MOSFET. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: MMBF5484
Marking Code: 6B_M6B
Type of Transistor: JFET
Type of Control Channel: N
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 0.225
|Vds|ⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 25
|Vgs|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Source Voltage: 3
|Vgs(off)|ⓘ - Minimum Gate-to-Source Cutoff Voltage: 0.3
|Id|ⓘ - Maximum Drain Current: 0.005
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 150
Cossⓘ -
Output Capacitance: 2
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - MOSFET Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:357K fairchild semi
2n5484 2n5485 2n5486 mmbf5484 mmbf5485 mmbf5486.pdf
February 20092N5484/5485/5486 MMBF5484/5485/5486 2007 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com2N5484/5485/5486 MMBF5484/5485/5486 Rev. 1.0.0 1 2N5484/5485/5486 MMBF5484/5485/5486 2007 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Rev. 1.0.0 2 2007 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Rev. 1.0.0 3 2007
..2. Size:754K fairchild semi
2n5484 mmbf5484.pdf
2N5484 MMBF54842N5485 MMBF54852N5486 MMBF5486GSG TO-92SSOT-23 DDMark: 6B / 6M / 6HNOTE: Source & Drain are interchangeableN-Channel RF AmplifierThis device is designed primarily for electronic switchingapplications such as low On Resistance analog switching.Sourced from Process 50.Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value
0.1. Size:294K motorola
MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MMBF5484LT1/DJFET TransistorNChannelMMBF5484LT12 SOURCEMotorola Preferred Device3GATE1 DRAIN3MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit12DrainGate Voltage VDG 25 VdcReverse GateSource Voltage VGS(r) 25 VdcCASE 31808, STYLE 10Forward Gate Current IG(f) 10 mAdcSOT23 (TO236AB)Contin
0.2. Size:148K onsemi
MMBF5484LT1Preferred Device JFET TransistorN-ChannelFeatures Pb-Free Package is Availablehttp://onsemi.comMAXIMUM RATINGS2 SOURCERating Symbol Value UnitDrain-Gate Voltage VDG 25 Vdc3GATEReverse Gate-Source Voltage VGS(r) 25 VdcForward Gate Current IG(f) 10 mAdcContinuous Device Dissipation at or Below PD1 DRAINTC = 25C 200 mWLinear Derating Factor 2.8 m
8.1. Size:103K motorola
MOTOROLAOrder this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MMBF5457LT1/DJFET General PurposeMMBF5457LT1TransistorNChannel2 SOURCE3GATE31 DRAIN12MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit CASE 31808, STYLE 10SOT23 (TO236AB)DrainSource Voltage VDS 25 VdcDrainGate Voltage VDG 25 VdcReverse GateSource Voltage VGS(r) 25 VdcGate Current IG 10
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2N5457 MMBF54572N5458 MMBF54582N5459 MMBF5459GSTO-92GSSOT-23NOTE: Source & DrainDD are interchangeableMark: 6D / 61S / 6LN-Channel General Purpose AmplifierThis device is a low level audio amplifier and switching transistors,and can be used for analog switching applications. Sourced fromProcess 55.Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25C unless otherwise notedS
8.3. Size:114K fairchild semi
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2N5460 MMBF54602N5461 MMBF54612N5462 MMBF5462GSG TO-92 DSOT-23NOTE: Source & DrainSMark: 6E / 61U / 61V are interchangeableDP-Channel General Purpose AmplifierThis device is designed primarily for low level audio and generalpurpose applications with high impedance signal sources. Sourcedfrom Process 89.Absolute Maximum Ratings* TA = 25C unless otherwise noted-
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MMBF5434N-Channel Switch This device is designed for digital switching 3applications where very low on resistance is mandatory. Sourced from Process 58.2SuperSOT-31Marking: 61Z1. Drain 2. Source 3. GateAbsolute Maximum Ratings * TA=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value UnitsVDG Drain-Gate Voltage 25 VVGS Gate-Source Voltage -25 VIGF Forward Gat
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MMBF5460LT1JFET - General PurposeTransistorP-Channelhttp://onsemi.comFeatures Pb-Free Package is Available2 SOURCEMAXIMUM RATINGS3Rating Symbol Value UnitGATEDrain-Gate Voltage VDG 40 VdcReverse Gate-Source Voltage VGSR 40 Vdc1 DRAINForward Gate Current IGF 10 mAdcTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Max Unit3Total Device Dissipation FR-5 Board,
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MMBF5457LT1Preferred Device JFET - General Purpose TransistorN-Channelhttp://onsemi.comFeatures Pb-Free Package is Available2 SOURCE3MAXIMUM RATINGSGATERating Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDS 25 Vdc1 DRAINDrain-Gate Voltage VDG 25 VdcReverse Gate-Source Voltage VGS(r) -25 VdcGate Current IG 10 mAdcTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS 3SOT-23 (TO-236)Charac
Datasheet: MMBF5103
, MMBF5434
, MMBF5457
, MMBF5458
, MMBF5459
, MMBF5460
, MMBF5461
, MMBF5462
, IRF1407
, MMBF5485
, MMBF5486
, MMBFJ270
, MMBFJ271
, J309
, MMBFJ309
, MMBFJ310
, MPF102