- IGBT справочник. Даташиты. Аналоги. Параметры и характеристики.
Наименование: IKW25N120T2
Тип транзистора: IGBT + Diode
Маркировка: K25T1202
Тип управляющего канала: N
Pcⓘ -
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность: 349
|Vce|ⓘ -
Предельно-допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер: 1200
|Vge|ⓘ - Максимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-затвор: 20
|Ic|ⓘ - Максимальный постоянный ток коллектора:
A @25℃
|VCEsat|ⓘ - Напряжение насыщения коллектор-эмиттер типовое:
V @25℃
|VGEth|ⓘ -
Максимальное пороговое напряжение затвор-эмиттер: 6.4
Tjⓘ - Максимальная температура перехода:
trⓘ -
Время нарастания типовое: 20
Coesⓘ - Выходная емкость, типовая: 155
Qgⓘ - Общий заряд затвора, typ: 120
Тип корпуса:
Аналог (замена) для IKW25N120T2
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:370K infineon
ikw25n120t2 rev2 1.pdf IKW25N120T2 TrenchStop 2nd generation Series Low Loss DuoPack : IGBT in 2nd generation TrenchStop with soft, fast recovery anti-parallel EmCon diode C Short circuit withstand time 10s Designed for : - Frequency Converters GE - Uninterrupted Power Supply TrenchStop 2nd generation for 1200 V applications offers : - very tight parameter distribution
..2. Size:458K infineon
ikw25n120t2.pdf IKW25N120T2 TrenchStop 2nd generation Series Low Loss DuoPack : IGBT in 2nd generation TrenchStop with soft, fast recovery anti-parallel Emitter Controlled Diode C Short circuit withstand time 10s Designed for : - Frequency Converters GE - Uninterrupted Power Supply TrenchStop 2nd generation for 1200 V applications offers : - very tight parame
5.1. Size:828K infineon
ikw25n120h3 rev1 2g.pdf IKW25N120H3High speed switching series third generationHigh speed DuoPack: IGBT in Trench and Fieldstop technology with soft, fastrecovery anti-parallel diodeCFeatures:TRENCHSTOPTM technology offering very low VCEsatGE low EMI Very soft, fast recovery anti-parallel diode maximum junction temperature 175C qualified according to JEDEC for target app
5.2. Size:2142K infineon
ikw25n120h3.pdf IGBTHigh speed DuoPack: IGBT in Trench and Fieldstop technology with soft, fast recovery anti-parallel diodeIKW25N120H31200V high speed switching series third generationData sheetIndustrial Power ControlIKW25N120H3High speed switching series third generationHigh speed DuoPack: IGBT in Trench and Fieldstop technology with soft, fastrecovery anti-parallel diodeCFeatures:
9.1. Size:511K infineon
ikw25t120.pdf IKW25T120TrenchStop SeriesLow Loss DuoPack : IGBT in TrenchStop and Fieldstop technology with soft,fast recovery anti-parallel Emitter Controlled HE diodeC Approx. 1.0V reduced VCE(sat)and 0.5V reduced VF compared to BUP314D Short circuit withstand time 10sGE Designed for :- Frequency Converters- Uninterrupted Power Supply TrenchStop and Fields
9.2. Size:368K infineon
ikw25t120 rev2g 2.pdf IKW25T120 TrenchStop Series Low Loss DuoPack : IGBT in TrenchStop and Fieldstop technology with soft, fast recovery anti-parallel EmCon HE diode C Approx. 1.0V reduced VCE(sat) and 0.5V reduced VF compared to BUP314D Short circuit withstand time 10s GE Designed for : - Frequency Converters - Uninterrupted Power Supply TrenchStop and Fieldst
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