOltage VEBO -5.0 VdcCollector Current-Continuous ICmAdc-200Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristics Symbol Max Unit(1)Total Dev

FM120-M WILLASTHRUMMBT3906TT1General Purpose TransistorsFM1200-M 1.0A SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS -20V- 200VSOD-123 PACKAGE Pb Free ProductPackage outlineFeatures Batch process design, excellent power dissipation offers better reverse leakage current and thermal resistance.SOD-123H Low profile surface mounted application in order to optimize

FM120-M WILLAS MMBT3906DW1T1THRUDual Bias Resistor TransistorFM1200-M 1.0A SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS -20V- 200VSOD-123 PACKAGE Pb Free ProductPackage outlineFeatures Batch process design, excellent power dissipation offers better reverse leakage current and thermal resistance.SOD-123H Low profile surface mounted application in order to optimi

FM120-M WILLASTHRUMMBT3906LT1General Purpose BARRIER RECTIFIERS -20V- 200VTransistorsFM1200-M 1.0A SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKYSOD-123 PACKAGE Pb Free ProductPackage outlineFeatures Batch process design, excellent power dissipation offers better reverse leakage current and thermal resistance.SOD-123HPNP Silicon Low profile surface mounted application in order to

Shenzhen Tuofeng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors MMBT3906LT1 TRANSISTOR ( PNP) FEATURES As complementary type, the NPN transistor MMBT3904LT1 is Recommended Epitaxial planar die construction MARKING: 2A MAXIMUM RATINGS* TA=25 unless otherwise noted Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage -40 V VCEO Collecto

PNP PNPEPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR RMMBT3906 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Package I 100mA C V 40V CEOP (SOT-23) 200mW C APPLICATIONS High frequency switching power supply High frequency power transform Commonly power amplifier circuit
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ShenZhen CanSheng Industry Development Co.,Ltd. www.szcansheng.com SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors MMBT3906 TRANSISTOR (PNP) FEATURES Complimentary to MMBT3904 MARKING:2A MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Units VCBO Collector-B

MMBT3906 Rev.F Apr.-2017 DATA SHEET / Descriptions SOT-23 PNP Silicon PNP transistor in a SOT-23 Plastic Package. / Features h V FE CE(sat)High DC Current Gain, Low Collector to Emitter Saturation Voltage. / Applications General purpose amplifier and switching.

MMBT3906 PNP Silicon General Purpose Transistor for switching and amplifier applications. As complementary types the NPN transistors MMBT3904 is recommended. TO-236 Plastic PackageOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage -VCBO 40 VCollector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 40 VEmitter Base Voltage -VEBO 6 VCollector Current -IC 200 mA

MMBT3906LTGGeneral Purpose TransistorsPackage outlineFeatures We declare that the material of product compliance with RoHSrequirements.3Ordering Information1Device Marking Shipping2MMBT3906LTG 2A 3000/Tape & ReelSOT23Maximum Ratings3Rating Symbol Value UnitCOLLECTORCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO -40 Vdc1Collector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VdcBASEEmitt

SMD Type TransistorsPNP TransistorsMMBT3906T (KMBT3906T)SOT-523 U nit: m m+0.11.6 -0.1+0.11.0 -0.1+0.050.2 -0.05 0.150.05 Features Epitaxial Planar Die Construction2 1 Also Available in Lead Free Version Complementary to MMBT3904T30.30.05+0.10.5-0.11. Base2. Emitter3. Collecter Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter S

SMD Type TransistorsPNP TransistorsMMBT3906DW (KMBT3906DW) Features Epitaxial planar die construction Ideal for low power amplification and switching Dual PNP Transistors Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO -40 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO -40 V Emitter - Base Voltage VEBO -5 Collector Curren

SMD Type TransistorsPNP Transistors(KMBT3906-D)MMBT3906-DSOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9 -0.1+0.10.4 -0.13Features1 2 Complementary to MMBT3904-D +0.1+0.050.95 -0.1 0.1 -0.01+0.11.9 -0.1 Marking: 2A1.Base2.Emitter3.collectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO -40 Collector - Emitter Voltage

SMD Type TransistorsPNP TransistorsMMBT3906W Features Collector Current Capability IC=-0.2A Collector Emitter Voltage VCEO=-40V Complementary to MMBT3904W1 Base2 Emitter3 Source Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO -40 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO -40 V Emitter - Base Voltage VEBO -5 Col

SMD Type TransistorsPNP TransistorsMMBT3906 (KMBT3906)SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9 -0.1+0.10.4 -0.13Features1 2 Complementary to MMBT3904 +0.1+0.050.95-0.1 0.1 -0.01+0.11.9 -0.1 Marking: 2A1.Base2.Emitter3.collectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector - Base Voltage VCBO -40 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO -40 V

MMBT3906PNP GENERAL PURPOSE SWITCHING TRANSISTOR40 Volt POWER 330 mWattVOLTAGEFEATURES0.120(3.04)0.110(2.80) PNP epitaxial silicon, planar design Collector-emitter voltage VCE = -40V Collector current IC = -200mA Lead free in compliance with EU RoHS 2.0 0.056(1.40)0.047(1.20) Green molding compound as per IEC 61249 standard0.079(2.00) 0.008(0.20)0.07

General Purpose TransistorMMBT3906-G (PNP)RoHS DeviceFeaturesSOT-23 -Epitaxial planar die construction0.119 (3.00)0.110 (2.80) -As complementary type, the NPN30.056 (1.40)transistor MMBT3904-G is recommended0.047 (1.20)1 2Collector0.079 (2.00)0.006 (0.15)30.003 (0.08)0.071 (1.80)0.041 (1.05) 0.100 (2.55)0.035 (0.90) 0.089 (2.25)1Base0.004 (0.10) m

General Purpose TransistorMMBT3906-HF (PNP)RoHS DeviceHalogen FreeFeaturesSOT-23 -Epitaxial planar die construction0.119 (3.00)0.110 (2.80) -As complementary type, the NPN3transistor MMBT3906-HF is recommended0.056 (1.40)0.047 (1.20)1 20.079 (2.00)0.006 (0.15)Collector0.003 (0.08)0.071 (1.80)30.041 (1.05) 0.100 (2.55)0.035 (0.90) 0.089 (2.25)1Base

GSTMMBT3906 PNP General Purpose Transistor Product Description Features This device is designed as a general purpose Lead(Pb)-Free amplifier and switch. Packages & Pin Assignments GSTMMBT3906F(SOT-23) Pin Description 1 Base 2 Emitter 3 Collector Marking Information P/N Package Part Marking GSTMMBT3906F SOT-23 2A Ordering Information GS P/NGSTMMBT3906 FPb Free

MMBT3906T Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsTRANSISTOR (PNP)SOT-523 FEATURES Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary NPN Type Available Also Available in Lead Free Version 1. BASE 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO -40 VCollector-Base Voltage VCEO -40 VCollector-Emitter Voltage VEB

MMBT3906PNP Switching TransistorMAXIMUM RATINGSMAXIMUM RATINGSMAXIMUM RATINGSMAXIMUM RATINGSCharacteristic Symbol Rating UnitCollector-Emitter Voltage V -40 VdcCEOCollector-Base Voltage V -40 VdcCBOV -6.0 VdcEmitter-Base VoltageEBOCollector Current-Continuous Ic -200 mAdcTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSTHERMAL CHARAC

MMBT3906Transistors SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors(PNP) RHOS FeaturesSOT-23 As complementary type the NPN transistor MMBT3904 is recommended Epitaxial planar die construction Maximum Ratings (Ratings at 25 ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage -40 V1. BASE VCEO Collector-Emitter Vol

SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors Formosa MS TRANSISTOR (PNP) MMBT3906FEATURES Pb Epitaxial planar die construction. Lead-free Complementary NPN type available (MMBT3904). Low Current (Max:-100mA). Low Voltage(Max:-40v).APPLICATIONS Ideal for medium power amplification and switching SOT-23 ORDERING INFORMATION Type No. Marking Package Code MMBT3906

MMBT3906SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors TRANSISTOR( P NP )Features SOT- 23 As complementary type, the NPN transistor MMBT3904 is Recommended Epitaxial planar die construction Marking: 2ASymbol Parameter Value Unit VCBO Collector-Base Voltage -40 V V Collector-Emitter Voltage -40 V CEOCV Emitter-Base Voltage -5 V EBOI Collector Current -200 m

MMBT3906NP General Purpose TransistorFEATURES Epitaxial planar die construction. Complementary NPN type available (MMBT3904). Collector Current Capability ICM =-200mA. Low Voltage(Max:-40V). APPLICATIONS Ideal for medium power amplification and switching. SOT-23 MAXIMUM RATING @ Ta=25 unless otherwise specifiedSYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS Value UNIT

MMBT3906TRANSISTOR(PNP)FEATURES SOT-23 ecommended Complementary Type The NPN Transistor MMBT3904 is R Epitaxial Planar Die Construction (3)C 1. BASE MARKING: 2A 2. EMITTER 2 A 3. COLLECTOR (1)B (2)E MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage -40 VVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -40 V VEBO Em

www.msksemi.comMMBT3906T-MSSemiconductor CompianceSemiconductor Compiance TRANSISTOR (PNP)3MMBT3906T-MSFEATURES 1. BASE Epitaxial Planar Die Construction2. EMITTER Complementary NPN Type Available3. COLLECTOR1 Also Available in Lead Free Version2MARKING:3N SOT-523 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO -40 VC

www.msksemi.comMMBT3906-MSSemiconductor CompianceSemiconductor Compiance TRANSISTOR (PNP)FEATURES As complementary type, the NPN transistor MMBT3904-MS is Recommended Epitaxial planar die construction 1. BASE2. EMITTERMARKING: 2ASOT23 3. COLLECTORMAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage -40 V


MMBT3906PNP Transistor Features SOT-23 For Switching and AF Amplifer Applications.(TO-236) Silicon Epitaxial Chip.1.Base 2.Emitter 3.CollectorMarking: 3E Absolute Maximum Ratings (T = 25) AParameter Symbol Value Unit Collector Base Voltage -VCBO 40 V Collector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 40 V Emitter Base Voltage -VEBO 6 V Collector Current -I 200 mA CPowe
mmbt3906-l mmbt3906-h.pdf

Jingdao Microelectronics co.LTD MMBT3906MMBT3906SOT-23PNP TRANSISTOR3FEATURES As complementary type, the NPN transistor MMBT3904 is Recommended Epitaxial planar die construction 1MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted)2SymbolParameter Value Unit1.BASECollectorBase Voltage VCBO -40 V2.EMIT

MMBT3906Tsulate Transistors PNP Plastic-EncapFEATURES Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary NPN Type Available Also Available in Lead Free Version MARKING:2ASOT-523 1. BASE 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR=25 unless otherwise noted) MAXIMUM RATINGS (T aSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO -40 VCollector-Base Voltage VCEO -40 VCollector-Emitter Voltage V
mmbt3906l mmbt3906h.pdf

Integrated inOVP&OCP productsproviderMMBT3906SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsSOT-23 Features MMBT3904 ; Complementary to MMBT3904 200mW; Power Dissipation of 200mW High Stability and High Reliability Mechanical Data : SOT-23 SOT-23 Small Outline Plastic Package
mmbt3906 mmbt3906l mmbt3906h.pdf

MMBT3906 SOT-23 PNP Transistors32 1.Base2.Emitter1 3.CollectorFeatures Simplified outline(SOT-23) Complementary to MMBT3904 Marking: 2AAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector - Base Voltage VCBO -40 Collector - Emitter Voltage VCEO -40 VEmitter - Base Voltage VEBO -5Collector Current - Continuous IC -0.2 ACollector Power D

MMBT3906SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors MMBT3906 TRANSISTOR (PNP) FEATURES Complimentary to MMBT3904 MARKING:2A MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Units VCBO Collector-Base Voltage - -40 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -
mmbt3906l mmbt3906h.pdf

MMBT3906 TRANSISTOR(PNP) SOT-23 SOT-23 SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors Features MMBT3904 ; Complementary to MMBT3904 200mW; Power Dissipation of 200mW High Stability and High Reliability Mechanical Data : SOT-23 SOT-23 Small Outline Plastic Pack

MMBT3906TMMBT3906TMMBT3906TMMBT3906TTRANSISTOR(PNP)MMBT39 0 6TSOT523FEATURES Epitaxial Planar Die Construction 1. BASE Complementary NPN Type Available 2. EMITTER Also Available in Lead Free Version 3. COLLECTORMAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO -40 VCollector-Base Voltage VCEO -40 VCollector-Emitter Volta

MMBT3906MMMBT3906MMMBT3906MMMBT3906M TRANSISTOR (PNP)SOT-72333FEATURE Complementary to MMBT3904M Small Package121. BASEMARKING: 3N2. EMITTER3. COLLECTORMAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted )Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage -40 VVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -40 VVEBO Emitter-Base Voltage -5 VIC Collector Current

MMBT3906WMMBT3906WMMBT3906WMMBT3906WMMBT39 0 6W TRANSISTOR(PNP)for switching and amplifier applications SOT323 31. BASE 12. EMITTER 23. COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage -VCBO 40 VCollector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 40 VEmitter Base Voltage -VEBO 5 VCollector Current -IC 200 mA Total Po

MMBT3904MMBT3906AO3400SI2305MMBT3906 TRANSISTORPNP FEATURES Complementary Type The NPN Transistor MMBT3904 is Recommended SOT-23 Epitaxial Planar Die Construction 1BASE 2EMITTER MARKING: 2A 3COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitCollector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -40 V

RoHS COMPLIANT MMBT3906T PNP General Purpose Amplifier Features Moisture Sensitivity Level 1 Surface mount package ideally Suited for Automatic Insertion Epoxy meets UL-94 V-0 flammability rating, halogen-free Mechanical Data ackage: SOT-523 P Terminals: Tin plated leads, solderable per J-STD-002 and JESD22-B102 Marking: 3N Maximum R

RoHS COMPLIANT MMBT3906 PNP General Purpose Amplifier Features Epoxy meets UL-94 V-0 flammability rating Moisure Sensitivity Level 1 Marking:2A Maximum Rating, (Ta=25 Unless otherwise specified)Item Symbol Unit ValueCollector-Emitter Voltage V V -40CEOCollector-Base Voltage V V -40 CBOEmitter-Base Voltage V V -5.0 EBOCollector Current, Continuous

MMBT3906T MMBT3906T SOT-523 Silicon General Purpose Transistor (PNP) General description SOT-523 Silicon General Purpose Transistor (PNP) FEATURES Simplifies Circuit Design RoHS Compliant Green EMC Matte Tin(Sn) Lead Finish Weight: approx. 0.002g Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Units VCBO Collector

MMBT3906M MMBT3906M PNP General Purpose Transistor General description PNP General Purpose Transistor FEATURES SOT-723 General Purpose Transistors. VCEO -40V Ic -200mA PC 100mW Complementary to MMBT3904M Small Outline Surface Mount Package. RoHS Compliant / Green EMC. Type MMBT3904M Marking 3N Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta=25) Pa

MMBT3906W MMBT3906W SOT-323 Silicon General Purpose Transistor (PNP) General description SOT-323 Silicon General Purpose Transistor (PNP) FEATURES Simplifies Circuit Design RoHS Compliant Green EMC Matte Tin(Sn) Lead Finish Weight: approx. 0.001g Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Value Unit Collector Base

MMBT3906 MMBT3906 SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors(PNP) General description SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors(NPN) FEATURES Complementary to MMBT3904 Power Dissipation of 200mW High Stability and High Reliability SOT-23 Small Outline Plastic Package Epoxy UL: 94V-0 DEVICE MARKING CODE: Device Type Device Marking MMBT3906 2A . Maximum Ra

SOT-523 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors SOT-523 MMBT3906T TRANSISTOR (PNP) FEATURES Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary NPN Type Available 1. BASE Also Available in Lead Free Version 2. EMITTER MARKING:3N 3. COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO -40 VCollector-Base Voltage VCEO -40 VCollector

MMBT3906W PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications Marking Code: 3NOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage -VCBO 40 VCollector Emitter Voltage -VCEO 40 VEmitter Base Voltage -VEBO 5 VCollector Current -IC 200 mA Total Power Dissipation Ptot 200 mWOJunction Temperature Tj 150 C O

MMBT3906 TRANSISTORPNP FEATURES Complementary Type The NPN Transistor SOT-23 MMBT3904 is Recommended Epitaxial Planar Die Construction 1BASE 2EMITTER 3COLLECTOR MARKING: 2A MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitCollector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -40 VVEBO Emitter-Base Voltage -5 VI

ANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTDMMBT3906MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit Collector-Emitter VoltageVCEO -40 Vdc-Collector-Base VoltageVCBO -40 Vdc-Emitter-Base VoltageVEBO -6.0 Vdc-

MMBT3906PNP GENERAL PURPOSE SWITCHING TRANSISTORVOLTAGE -40Volts POWER 225mWattsFEATURESPNP epitaxial silicon, planar design. Collector-emitter voltage VCE=-40V.Collector current IC=0.2A.In compliance with ER RoHS 2002/95/EC directives.MECHANICAL DATACase: SOT-23, Plastic3Terminals: Solderable per MIL-STD-750, Cmethod 2026 2AApprox. Weight: 0.008gra

MMBT3906BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR (PNP)FEATURES Complementary to MMBT3904 Surface Mount deviceMECHANICAL DATA SOT-23 Case: SOT-23 Case Material: Molded Plastic. UL flammability Classification Rating: 94V-0Weight: 0.008 grams (approximate)MAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25C unless otherwise noted)AParameter Symbol Value UnitCollector-Base Voltage V -40 VCBOColle

PNP MMBT3906MMBT3906 TRANSISTORPNP FEATURES Complementary Type The NPN Transistor SOT-23 MMBT3904 is Recommended Epitaxial Planar Die Construction 1BASE 2EMITTER 3COLLECTOR MARKING: 2A MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitCollector-Base Voltage VCBO -40 VVCE

MMBT3906SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors TRANSISTOR (PNP) FEATURES As complementary type, the NPN transistor MMBT3904 is Recommended SOT23 Epitaxial planar die construction MARKING: 2A MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage -40 V 1. BASE VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage -40 V 2. EM
mmbt3906l mmbt3906h.pdf

YFSEMI ELECTRONSOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors MMBT3906 TRANSISTOR (PNP) SOT23 FEATURES As complementary type, the NPN transistor MMBT3904 is Recommended Epitaxial planar die construction 1. BASE MARKING: 2A 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage -

isc Silicon PNP Power Transistors MMBT3906DESCRIPTIONCollector-Emitter Saturation Voltage-: V = -0.25V(Max.)@I = -10mACE(sat) CCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage- : V = -40V(Min)(BR) CEOMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device performance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSRelay drivers,lamp drivers,motor driversABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARA
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