Datasheet, Equivalent, Cross Reference Search
Type Designator: 2SB772SQ-P
Material of Transistor: Si
Polarity: PNP
Maximum Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 1
Maximum Collector-Base Voltage |Vcb|: 40
Maximum Collector-Emitter Voltage |Vce|: 30
Maximum Emitter-Base Voltage |Veb|: 5
Maximum Collector Current |Ic max|: 3
Max. Operating Junction Temperature (Tj): 150
Transition Frequency (ft): 100(typ)
Collector Capacitance (Cc): 55
Forward Current Transfer Ratio (hFE), MIN: 160
Noise Figure, dB: -
Transistor Equivalent Substitute - Cross-Reference Search
Datasheet (PDF)
..1. Size:242K pjsemi
2sb772sq-r 2sb772sq-q 2sb772sq-p 2sb772sq-e.pdf
2SB772SQSilicon PNP Power TransistorFeatures High current output up to 3A Low saturation voltage Complement to 2SD882SQSOT-89PIN1Base PIN 2Collector PIN 3EmitterApplicationsThese devices are intended for use in audio frequency power amplifier and low speed switching applicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25unless otherwise specified)Parameter Symbo
6.1. Size:801K cn juxing
2SB772SQSilicon PNP Power TransistorFeatures High current output up to 3A Low saturation voltage Complement to 2SD882SQSOT-89PIN1Base PIN 2Collector PIN 3EmitterApplicationsThese devices are intended for use in audio frequencypower amplifier and low speed switching applicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25unless otherwise specified)Parameter Symbol
7.1. Size:257K utc
UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD 2SB772S PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR MEDIUM POWER LOW VOLTAGE TRANSISTOR 1 1 DESCRIPTION SOT-223 SOT-89The UTC 2SB772S is a medium power low voltage transistor, designed for audio power amplifier, DC-DC converter and voltage regulator. FEATURES * High current output up to 3A 1* Low saturation voltage * Complement to 2SD882S TO-92
7.2. Size:979K blue-rocket-elect
2SB772S Rev.A May.-2016 DATA SHEET / Descriptions TO-92 PNP Silicon PNP transistor in a TO-92 Plastic Package. / Features VCE(sat),,h FELow saturation voltage, excellent hFE linearity and high hFE. / Applications 3 ,,
7.3. Size:256K lzg
2sb772s 3ca772s.pdf
2SB772S(3CA772S) PNP /SILICON PNP TRANSISTOR : 3 ,,/Purpose: Output stage of 3 watts audio amplifier, regulator, DC-DC converter and relay driver. : V ,,h /Features: Low saturation voltage, excellent h FECE(sat) FElinearity and high h . FE
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