All Transistors. 2SB172 Datasheet


2SB172 Datasheet and Replacement

   Type Designator: 2SB172
   Material of Transistor: Ge
   Polarity: PNP
   Maximum Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 0.125 W
   Maximum Collector-Base Voltage |Vcb|: 32 V
   Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage |Veb|: 10 V
   Maximum Collector Current |Ic max|: 0.125 A
   Max. Operating Junction Temperature (Tj): 75 °C
   Transition Frequency (ft): 0.4 MHz
   Forward Current Transfer Ratio (hFE), MIN: 50
   Noise Figure, dB: -
   Package: TO1
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2SB172 Datasheet (PDF)

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Silicon Power Transistors2SB1721PNP 2SB1721 IC OAFA

 0.2. Size:81K  panasonic
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Transistors2SB1722JSilicon PNP epitaxial planar typeUnit: mm1.60+ high breakdown voltage low-frequency amplification1.000.0531 2 Features0.270.02 High collector-emitter voltage (Base open) VCEO(0.50)(0.50) SS-Mini type package, allowing downsizing of the equipment andautomatic insertion through the tape packing5

 9.1. Size:107K  rohm
2sb1733.pdf pdf_icon


2SB1733 Transistors General purpose amplification (-30V, -1A) 2SB1733 Dimensions (Unit : mm) Application Low frequency amplifier Driver Features 1) A collector current is large. 2) Collector saturation voltage is low. VCE(sat) : max. -350mV at Ic = -500mA / IB = -25mA ROHM :TUMT3 Abbreviated symbol : EW (1) Base(2) Emitter(3) Collector Packaging specification

 9.2. Size:118K  rohm
2sb1714.pdf pdf_icon


2SB1714 Transistors -2A / -30V Bipolar transistor 2SB1714 Applications Dimensions (Unit : mm) Low frequency amplification, driver MPT3 Features 1) Collector current is high. 2) Low collector-emitter saturation voltage. (VCE( sat) -370mV, at IC = -1.5A, IB = -75mA) (1)Base(2)Collector Structure (3)Emitter Abbreviated symbol : XYPNP epitaxial planar silicon tra

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