Биполярный транзистор P609
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Наименование производителя: P609
Тип материала: Ge
Полярность: PNP
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (Pc): 1.5
Макcимально допустимое напряжение коллектор-база (Ucb): 30
Макcимально допустимое напряжение эмиттер-база (Ueb): 1
Макcимальный постоянный ток коллектора (Ic): 1.5
Предельная температура PN-перехода (Tj): 75
Граничная частота коэффициента передачи тока (ft): 120
Ёмкость коллекторного перехода (Cc): 50
Статический коэффициент передачи тока (hfe): 40
Аналоги (замена) для P609
Datasheet (PDF)
0.2. Size:179K aosemi
aop609.pdf AOP609Complementary Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description FeaturesThe AOP609 uses advanced trench technology n-channel p-channelMOSFETs to provide excellent RDS(ON) and low VDS (V) = 60V -60Vgate charge. The complementary MOSFETs ID = 4.7A (VGS=10V) -3.5A (VGS=-10V)may be used in H-bridge, Inverters and other RDS(ON) RDS(ON) applications. Standard Product A
0.3. Size:337K ncepower
ncep6090gu.pdf http://www.ncepower.com NCEP6090GUNCE N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFET Description The NCEP6090GU uses Super Trench technology that is General Features uniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high VDS =60V,ID =90A frequency switching performance. Both conduction and RDS(ON)=2.9m (typical) @ VGS=10V switching power losses are minimized due to an extremely low
0.4. Size:341K ncepower
ncep6090.pdf http://www.ncepower.com NCEP6090NCE N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFET Description The NCEP6090 uses Super Trench technology that is uniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency switching performance. Both conduction and switching power losses are minimized due to an extremely low combination of RDS(ON) and Qg. This device is ideal for high-frequency switchin
0.5. Size:1092K ncepower
ncep6090d.pdf http://www.ncepower.com NCEP6090DNCE N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescriptionThe series of devices uses Super Trench technology that isGeneral Featuresuniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency V =60V,I =90ADS Dswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power R =6.4m , typical@ V =10VDS(ON) GSlosses are minimized due to an extremely
0.6. Size:326K ncepower
ncep6090ak.pdf http://www.ncepower.com NCEP6090AKNCE N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFET Description The NCEP6090AK uses Super Trench technology that is uniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency switching performance. Both conduction and switching power losses are minimized due to an extremely low combination of RDS(ON) and Qg. This device is ideal for high-frequency swit
0.7. Size:405K ncepower
ncep6090k.pdf http://www.ncepower.com NCEP6090KNCE N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFET Description The NCEP6090K uses Super Trench technology that is uniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency switching performance. Both conduction and switching power losses are minimized due to an extremely low combination of RDS(ON) and Qg. This device is ideal for high-frequency switch
0.8. Size:352K ncepower
ncep6090agu.pdf http://www.ncepower.com NCEP6090AGUNCE N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFET Description General Features The NCEP6090AGU uses Super Trench technology that is VDS =60V,ID =90A uniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high RDS(ON)=2.8m (typical) @ VGS=10V frequency switching performance. Both conduction and RDS(ON)=3.5m (typical) @ VGS=4.5V switching power losses are
0.9. Size:395K ncepower
nceap6090agu.pdf NCEAP6090AGUhttp://www.ncepower.comNCE Automotive N-Channel Super Trench Power MOSFETDescription General FeaturesThe NCEAP6090AGU uses Super Trench technology that is V =60V,I =130ADS Duniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency R =2.8m (typical) @ V =10VDS(ON) GSswitching performance. Both conduction and switching power losses R =3.5m (typical) @ V =
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