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Наименование прибора: 18N20
Тип транзистора: MOSFET
Полярность: N
Pdⓘ - Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность: 110
|Vds|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение сток-исток: 200
|Vgs|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение затвор-исток: 30
|Id|ⓘ - Максимально
допустимый постоянный ток стока: 18
Tjⓘ - Максимальная температура канала: 150
trⓘ -
Время нарастания: 21.1
Cossⓘ - Выходная емкость: 81.2
Rdsⓘ - Сопротивление сток-исток открытого транзистора: 0.16
Тип корпуса:
- подбор MOSFET транзистора по параметрам
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:1994K goford

GOFORD18N20Description Features VDSS RDS(ON) ID @10V (typ) 0.136 18A 200V Fast switching 100% avalanche tested TO-251TO-252 Improved dv/dt capability Application DC-DC & DC-AC Converters for telecom, industrial and consumer environment Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Switch Mode Low Power Supplies Industrial Actuators
..2. Size:282K inchange semiconductor

isc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor 18N20FEATURESDrain Current I = 18A@ T =25D CStatic drain-source on-resistance:RDS(on) 0.092Fast Switching Speed100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationDESCRITIONSwitch regulatorsSwitching converters, motor drivers, relay driversABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RAT
0.1. Size:53K philips
php18n20e 1.pdf 

Philips Semiconductors Product specification PowerMOS transistor PHP18N20E GENERAL DESCRIPTION QUICK REFERENCE DATAN-channel enhancement mode SYMBOL PARAMETER MAX. UNITfield-effect power transistor in aplastic envelope featuring high VDS Drain-source voltage 200 Vavalanche energy capability, stable ID Drain current (DC) 18 Ablocking voltage, fast switching and Ptot Total power dis
0.3. Size:126K st

0.4. Size:601K fairchild semi
fdpf18n20ft g.pdf 

April 2013FDPF18N20FT_G N-Channel UniFETTM FRFET MOSFET 200 V, 18 A, 140 m Features DescriptionUniFETTM MOSFET is Fairchild Semiconductors high voltage RDS(on) = 129 m (Typ.) @ VGS = 10 V, ID = 9 AMOSFET family based on planar stripe and DMOS technology. This Low Gate Charge (Typ. 20 nC)MOSFET is tailored to reduce on-state resistance, and to provide bette
0.5. Size:658K fairchild semi

September 2009UniFETTMFDP18N20F / FDPF18N20FTtmN-Channel MOSFET200V, 18A, 0.14Features Description RDS(on) = 0.12 ( Typ.)@ VGS = 10V, ID = 9A These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effecttransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( Typ. 20nC)stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( Typ. 24pF)This advanced technology h
0.6. Size:685K fairchild semi
fdp18n20f fdpf18n20f.pdf 

September 2009UniFETTMFDP18N20F / FDPF18N20FTtmN-Channel MOSFET200V, 18A, 0.14Features Description RDS(on) = 0.12 ( Typ.)@ VGS = 10V, ID = 9A These N-Channel enhancement mode power field effecttransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, planar Low gate charge ( Typ. 20nC)stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( Typ. 24pF)This advanced technology h
0.7. Size:793K fairchild semi
fqp18n20v2 fqpf18n20v2.pdf 

TMQFETFQP18N20V2/FQPF18N20V2200V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 18A, 200V, RDS(on) = 0.14 @VGS = 10 Vtransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, Low gate charge ( typical 20 nC)planar stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 25 pF)This advanced technology has been especially tailore
0.8. Size:748K fairchild semi
fqd18n20v2tf fqd18n20v2tm fqd18n20v2 fqu18n20v2.pdf 

January 2009QFETFQD18N20V2 / FQU18N20V2200V N-Channel MOSFETGeneral Description FeaturesThese N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect 15A, 200V, RDS(on) = 0.14 @VGS = 10 Vtransistors are produced using Fairchilds proprietary, Low gate charge ( typical 20 nC)planar stripe, DMOS technology. Low Crss ( typical 25 pF)This advanced technology has been espec
0.9. Size:1212K fairchild semi

December 2013FDD18N20LZN-Channel UniFETTM MOSFET 200 V, 16 A, 125 mFeatures Description R DS(on) = 125 m (Typ.) @ VGS = 10 V, ID = 8 A UniFETTM MOSFET is Fairchild Semiconductors high voltage MOSFET family based on planar stripe and DMOS technology. Low Gate Charge (Typ. 30 nC)This MOSFET is tailored to reduce on-state resistance, and to Low CRSS (Typ. 25 pF)
0.10. Size:890K mcc

MCU18N20Features Fast Switching Improved dv/dt Capability Excellent Package for Good Heat Dissipation Epoxy Meets UL 94 V-0 Flammability Rating N-CHANNEL Moisture Sensitivity Level 1MOSFET Halogen Free Available Upon Request By Adding Suffix "-HF" Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant ("P" Suffix Designates RoHSCompliant. See Ordering Information)Maximum Rat
0.11. Size:938K onsemi
fdp18n20f fdpf18n20ft.pdf 

Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur
0.12. Size:417K onsemi

MOSFET N-Channel,UniFETt200 V, 16 A, 125 mWFDD18N20LZDescriptionwww.onsemi.comUniFET MOSFET is ON Semiconductors high voltage MOSFETfamily based on planar stripe and DMOS technology. This MOSFETDis tailored to reduce on-state resistance, and to provide betterswitching performance and higher avalanche energy strength. ThisGdevice family is suitable for switching po
0.13. Size:57K ape

AP18N20AGS-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFETD Low Gate Charge BVDSS 200V Simple Drive Requirement RDS(ON) 170m Fast Switching Characteristic ID 18AG RoHS Compliant & Halogen-FreeSDescriptionAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide thedesigner with the best combination of fast switching,Grugge
0.14. Size:99K ape
ap18n20gh-hf ap18n20gj-hf.pdf 

AP18N20GH/J-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFET Simple Drive Requirement BVDSS 200VD Low On-resistance RDS(ON) 170m Fast Switching Characteristics ID 18A RoHS Compliant & Halogen-Free GSDescriptionAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide theGdesigner with the best combination of fast switching, D
0.15. Size:172K ape

AP18N20GS/P-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFETD Low Gate Charge BVDSS 200V Simple Drive Requirement RDS(ON) 170m Fast Switching Characteristic ID 18AG RoHS Compliant & Halogen-FreeSDescriptionAP18N20 series are from Advanced Power innovated design andsilicon process technology to achieve the lowes
0.16. Size:102K ape
ap18n20gp-hf ap18n20gs-hf.pdf 

AP18N20GS/P-HFHalogen-Free ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFETD Low Gate Charge BVDSS 200V Simple Drive Requirement RDS(ON) 170m Fast Switching Characteristic ID 18AG RoHS Compliant & Halogen-FreeSDescriptionAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide thedesigner with the best combination of fast switching, GTO-22
0.17. Size:155K ape

AP18N20GIRoHS-compliant ProductAdvanced Power N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODEElectronics Corp. POWER MOSFETD Low Gate Charge BVDSS 200V Simple Drive Requirement RDS(ON) 170m Fast Switching Characteristic ID 18AGSDescriptionAdvanced Power MOSFETs from APEC provide the designer withthe best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design,GDlow on-resist
0.18. Size:412K cystek

Spec. No. : C840FP Issued Date : 2012.03.30 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : Page No. : 1/ 10 N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFETBVDSS : 200V RDSON(TYP) : 80m MTN18N20FP ID : 18A Description The MTN18N20FP is a N-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET, providing the designer with the best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on-resistance a
0.19. Size:1814K goford

GOFORD18N20ADescription Features VDSS RDS(ON) ID @10V (typ) 0.136 18A200V Fast switching TO-251TO-252 100% avalanche tested Improved dv/dt capability Application DC-DC & DC-AC Converters for telecom, industrial and consumer environment Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Switch Mode Low Power Supplies Industrial Actuators
0.20. Size:4491K goford

GOFORDG18N20KFeatures VDSS RDS(ON) ID @10V (typ) 0.136 18A 200V Fast switching 100% avalanche tested Improved dv/dt capability RoHS CompliantApplication DC-DC & DC-AC Converters for telecom, industrial and consumer environment Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Switch Mode Low Power Supplies Industrial Actuators Orderi
0.21. Size:1743K blue-rocket-elect

BRCS18N20FA Rev.A Jul.-2023 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-220F N MOS N-CHANNEL MOSFET in a TO-220F Plastic Package. / Features V =200VI =18AV =20V DS D GSRDS(on)@10V170m(Type.130m) RDS(on)@4.5V200m(Type.150m) HF Product. / Applications LED
0.22. Size:1498K blue-rocket-elect

BRCS18N20DP Rev.B Jul.-2023 DATA SHEET / Descriptions N TO-252 N-Channel MOSFET in a TO-252 Plastic Package. / Features V =200VI =18AV =20V DS D GSRDS(on)@10V170m(Type.130m) RDS(on)@4.5V200m(Type.150m) HF Product. / Applications LED Net
0.23. Size:1765K blue-rocket-elect

BRCS18N20RA Rev.B Jun.-2023 DATA SHEET / Descriptions N TO-220 N-Channel MOSFET in a TO-220 Plastic Package. / Features V =200VI =18AV =20V DS D GSRDS(on)@10V170m(Type.130m) RDS(on)@4.5V200m(Type.150m) HF Product. / Applications LED Net
0.24. Size:122K jdsemi

RC1N0M82 www.jdsemi.cnShenZhen Jingdao Electronic Co.,Ltd. POWER MOSFET 200V N-Channel VDMOS RoHS 12 3TO-220A 4
0.25. Size:1726K first silicon

FIR18N20GN-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MosfetPIN Connection TO-220DescriptionThe FIR18N20G uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications. General Features VDS =200V,ID =18A RDS(ON)
0.26. Size:900K cn wxdh

D18N2018A 200V N-channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET1 DescriptionThis N-channel enhanced vdmosfets, is obtained by the2 DV = 200Vself-aligned planar technology which reduce the DSSconduction loss, improve switching performance andR = 0.12DS(on) (TYP)Genhance the avalanche energy. Which accords with the1RoHS standard.I = 18A3 S D2 Features Fast switching
0.27. Size:556K winsemi

WFP18N20WFP18N20WFP18N20WFP18N20Silicon N-Channel MOSFETSilicon N-Channel MOSFETSilicon N-Channel MOSFETSilicon N-Channel MOSFETFeatures 18A,200V,R (Max 0.18)@V =10VDS(on) GS Ultra-low Gate Charge(Typical 40nC) Fast Switching Capability 100%Avalanche Tested Maximum Junction Temperature Range(150)General DescriptionThis Power MOSFET is produce
0.28. Size:1586K belling
bl18n20-p bl18n20-a bl18n20-u bl18n20-d.pdf 

BL18N20 Power MOSFET 1Description Step-Down Converter BL18N20, the silicon N-channel Enhanced , MOSFETs, is obtained by advanced MOSFET technology which reduce the conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor is suitable device for SMPS, high speed switching and general purpose applications. KEY CHARACTERISTICS Pa
0.29. Size:171K crownpo

CTM18N20Crownpo TechnologyPower MOSFETGeneral DescriptionFeatures.This Power MOSFET is designed for low voltage, highSilicon Gate for Fast Switching Speeds.speed power switching applications such as switchingLow R to Minimize On-Losses. Specified at ElevatedDS(on)regulators, converters, solenoid and relay drivers.Temperature.Rugged SOA is Power Dissipation Limi
0.30. Size:214K hy

HY18N20T 200V / 18A200V, RDS(ON)=92mW@VGS=10V, ID=10AN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETFeaturesTO-220AB Low On-State Resistance Excellent Gate Charge x RDS(ON) Product ( FOM ) Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage and Current Specially Desigened for DC-DC Converter, Off-line UPS, Automotive System, Solenoid and Motor ControlDrain 2 In compliance with E
0.31. Size:213K hy

HY18N20D200V / 18A200V, RDS(ON)=92mW@VGS=10V, ID=10AN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETFeaturesTO-252 Low On-State Resistance Excellent Gate Charge x RDS(ON) Product ( FOM ) Fully Characterized Avalanche Voltage and Current Specially Desigened for DC-DC Converter, Off-line UPS, Automotive System, Solenoid and Motor ControlDrain 2 In compliance with EU R
0.32. Size:769K pipsemi

PTP18N20A 200V N-Channel MOSFET General Features BVDSS RDS(ON),typ. ID Proprietary New Planar Technology 200V 120m 18A RDS(ON),typ.=120m@VGS=10V Low Gate Charge Minimize Switching Loss Fast Recovery Body Diode Applications CRT, TV/Monitor Other Applications S G D Ordering Information Part Number Package Brand PTP18N20A TO-220 Absolut
0.33. Size:23K shaanxi

Shaanxi Qunli Electric Co., Ltd Add.:No. 1 Qunli Road,Baoji City,Shaanxi,China WVM18N20(IRF240)Power MOSFET(N-channel) TransistorFeatures: 1. Its voltage control component with good input impedance, small starting power dissipation, wide area of safe operation, good temperature stability. 2. Implementation of standards: QZJ840611 3. Use for high speed switch, circuit of power s
0.34. Size:1444K slkor

SL18N20200V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET Description is silicon N-channel EnhancedThe SL18N20 VDMOSFETs, is obtained by the self-aligned planar Technology which reduce the conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance the avalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various power switching circuit for system miniaturization and higher efficiency. General
0.35. Size:437K trinnotech
tmd18n20z tmu18n20z.pdf 

TMD18N20Z(G)/TMU18N20Z(G) N-channel MOSFET Features Low gate charge BVDSS ID RDS(on) MAX 100% avalanche tested 200V 18A
0.36. Size:591K trinnotech
tmp18n20z tmpf18n20z.pdf 

TMP18N20Z(G)/TMPF18N20Z(G) N-channel MOSFET Features Low gate charge BVDSS ID RDS(on)MAX 100% avalanche tested 200V 18A
0.37. Size:489K truesemi

TSD18N20M 200V N-Channel MOSFET General Description Features This Power MOSFET is produced using Truesemis 18A,200V,Max.RDS(on)=0.17 @ VGS =10V advanced planar stripe DMOS technology. This advanced technology has been especially tailored to Low gate charge(typical 22nC)minimize on-state resistance, provide superior switching High ruggednessperformance, an
0.38. Size:451K truesemi

TSF18N20M 200V N-Channel MOSFET General Description Features This Power MOSFET is produced using Truesemis 18A,200V,Max.RDS(on)=0.17 @ VGS =10V advanced planar stripe DMOS technology. This advanced technology has been especially tailored to Low gate charge(typical 22nC) minimize on-state resistance, provide superior switching High ruggedness performance,
0.39. Size:450K way-on

WMO18N20T2 200V N-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET DescriptionWMO18N20T2 uses advanced power trench technology that has been especially tailored to minimize the on-state resistance and yet maintain superior switching performance. DFeatures SG V = 200V, I = 18A DS DTO-252R
0.40. Size:484K convert
cs18n20bf cs18n20bp cs18n20bb.pdf 

nvertSuzhou Convert Semiconductor Co ., Ltd.CS18N20BF,CS18N20BP,CS18N20BB200V N-Channel MOSFETFEATURES Fast switching 100% avalanche tested Improved dv/dt capabilityAPPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC)Device Marking and Package InformationDevice Package MarkingCS18N20BF TO-220F
0.41. Size:784K convert
cs18n20bf cs18n20bp.pdf 

nvertSuzhou Convert Semiconductor Co ., Ltd.CS18N20BF,CS18N20BP200V N-Channel MOSFETFEATURES Fast switching 100% avalanche tested Improved dv/dt capabilityAPPLICATIONS Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Power Factor Correction (PFC)Device Marking and Package InformationDevice Package MarkingCS18N20BF TO-220F CS18N20BF
0.42. Size:382K huashuo

HSP18N20 N-Ch 200V Fast Switching MOSFETs Description Product Summary The HSP18N20 is the highest performance trench V 200 V DSN-ch MOSFETs with extreme high cell density, which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge R 170 m DS(ON),maxfor most of the synchronous buck converter I 18 A Dapplications. The HSP18N20 meet the RoHS and Green Product requirement, 100%
0.43. Size:2347K huashuo

HSU18N20 N-Ch 200V Fast Switching MOSFETs Description Product Summary VDS 200 V The HSU18N20 is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFETs with extreme high cell density, RDS(ON),max 170 m which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge for most of the synchronous buck converter ID 18 A applications. The HSU18N20 meet the RoHS and Green Product requirement, 100% EAS gua
0.44. Size:846K cn vbsemi

FQD18N20V2TMwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 200 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A) 175 C Junction Temperature2000.055 at VGS = 10 V 30 PWM Optimized 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS Primary Side SwitchDTO-252 GSG D S N-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RA
0.45. Size:1809K cn vbsemi

VBZM18N20www.VBsemi.comN-Channel 200 V (D-S) MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYFEATURESVDS (V) 200 TrenchFET Power MOSFETRDS(on) ()VGS = 10 V0.91 175 C Junction TemperatureQg (Max.) (nC) 13 PWM Optimized 100 % Rg TestedQgs (nC) 3.0 Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECQgd (nC) 7.9Configuration SingleAPPLICATIONS Primary Side SwitchTO-220AB DG
0.46. Size:1699K cn vbsemi

FDD18N20LZwww.VBsemi.twN-Channel 200 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A) 175 C Junction Temperature2000.055 at VGS = 10 V 30 PWM Optimized 100 % Rg Tested Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS Primary Side SwitchDTO-252 GSG D S N-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATI
0.47. Size:388K cn fx-semi

FuXin Semiconductor Co., Ltd. FXN18N20C Series Rev.A General Description Features The FXN18N20C uses advanced Silicon s MOSFET Technology, which VDS = 200V provides high performance in on-state resistance, fast switching ID = 18A @VGS = 10V performance, and excellent quality. Very low on-resistance These devices can also be utilized in indust
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