SGT60U65FD1PT Todos los transistores


SGT60U65FD1PT - IGBT. Datasheet. Equivalente. Reemplazo. Hoja de especificaciones. Principales características

   Número de Parte: SGT60U65FD1PT
   Tipo de transistor: IGBT + Diode
   Código de marcado: 60U65FD1
   Polaridad de transistor: N


   Pcⓘ - Máxima potencia disipada: 280 W
   |Vce|ⓘ - Tensión máxima colector-emisor: 650 V
   |Vge|ⓘ - Tensión máxima puerta-emisor: 20 V
   |Ic|ⓘ - Colector de Corriente Continua a 25℃: 120 A
   |VCEsat|ⓘ - Voltaje de saturación colector-emisor, typ: 2 V @25℃
   |VGEth|ⓘ - Tensión máxima de puerta-umbral: 6.5 V
   Tjⓘ - Temperatura máxima de unión: 150 ℃
   trⓘ - Tiempo de subida, typ: 160 nS
   Coesⓘ - Capacitancia de salida, typ: 132 pF
   Qgⓘ - Carga total de la puerta, typ: 210 nC
   Paquete / Cubierta: TO247
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SGT60U65FD1PT Datasheet (PDF)

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SilanMicroelectronicsSGT60U65FD1PN(PT)(P7)_Datasheet 60A, 650V FIELD STOP IGBT DESCRIPTION C2The SGT60U65FD1PN(PT)(P7) field stop IGBT adopts Silan Field Stop 1IV+ technology, features low conduction loss and switching loss, is Gapplicable to UPS, SMPS and PFC fields. FEATURES 3E 60A, 650V, VCE(sat)(typ.)=2.0V@IC=60A Low conduction loss Fast switchin

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SGT60U65FD1PN(PT)(P7) 60A650V C 2SGT60U65FD1PN(PT)(P7)1G 4 PlusField Stop IV+ UPSSMPS PFC 3 E 60A650VVCE(sat)( )=2.0V@IC=60A

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SGT60T65FD1P7/PN/PS/PT 60A650V C 2SGT60T65FD1P7/PN/PS/PT Field 1GStop UPSSMPS PFC 1323TO-3PE 60A650VVCE(sat)( )=2.2V@IC=60A

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SGT60N60FD1PN/P7 60A600V C 2SGT60N60FD1PN/P7 Field Stop1G UPS,SMPS PFC 3 E 60A600VVCE(sat)( )=2.2V@IC=60A

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