All Transistors. Datasheet


View irfip054 datasheet:


INCHANGE Semiconductorisc N-Channel MOSFET Transistor IRFIP054FEATURESWith TO-3PL packagingLow switching lossUltra low gate chargeEasy to use100% avalanche testedMinimum Lot-to-Lot variations for robust deviceperformance and reliable operationzAPPLICATIONSSwitching applicationsDC-DC convertersUninterruptible power supplyABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T =25)aSYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNITV Drain-Source Voltage 60 VDSSV Gate-Source Voltage 20 VGSSI Drain Current-Continuous 75 ADI Drain Current-Single Pulsed 225 ADMP Total Dissipation 70 WDT Operating Junction Temperature -55~150 jStorage Temperature -55~150 TstgTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSSYMBOL PARAMETER MAX UNIT/WRth(ch-c) Channel-to-case thermal resistance 1.79/WRth(ch-a) Channel-to-ambient thermal resistance 62.51isc website



 irfip054.pdf Design, MOSFET, Power

 irfip054.pdf RoHS Compliant, Service, Triacs, Semiconductor

 irfip054.pdf Database, Innovation, IC, Electricity


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