View mmftn501 datasheet:
MMFTN501 Silicon N-Channel MOSFET 1. Gate 2. Source 3. DrainTO-236 Plastic PackageDrain GateSourceAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Value UnitDrain-Source Voltage VDSX 600 VGate-Source Voltage VGSS 20 V 30 mA Drain Current ID Peak Drain Current1) IDM 120 mA Maximum Continuous Source Current IS 25 mAMaximum Pulse Source Current ISM 100 mAGate-Source ESD(HBM-C= 100 pF,R= 1.5 k) VESD(G-S) 300 VTotal Power Dissipation PD 0.5 WJunction Temperature Tj 150 Storage Temperature Range Tstg - 55 to + 150 1) Reprtitive rating;pulse width limited by maximun junction temperature Thermal Characteristics Parameter Symbol Value UnitThermal Resistance from Juntion to Ambient RJA 250 /W SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. Dated: 16/03/2015 Rev: 02 MMFTN501 Characteristics at Ta = 25 un
mmftn501.pdf Design, MOSFET, Power
mmftn501.pdf RoHS Compliant, Service, Triacs, Semiconductor
mmftn501.pdf Database, Innovation, IC, Electricity