Справочник IGBT. APT15GP60BSC


APT15GP60BSC - IGBT справочник. Даташиты. Аналоги. Параметры и характеристики.

   Наименование: APT15GP60BSC
   Тип транзистора: IGBT
   Тип управляющего канала: N
   Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc), W: 250
   Предельно-допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер |Vce|, V: 600
   Максимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-затвор |Vge|, V: 20
   Максимальный постоянный ток коллектора |Ic| @25℃, A: 56
   Напряжение насыщения коллектор-эмиттер типовое |VCE(sat)|, V: 2.2
   Максимальная температура перехода (Tj), ℃: 150
   Время нарастания типовое (tr), nS: 13
   Емкость коллектора типовая (Cc), pf: 210
   Тип корпуса: TO247

 Аналог (замена) для APT15GP60BSC



APT15GP60BSC Datasheet (PDF)

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TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESAPT15GP60BSCAPT15GP60BSC600V POWER MOS 7 IGBTTO-247The POWER MOS 7 IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Punch Through Technology this IGBT is ideal for many high frequency,high voltage switching applications and has been optimized for high frequencyswitchmode power supplies. GCE Low Conduction Loss 100 kHz oper

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TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES APT15GP60BDQ1APT15GP60BDQ1600V POWER MOS 7 IGBTTO-247The POWER MOS 7 IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Punch Through Technology this IGBT is ideal for many high frequency,high voltage switching applications and has been optimized for high frequencyswitchmode power supplies. GCE Low Conduction Loss 100 kHz ope

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APT15GP60B600V POWER MOS 7 IGBTTO-247The POWER MOS 7 IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Punch Through Technology this IGBT is ideal for many high frequency,high voltage switching applications and has been optimized for high frequencyswitchmode power supplies. GCE Low Conduction Loss 100 kHz operation @ 400V, 19AC Low Gate Charge

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APT15GP60BDF1600V POWER MOS 7 IGBTTO-247The POWER MOS 7 IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Punch Through Technology this IGBT is ideal for many high frequency,high voltage switching applications and has been optimized for high frequencyswitchmode power supplies. GCE Low Conduction Loss 100 kHz operation @ 400V, 19AC Low Gate Charge

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TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES APT15GP60BDQ1APT15GP60BDQ1600V POWER MOS 7 IGBTTO-247The POWER MOS 7 IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Punch Through Technology this IGBT is ideal for many high frequency,high voltage switching applications and has been optimized for high frequencyswitchmode power supplies. GCE Low Conduction Loss 100 kHz ope

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APT15GP60BAPT15GP60S600V POWER MOS 7 IGBTThe POWER MOS 7 IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.Using Punch Through Technology this IGBT is ideal for many high frequency,high voltage switching applications and has been optimized for high frequencyswitchmode power supplies. Low Conduction Loss 100 kHz operation @ 400V, 19AC Low Gate Charge 20

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APT15GP60BDL(G)600V, 15A, VCE(ON) = 2.2V TypicalResonant Mode Combi IGBTThe POWER MOS 7 IGBT used in this resonant mode combi is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs. Using Punch Through Technology this IGBT is ideal for many high frequency, high voltage switching applications and has been optimized for high frequency switchmode power supplies.Features Typical Applicat

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