All Transistors. Datasheet



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CodeType DesignatorPackageDescription
21D AAT60021D-S15 SOT-143R VoltageDetector
21D AAT60021D-S16 SOT-89 VoltageDetector
21D AAT60021D-S2 SOT-23 VoltageDetector
21D AAT60021D-S5 SOT-23-5 VoltageDetector
121D AAT60121D-S14 TSOT-23 VoltageDetector
121D AAT60121D-S2 SOT-23 VoltageDetector
121D AAT60121D-S5 SOT-23-5 VoltageDetector
2*AF1332N SOT-323 Transistor
21D AP6213A-09NLNGA SOT-25 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNGA1 SOT-25 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNGP SC-70-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNGP1 SC-70-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNGS SC-82SA LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNGS1 SC-82SA LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNGW SC-82 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNGW1 SC-82 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNPA SOT-25 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNPA1 SOT-25 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNPP SC-70-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNPP1 SC-70-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNPS SC-82SA LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNPS1 SC-82SA LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNPW SC-82 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-09NLNPW1 SC-82 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNGA SOT-25 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNGA1 SOT-25 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNGP SC-70-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNGP1 SC-70-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNGS SC-82SA LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNGS1 SC-82SA LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNGU UFN-6 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNGW SC-82 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNGW1 SC-82 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNPA SOT-25 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNPA1 SOT-25 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNPP SC-70-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNPP1 SC-70-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNPS SC-82SA LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNPS1 SC-82SA LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNPU UFN-6 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNPW SC-82 LinearRegulatorIC
21D AP6213A-4HNLNPW1 SC-82 LinearRegulatorIC
21D APR3021-26A SOT-23 VoltageDetector
21D APR3021-26B SOT-23-5 VoltageDetector
P21D CM7R151D-21B-P SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
P21D CM7R151D-21B-T SOT-23-5 LinearRegulatorIC
R21D CM7R153D-21B-T SOT-23-5 LinearRegulatorIC
0821D EC8908-21DB2 SOT-23-5 LinearRegulatorIC
0821D EC8908-21DC5 SC-70-5 LinearRegulatorIC
0821D EC8908-21DC7 SC-82-4 LinearRegulatorIC
0821D EC8908-21DW1 WDFN-6 LinearRegulatorIC
P21D FC6204D212M SOT-23-5 LinearRegulatorIC
P21D FC6204D212P SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
T21D FC6209D212M SOT-23-5 LinearRegulatorIC
T21D FC6209D212P SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D ifAP6213A-09NLNGU UFN-6 LinearRegulatorIC
21D ifAP6213A-09NLNPU UFN-6 LinearRegulatorIC
21D igAP6213A-4HNLNGU1 UFN-6 LinearRegulatorIC
21D igAP6213A-4HNLNPU1 UFN-6 LinearRegulatorIC
21D ijAP6213A-09NLNGU1 UFN-6 LinearRegulatorIC
21D ijAP6213A-09NLNPU1 UFN-6 LinearRegulatorIC
P21D ML6204D212M SOT-23-5 LinearRegulatorIC
P21D ML6204D212P SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
T21D ML6209D212M SOT-23-5 LinearRegulatorIC
T21D ML6209D212P SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21*PA102FM SOT-23 Transistor
21*PA102FMG SOT-23 Transistor
F21D R1114D211D SON1612-6 LinearRegulatorIC
K21D R1116D211D SON1612-6 LinearRegulatorIC
F21D R1131D212D HSON-6 LinearRegulatorIC
B21D R1161D212D HSON-6 LinearRegulatorIC
H21D R1162D211D SON1612-6 LinearRegulatorIC
N21D R1163K211D PLP1616-6 LinearRegulatorIC
71J221D R1171J221D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
71J321D R1171J321D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
71J421D R1171J421D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
G21D R1172D211D HSON-6 LinearRegulatorIC
J21D R1172H211D SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
B21D R1172S211D HSOP-6J LinearRegulatorIC
H21D R1173D211D HSON-6 LinearRegulatorIC
L21D R1173H211D SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
C21D R1173S211D HSOP-6J LinearRegulatorIC
F21D R1182K211D PLP1616-6 LinearRegulatorIC
B1J021D R1190J021D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21; 21*RN5RF21AA SOT-23-5 LinearRegulatorIC
E1J121D RP108J121D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
E1J121D5 RP108J121D5 TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
E1J221D RP108J221D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
E1J321D RP108J321D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
E1J421D RP108J421D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
U21D RP131H211D SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
D1J121D RP131J121D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
D1J121D5 RP131J121D5 TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
D1J221D RP131J221D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
D1J321D RP131J321D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
D1J421D RP131J421D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
G21D RP131S211D HSOP-6J LinearRegulatorIC
C21D RP132H211D SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
G1J121D RP132J121D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
G1J121D5 RP132J121D5 TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
G1J221D RP132J221D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
G1J321D RP132J321D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
G1J421D RP132J421D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
G1J521D RP132J521D TO-252-5 LinearRegulatorIC
Q21D RP132S211D HSOP-6J LinearRegulatorIC
2*SI1051X SC-89 MOSFET
D121DX VRD121DLLX LLP-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D121DX VRD121DLNX SON-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D121DX VRD121DLTX SOT-23-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D221DX VRD221DNLX LLP-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D221DX VRD221DNNX SON-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D221DX VRD221DNTX SOT-23-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D321DX VRD321DNLX LLP-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D321DX VRD321DNNX SON-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D321DX VRD321DNTX SOT-23-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D421DX VRD421DNLX LLP-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D421DX VRD421DNNX SON-6 LinearRegulatorIC
D421DX VRD421DNTX SOT-23-6 LinearRegulatorIC
21D XC6103A244MR SOT-25 VoltageDetector
21D XC6216B442ER USP-6C LinearRegulatorIC
21D XC6216B442MR SOT-25 LinearRegulatorIC
21D XC6216B442PR SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
21D XE6216B442PR SOT-89-5 LinearRegulatorIC
75321D HUFA75321D3 TO-251AA MOSFET
75321D HUFA75321D3ST TO-252AA MOSFET
4121D; 4121PL 3DD4121D TO92 TO126 NPN
* - matches any character

About 131 results.


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