Биполярный транзистор MJD6039
- описание производителя. Основные параметры. Даташиты.
Наименование производителя: MJD6039
Тип материала: Si
Полярность: NPN
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 20
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 80
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-эмиттер (Uce): 80
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 5
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 4
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 150
Ёмкость коллекторного перехода (Cc): 100
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 1000
Корпус транзистора:
Аналоги (замена) для MJD6039
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:270K motorola
mjd6036r mjd6039.pdf Order this documentMOTOROLAby MJD6036/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATANPNMJD6036Complementary Darlington PNPMJD6039Power TransistorsDPAK For Surface Mount ApplicationsDesigned for general purpose power and switching such as output or driver stagesSILICONin applications such as switching regulators, convertors, and power amplifiers.POWER TRANSISTORS Lead Formed for Su
..2. Size:199K inchange semiconductor
mjd6039.pdf isc Silicon NPN Darlington Power Transistor MJD6039DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Sustaining Voltage-: V = 80V(Min)CEO(SUS)High DC Current Gain-: h = 500(Min)@I = 2AFE CMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust device performanceand reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for general purpose switching and amplifierapplicationsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)a
0.1. Size:178K onsemi
mjd6039t4g.pdf MJD6039, NJVMJD6039T4GDarlington PowerTransistorsDPAK For Surface Mount ApplicationsDesigned for general purpose power and switching such as output orhttp://onsemi.comdriver stages in applications such as switching regulators, convertors,and power amplifiers.SILICON FeaturesPOWER TRANSISTORS Lead Formed for Surface Mount Applications in Plastic Sleeves 4 AMPERES,(No S
0.2. Size:178K onsemi
njvmjd6039t4g.pdf MJD6039, NJVMJD6039T4GDarlington PowerTransistorsDPAK For Surface Mount ApplicationsDesigned for general purpose power and switching such as output orhttp://onsemi.comdriver stages in applications such as switching regulators, convertors,and power amplifiers.SILICON FeaturesPOWER TRANSISTORS Lead Formed for Surface Mount Applications in Plastic Sleeves 4 AMPERES,(No S
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