9014 Datasheet and Replacement
Type Designator: 9014
Material of Transistor: Si
Polarity: NPN
Maximum Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 0.315 W
Maximum Collector-Base Voltage |Vcb|: 45 V
Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage |Vce|: 45 V
Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage |Veb|: 5 V
Maximum Collector Current |Ic max|: 0.1 A
Max. Operating Junction Temperature (Tj): 135 °C
Transition Frequency (ft): 150 MHz
Collector Capacitance (Cc): 3.5 pF
Forward Current Transfer Ratio (hFE), MIN: 64
Noise Figure, dB: -
Package: TO92
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9014 Datasheet (PDF)

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 9014 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR PRE-AMPLIFIER, LOW LEVEL & LOW NOISE FEATURES * High total power dissipation. (450mW) * Excellent hFE linearity. * Complementary to UTC 9015 *Pb-free plating product number: 9014L ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Number Pin AssignmentPackage Packing Normal Lead Free Plating 1 2 39014-x-T92-B 9014L-x-T92-B TO-92

9014 Rev.E Mar.-2016 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-92 NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a TO-92 Plastic Package. / Features P ,h , 9015 C FEHigh PC and hFE excellent hFE linearity, complementary pair with 9015. / Applications Low frequen
9014m hj6a hj6b hj6c hj6d.pdf

9014M Rev.F Apr.-2017 DATA SHEET / Descriptions SOT-23 NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a SOT-23 Plastic Package. / Features P ,h , 9015M C FEHigh PC and hFE, excellent hFE linearity, complementary pair with 9015M. / Applications low freq
irfr9014pbf irfu9014pbf.pdf

PD- 95383AIRFR9014PbFIRFU9014PbF Lead-Free12/07/04Document Number: 91277 www.vishay.com1IRFR/U9014PbFDocument Number: 91277 www.vishay.com2IRFR/U9014PbFDocument Number: 91277 www.vishay.com3IRFR/U9014PbFDocument Number: 91277 www.vishay.com4IRFR/U9014PbFDocument Number: 91277 www.vishay.com5IRFR/U9014PbFDocument Number: 91277 www.vishay.com6I

PD - 95153IRFL9014PbFHEXFET Power MOSFETl Surface Mountl Available in Tape & Reel DVDSS = -60Vl Dynamic dv/dt Ratingl Repetitive Avalanche Ratedl P-ChannelRDS(on) = 0.50l Fast SwitchingGl Ease of Parallelingl Lead-FreeID = -1.8ASDescriptinThird Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierprovide the designer with the best combination of fastswitchin

PD - 90863AIRFL9014HEXFET Power MOSFET Surface Mount Available in Tape & Reel DVDSS = -60V Dynamic dv/dt Rating Repetitive Avalanche Rated P-ChannelRDS(on) = 0.50 Fast SwitchingG Ease of ParallelingID = -1.8ASDescriptionThird Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifierprovide the designer with the best combination of fastswitching, ruggedized device

PD- 95925IRFD9014PbF Lead-Free10/27/04Document Number: 91136 www.vishay.com1IRFD9014PbFDocument Number: 91136 www.vishay.com2IRFD9014PbFDocument Number: 91136 www.vishay.com3IRFD9014PbFDocument Number: 91136 www.vishay.com4IRFD9014PbFDocument Number: 91136 www.vishay.com5IRFD9014PbFDocument Number: 91136 www.vishay.com6IRFD9014PbFPeak Diode R

SS9014Pre-Amplifier, Low Level & Low Noise High total power dissipation. (PT=450mW) High hFE and good linearity Complementary to SS9015TO-9211. Emitter 2. Base 3. CollectorNPN Epitaxial Silicon TransistorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise noted Symbol Parameter Ratings UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 VVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 VVEBO

SFM9014Advanced Power MOSFETFEATURESBVDSS = -60 V Avalanche Rugged TechnologyRDS(on) = 0.5 Rugged Gate Oxide Technology Lower Input CapacitanceID = -1.8 A Improved Gate Charge Extended Safe Operating AreaSOT-223 Lower Leakage Current : 10 A(Max.) @ VDS = -60V2 Lower RDS(ON) : 0.362 (Typ.)131. Gate 2. Drain 3. SourceAbsolute Maximum RatingsSymbol
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SFR/U9014Advanced Power MOSFETFEATURESBVDSS = -60 Vn Avalanche Rugged TechnologyRDS(on) = 0.5 n Rugged Gate Oxide Technology n Lower Input CapacitanceID = -5.3 An Improved Gate Chargen Extended Safe Operating AreaD-PAK I-PAKn Lower Leakage Current : 10 A(Max.) @ VDS = -60Vn Lower RDS(ON) : 0.362 (Typ.) 2112331. Gate 2. Drain 3. SourceAbsolute Max

SFR/U9014Advanced Power MOSFETFEATURESBVDSS = -60 Vn Avalanche Rugged TechnologyRDS(on) = 0.5 n Rugged Gate Oxide Technology n Lower Input CapacitanceID = -5.3 An Improved Gate Chargen Extended Safe Operating AreaD-PAK I-PAKn Lower Leakage Current : 10 A(Max.) @ VDS = -60Vn Lower RDS(ON) : 0.362 (Typ.) 2112331. Gate 2. Drain 3. SourceAbsolute Max

SS9014 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTORPRE-AMPLIFIER, LOW LEVEL & LOW NOISETO-92 High total power dissipation. (PT=450mW) High hFE and good linearity Complementary to SS9015ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T =25 )A Characteristic Symbol Rating UnitVCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 50VCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 45VEmitter-Base Voltage VEBO 5mACollector Current IC

Advanced Power MOSFETFEATURESBVDSS = -60 V Avalanche Rugged TechnologyRDS(on) = 0.5 Rugged Gate Oxide Technology Lower Input CapacitanceID = -1.8 A Improved Gate Charge Extended Safe Operating Area Lower Leakage Current : 10 A (Max.) @ VDS = -60V2 Lower RDS(ON) : 0.362 (Typ.)131. Gate 2. Drain 3. SourceAbsolute Maximum RatingsSymbol Characteristic

Advanced Power MOSFETFEATURESBVDSS = -60 V Avalanche Rugged TechnologyRDS(on) = 0.5 Rugged Gate Oxide Technology Lower Input CapacitanceID = -5.3 A Improved Gate Charge Extended Safe Operating Area Lower Leakage Current : 10 A (Max.) @ VDS = -60V Lower RDS(ON) : 0.362 (Typ.) 2112331. Gate 2. Drain 3. SourceAbsolute Maximum RatingsSymbol Cha
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IRFD9014, SiHFD9014Vishay SiliconixPower MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Dynamic dV/dt RatingVDS (V) - 60 Repetitive Avalanche RatedAvailableRDS(on) ()VGS = - 10 V 0.50 For Automatic InsertionRoHS*Qg (Max.) (nC) 12COMPLIANT End StackableQgs (nC) 3.8 P-ChannelQgd (nC) 5.1 175 C Operating TemperatureConfiguration Single Fast Switchin
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IRFR9014, IRFU9014, SiHFR9014, SiHFU9014www.vishay.comVishay SiliconixPower MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Dynamic dV/dt RatingVDS (V) - 60 Repetitive Avalanche Rated Surface Mount (IRFR9014, SiHFR9014)RDS(on) ()VGS = - 10 V 0.50 Straight Lead (IRFU9014, SiHFU9014)Qg (Max.) (nC) 12 Available in Tape and ReelQgs (nC) 3.8 P-Channel Fast Switch
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IRFD9014, SiHFD9014Vishay SiliconixPower MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Dynamic dV/dt RatingVDS (V) - 60 Repetitive Avalanche RatedAvailableRDS(on) ()VGS = - 10 V 0.50 For Automatic InsertionRoHS*Qg (Max.) (nC) 12COMPLIANT End StackableQgs (nC) 3.8 P-ChannelQgd (nC) 5.1 175 C Operating TemperatureConfiguration Single Fast Switchin

SQP90142Ewww.vishay.comVishay SiliconixAutomotive N-Channel 200 V (D-S) 175 C MOSFETFEATURESTO-220AB TrenchFET power MOSFET Package with low thermal resistance AEC-Q101 qualified 100 % Rg and UIS tested Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please seewww.vishay.com/doc?99912SSDGDTop ViewPRODUCT SUMMARYGVDS (V) 200RD

SUP90142Ewww.vishay.comVishay SiliconixN-Channel 200 V (D-S) 175 C MOSFETFEATURESTO-220AB ThunderFET power MOSFET Tuned for the lowest RDS - Qoss FOM Maximum 175 C junction temperature 100 % Rg and UIS tested Material categorization:for definitions of compliance please seewww.vishay.com/doc?99912SSDGTop View APPLICATIONSD Power suppl

IRFL9014, SiHFL9014Vishay SiliconixPower MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21DefinitionVDS (V) - 60 Surface MountRDS(on) ()VGS = - 10 V 0.50 Available in Tape and ReelQg (Max.) (nC) 12 Dynamic dV/dt RatingQgs (nC) 3.8 Repetitive Avalanche Rated P-ChannelQgd (nC) 5.1 Fast SwitchingConfiguration Single
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IRFR9014, IRFU9014, SiHFR9014, SiHFU9014Vishay SiliconixPower MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21VDS (V) - 60 Definition Dynamic dV/dt RatingRDS(on) ()VGS = - 10 V 0.50 Repetitive Avalanche RatedQg (Max.) (nC) 12 Surface Mount (IRFR9014, SiHFR9014)Qgs (nC) 3.8 Straight Lead (IRFU9014, SiHFU9014) Available in Tape
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IRFL9014, SiHFL9014Vishay SiliconixPower MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21DefinitionVDS (V) - 60 Surface MountRDS(on) ()VGS = - 10 V 0.50 Available in Tape and ReelQg (Max.) (nC) 12 Dynamic dV/dt RatingQgs (nC) 3.8 Repetitive Avalanche Rated P-ChannelQgd (nC) 5.1 Fast SwitchingConfiguration Single

SQM90142Ewww.vishay.comVishay SiliconixAutomotive N-Channel 200 V (D-S) 175 C MOSFETFEATURES TrenchFET power MOSFETTO-263 Package with low thermal resistance AEC-Q101 qualified 100 % Rg and UIS tested Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please seewww.vishay.com/doc?99912SSDDGGTop ViewDPRODUCT SUMMARYGVDS (V) 200
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IRFR9014, IRFU9014, SiHFR9014, SiHFU9014Vishay Siliconix Power MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY Dynamic dV/dt RatingVDS (V) - 60Available Repetitive Avalanche RatedRDS(on) ()VGS = - 10 V 0.50RoHS* Surface Mount (IRFR9014/SiHFR9014)COMPLIANTQg (Max.) (nC) 12 Straight Lead (IRFU9014/SiHFU9014)Qgs (nC) 3.8 Available in Tape and ReelQgd (nC) 5.1
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MCCS9014-BMicro Commercial ComponentsTM20736 Marilla Street ChatsworthS9014-CMicro Commercial ComponentsCA 91311Phone: (818) 701-4933S9014-DFax: (818) 701-4939Features TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors Capable of 0.4Watts(Tamb=25OC) of Power Dissipation.NPN Silicon Collector-current 0.1A Collector-base Voltage 50VTransistors Operating and

MMS9014Features Halogen Free Available Upon Request By Adding Suffix "-HF" Moisture Sensitivity Level 1NPN Silicon Epoxy Meets UL 94 V-0 Flammability Rating Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant ("P" Suffix Designates RoHSPlastic-EncapsulateCompliant. See Ordering Information)Maximum Ratings @ 25C Unless Otherwise SpecifiedTransistor Operating Junction Tempera

UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD MMBT9014 NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR PRE-AMPLIFIER, LOW LEVEL & LOW NOISE 3 FEATURES * High Total Power Dissipation. (450mW) 1* Excellent hFE Linearity. 2* Complementary to UTC MMBT9015 SOT-23(JEDEC TO-236) ORDERING INFORMATION Pin Assignment Ordering Number Package Packing 1 2 3MMBT9014G-x-AE3-R SOT-23 E B C Tape ReelNote: Pin

STS9014NPN Silicon TransistorDescription PIN Connection General purpose application C Switching application Features B Excellent hFE linearity : hFE(IC=0.1 mA) / hFE(IC=2 mA) = 0.95(Typ.) Low noise : NF=10dB(Max.) at f=1KHz E Complementary pair with STS9015 TO-92 Ordering Information Type NO. Marking Package Code STS9014 STS9014 TO-92A

S9014TNPN SiliconElektronische BauelementePre-Amplifier, Low Level & Low NoiseRoHS Compliant Product A suffix of "-C" specifies halogen & lead-freeTO-92FEATURES4.550.2 3.50.2Power dissipation PCM : 0.4 WCollector currentICM : 0.1 ACollector-base voltageV(BR)CBO : 50 V0.43+0.080.0746+0.10. 0.1Operating & storage junction temperature(1.27

S9014W NPN Silicon Plastic Encapsulated Transistor Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of -C specifies halogen & lead-free SOT-323 FEATURE Complementary to S9015W AL33Top View C B11 22K EPACKAGING INFORMATION Weight: 0.0074 g DCollectorH JF G3 Millimeter MillimeterREF. REF. Min. Max. Min. Max.MARKING CODE 1 A 1.

S9014NPN SiliconElektronische Bauelemente Pre-Amplifier, Low Level & Low NoiseRoHS Compliant ProductA suffix of "-C" specifies halogen & lead-freeSOT-23FEATURESCollectorDim Min Max33A 2.800 3.040B 1.200 1.400Power dissipation11C 0.890 1.1102 BasePCM : 0.2 WD 0.370 0.500Collector CurrentG 1.780 2.0402ICM : 0.1 A AEmitterH 0.013 0.100

Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyNPN SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTOR CMBT9014PIN CONFIGURATION (NPN)SOT-231 = BASE2 = EMITTER3 = COLLECTOR3MARKING: AS BELOW12ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSDESCRIPTION SYMBOL VALUE UNITCollector -Base Voltage VCBO 30 VCollector -Emitter Voltage VCEO 30 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5.0 VCo

Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyNPN SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTOR CD9014TO-92CBEABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSDESCRIPTION SYMBOL VALUE UNITCollector -Emitter Voltage VCEO 50 VCollector -Base Voltage VCBO 50 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5.0 VCollector Current IC 100 mACollector Power Dissipation PC 625 mWOperating And Storage J

JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD J C T SOT-323 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors S9014W TRANSISTOR (NPN) SOT323 FEATURES Complementary to S9015W Small Surface Mount Package MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Unit 1. BASE V Collector-Base Voltage 50 V CBO2. EMITTER V Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V CEO

JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD WBFBP-03B Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors C WBFBP-03B TP9014NND03 TRANSISTOR ( TOP unit: mm DESCRIPTION B E NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor C 1. BASE C FEATURES 2. EMITTER High hFE and good linearity BACK 3. COLLECTOR Complementary to TP9015NND03 E B APPLICATION Pre-Amplifier, Low

JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-363 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsMMDT9014 DUAL TRANSISTOR (NPN+NPN)SOT-363 FEATURES Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary PNP Type Available(MMDT9015) Ideal for Medium Power Amplification and SwitchingMARKING:TGL6 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Unit VCBO Collector-

JIANGSU CHANGJING ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsSOT-23 S9014 TRANSISTOR (NPN)1. BASE FEATURES2. EMITTER Complementary to S90153. COLLECTORMARKING: J6 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Unit V Collector-Base Voltage 50 V CBOVCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V V Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V

SEMICONDUCTOR KTC9014STECHNICAL DATA EPITAXIAL PLANAR NPN TRANSISTORGENERAL PURPOSE APPLICATION. SWITCHING APPLICATION.EL B LFEATURESDIM MILLIMETERS_+A 2.93 0.20Excellent hFE LinearityB 1.30+0.20/-0.15: hFE(IC=0.1mA)/hFE(IC=2mA)=0.95(Typ.).C 1.30 MAX23 D 0.40+0.15/-0.05Low Noise :NF=1dB(Typ.) at f=1kHz.E 2.40+0.30/-0.201G 1.90Complementary to KTC9



S901 4WTRANSISTOR(NPN)SOT323 FEATURES Complementary to S9015W Small Surface Mount Package MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Unit 1. BASE V Collector-Base Voltage 50 V CBO2. EMITTER V Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V CEO3. COLLECTOR V Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V EBOIC Collector Current 100 mA P Collector Power Dissi

S901 4 TRANSISTOR (NPN) SOT-23 1. BASE FEATURES 2. EMITTER Complementary to S9015 3. COLLECTOR MARKING: J6 unless otherwise noted) MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current -Continuous 0.1 A PC Collector Power Dissipation 0.2 W T

Guilin Strong Micro-Electronics Co.,Ltd.Guilin Strong Micro-Electronics Co.,Ltd.Guilin Strong Micro-Electronics Co.,Ltd.GM9014FEATURESFEATURES FEATURESExcellent HFE Linearity HFE HFE(0.1mA)/ hFE(2mA)=0.95(Typ.)High HFE HFEHFE=200700Low Noise NF=1dB(Typ.),10dB(Max.).Comple

S9014 Silicon Epitaxial Planar TransistorFEATURES A SOT-23 Complementary To S9015. Dim Min MaxA 2.70 3.10E Excellent HFE Linearity. B 1.10 1.50K BC 1.0 Typical Power dissipation.(PC=0.2W) D 0.4 TypicalE 0.35 0.48JDG 1.80 2.00GH 0.02 0.1APPLICATIONS J 0.1 TypicalH Per-Amplifier low level & low noise. K 2.20 2.60CAll Dimensions in mm MAXIMUM
s9014 sot-23.pdf

S9014 SOT-23 Transistor(NPN)SOT-231. BASE 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR Features Complementary to S9015 MARKING: J6 Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current -Continuous 0.1 A
s9014 to-92.pdf

S9014(NPN)TO-92 Bipolar TransistorsTO-92 1. EMITTER 2. BASE 3. COLLECTOR Features High total power dissipation.(PC=0.45W) High hFE and good linearity Complementary to S9015 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V Dimensions in inches and (millimeters)VEBO

S9014NPN General Purpose TransistorsTO-921. EMITTER122. BASE33. COLLECTORABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 C)Rating SymbolValue UnitCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VdcCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 50VdcEmitter-Base Voltage VEBO5.0 VdcCollector Current IC100 mAdcPD 0.4Total Device Dissipation T =25 C WAJunction Temperature T 150j C-55 to +150Stor

S9014LT1312SOT-23ValueVCEO 45505.01002251.8556S9014QLT1=14Q S9014RLT1=14R S9014SLT1=14S S9014TLT1=14T0.14550100100u0.1400.1 u3.0WEITRON 1/ 28-Apr-2011http://www.weitron.com.twS9014LT1ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25 C unless otherwise noted) (Countinued)CharacteristicsSymbol Max UnitMinON CHARACTERISTICSDC Current GainhFE 100
9014qlt1 9014rlt1 9014slt1 9014tlt1.pdf

FM120-M WILLAS9014xLT1THRUGeneral Purpose TransistorsFM1200-M1.0A SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS -20V- 200VSOD-123 PACKAGE Pb Free ProducPackage outlineFeatures Batch process design, excellent power dissipation offers better reverse leakage current and thermal resistance.SOD-123HNPN Silicon Low profile surface mounted application in order to o

Spec. No. : HE6102HI-SINCERITYIssued Date : 1992.08.25Revised Date : 2005.02.04MICROELECTRONICS CORP.Page No. : 1/5HE9014NPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTORDescriptionThe HE9014 is designed for use in pre-amplifier of low level and low noise.TO-92Features High Total Power Dissipation (PD: 450mW) Complementary to HE9015 High hFE and Good LinearityAbsolute Maxim

Shenzhen Tuofeng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors S9014 TRANSISTOR (NPN) TO-92 FEATURES 1. EMITTER 2. BASE Power dissipation 3. COLLECTOR PCM: 0.4 W (Tamb=25) Collector current ICM: 0.1 A 1 2 3 Collector-base voltage V(BR)CBO: 50 V Operating and storage junction temperature range TJ, Tstg: -55 to +150

Shenzhen Tuofeng Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors S9014LT1 TRANSISTOR NPN FEATURES High total power dissipation.(pc=0.2w) Complementary to S9015LT1 MARKING: L6 J6 MAXIMUM RATINGS* TA=25 unless otherwise noted Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V VEBO Emitt

NPN NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR RS9014 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Package I 100mA C V 45V CEOP (SOT-23) 200mW C APPLICATIONS High frequency switching power supply High frequency power transform Commonly power amplifier circuit SO

Spec. No. : C202A3 Issued Date : 2008.01.16 CYStech Electronics Corp.Revised Date : Page No. : 1 / 4 General Purpose NPN Epitaxial Planar Transistor BTC9014A3Description The BTC9014A3 is designed for use in pre-amplifier of low level and low noise. Complementary to BTA9015A3. Pb-free package Symbol Outline BTC9014A3 TO-92 BBase CCollector EEmi

TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsTO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsTO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsTO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsFEATURESHigh total power dissipation.(PC=0.45W)TO-92High hFE and good linearityComplementary to S9015MAXIMUM RATINGSMAXIMUM RATINGSMAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted)MAXIMUM RATINGS1.EMITTERSymbol Parameter
s9014 sot-23.pdf

ShenZhen CanSheng Industry Development Co.,Ltd. www.szcansheng.com SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors S9014 TRANSISTOR (NPN) FEATURES Complimentary to S9015 MARKING:J6 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Units VCBO Collector-Base Vo

9014T(BR3DG9014T) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions SOT-89 NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a SOT-89 Plastic Package. / Features P ,h , 9015T(BR3CG9015T) C FEHigh PC and hFE excellent hFE linearity, complementary pair with 9015T(BR3CG9015T). / Applications

9014M Rev.F Apr.-2017 DATA SHEET / Descriptions SOT-23 NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a SOT-23 Plastic Package. / Features P ,h , 9015M C FEHigh PC and hFE, excellent hFE linearity, complementary pair with 9015M. / Applications low freq

9014W(BR3DG9014W) Rev.C Feb.-2015 DATA SHEET / Descriptions SOT-323 NPN Silicon NPN transistor in a SOT-323 Plastic Package. / Features P ,h , 9015W(BR3CG9015W)C FEHigh PC and hFE, excellent hFE linearity, complementary pair with 9015W(BR3CG9015W). / Applications
mmbt9014b mmbt9014c mmbt9014d.pdf

MMBT9014 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications As complementary types the PNP transistor MMBT9015 is recommended. TO-236 Plastic Package OAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current IC 100 mA
9014a 9014b 9014c 9014d.pdf

9014 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into four groups, A, B, C and D, according to its DC current gain. As complementary type the PNP transistor 9015 is recommended. On special request, these transistors can be 1. Emitter 2. Base 3. Collector manufactured in different pin configurations. TO-92

MMBT9014C1 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and AF amplifier applications As complementary types the PNP transistor MMBT9015 is recommended. 1.Base 2.Emitter 3.Collector TO-236 Plastic Package OAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 C) Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VEmitter Base Voltage VEBO

PJ2N9014 NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor PRE-APLIFIER, LOW LEVEL&LOW NOISE High total power dissipation (PT=450mW) TO-92 SOT-23 High h and good linearity FE Complementary to PJ2N9015 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta= 25 C) Rating Symbol Value Uint Pin : 1. Emitter Pin : 1. Base 2. Base Collector Base Voltage V 50 V 2.Emitter CBO3. Collector 3.Collector

LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.General Purpose TransistorsNPN SiliconFEATURE Complementary to L9014.L9014QLT1G We declare that the material of product compliance with RoHS requirements.Series S- Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique SiteS-L9014QLT1Gand Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable.SeriesDEVICE MARKING AND ORDERING IN
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LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.General Purpose TransistorsNPN SiliconL9014QLT1GFEATURE Complementary to L9014.Series We declare that the material of product compliance with RoHS requirements. S-L9014QLT1G S- Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique SiteSeriesand Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable.DEVICE MARKING AND ORDERING INF

LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.General Purpose TransistorsNPN SiliconFEATUREL9014QLT1G Complementary to L9014.Series We declare that the material of product compliance with RoHS requirements.S-L9014QLT1G S- Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Siteand Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable.SeriesDEVICE MARKING AND ORDERING IN

LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.General Purpose TransistorsNPN SiliconL9014QLT1GFEATURE Complementary to L9014.Series We declare that the material of product compliance with RoHS requirements. S-L9014QLT1G S- Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique SiteSeriesand Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable.DEVICE MARKING AND ORDERING INF

LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.General Purpose TransistorsNPN SiliconFEATURE Complementary to L9014. L9014QLT1G We declare that the material of product compliance with RoHS requirements.Series S- Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site S-L9014QLT1Gand Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable.SeriesDEVICE MARKING AND ORDERING IN
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LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.General Purpose TransistorsNPN SiliconL9014QLT1GFEATURE Complementary to L9014.Series We declare that the material of product compliance with RoHS requirements. S-L9014QLT1G S- Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique SiteSeriesand Control Change Requirements; AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable.DEVICE MARKING AND ORDERING INF

LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.NPN Epitaxial Silicon L9014TransistorPre-Amplifier, Low Level & Low Noise High total power dissipation. (PT=450mW) High hFE and good linearity Complementary to L9015TO-9211. Emitter 2. Base 3. CollectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C unless otherwise noted Symbol Parameter Ratings UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 VVCEO Collecto

N P N S I L I C O N T R A N S I S T O R Shantou Huashan Electronic Devices Co.,Ltd. H9014 PRE-AMPLIFIERLOW LEVEL & LOW NOISE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTa=25 TO-92 TstgStorage Temperature -55~150TjJunction Temperature150PCCollector Dissipation

N P N S I L I C O N T R A N S I S T O R Shantou Huashan Electronic Devices Co.,Ltd. H9014 PRE-AMPLIFIERLOW LEVEL & LOW NOISE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTa=25 TO-92 TstgStorage Temperature -55~150TjJunction Temperature150PCCollector Dissipation

SMD Type TransistorsSMD TypeNPN TransistorsKST9014-DSOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9-0.1+0.10.4 -0.13FeaturesExcellent hFE linearityCollector Current :IC=0.1A1 2+0.050.95+0.1-0.1 0.1 -0.01Complementary to KST9015-D1.9+0.1-0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector-E

SMD Type TransistorsSMD TypeNPN TransistorsKST9014SOT-23Unit: mm+0.12.9-0.1+0.10.4 -0.13FeaturesExcellent hFE linearityCollector Current :IC=0.1A1 2+0.050.95+0.1-0.1 0.1 -0.011.9+0.1-0.11.Base2.Emitter3.collectorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VEmit

DC COMPONENTS CO., LTD.DMBT9014DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORSRTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF NPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTORDescriptionDesigned for use in pre-amplifier of low level and low noise.SOT-23.020(0.50).012(0.30)Pinning1 = Base 32 = Emitter .063(1.60) .108(0.65)3 = Collector.055(1.40) .089(0.25)1 2Absolute Maximum Ratings(TA=25oC).045(1.15).034(0.85).

Product specification Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor S9014 FEATURES Pb Complementary To S9015. Lead-free Excellent H Linearity. FE Power dissipation.(P =0.2W) CAPPLICATIONS Per-Amplifier low level & low noise. SOT-23 ORDERING INFORMATION Type No. Marking Package Code S9014 J6 SOT-23 : none is for Lead Free package; G is for

GSTS9014LT1 NPN General Purpose Transistor Product Description Features This device is designed as a general purpose Collector-Emitter Voltage : 45V amplifier and switch. Collector Current : 100mA Lead(Pb)-FreePackages & Pin Assignments SOT-23 Pin Description1 Base 2 Emitter 3 Collector Marking Information P/N Package Rank Part Marking GSTS9014LT1F SOT-23 Q 14Q

S9014(3DG9014) NPN /SILICON NPN TRANSISTOR : Purpose: Low frequency, low noise amplifier. :P ,h , S9015(3CG9015) C FEFeatures: High P and h excellent h linearity, complementary pair with S9015(3CG9015). C FE FE/Absolute maximum ratings(Ta=25)

PT23T9014 Transistor Feature 3 - Collector 1 - Base This device is Pb-Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and RoHS compliant. 2 - Emitter Mechanical Characteristics Lead finish:100% matte Sn(Tin) Mounting position: Any Qualified max reflow temperature:260 Device meets MSL 1 requirements Pure tin plating: 7 ~ 17 um Pin flatness:3mil Structu
s9014l s9014h.pdf

S9014NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar TransistorFEATURES Complementary To S9015. Excellent HFE Linearity. Power dissipation.(PC=0.2W) APPLICATIONS Per-Amplifier low level & low noise. SOT-23 MAXIMUM RATING @ Ta=25 unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Value UnitsCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VEmitter-Base Voltage VE

STC9014NPN Silicon TransistorAudio Frequency Amplifier & High Frequency OSC. Complement to STC9015 Collector-Base Voltage : VCBO=60V High Current Gain Bandwidth Product : fT=300MHz (TYP) Suffix -C means Center Collector (1. Emitter 2. Collector 3. Base)TO-9211. Emitter 2. Collector 3. BaseNPN Epitaxial Silicon TransistorAbsolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25C
s9014l s9014h.pdf

RUMW UMW S9014SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate TransistorsSOT-23 S9014 TRANSISTOR (NPN) FEATURES 1. BASE Complementary to S9015 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR MARKING: J6 MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value UnitVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current -Cont

RoHS MMBT9014LT1 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR SOT-233PRF-AMPLIFIER,LOW LEVEL&LOW NOISE1 Complemen to MMPT9015LT1 Collector-current:Ic=100mA 2 Collector-Emiller Voltage:VCE=45V1.1.BASE High Totalpower Dissipation Pc=225mW2.EMITTER High life And Good Linearity2.43.COLLECTOR1.3Unit:mmoABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 C)Symbol Rating UnitCharacterist

S9014NPN SMD TransistorPackage outlineFeatures Collector current. (100mA)SOT-23 Pb-Free package is available Suffix "-H" indicates Halogen-free part, ex. S9014-H. (B)(C)(A)Mechanical data Epoxy:UL94-V0 rated flame retardant0.055 (1.40)0.027 (0.69)0.047 (1.20) 0.014 (0.35) Case : Molded plastic, SOT-230.104 (2.64)0.083 (2.10) Terminals :

S9014Transistors SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors(NPN) RHOS SOT-23 FeaturesAs complementary type the PNP transistor S9015 is recommended Epitaxial planar die construction Maximum Ratings (Ratings at 25 ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V 1. BASE VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 4

S9014General Purpose Transistors NPN SiliconFEATURES High Collector Current. SOT-23 Complementary to S9015. Excellent hFE Linearity.MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted)Symbol Parameter Value Unit V Collector-Base Voltage 50 V CBOV Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V CEOV Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V EBOI Collector Current 100 mA CP Collector Power Di

NPN SMD TransistorFormosa MSS9014General Purpose Transistors NPN SiliconPackage outlineFeaturesSOT-23 Collector current. (100mA) Pb-Free package is available Suffix "-H" indicates Halogen-free part, ex. S9014-H. (B)(C)(A)Mechanical data Epoxy:UL94-V0 rated flame retardant0.055 (1.40)0.027 (0.69)0.047 (1.20) 0.014 (0.35) Case : Molded plasti

S9 014SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors TRANSISTOR( NP N )Features SOT- 23 Complementary to S9015 Marking: J6Symbol Parameter Value Unit VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V CV Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V CEOV Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V EBOI Collector Current 100 mA CP Collector Power Dissipation 200 mW CB ERJA Thermal Resistance From Junctio

S9014 Silicon Epitaxial Planar TransistorFEATURES Complementary to S9015Excellent h linearityFEPower dissipation (P = 0.2W)C APPLICATIONS Per-Amplifier low level & low noise SOT-23 MAXIMUM RATING @ T =25 unless otherwise specifiedASymbol Parameter Value Units Collector-Base Voltage V 50 V CBO Collector-Emitter Voltage V 45 V CEO Emitter-Base Voltage

S901 4 TRANSISTOR (NPN) SOT-23 1. BASE FEATURES 2. EMITTER Complementary to S9015 3. COLLECTOR MARKING: J6 unless otherwise noted) MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current -Continuous 0.1 A PC Collector Power Dissipation 0.2 W T

www.msksemi.comS9014-MSSemiconductor CompianceSemiconductor Compiance TRANSISTOR (NPN)FEATURES Complementary to S9015-MS1. BASEMARKING: J6 2. EMITTERSOT23 3. COLLECTORMAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Unit VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V V Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V CEOV Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V EBOI Collector
s9014 s9014-l s9014-h.pdf

S9014NPN Transistors321.BaseFeatures2.EmitterExcellent hFE linearity 1 3.CollectorCollector Current :IC=0.1A Simplified outline(SOT-23)Complementary to S9015Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VEmitter-Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current -Continuous IC 0.1 ACollector
s9014-l s9014-h.pdf

Jingdao Microelectronics co.LTDS9014General Purpose TransistorNPN SiliconFEATURES Complementary to S9015SOT-23 3COLLECTOOR31DEVICE MARKINGBASES9014 = J612EMITTER2MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitCollectorEmitter Voltage VCEO 45 VdcCollectorBase Voltage VCBO 50 VdcEmitterBase Voltage
s9014-l s9014-h.pdf

S901 4 TRANSISTOR (NPN) SOT-23 1. BASE FEATURES 2. EMITTER Complementary to S9015 3. COLLECTOR MARKING: J6 unless otherwise noted) MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25Symbol Parameter Value UnitsVCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current -Continuous 0.1 A PC Collector Power Dissipation 0.2 W
s9014t-l s9014t-h.pdf

S9014TSOT-523 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors TRANSISTOR (NPN)S9014TSOT523 FEATURES Small Surface Mount PackageMAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Unit 1. BASEV Collector-Base Voltage 50 V CBO2. EMITTERV Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V CEO3. COLLECTORV Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V EBOI Collector Current 100 mA CP Col
s9014 s9014-l s9014-h.pdf

S9014 SOT-23 NPN Transistors32 1.BaseFeatures2.EmitterExcellent hFE linearity 1 3.CollectorCollector Current :IC=0.1A Simplified outline(SOT-23)Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25Parameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VEmitter-Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current -Continuous IC 0.1 ACollector Power Dissipat

S9014 TRANSI STOR (NPN)MARKING: Equivalent Circuit:SOT-231.BASE2.EMITTER3.COLLECTORFEATURES: Complimentary to S9015 Collector Current: Ic=100mAMAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Value UnitCollector-Base Voltage VCBO 50 VCollector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 45 VEmitter-Base Voltage VEBO 5 VCollector Current IC 100 mACollector Power D

S9014S9014 TRANSISTOR (NPN) FEATURES Complementary to S9015 SOT-23 1BASE 2EMITTER MARKING: J6 3COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter value units VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 VVEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current-Continuous 0.1 A PC Collector Power Dissipation 0.2 W
sebt9012 sebt9013 sebt9014 sebt9015 sebt9016 sebt9018.pdf

Jul 2015 SEBT9012,9013,9014,9015,9016,9018 PNP Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors (9012, 9015) Revision: A NPN Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors (9013, 9014,9016, 9018) Feature AM/FM Amplifier, local oscillator of FM/VHF tuner High current gain bandwidth product Applications Inverter, Interface, Driver 9012 is complementary to 9013 9014 is complementary to 9015

IRFU9014PBFwww.VBsemi.twP-Channel 60-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) 100 % UIS Tested0.066 at VGS = - 10 V - 20APPLICATIONS- 60 40 nC at VGS = - 4.5 V - 180.080 Load SwitchTO-251SGDP-Channel MOSFETG D STop ViewABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C, unless otherwise noted)

IRFL9014TRPBFwww.VBsemi.twP-Channel 60-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A)a Qg (Typ.) 100 % UIS Tested0.055 at VGS = - 10 V - 7.0APPLICATIONS- 60 30 nC0.065 at VGS = - 4.5 V - 6.0 Load SwitchSSOT-223GDSDGDP-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C, unless otherwise noted)Pa

IRFR9014TRwww.VBsemi.twP-Channel 60-V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURESPRODUCT SUMMARY TrenchFET Power MOSFETVDS (V) RDS(on) ()ID (A) Qg (Typ) 100 % UIS Tested0.061 at VGS = - 10 V - 30APPLICATIONS- 60 100.072 at VGS = - 4.5 V - 26 Load SwitchSTO-252GG D STop ViewDP-Channel MOSFETABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TC = 25 C, unless otherwise notedParameter Sy
s9014l s9014h.pdf

RoHS RoHSCOMPLIANT COMPLIANTS9014 NPN Transistor Features Epoxy meets UL-94 V-0 flammability rating Halogen free available upon request by adding suffix HF Moisture Sensitivity Level 1 Marking: J6 Maximum Ratings (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Item Symbol Unit Conditions Value Collector-Base Voltage VCBO V 50 Collector-Emitter Voltage V

S9014 S9014 NPN Transistors General description SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors FEATURES Complementary to S9015 Power Dissipation of 200mW High Stability and High Reliability MECHANICAL DATA SOT-23 Small Outline Plastic Package Epoxy UL: 94V-0 Mounting Position: Any Marking: J6 Maximum Ratings & Thermal Characteristics TA = 25C unles

SOT-323 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors TRANSISTOR (NPN)SOT323 FEATURES Complementary to S9015W Small Surface Mount PackageMAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Unit 1. BASE V Collector-Base Voltage 50 V CBO2. EMITTER V Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V CEO3. COLLECTOR V Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V EBOI Collector Current 1

S9014 TRANSISTOR (NPN) FEATURES SOT-23 Complementary to S9015 1BASE 2EMITTER 3COLLECTOR MARKING: J6 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter value units VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 VVEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current-Continuous 0.1 A PC Collector Power Dissipation 0.2 W

Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors DUAL TRANSISTOR (NPN+NPN)6FEATURES54 Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary PNP Type Available(MMDT9015 )DW12 Ideal for Medium Power Amplification and Switching3MARKING:TGL6MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 unless otherwise noted)Symbol Parameter Value Unit VCBO Collector- Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltag

General Purpose TransistorsGeneral Purpose Transistors FHT9014DESCRIPTION & FEATURES SOT-23 Excellent hFE Linearity hFE hFE(0.1mA)/ hFE(2mA)=0.95(Typ.) High hFEhFE=70700 Low NoiseNF=1dB (Typ.),10dB(Max.) Complementary to FHT9015 FHT9015 PIN ASSIGNMENT PIN NAME PIN NUMBER

FHT9014-MENPN Transistor DESCRIPTIONSSOT-23 NPN NPN transistor in a SOT-23 Plastic Package. APPLICATIONSGeneral purpose application,switching. PIN ASSIGNMENT1 BASE2 EMITTER3 COLLECTOR Equivalent Circuit Name rule Name Additiona

ANHUI FOSAN SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGYCO.,LTDS9014MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25) CHARACTERISTIC Symbol Rating Unit Collector-Base VoltageV 50 VdcCBO-Collector-Emitter VoltageV 45 VdcCEO-Emitter-Base VoltageV 5.0 VdcEBO

S9014NPN GENERAL PURPOSE SWITCHING TRANSISTOR45Volts POWER 300mWattsVOLTAGEFEATURESNPN epitaxial silicon, planar design. Collector-emitter voltage VCE=45V.Collector current IC=0.1A.ansition frequency fT>150MHz @ TrIC=10mAdc, VCE=5Vdc, f=30MHz.In compliance with ER RoHS 2002/95/EC directives.MECHANICAL DATACase: SOT-23, Plastic 3CTerminals: Solde

S9014BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR (NPN)FEATURES Complementary to S9015 Excellent h LinearityFE Surface Mount deviceSOT-23MECHANICAL DATA Case: SOT-23 Case Material: Molded Plastic. UL flammability Classification Rating: 94V-0Weight: 0.008 grams (approximate)MAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25C unless otherwise noted)AParameter Symbol Value UnitCollector-Base V

NPN S9014S9014 TRANSISTOR (NPN) FEATURES SOT-23 Complementary to S9015 1BASE 2EMITTER 3COLLECTOR MARKING: J6 MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25 unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter value units VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 VVEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Curren
s9014b s9014c s9014d.pdf

GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS NPN SILICON Features ASOT-23 CDim Min MaxA0.37 0.51B CB1.20 1.40TOP VIEWB ECD 2.30 2.50EGD0.89 1.03E0.45 0.60HG1.78 2.05KH2.80 3.00JJ0.013 0.10Maximum Ratings @ T = 25C un
hmbt9014l hmbt9014h.pdf

HMBT9014NPN-TRANSISTORNPN, 150mA, 50V NPN NPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTOR SMDHMBT9014HMBT9014LT1NPN, BECExcellent hFE linearityGeneral Purpose TransistorsLow noiseComplementary to HMBT9015Transistor Polarity: NPNS9014Transistor pinout: BECM

INCHANGE Semiconductorisc Silicon NPN Power Transistor 2SC9014DESCRIPTIONHigh total power dissipationHigh hFE and good linearityMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDesigned for Switching and amplificationABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Collector-Base Voltage 50 VCBOV Coll
Datasheet: 2N3200 , 2N3201 , 2N3202 , 2N3203 , 2N3204 , 2N3205 , 2N3206 , 2N3207 , B772 , 2N3209 , 2N3209AQF , 2N3209CSM , 2N3209DCSM , 2N3209L , 2N321 , 2N3210 , 2N3211 .
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