View aok29s50 datasheet:
AOK29S50TM500V 29A MOS Power TransistorGeneral Description Product Summary VDS @ Tj,max 600VThe AOK29S50 has been fabricated using the advancedMOSTM high voltage process that is designed to deliver IDM 120Ahigh levels of performance and robustness in switching RDS(ON),max 0.15applications. Qg,typ 26.6nCBy providing low RDS(on), Qg and EOSS along with Eoss @ 400V 6.3Jguaranteed avalanche capability this part can be adoptedquickly into new and existing offline power supply designs.100% UIS Tested100% Rg TestedTop ViewTO-247D GSSDG AOK29S50Orderable Part Number Package Type Form Minimum Order QuantityAOK29S50L TO-247 Green Tube 240Absolute Maximum Ratings TA=25C unless otherwise notedParameter Symbol AOK29S50 UnitsDrain-Source Voltage VDS 500 VGate-Source Voltage VGS 30 VTC=25C 29Continuous DrainIDCurre
aok29s50.pdf Design, MOSFET, Power
aok29s50.pdf RoHS Compliant, Service, Triacs, Semiconductor
aok29s50.pdf Database, Innovation, IC, Electricity