Datasheet, Equivalent, Cross Reference Search
Type Designator: MJE350G
SMD Transistor Code: JE350
Material of Transistor: Si
Polarity: PNP
Maximum Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 20
Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage |Vce|: 300
Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage |Veb|: 3
Maximum Collector Current |Ic max|: 0.5
Max. Operating Junction Temperature (Tj): 150
Forward Current Transfer Ratio (hFE), MIN: 30
Noise Figure, dB: -
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:139K onsemi
MJE350GPlastic Medium-PowerPNP Silicon TransistorThis device is designed for use in line-operated applications such aslow power, line-operated series pass and switching regulatorsrequiring PNP capability.www.onsemi.comFeatures High Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage0.5 AMPERE Excellent DC Current GainPOWER TRANSISTOR Complement to MJE340PNP SILICON Thes
8.1. Size:124K motorola
Order this documentMOTOROLAby MJE350/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAMJE350Plastic Medium Power PNP0.5 AMPERESilicon TransistorPOWER TRANSISTORPNP SILICON. . . designed for use in lineoperated applications such as low power, lineoperated300 VOLTSseries pass and switching regulators requiring PNP capability.20 WATTS High CollectorEmitter Sustaining Voltage
8.2. Size:594K st
mje340 mje350.pdf
MJE340MJE350Complementary silicon power transistorsFeatures STMicroelectronics preferred salestypes Complementary NPN - PNP devicesApplications Linear and switching industrial equipment321DescriptionSOT-32The MJE340 is a silicon planar NPN transistor intended for use in medium power linear and switching applications. It is mounted in SOT-32.The complemen
8.3. Size:66K st
MJE340MJE350COMPLEMETARY SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS SGS-THOMSON PREFERRED SALESTYPES COMPLEMENTARY PNP - NPN DEVICESAPPLICATIONS LINEAR AND SWITCHING INDUSTRIALEQUIPMENTDESCRIPTIONThe MJE340 is a silicon epitaxial planar NPN12transistor intended for use in medium power3linear and switching applications.It is mounted inSOT-32.The complementary PNP type is MJE350. S
8.4. Size:36K fairchild semi
MJE350High Voltage General Purpose Applications High Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage Suitable for Transformer Complement to MJE340TO-12611. Emitter 2.Collector 3.Base..PNP Epitaxial Silicon TransistorAbsolute Maximum Ratings TC=25C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Value Units VCBO Collector-Base Voltage - 300 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage - 300 V
8.5. Size:155K onsemi
Is Now Part ofTo learn more about ON Semiconductor, please visit our website at www.onsemi.comPlease note: As part of the Fairchild Semiconductor integration, some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers will need to change in order to meet ON Semiconductors system requirements. Since the ON Semiconductor product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclatur
8.6. Size:204K cdil
Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyPNP EPITAXIAL SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR MJE350TO126 Plastic PackageECBDesigned for use in Line-Operated Applications sush as Low Power, Line- Operated SeriesPass and Switching Regulators ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSDESCRIPTION SYMBOL VALUE UNITCollector -Emitter Voltage VCEO 300 VCollec
8.7. Size:212K inchange semiconductor
isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor MJE350DESCRIPTIONCollectorEmitter Sustaining Voltage-: V =CEO(SUS) -300 V(Min)DC Current Gain-: h = -100(Min) @ I = -50mAFE CLow Collector Saturation Voltage-: V = -1.0V(Max.)@ I = -50mACE(sat) CComplement to the NPN MJE340Minimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationAPPLICATIONSDes
Datasheet: 2N3200
, 2N3201
, 2N3202
, 2N3203
, 2N3204
, 2N3205
, 2N3206
, 2N3207
, B772
, 2N3209
, 2N3209AQF
, 2N3209CSM
, 2N3209DCSM
, 2N3209L
, 2N321
, 2N3210
, 2N3211