Todos los transistores


msc83303.pdf datasheet:


MSC83303RF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORSGENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS.REFRACTORY/GOLD METALLIZATION.EMITTER BALLASTED.VSWR CAPABILITY @ RATED:1CONDITIONS.HERMETIC STRIPAC PACKAGE.POUT 3.0 W MIN. WITH 7.0 dB GAIN=@ 3.0 GHz.250 2LFL (S010)hermetically sealedORDER CODE BRANDINGMSC83303 83303PIN CONNECTIONDESCRIPTIONThe MSC83303 is a common base hermeticallysealed silicon NPN microwave power transistorutilizing an overlay, emitter site ballasted geome-try with a refractory/gold metallization system.This device is capable of withstanding an infiniteload VSWR at any phase angle under rated con-1. Collector 3. Emitterditions. The MSC83303 is designed for Class Camplifier/oscillator applications in the 1.0 - 3.02. Base 4. BaseGHz frequency range.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tcase = 25C)Symbol Parameter Value UnitP Power Dis



 msc83303.pdf Design, MOSFET, Power

 msc83303.pdf RoHS Compliant, Service, Triacs, Semiconductor

 msc83303.pdf Database, Innovation, IC, Electricity


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