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PD548BAN-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFETPRODUCT SUMMARYV(BR)DSS RDS(ON) ID4.6m @VGS = 10V30V 85ATO-252ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 C Unless Otherwise Noted)PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL LIMITS UNITSVDSDrain-Source Voltage 30 VVGSGate-Source Voltage 20 VTC = 25 C85IDContinuous Drain Current2TC = 100 C54AIDM170Pulsed Drain Current1IASAvalanche Current 38EASAvalanche Energy L =0.1mH 72 mJTC = 25 C59PDPower Dissipation WTC = 100 C23TJ, TstgJunction & Storage Temperature Range -55 to 150 CTHERMAL RESISTANCE RATINGSTHERMAL RESISTANCE SYMBOL TYPICAL MAXIMUM UNITSJunction-to-Case RqJC 2.1C / WJunction-to-Ambient RqJA 62.51Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature.2Calculated continuous current based on maximum allowable junction temperature,Package limitatio



 pd548ba.pdf Design, MOSFET, Power

 pd548ba.pdf RoHS Compliant, Service, Triacs, Semiconductor

 pd548ba.pdf Database, Innovation, IC, Electricity


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