MOSFET. Datasheet pdf. Equivalent
Type Designator: MMFTN501
Type of Transistor: MOSFET
Type of Control Channel: N
- Maximum Power Dissipation: 0.5
|Vds|ⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source Voltage: 600
|Vgs|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Source Voltage: 20
|Vgs(th)|ⓘ - Maximum Gate-Threshold Voltage: 1
|Id|ⓘ - Maximum Drain Current: 0.03
Tjⓘ - Maximum Junction Temperature: 150
trⓘ - Rise Time: 55.8
Cossⓘ -
Output Capacitance: 4.53
Rdsⓘ - Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance: 700
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - MOSFET Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:216K semtech
MMFTN501 Silicon N-Channel MOSFET 1. Gate 2. Source 3. DrainTO-236 Plastic PackageDrain GateSourceAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDSX 600 VGate-Source Voltage VGSS 20 V 30 mA Drain Current ID Peak Drain Current1) IDM 120 mA Maximum Continuous Source Current IS 25 mAMaximum Pulse So
9.1. Size:522K semtech
MMFTN3019E N-Channel Field Effect Transistor Applications Interfacing, switching Features Drain Low on-resistance Fast switching speed Low voltage drive makes this device ideal for portable equipment Gate Drive circuits can be simple Parallel use is easy SourceOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Vo
9.2. Size:154K semtech
MMFTN20 N-Channel Enhancement Vertical D-MOS Transistor Features High-speed switching No secondary breakdown Applications Thin and thick film circuits 1. Gate 2. Source 3. Drain General purpose fast switching applications TO-236 Plastic Package DrainGate SourceOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Value Unit
9.3. Size:154K semtech
MMFTN138 N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor for low voltage, low current switching applications 1. Gate 2. Source 3. DrainTO-236 Plastic Package DrainGateSourceOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDSS 50 VDrain-Gate Voltage (RGS 20 K) VDGR 50 VGate-Source
9.4. Size:215K semtech
MMFTN3406 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET 1. Gate 2. Source 3. DrainTO-236 Plastic Package DrainGate SourceAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDSS 30 VGate-Source Voltage VGS 20 VContinuous Drain Current ID 3.6 ADrain Current - Pulsed 1) IDM 15 APower Dissipation 1) Pd 1.4 WTherm
9.5. Size:462K semtech
MMFTN3018W Silicon N-Channel MOSFET DrainApplications Interfacing, switching Gate1. Gate 2. Source 3. Drain SourceSOT-323 Plastic PackageOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain Source Voltage VDSS 30 VGate Source Voltage VGSS 20 VDrain Current - Continuous ID 100 mA Drain Current - Pulsed IDP 1) 400 200 mWTotal Power
9.6. Size:910K semtech
MMFTN138W N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor for low voltage, low current switching applications 1. Gate 2. Source 3. DrainSOT-323 Plastic Package DrainGateSourceAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDSS 50 VDrain-Gate Voltage (RGS 20 K) VDGR 50 VGate-Source V
9.7. Size:153K semtech
MMFTN123 N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor 1. Gate 2. Source 3. DrainTO-236 Plastic PackageDrainGateSourceOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDSS 100 VGate-Source Voltage VGSS 20 VDrain Current ID 170 mAPeak Drain Current IDM 680 mATotal Power Dissipation P
9.8. Size:236K semtech
MMFTN2306 N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor for high power and current handing capability 1. Gate 2. Source 3. DrainTO-236 Plastic Package DrainGate SourceAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDSS 30 VDrain-Gate Voltage VGS 12 VDrain Current - Continuous ID 5 A
9.9. Size:114K semtech
MMFTN170 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor Feature Voltage controlled small signal switch Drain High saturation current capability Gate1. Gate 2. Source 3. DrainSource TO-236 Plastic PackageOAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDSS 60 VDrain-Gate Voltage (RGS 1 M) VDGR 60 VV Gate-Source
9.10. Size:377K semtech
MMFTN2302 N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor for high power and current handing capability 1. Gate 2. Source 3. DrainTO-236 Plastic Package DrainGate SourceAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDSS 20 VDrain-Gate Voltage VGS 8 VDrain Current - Continuous ID 2.4 A
9.11. Size:640K semtech
MMFTN290E N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Features Drain Very fast switching ESD protected up to 2 KV Gate SourceAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDS 20 VGate-Source Voltage VGS 8 VDrain Current VGS = 4.5 V, TA = 25 700 1) ID mA 440 1) VGS = 4.5 V, TA = 100Peak Drain Current (tp 10 s) IDM 2.8 AS
9.12. Size:330K msksemi
www.msksemi.comMMFTN3019E-MSSemiconductor CompianceAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 25C unless otherwise notedASymbol Parameter Value UnitsVDS Drain-Source Voltage 30 VVGS Continuous Gate-Source Voltage 20V V3I Continuous Drain Current 100 mADP Power Dissipation 150 mWD2RJA Thermal Resistance from Junction to Ambient 833 C /W1. Gate2. SourceTSTG Storage Te
9.13. Size:889K cn vbsemi
MMFTN170www.VBsemi.twN-Channel 60-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21 VDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (mA)Definition2.8 at VGS = 10 V60 250 Low Threshold: 2 V (typ.) Low Input Capacitance: 25 pF Fast Switching Speed: 25 ns Low Input and Output LeakageSOT-23 TrenchFET Power MOSFET 1200V ESD ProtectionG 1
Datasheet: IRFP360LC
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, IRFP431
, IRFP432
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, IRFP440A
, IRFP250
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