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Наименование прибора: WNMD2166
Маркировка: 2166
Тип транзистора: MOSFET
Полярность: N
Pdⓘ - Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность: 1.1
|Vds|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение сток-исток: 20
|Vgs|ⓘ - Предельно допустимое напряжение затвор-исток: 10
|Vgs(th)|ⓘ - Пороговое напряжение включения: 1
|Id|ⓘ - Максимально
допустимый постоянный ток стока: 5
Rdsⓘ - Сопротивление сток-исток открытого транзистора: 0.027
Тип корпуса:
Аналог (замена) для WNMD2166
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:1188K willsemi
wnmd2166.pdf WNMD2166WNMD2166Dual N-Channel, 20V, 4.0A, Power MOSFET Http//:www.willsemi.comVDS (V) Rds(on) () 0.022@ V =4.5V GS0.023@ V =3.7V GS20 0.024@ VGS=3.1V 0.027@ V =2.5V GSPackageDescriptionsG1 D1/D2 G26 5 4The WNMD2166 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate
7.1. Size:1072K willsemi
wnmd2168.pdf WNMD2168 WNMD2168 Dual N-Channel, 20V, 4.1A, Power MOSFET Http//:www.willsemi.com VDS (V) Rds(on) () 0.022@ VGS=4.5V 20 0.024@ VGS=3.1V 0.027@ VGS=2.5V Descriptions TSSOP-8LD1/D2 S2 S2 G28 7 6 5The WNMD2168 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This device
7.2. Size:1228K willsemi
wnmd2167.pdf WNMD2167 WNMD2167 Dual N-Channel, 20V, 6.3A, Power MOSFET Http//:www.willsemi.com VDS (V) Typical Rds(on) () 0.016@ V =4.5V GS 0.0175@ V =3.8V GS20 0.018@ VGS=3.1V 0.020@ V =2.5V GSSOT-23-6L Descriptions G1 D1/D2 G25 46The WNMD2167 is N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON
7.3. Size:1757K willsemi
wnmd2165.pdf WNMD2165 WNMD2165 Dual N-Channel, 60V, 0.32A, Power MOSFET Http//:www.sh-willsemi.com VDS (V) Rds(on) () 1.4@ VGS=10V 60 1.7@ VGS=4.5V ESD Rating:2000V HBM Descriptions SOT-363 The WNMD2165 is Dual N-Channel enhancem -ent MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced D1 G2 S2trench technology and design to provide excellent 6 5 4RDS (ON) with low gate charge. This
7.4. Size:2755K willsemi
wnmd2162.pdf WNMD2162 WNMD2162 Dual N-Channel, 20V, 4.8A, Power MOSFET Http://www.sh-willsemi.com VDS (V) Typical RDS(on) (m) 14 @ VGS= 4.5V 14.5 @ VGS= 3.8V 20 15 @ VGS= 3.1V 16 @ VGS= 2.5V PDFN2.92.8-8L ESD protected D2 D1 D1 D2 Descriptions 5 8 7 6 The WNMD2162 is Dual N-Channel enhancement MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench technology and design to pro
7.5. Size:471K willsemi
wnmd2160.pdf WNMD2160WNMD2160Dual N-Channel, 20V, 6.3A, Power MOSFET Http//:www.willsemi.com VDS (V) Rds(on) ( )0.0157@ VGS=4.5V0.018@ VGS=3.1V200.020@ VGS=2.5VESD Rating: 2000V HBM SOT-23-6L DescriptionsThe WNMD2160 is N-Channel enhancement G1 D1/D2 G2MOS Field Effect Transistor. Uses advanced trench 6 5 4technology and design to provide excellent RDS (ON)with low gate cha
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